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composites usage in electric vehicles(to compensate battery weights)and semi-trucks has grown significantly recently[71.
Carbon f iber com posites have advantages com pared to m etals in m any aspects.H igh strength to density ratio is one of the m ost valuable advantages since it enables lightweight design and therefore increases fuel efi ciency.In addition,FRCs also have very high energy absorbing capability.H ow ever,there are still tough challenges in the industrial applications for FRCs.One of the most com plicated problem s is the failure mechanism s which are very different from those of traditional m etallic m ateria】s.

JAutomotive Safety andEnergy
Vo1.9 No.1,2018
Polymer matrix composites(called composites herein after)are
w idely used due to their super m aterial m echanical properties. Com posites m aterials usually have very good ratios of strength to density com pared to traditional m aterials,and com posites can also achieve som e properties that are not available in single
1 M odeling M ethods of Com posites Failure
The m odeling of FRCs’failure behaviors can be classified into three categories,which include failure criterion m ethod, continuum damage mechanics method,and plasticity m ethod. Delam ination is usually modeled separately since it is a very special failure m ode f or composites.The failure criterion m ethod m ainly considers the failure initial or fracture loci of FRCs.The continuum dam age m echanics m ethod takes the degradation ofm odulus into account.The plasticity m ethod considers the m aterial non.1inearity to be plasticity ̄Note that the classif ication here is not strict since some m odels recently proposed are incorporating features from different categories to achieve a better prediction.D etailed discussions ofthese three categories are provided below  ̄
The failure mechanism s of FRCs are complex because there are different m odes of failure,w hich depend upon stress state,specim en geom etry,f iber direction,m aterial property, and possible m anufacturing defects.In addition.1ocal failure initiations m ay occur way befo re final failure.During the stage of damage evolution,the material can still sustain som e loads before catastrophic fracture.M any researchers have been dedicated to develop m aterial m athem atical m odels for predicting these behaviors ofFRCs,especially failure features
complex.This review paper summarizes the major modeling methods for composites damage.These methods
are classif ied into three categories,which are the failure criterion method,the continuum damage mechanics method.and plasticity method.The failure criterion method considers lhe initial or lhe finaI failure lOCi of composites,while the continuum damage mechanics method takes the degradation of material elastic modulus into account.The plasticity method considers the material non-linear behaviors as plasticity.The delamination modeling methods are also reviewed since it is a special failure mode f or composites,which greatly depends on the f iber directions and laminate layup.A summary of the advantages and drawbacks of these modeling methods are also provided. Keywords:composite materials;composites fracture modeling,failure criterion method,continuum damage
QIAO Yangyang,BAI Yuanli
(DepartmentofMechanicalandAerospaceofEngineering,UniversityofCentralFlorida,Orlando,FL 32816,USA)
Abstract:Fiber reinforced polymer matrix composites have been found increasing applications in automotive and aerospace industries since 1 960s due to their super mechanical properties.However,accurate prediction of composites damage and fracture are still very challenging because failure modes of composites are very
ISSN 1674—8484 汽车安全与节 能学报 ,第 9卷 第 1期 ,2018年
J Autom otive Safety and Energy,Vo1.Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu N o.1,2018
01/14 1—10
A Review on Failure M odeling M ethods of Fiber Reinforced Polym er M atrix Com posites
收稿 日期 /Received:2018-3.14。 基 金 项 目 /Supported by :University ofCentral Florida Internal Funding。 第一作者 /First author:乔 阳阳 /QIAO Yangyang(1991—),男 (汉 ),江苏,博士研究 生。E-mail:yangyang.qiao@knights.ucf.edu。 通讯作者 /Corresponding author:白远利 /BAI Yuanli,副教授 /Associate Professor。E—mail:bai@ucf.edu。
phase materials .Fiber Reinforced Composites(FRCs)have
been used as aircraft’s prim ary and secondary structures.It was reported that more than 50% of the primary structures of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner were m ade of carbon fiber reinforced plastic and other composites[61In the m eantim e,
mechanics method,plasticity method,delamination modeling
纤维增强复合材料断裂模型综述 (英 文 )
乔 阳阳,白远 利 (中佛罗里达大学 机械与航空工程系,奥兰多,佛罗里达 32816,美国 )
摘 要:聚合物基质复合材料由于其优异的机械性能自20世纪 6O年代就越来越广泛地应用于航空 业和 汽车业。 然而,由于复合材料 的断裂模 式非常多样和复杂,对于复合材料损伤以及 断裂的预测仍 然是 一个很 大的挑 战。该文 总结 了复合材 料断裂的主要模 型和 方法。 方法可分为 3类:断裂准则法、 连 续介质损伤力学法和塑性法。 断裂准则法主要考虑复合材料 的起始或者最终的断裂极 限;连续介质 损伤力学法考虑了材料 弹性模量 的衰减 ;塑性法则是把材料 的非线性性能当做 塑性来考虑。复合材料 分层的模 型法,作为一种很特殊的失效模 式,也包括在这篇综述 中,这种失效跟纤维的方 向和层板 的 组合方式很有关系。该文对这 些模 型的相对优势和劣势也进行 了总结。 关键 词 :复合材料;复合材料断裂模型;断裂准则法;连续介质损伤力学法;塑性法 ;复合材料分层模 型 中图分 类号 :TQ 171.77 文献标 识 ̄i-5:A DOI:10.3969 ̄.issn.1674.8484.2018.01.00l