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To whom canIlay bare my heart?
Bells Ringing in the Rain
Liu Yong(Song)
Translated by Lin Jingyi
The shower barely to a lull
Cicadas twitter faintly for the chill,
Beneath the waning moon and in the morning breeze.
I’ll be goneபைடு நூலகம்for a year.
In vain would good times and fine scenes appear!
However gallantIam on my part,
CanIcare for drinking before we part?
At the city gate
Where we are lingering late,
But the boat is waiting for me to depart.
Hand in hand,we gaze at each other’s tearful eyes
Tearfully, hand in hand and eyes gazing eyes,
Thousands of words come to be sobs.
I’ll go my way
Far far away
On a boat growing fainter above vast expense of misty waves,
Just having had some joyless drinks in the tent,
Beside the city gate in vain we are delaying,
When the boatman urges:”time for sailing!”
Both tearful, face to face and hand in hand,
In the translation of“长相思”,Xu Yuanchong completed two versions---- The early one was published in 1986 by the Commercial Press.The first line(吴山青,越山青) was translated as“thenorthernhill is so green, the southern hill is so green”. in later one published by China Press Group, It was improved by“northern hills green, southern hills green.”The later one breakedEnglishgrammar rules of object and predict and became much better than the early one in terms ofrhymeand image.Thereforewe shouldn”t always abideEnglishgrammar rule at the cost of lose beauty of artistic conception.
Parting loverwould grieve as of old.
How couldIstand this clear autumn day so cold!
Where shallIbe found at day’s early break
From wine awake?
Moored by a riverbank planted with willow trees
And burst with words congealed on our lips.
I’ll go my way
Far far away
On miles and miles of misty waves where sail the boats,
Evening clouds hang low inboundlesssouthern skies.
Waking from the drunk night.
Between banks and willows,
Beneath the waning moon and in the morning breeze.
I’ll be gone foe a year,
In vain wouldromanticscene appear!
Liu Yong(Song)
Translated by Xu Yuanchong
Cicadas chill
And drearilyshrill,
We stand face to face at an evening hour
Before the pavilion, after a sudden shower.
BellsIn theRain
Liu Yong(Song)
first, ignore grammar rules if necessary.Every language has a history over thousands of years and has its own sets of rules.Differentlanguagereflectsdifferent mode of thinking.Englishis a logical language being efficient at collecting andcalculating, on the contrary,Chineseis a perceptual language being efficient at diverging and emotion expressing.Thusin nature,Chinesepossesses the better quality thanEnglishin poetry creation.
With thescarletsetting sun on the west
In the pavilion at the city gate.
Face to face, we let cups alone
And lingering late
But the boatman urges to depart.
‘Tis worse in frosty, forlorn autumnal days to be parted.
O where’ll I be when waking up from inebriate dreams?
By a willowy bank, the moon declining in daybreak breeze.
However,not in vain.To be frank , somehow, this reading and practicing strengthened my self-confidence.Some published works are so awful that to be awhollyshit.. For example,“Pearls of Tang and Song Poetry”by Zhou Ji, Shanghai Culture Publishing House.In addition,Ifound twocriterionof myself for poetry translation.
Our words all chocked in sobbing, silent we stand.
Ahead for me are boundless waves to plough,
While mists at sunset bear on horizon remote!
Departure’s all the times been cruel for the tender-hearted.
However gallantIam on my part,
To whom canIlay bare my heart?
Comparisonof ThreeEnglishVersions of“Bells Ringing in the Rain”
With an attitude of respect,Ireceived this task from mr. Dai, and determined to do a good job.Consideringsong poetries arepearls in traditional literature and is what my interests inthereforeIchoseEnglishversions of song poetries as the subject to comment and attempted to find some poem translating rules or criterions.But finally failed.Readingthrough the referencesborrowed from library, such as“psychology and Translation”,“scienceof fuzzy thinking, and a decade of poetry translation versions by Xu Yuanchong, Liu Guoshan, Tang Yihe,Zhang Tingchen, Chen Junpu, Zhou Ji, and Huang Guoquan.Ifound that most poetry translation rules and criterionsIrealized had been mentionedtremendoustimes, for instance, the criterion of“three merits”,and“fuzzy method”(beauty of sense, beauty of form, beauty of rhyme).AndTheoretically this should be fine,we can follow it.But that needfortune and inspiration.Aftersome practices taking me all a day,Ireally learned thatChineseclassical poetry translation is really a tough job which requiresliteratureaccumulation and inspiration, it is a long way to go for me.
Long years will be vainly elapse, though glorious season be there----
And what my shame for my myriad sentiments with none to share!
Bells Ringing In the Rain
Translated by Liu Guoshan
Aviolent shower has barely come to a lull.
And parting pavilions look so dull at dusk.
Cicadas’chirping sounds a chilling complaint.
Beneath the cloud covered dusk fell and boundless southern sky.
Parting lovers would grieve as of old,
How couldIstand this clear autumnal day so cold!