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Abstract:The Grammar-Translation Method is a traditional foreign language teaching method.It has beenused widely for many years.This paper explains the advantages and disadvantages of the method.Through the sample lesson and the explanation of the method’s principles and history,Currentsituation,the reader’s will get to know better about this method and realize the reason why themethod is so popular.

Keywords:The English Grammar-Translation Method;advantages and disadvantages;


The foreign language teaching in the Chinese middleschools has had a long history for nearly one hundred years.The methods of teaching English are of different kinds.Nowadays,the situations of the methods used in Englishteaching are: the Direct Method, the Grammar-translationMethod,the Audio-lingual Method and the CommunicativeAPProach are commonly used by the English teachers.However,the traditional Grammar-translation Method isstill widely used in the most schools in China.

Though the Grammar-Translation Method has beenregarded as a traditional method,it is still Very popular inmany schools,especially in Chinese middle schools.Whythe Grammar-Translation Method has such a strong appealto the most English teachers in China is a question that isworth being thought of deeply.Everything has its two sides,so does the Grammar—Translation Method.It must have its advantages anddisadvantages.What are they?How to avoid itsdisadvantages and apply its advantages to the widestarrange?I’m going to make some detailed research on thistopic in this paper.

2、The Gurrent Situation of the Teaching of Englishthe Grammar-Translation Mothod

In today’s China,various kinds of foreign languageteaching methods are used in middle schools.The methodthat occupies the leading position of foreign languageteaching is still the Grammar-Translation Method.Althoughmany educators have begun to use some new ways ofteaching, such as the Audio—lingual Method and theCommunicative APProach,this can not challenge the leadingposition of the Grammar-Translation Method in the fields offoreign language teaching,yet.

The teachers who use Grammar-Translation Methoddon’t need to master the foreign language that they areteaching completely.All they need to do is getting Veryfamiliar with the textbooks and remembering grammaticalrules and vocabulary.After the preparation of the lesson, theycan take the job of teaching English.Compared to othermethods of English teaching,the teachers who use theGrammar-Translation Method don’t need to have the strongabilities of getting the students ready for class.They don’tneed to organize various kinds of teaching/learning actiVitiesand they don’t need any teaching tools.The Grammar—Translation Method can decrease the time of lessonpreparation to the lowest limit.The number of the studentsdoesn’t have any effect on the teaching,either.So,when theteaching goal is only to form the studens’abilities of readingand writing.The Grammar-Translation Method is usuallythought to be the best way.

In the middle schools,the aims of the students are stillentering the colleges and universities.Under thecircumstances of education for the examination, thedevelopment of the abilities of students’speaking andlistening is usually ignored. Most English teachers inmiddle schools don’t pay attention to the phonetic;they justlay emphasis on the grammar and reading.One primaryWork of students is memorizing the vocabulary andgrammatical rules.The teacher will pay attention to thetrain students’abilities of translation,and little attention ispaid to the training of listening and speaking.The paper ofexamination is also full of grammatical structures.

The students improve their English levels throughnumerous memorization and practice.The consequence isobvious.The students’abilities of reading and translationare largely improved,and they are able to deal with variouskinds of strange problems of grammar.However,the resultsof listening test are always unsatisfied.Not only in middle schools,but also in colleges anduniversities,the Grammar-Translation Method has its widesupports.In the college,the College English teachingmaterials always lay only emphasis on the knowledge oflanguage structure,but ignores the development of orallanguage abilities.Many students have learned English formore than ten years,but their abilities of speaking are notimproved.This kind of situation is firstly due to thetraditional way of English teaching-—-the Grammar—Translation Method.

On the other hand,English is merely a course of twoyears for the students who
