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杨晓钰,女,西南大学外国语学院教授,硕士生导师,英语教育系主任,教育部"国培计划"专家库首批成员,重庆市教育专家资源库中学和小学培训专家,重庆市基础教育课程改革专家咨询委员会专家,西南大学"国培计划"英语学科首席专家。先后被中华全国总工会、中国共产党重庆市委员会和重庆市总工会授予"全国女职工建功立业标兵"、"重庆市优秀共产党员" 和"重庆市女职工素质达标‘学习型'标兵"的称号,还曾荣获"首届西南大学教学成果奖"二等奖,原西南师大"第四届青年成才奖励基金","全国第三届教育硕士优秀教师"等。此外,还分别荣获"首届西南大学教学成果"二等奖和"第二届西南大学教学成果" 一等奖。
主要从事中小学英语教材、教法的和教师培训的研究。所主编的小学英语教材《新路径英语》为教育部首批审查通过的八套教材之一,并被教育部选作中国教育电视台《空中英语学校》栏目"同步课堂"的三套教材之一;所主编的普通高中课程标准试验教科书也为教育部审定通过的全国七套高中英语教材之一;2011年主持修改的初中英语教材Project English也通过教育部审定。此外,还主编了全国高等教育自学考试指定教材义务教育专业(独立本科段)《初中英语学科基础》及《初中英语学科基础自学辅导书》,并主编了"大学英语选修课系列教材"《英语歌曲和英语学习》,还参与了普通高等教育"十一五"国家级规划教材《英语教学论》的部分编写工作。所主编的《儿童英汉双语课堂系列》教材获由新闻出版总署和教育部颁发的"全国优秀教育音像制品奖"二等奖;教材《启蒙英语》获重庆市外文学会颁发的科研成果二等奖,录音带获重庆市首届优秀电化教育科研三等奖。还主持完成了重庆市教育科学""十一五"规划重点项目"渝港合作重庆市贫困地区中学英语教师培训模式
研究",以及" 新课程条件下外语专业师范生"立体化"培训模式"等课题。先后主编各种教材、教辅共100余册。
YANG Xiaoyu, female, professor at School of Foreign Languages, Southwest University, supervisor for postgraduates, Dean of English Education Department, member of the 1st batch of experts under National Teacher Training Program, expert in Primary and Secondary Teacher Training in Chongqing Education Expert Association, Chief Expert standing for the discipline of English under the National Teacher Training Program. She was awarded "National Outstanding Female Worker" by All China Federation of Trade Unions, "Outstanding Communist Party Member" by Chinese Communist Party Committee of Chongqing Municipality and "Female Learning Model of Chongqing Municipality of Quality Standard Achievements" by Chongqing Municipality Federation of Trade Unions. Besides, she won many other awards such as the first prize for The 2nd Southwest University Teaching Achievement Award, the second prize for The 1st Southwest University Teaching Achievement Award and the 4th Young Scholar Outstanding Achievement Fund issued by Southwest China Normal University.
Her main research areas are Teaching Material Development, Teaching Methodology and Teacher Training for Primary and Secondary English Teaching. As the chief editor, the primary English textbook English This Way was among the first eight textbooks approved by Ministry of Education of China and was selected as one of the three textbooks used on the English teaching TV program Studio English School produced by China Education Television. As the chief editor, her Standard Experiment Textbook for Senior Middle School Course was one of the 7 textbooks approved by Ministry of Education. In 2011, she led a team to amend the junior middle school textbook Project English, which was approved by Ministry of Education. Besides, she edited Junior Middle School Elementary English and its Student Practice Book. They're the certified textbooks for National Higher Education Self-Study Examination (Independent Undergraduate Phase). She also edited English Songs This Way, which is College English Elective Course Textbook and participated in the development of English Teaching Theory, a National Common Higher Education "Eleven Five-year Planning" Textbook. As chief editor, the textbook Children's English-Chinese Bilingual Classroom Series won the second prize of Outstanding National Educational Audiovisual Products Award. The textbook, Enlightening English, won the second prize of Excellent Research Award presented by Chongqing Foreign Language Association. The video tape won the third prize of the 1st Chongqing Outstanding Audiovisual Education Research Award. In the past few years, Yang Xiaoyu has been responsible for Elementary Education Section of Ministry of Education research programs, such as research on Senior Middle School English Curriculum and Textbook Development and experimental research on English This Way, the textbook for Compulsory Education English Curriculum Standard. She also