新目标英语中考话题复习五-trips 词汇句型语法复习

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for myself. 5.Why didn’t you buy _an_y_th_i_ng__ special for yourself. 6.I ate __so_m_e_th_i_ng__delicious at the restaurant last
eat something special
Walk/drive around the city
A:where did you go last week? B:I went to…. A: Did you buy anything special ? B: Yes, I did. A: What else did you do? B: I … .
A:Where did you go last summer vacation? B:I went to…. A:What did you do there? B:I went to the Penang hill,…
Where did Tom go?
What did Tom do?
He went to mountain Sanqing. He went camping on the top of the mountain
What did you do in the place?
Talked with a famer
Milked a cow
Fed chickens
A:where did you go on vacation last month? B:I went to a farm. A:What did you do? B: I ….
Teaching objectives
※ 1.复习涉及旅游相关要点所在单元 的单词,短语,句型。
※ 2.复习一般过去时的用法。
Do you like travelling? Where did you go on vacation?
Where did you go on vacation? I went to /visited…
went for a walk
Took some photos
Let’s play a game!
“Yes” “No”
Student A面向所有同学 并 随机叫Student B并用 一般疑问句问其出现在 农场做的事情,B同学根 据图片内容回答Yes/No:
A: Did you grow plants?
7B unit 3 How do you get to school? 7B unit 11 How was your school trip? 7B unit 12 what did you do last weekend? 8A where did you go on vacation?
something, anything, everything, nothing, anyone
1.Did you do_a_n_yt_h_in_g_ interesting on your vacation? 2._E_v_er_y_th_in_g__in Sanya was really interesting. 3.Did you go to the movies with a_n_y_on_e__ last night. 4.I bought _so_m_e_t_hi_n_g_ for my parents, but n_o_th_i_ng_
A:What did your parents do on Mountain Ling? B:They … .
Watched the sunrise Climbed the mountain
Where/what did he…?
Play beach volleyball
He went to the beach. played beach volleyball and swam in the beach.
7B unit 3 How do you get to school?
7B unit 11 How was your school trip?
7B unit 12 what did you do last weekend?
8A where did you go on vacation?
The trip The train The museum The gift shop and gifts
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱHelen exciting Fast Interesting Not expensive, lovely
It was very interesting. I was tired but happy.
Helen and Jim went to the same school trip, but they had different feelings about it, try to make a report about the survey below.
They …
went to the zoo saw many animals
Can you tell their/your feelings about the trip?
How was your trip last week?
how was…?是一个常见的句型, 询问过去的情况答语一般是:Great/ It was excellent/ Not bad/ Terrible/ Pretty good。
B: Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
Central Park
Huangguoshu Waterfall
The Summer Palace(颐和园)
The Great Wall
Take some photos
Buy something special
Learn something important