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• 请注意下面词组的汉语意思: ① riot police 防暴警察(即anti-riot police,
• 正确译文: 这种情况突出了集团领导层方面的极 为严重的弱 点,玩忽职守(无责任心)。
Translate the following idioms into Chinese
1、to flog a dead horse 2、 to laugh off one’s head 3、 to face the music 4、 to pick holes in 5、neither fish nor flesh
To ensure success, one must be prepared, and
fully prepared.
15.路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。 It is a long and tough road ahead and I will explore my way up and down.
• 主要说的是银行将取有力措施制止通货膨胀。 但英文题目的字面意思恰恰相反。因此我们在 翻译时必须把inflation看成是anti-inflation, 使之文题一致。这样的标题在英文报刊中比较 常见,目的是为简练及醒目.
• 在翻译时 • 要格外注 • 意,切勿 • 望文生义 • 啊!
• (4)Sidney Simon called the college grading system “ archaicprescientific, bureaucratic invention”,and“about as accurate as police estimates of crowds of peace marches.”
10. Everything is satisfying and we are confident of our success.
入学的第一天,又有近50万小学生报名读书,是 预期人数的两倍。
11.说是说了,没有结果。 I’ve made proposals, but they proved futile.
②crisis law 反危机法案(即anti-crisis law)
• ( 3 ) 英文报刊文章标题的翻译有时也采用 反译法。如《中国日报》(China Daily)曾刊 登一则新闻,题目是:
• Inflation is target of bank’s new policy.
The road will be full of twists and turns while the prospect is bright.
It was so cold that the rivers were frozen. 20.申请表填完后,请交给评委会审议。
• 以上译文,忽略了说话人的语气。其实,西蒙是在 抨击大学评级制度。他说话时,前面直接用了 archaic,prescientific和bureaucratic几个贬义词, 而后面的褒义词accurate实际上是一个反语。因为 我们知道,警察在估计示威人数时只能说出大概, 往往和实际人数出入很大,极不准确。所以说话人 所表达的真正含义是inaccurate。
Please submit the application form to the assessment board for a review after you fill it out.
9. Almost 500,000 additional primary school pupils arrived to enroll on the first day of school, double the number anticipated.
她顺着黑暗的街道走去,显出利落匀称的身材, 迈着女人端庄的步子。
• 此句可理解成about as inaccurate as police estimates of crowds of peace marches译成汉语: “简直同警察估计示威人数一样不准确。”
• 以上例句是通过分析说话人的语气来采用 反译法正确表达语义的。有的句子前面所 表达的意思是否定的,但根据这个意思得 出来的结论却是肯定的。为了使其真正含 义不至于前后矛盾,我们也采取反译后面 结论的方法。
• 如按字面翻译: 西德尼·西蒙称这种大学评级制度 “是过时的,缺乏科学验证”,而且还是“官僚主 义的产物”而且“简直同警察估计示威人数一样准 确。” 既然前面已说了这个评级制度“过时无用,缺 乏科学验证”,而且还是“官僚主义的产物”,后 面又怎么能说它“准确”呢?这显然自相矛盾,西 蒙所表达的真正含义绝非如此。
爱因斯坦可能由于沉迷解决问题而忘记穿袜子,希 迪斯甚至到了青年时代还不知如何正确穿戴。
8.She went, with her neat figure, and her sober womanly step, down the dark street. 她顺着黑暗的街道走去,显出利落匀称的身材, 迈着女人端庄的步子。
• 6、原形毕露 8、懂得秘诀
• 10、不论成败
7、 重要的人 9、顺利度过
1. No man is too old but he can learn. 活到老,学到老。
2.The boy entered the room, his coat wet through. 男孩子走进屋里,大衣都湿透了。
12.吃苦在前,享受在后。 Be the first to bear hardships and the last to enjoy comfort.
13.别人不解,提及了他们往日的不和,他说:“我同 意的是定他为国画教授,并没有说他可以做西洋画 教授。”
When others felt puzzled and mentioned their past conflicts, he said, “when I agree to promote him to be a professor of Chinese painting, I do not mean that he can be a professor of Western painting.
(5)This sort of situation highlights a critical weakness in the Group leadership: accountability. 如按字面则译成: 这种情况突出了集团领导层 方面的极为严重的弱点:有责任心。 “有责任心”怎么能是“弱点”呢?这种译文 显然是错误的。作者在句尾所表达的真正含义其实 和前面提到的“弱点”是一致的,即可理解成 unaccountability。那么全句应译成:
1、徒劳无功 2、笑掉大牙 3、临危不惧 4、吹毛求疵 5、不伦不类
Translate the following idioms into Chinese
6、 to show one’s colours 7、top dog
• 8、to know the ropes • 9、 to tide over • 10、to sink or swim
冬季,每个星期六和星期日还增开从葛申恩到布里 格的直达列车。
6.She looks like any other little girl in her first year at school: a smart uniform, a happy smile and a bag of books.
她看起来跟一年级其他小女孩一样:漂亮的校服、 开心的笑容和装满书本的书包。
第四章 省译与增译
一、Translation Skills
• 1、增词法 amplification • 3、反译法 negation • 5、倒置法 reversing • 7、插入法 inserting • 9、转换法 conversion • 11、重复 repetition
2、省译法 omission 4、内嵌法 embedding 6、拆分法 splitting 8、重组法restructuring 10、合并法 combination 12、改写 rewriting
Most developing countries have made great progress in developing their economy, shaking off their poverty and backwardness and narrowing the gap between themselves and developed countries.
3.When Danone decided to set up manufacturing operation in Indonesia to locally produce dairy products and milkbased drinks, they invited Wahaha to join them. 达能决定在印度尼西亚开展生产业务,在当 地生产乳制品和牛奶饮料时,邀请哇哈哈加 入。
7.While Einstein is supposed to have been so distracted by solving problems that he forgot to put on his socks, Sidis simply did not know how to dress himself properly even by the time he was an adolescent.
16.火车开来了,她拥抱了母亲和妹妹,拿起 箱子登上了火车。 The train came, and she hugged her mother and her sister, then picked up her case and stepped onto the train.
17.大部分发展中国家独立后,在 发展民族经济、 改变贫穷落后面貌、缩小同发达国家之间的 差距等方面取得了很大进步。
4.Mr. Li ordered a book and it has just arrived. 李先生订了一本书,现在刚到。
5.In winter, additional trains operate directly from Goschenen to Brig on Saturdays and Sundays.