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How will the China-led AIIB actually work?
After China’s notable political success in registering more than 35 applicants for funding membership of the yet to be launched Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), some important issues remain to be addressed that will determine the long term success of the new institution. 迄今尚未启动的亚洲基础设施投资银行(AIIB,简称:亚投行)吸引到逾50个国家申请成为创始成员国。中国取得这一令人瞩目的政治成功之后,仍需解决一些重要问题,这些问题将决定这家新机构长远而言能否取得成功。
Scope of intervention: China-centric or Asia-focused? It is no coincidence that the set-up of the bank comes at the same time Beijing is rolling out its “one road, one belt” action plan. The revival of the Silk Road is part of the charm initiative aiming at winning greater consideration from neighboring countries as much as fostering trade relationships.Setting up a multilateral development bank is a broader initiative, driven by the growing role of Asia in the world economy, the loss of legitimacy of Washington-based institutions and the will to deepen economic and political relationships within the region. 介入范围:是以中国为核心,还是聚焦于亚洲?在亚投行创立之际,中国政府推出了“一带一路”行动计划,这绝非巧合。复兴“丝绸之路”是中国政府发起的攻势的一部分,这种攻势旨在争取邻国的更多体谅,同时促进贸易关系。创立一家多边发展银行则是一项有着更大背景的举措,背后的动因是亚洲在全球经济中的地位日益提升、总部位于华盛顿的机构丧失合法性、以及亚洲各国愿意深化彼此之间的经济和政治关系。
In that sense, the AIIB cannot and should not be restricted to the promotion of China’s self-interest although it will obviously contribute to enhancing its soft power. In that sense, the likely choice of Beijing as the bank’s headquarters only mimics the choice of Washington for the Bretton Woods institutions (International Monetary Fund and World Bank). Also, AIIB voting rights are likely to be based on GDP which will provide a stronger voice for China than the meager 3.81 per cent held at the IMF. 从这个意义上说,亚投行不可能、也不应该局限于增进中国自身的利益,尽管它显然有助于增强中国的软实力。因此,把北京作为亚投行总部所在地的最可能选择,只能说是在模仿布雷顿森林机构的做法——国际货币基金组织(IMF)和世界银行(World Bank)都选择把总部设在华盛顿。此外,亚投行很可能基于国内生产总值(GDP)分配投票权,若果真如此,那么与中国在IMF拥有的区区3.81%的投票权相比,中国将会在亚投行中拥有更大的话语权。
However, the scope of its mission should encompass the broader interest of the whole region and in particular of the smallest and poorest countries which struggle to fund public spending and long term projects. A good partnership with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) should also help dispel worries since infrastructure needs in Asia –estimated around $750bn per year –far exceed the private or public funding available, giving ample scope for action to both banks. 然而,亚投行的任务范围应该涵盖整个亚洲(尤其是那些没钱投向公共支出和长期项目的最小、最穷的国家)的更广泛利益。亚投行与亚洲开发银行(ADB)的良好合作也应该有助于打消人们的疑虑,原因是可用的私人或公共资金远远满足不了亚洲的基建需求(估计每年需要大约7500亿美元),两家银行都有充足的行动空间。
Governance: setting high standards to underpin legitimacy. Governance is one of the key features to ensure legitimacy and thus effective action. A new multilateral institution gathering a large array of countries from various continents will have to cope with similar