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郑州大学第二附属医院眼科 郑州市 450003

摘要 目的 比较在白内障合并青光眼病例中植入A cryso f R eSTOR (衍射型多焦点人工晶状体)及

A cry sof N atural (单焦点人工晶状体)后人工晶状体眼的视功能状态,评价多焦点人工晶状体在白内障合并青光眼病例中应用的临床效果及安全性。方法 将24例青光眼合并白内障患者(已行滤过性手术或虹膜根切术)在随机化基础上按自愿选择的原则分为两组,多焦点人工晶状体组11例(11眼),单焦点人工晶状体组13例(13眼),行白内障超声乳化吸除术,按分组植入不同类型的人工晶状体。术后1周、1个月、3个月观察术眼非矫正远、近视力,最佳矫正远、近视力,矫正远视力下近视力。结果 多焦点人工晶体组患者术后3个月平均裸眼远视力(0 78 0 11),平均裸眼近视力(0 63 0 09),矫正远视力下近视力(0 67 0 17)。术后裸眼远近视力较术前有显著提高。单焦点人工晶体组患者术后3个月平均裸眼远视力(0 77 0 11),平均裸眼近视力(0 36 0 17),矫正远视力下近视力(0 13 0 09)。结论 通过适当的选择患者,衍射型多焦点人工晶状体可为青光眼合并白内障患者提供良好的远、近视力,降低患者术后对眼镜的依赖。

关键词 青光眼;白内障;超声乳化摘除术;人工晶状体;多焦点;单焦点 中图分类号:R779 6 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1672 3422(2009)06 0017 04


通讯作者:郑州大学第二附属医院眼科 郑州市 450014

1 郑州人民医院卓美眼科中心 郑州市 450003

V isual Perfor mance i n G l auco ma w it h Cataract after I mplant ati on ofM ultifocal AcrySof ReSTOR D iffractive Intraocular Lens

Z HA NG L ei ,C HE N B inchuan,ZOU Gang,et al

The Second Affiliated H osp ital ,Zhengzhou Universit y ,Zhengzhou 450003,Ch i n a

ABSTRACT Objective To eva l u ate the v isua l perfor m ance of glauco m a patients w ith cataract a fter i m p l a ntation o f a diffractive mu ltifoca l i n traocu lar lens (M I O L)(A cryso f ReSTOR)or a si n gle p i e ce fo l d able intraocular lens (SI OL)(A crysofN at u ra l)in unilatera l cataract sur gery .M et hods I n

this non-rando m ized,co m parative tria,l 24g lauco m a patients w ith cataract(after filteri n g sur gery or peripheral iri d oto m y)w ere se lected to have phacoe mu lsification w ith I O L i m plantation .Th irteen eyes re ceived Acryso fReSTOR M I O L and 11eyes w ere i m planted w ith A crysof Natura l S I O L.A t 1w eek,1month and 3m onths postoperatively ,v isual perfor m ance w asm easured by distant and near visua l acui ties i n c l u d i n g uncorrected distant visua l acuity (UCDVA ),uncorrected near v isua l acuity (UC NVA ),best corrected distant v i s ua l acuity(BCDVA),best corrected near v isual acu ity (BCNVA )and d istan t corrected near v isual acuity (DC NVA ).R esults Patients reported si m ilar postoperati v e distance v isu a l acu ities fo r both eyes .ReSTOR i m p lanted eyes show ed better unco rrected and distance corrected near acuity than eyes w ith A crysofNatura.l A t 3m onths postoperatively ,inM I O L g r oup :UCDVA w as (0 78 0 11),UCNVA w as(0 63 0 09),DCNVA w as(0 67 0 17),w hile in S I O L group :UCD VA w as(0 77 0 11),UCNVA w as(0 36 0 17),DCNVA w as(0 13 0 09).Conclusion The d iffractive M I OL prov ides better outco m es bo th i n distants and near v i s ions i n se lected g lauco m a pa

tients w ith cataract and it m ay reduce the

dependence on spectac les i n near v ision .

KEY W ORD S G lauco m a ;Catarac;t
