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D. To ask about how to look for resources for a class paper.
C. To introduce an artist’s work to the class.
B. The importance of a technique used for dating geological materials.
B. A class Matthew has been observing.
B. The site of a Neolithic town.
D. Differences in behavior between marmot species.
C. To talk about report he is writing
C. A theory about the relationship between muscle activity and thinking
D. A use of Manila hemp fibers
A. Their courses for next semester
C. A poetry club
D. To discuss Aristotle's views about human happiness
B. To explain who the asteroids belt was discovered
B. To find out where her physics class is being held
C. Concern about the reduction of hummingbird habitat
A. To discuss the style of an early filmmaker
B. To find out about a mid-semester project
A. The oldest known cave art
B. How ancient cave art is dated
C. How astronomers identify the chemical elements in a star
A. He does not know the publication date of some reviews he needs.
D. He does not know how to determine which newspapers he should look at. C. Ways animals behave when they have conflicting drives.
B. To prepare the students to read an essay by Emerson
B. Reasons the woman is having difficulties with a project
C. Theories about why desert rocks move.
B. The history of government support for the arts in US.
C. The woman’s adjustment to life at the university.
B. To introduce a way to study how information passes from one person to another.
B. To present arguments in favor of another Moon landing.
B. Concerns as to whether the student should be in the professor’s course.
B. To give an example of a practical use for a particular scientific technique.
C. Difference between folktales and fairy tales.
C. To find out if he is allowed to attend the career fair
B. To illustrate the conditions needed to produce a boom-and-bust cycle
A. Factors that relate to the size of the area in which it grows
B. The size of its population over the last few centuries
D. She wants him to approve her plans for a term paper.
B. How to create believable characters
A. An example of rapid climate change
D. To volunteer to help organize an event
C. A successful standard formula for writing plays
B. How bats use acoustical signals
A. To learn about the library's resources
C. The value of birch trees to some Native American groups
A. Explanations of how glaciers move
D. To submit a document required for graduation
D. To examine the consequences of habitat selection by animals
C. How opportunities for women artists in Paris improved
B. A strategy for attracting customers
D. An overview of vision correction overtime
B. By providing an example of an element whose existence was predictable from the periodic
A. To get advice on the topic of a term paper
B. A French painter's innovations in set design
A. Factors involved in the increased growth of shrubs in Arctic Alaska
C. A book that the man is using to write his senior thesis
D. A hypothesis for how some ancient desert lakes formed
C. Features that distinguish language from animal communication systems
C. To discuss how to get her photographs exhibited
B. Difficulties in determining the evolutionary history of whales
B. To describe the introduction of American food crops to Europeans
C. To return a book that was originally assigned for a course
D. To explain how phosphorus gets recycled in the environment
A. To discuss possible explanations for childhood amnesia
A. What the gym pass is used for
C. One way that birds protect their young
B. The reasons for the popularity of a particular type of house
B. To invite the student to work on a committee
C. The theory that land development affected the climate of south Florida
C. How to use advertising successfully
C. To encourage the man to revise a paper he wrote
D. Why most human cells cannot keep dividing successfully
C. A method for businesses to learn about the needs of their customers
B. He has not been paid.
A. Some changes that took place in the early years of opera
C. Italy's musical influence throughout Europe
C. Reasons that solar energy is not more widely used
C. To get help understanding an assignment
C. Key considerations in creating a pedestrian mall
D. The role of one species in an ecosystem
A. How to use the language lab
D. To compare two different types of medieval poems
C. The nature and origin of meteorites
B. To get help locating a book she needs for a class
D. Common limitations with regard to several cognitive functions
D. The importance of microclimates to some animals
D. Preparing for a career in journalism
B. How Pacific Islanders were able to navigate without instruments
B. The sound effects that Neolithic people could experience in passage graves
C. To find out if he got a position as a reporter
D. Research about how the brain deals with distractions.
A. Recognizing when one geologic epoch ends and another begins.
D. To discuss her performance on a biology exam.
B. The recovery of some ancient writings on mathematics.
B..To show how the exploration challenged an assumption about biological communities.
D. Help her reserve a rehearsal space on campus.
D. To discuss the formation and characteristics of an unusual type of cave.
B. The influence of the piano on music and society.
D. To ask to take a test at a different time.
D. Choices beavers face when foraging.
B. The history of stained-glass art.
B. To ask for source material for his paper.
C. Limitations of some techniques for dating artifacts.
A. A hypothesis that explains how changes in Earth’s motions affect climate.
C. To ask for a change in his work schedule.
C. The timekeeping system of ancient Egypt.
D. Ways that octopuses protect themselves from predators.
C. To find out if there are any jobs available on campus
C. The progression of scientific knowledge about sunspots
A. Different views of a type of sculpture popular in ancient Roman times
D. The man's possible participation in a research project
B. To explain the significance of spices for medieval society
D. To introduce students to an unusual phenomenon affecting North American wood frogs
C. To ask about a point raised in a recent lecture
B. A way to represent languages that are genetically related.
D. Difficulties astronomers have in observing the universe
C. Issues related to the cafeteria's food policy
B. Ways that some plants have adapted to living in salt marshes
D. To demonstrate how Cecilia Beaux's point of view is reflected in her art
B. To find out if he needs to immediately return a book he borrowed
D. The role of certain rules in determining what a speaker means
B. A theory about a change in Earth’s climate cycle
C.To encourage her to increase the scope of her research project
B. A description of the major types of Norwegian folktales
C. Characteristics that snowshoe hares have developed in response to their
C. He cannot locate the building for the engineering department's orientation session.
B. To give an example of the persistence of traditional theories
C. To show that creating good software depends on people with distinct roles working well
D. To get help deciding whether to pursue a graduate degree in marketing
B. Insights about snake evolution provided by venom analysis
C. The style she used to portray her subjects
D. To complain about an article in the student newspaper
B. Possible reasons for the formation of early states
D. To discuss attempts to solve a puzzle related to the Sun
B. To ask how to revise a paper he is writing
D. A proposal to re-create features of ecosystems of the Pleistocene epoch A. The changing opportunities for musicians in the early twentieth century
C. The editors of the university web site did not post her announcement
D. An archaeological discovery that challenged an accepted historical view C. The impact of clouds on global temperatures
B. To get advice about which course he should take next term
A. Parts of t he dolphin’s anatomy that allow it to navigate
A. To discuss some films the class will be viewing
B. The bookstore he is in does not carry the book.
B. Some reasons for crocodile vocalizations
A. Differences between apical ballet and modem dance
D. A pioneer of a new type of performing art
A. To discuss material that might be on the final exam
D. Explanations for the disappearance of large animals in North America A. Conclusions about the surface of Venus drawn from recent observations
B 选项47个
C 选项43个
History 3 Theory 3。
