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NAD-83 UTM Easting, Northing
621160.98m 334Hale Waihona Puke Baidu893.53m
Zone 14 R
Albers Conical Equal Area
This secant conical projection produces very accurate area and distance measurements in the middle latitudes through use of two standard parallels. Thus, Albers Conical Equal Area is well-suited to countries or continents where depth, north-south, is about 3/5 the breadth, east-west. When this projection is used for the continental U.S. (China), the two standard parallels are 29 1/2 (25)degrees and 45 1/2 (47)degrees North.
1∶5万地形图,直角坐标网的每一个网格边长2厘米, 代表1公里:(23276,3028)表示第23投影带中央经 线以西500-276=224公里,赤道以北3028公里。
长度、面积变形小变形最大处在赤道两端,但最大长度 变形0.14%,面积变形0.27%。误差小
Universal Transverse Mercator
Values of false easting and northing are usually included so that NO negative values occur in the rectangular coordinate system representing the desired region of the map projection.
In comparison with Albers Conical Equal Area, Lambert Conformal Conic possesses true shape of small areas whereas Albers possesses equal area. Unlike Albers, parallels of Lambert Conformal Conic are spaced at increasing intervals the farther north or south they are from the standard parallels.
Again, values of false easting and northing are usually included so that NO negative values occur in the rectangular coordinate system representing the desired
UTM zones in the lower 48
Military Grid Coordinates
British National Grid (Transverse
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Example
NAD-83 Latitude, Longitude of 30:16:28.82 N 97:44:25.19 W
高斯 - 克吕格投影与UTM
高斯 - 克吕格投影
高斯—克里格投影的中央经线是直线,没有变形中央经 线两侧的经线是对称于中央经线的曲线,较实际长度略 长。赤道是与中央经线互相垂直的直线,较实际球面上 略长,其余纬线是南北对称于赤道的曲线,与经线曲线 正交。
采用高斯—克里格投影的地形图,将每一个投影带的中 央经线作为纵轴,赤道作为横轴,构成平面直角坐标系, 依平面直角划成的网格为正方形,以公里为单位,称方 里网或公里网。为避免负数,把坐标纵轴自中央经线向 西平移500公里(中央经线的横坐标为500公)。纵坐 标自赤道起算。
To preserve conformality, parallels are placed increasingly farther apart with increasing distance from the equator. Due to extreme scale distortion in high latitudes, the projection is rarely extended beyond 80 degrees North or South.
Albers Conical Equal Area
The major property of this projection is its conformality. At all coordinates, meridians and parallels cross at right angles. The correct angles produce correct shapes. Also, great circles are approximately straight. This projection is useful for landmark flying. Lambert Conformal Conic is the State Plane coordinate system projection for states having an east-west expanse. Since 1962, Lambert Conformal Conic has been used for the International Map of the World between 84 degrees North and 80 degrees South.
The Transverse Mercator projection is applied to each UTM zone. Transverse Mercator is a transverse form of the Mercator cylindrical projection. The projection cylinder is rotated 90 degrees from the vertical (polar) axis and can be placed to intersect at a chosen central meridian. The UTM system specifies the central meridian of each zone. With a separate projection for each UTM zone, a high degree of accuracy is possible (maximum distortion of one part in 1,000 within each zone).
Lambert Conformal Conic
This famous cylindrical projection was originally designed by Flemish map maker Gerhardus Mercator in 1569 to aid navigation. Meridians and parallels are straight lines which cross at right angles. Angular relationships are preserved.
Rhumb lines, which show constant direction, are straight but do NOT represent the shortest path; great circles are the shortest path.
Again, values of false easting and northing are usually included so that NO negative values occur in the rectangular coordinate system representing the desired region of the map projection.
Albers Conical Equal Area
This projection possesses the property of equal area and the standard parallels are correct in scale and correct in every direction. Thus, there is no angular distortion (i.e. meridians intersect parallels at right angles) and conformality exists along the standard parallels. Like other conics, Albers Conical Equal Area has concentric arcs for parallels and equally spaced radii for meridians. Parallels are not equally spaced, but are farthest apart between the standard parallels, and closer together on north and south edges. The USGS used this projection for sectional maps of all 50 states of the U.S. in the national atlas of 1970.
This is an international plane (rectangular) coordinate system developed by the U.S. Army which extends around the world from 84 degrees North to 80 degrees South. The world is divided into 60 zones, each covering six (6) degrees of longitude. Each zone extends three degrees eastward and three degrees westward from its central meridian. Zones are numbered consecutively west to east from the 180 degree meridian. From 84 degrees North and 80 degrees South to the respective poles, the Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS) is used.
Lambert Conformal Conic
This projection is very similar to Albers Conical Equal Area described above. It is a secant conical projection with two standard parallels. It is most useful in middle latitudes, especially in sprawling east-west countries like the U.S. The standard parallels are 33 and 45 degrees North.