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Wuhu, one of the most important economic centers in Anhui Province, is a third tier city in Central China, with the shortest distance away
from Yangtze River Delta, and a population over one million at the same time. The past decades have seen its accelerating economic development.Population
p Wuhu is situated in the north-west of Yangtze River Delta, with an
area of 3,317 km²and a population of 2.23 million. Wuhu governs
three counties ( Wuhu, Fanchang and Nanling, four districts
(Jinghu, Qiujiang, Yijiang, Sanshan and two national Economic
and Technical Development Zones.
p Under the influence of Yangtze River Delta Economy, it enjoys a fast
development. In 2008, its GDP reached 74.9 billion yuan, jumping to
the second in Anhui and the 114th in China. There is no doubt that
Wuhu has become Anhui’s economic center.
p With years of development Wuhu has formed an economy with
three pillar industries: automobile and spare parts, raw materials and
electric and electrical appliances. The two national Economic and
Technical Development Zones cover an area of 18 km², developing
into a modern technology-intensive area, featuring in grouping large- sized enterprises, intensive foreign capital and three-pillar economy. Two Axes
Four Sections
Core Area
Three Centers
Jiuzi Road
South Shenshan Road under con struction
Chichu Shan Road under con struction
Eas t 3rd Rin g Ro ad Express way
Governmen t Building
Shenshan Park
Culture Industry Garden
Hospital NO.1 Middle School Chiche Shan Road
Express way
Facilities ——the construction of new government
building, NO. 1 middle school, NO. 1 people ’s
hospital and Huaqiang Culture and Technology Garden, among with other civil facilities are now in full swing.
Traffic ——Four of the roads linking new district and urban area are likely to be opened within the end of the year.Other planed roads will be put into construction, which will greatly reduce the distance between the new district and urban area
New Government
NO.1 Middle School
The project is the middle -scaled one in the core area of new political district, bordering on east 3rd ring road, new government building, No.1 middle scho ol, and No.1people ’s hospital, with natural water resources on the site of the land .
Jiuzi Road
South Shenshan Road under construction
Chichu Shan Road under con struction
East 3rd Ring Road
Express way
The project Govern ment Building
Shenshan Park
Huaqiang Culture Industry Garden NO.1People's Hospital
New Government
NO.1 Middle School
A closer look at
land site
NO.1Middel School
Wuhu's New Political Area has entered the accelerating developme nt period, with relatively complete traffic system and infrastructure facilities . Its regional value is ready to show, with crucial opportunity for property development .
Project point cut
Relocation of government
improving of public traffic Facility Improvement: Park,
School, and Medical Care Strong momentum of property
Move-in of other powerful enterprises
p Improvement of Commerce Facilities: catering industry,
department store, and shopping malls.
p Moving-in of entertainment facilities p
Momentum of pr operty marketing
Development Period (3-4years
atmosphere for administration and Better facilities, upgrading living atmosphere, growth of commerce environment
A core area with radiation impact on surrounding areas
Mainly housing land, with
intensified development
p Mainly housing land, with
some business office building development
Initial Plot
Succeeding Plot
Old Urban Area New urban area
Relying on Old center
advantage enjoyed in each New Center -oriented
reliance Wuhu's New Political Area is in its developing period, with emer gence of a new center. The project is located in the future core area, with a high regional value and great potential.
Third -tier city with accelerating economic development,The core area of New Political District, a middle -scaled project with natural water resources
Project Nature
core issues of the project ---How can we bring into fully the location advantages and strengths, to maximize the project value?
The New Political District: a bound future for city development
Bordering on new government building, the future
city center
The project: Natural water resources,middle -scaled one
p In recent years, Wuhu's GDP has maintained a relatively high annual growth of 15.1%, with a sound economic fundamental.
p In 2008, its GDP reached 74.9 billion yuan, jumping to the second in Anhui and the 114th in China.
In recent years, Wuhu's economy has maintained a high-speed average annual growth of 15%, jumping to the second in Anhui Province in2008. The fast economic growth is sure to promote the development of real estat e market.
p The total fixed asset
maintains an average high-
speed annual growth of
35.04%, reaching 61.495
billion yuan in 2008.
p The real estate market
develops fast too. The
investment volume maintains
a fast growth of 43.52% with
year-on-year increase,
reaching 15.023 billion yuan
in 2008.
p The second industry is
the leading drive with a
year-on-year increase.
p Three-pillar industry:
automobile and spare
parts, raw materials and
electric and electrical
There is a rapid growth in the investment of fixed assets and re al estate market of Wuhu. The second industry is leading one in its indust rial structure with year-on-year increase.
p The recent years have seen steady growth of Wuhu's population.
p In 2008, the city's population has
reached 2.30 million.
p Wuhu's per capita
GDP has maintained a high increase of more than 10 % in recent years, reaching 32500yuan in 2008.
p The personal
disposable income has reached 14939 yuan,with high -speed growth.
With steady population expansion, increase in income and disposa ble income per capita in recently years, Wuhu is sure to see great promotio n of the development of real estate market.
the Rise of Central China Unification
of Yangtze
River Delta
With implementing of favorable policies of the Rise of Central C hina, unification of Yangtze River Delta and accelerating urbanization, Wuhu is sure to see a promotion of sound economic development.
Land Supply Trend The 2009 is estimated to see the east city area as the main land supplier, which is sure to result in the simultaneous development among property developers and the rapid growth of new east district.
Total Supply Compared to the relatively high land consumption (about 4.44956 million in 2007, the proposed land supply (4.6047 million of 2009 is a sufficient one, which gives developers a broad range of choice.
Land Market Analysis
The future land supply in urban center is primarily comprehensive land of moderate scale.
A majority of comprehensive land
Urban Center
Plot ratio over
Instrument and Meter
Plant Project
Zheshan Mountain
Rim Project
The future land supply in Southern Wuhu sees a majority of land for commerce and service use, with a future market of housing stock consumpti on.
Housing Land
Southern City
Plot ratio between 2-3
Competition and
As the main supplier of urban housing land (around 3.0714 millio n , the new
district is sure to stimulate simultaneous development among dev elopers, which
will effectively promote the regional development.
The land market in 2009 is taking a turning for the better. The trading volume of the first five moths has already topped 70% of the total leasing area.
Trend of Land Supply
p The 2009 is estimated to see the east city area as the main land Total Land Supply
gives developers a broad range of choice.
land Trading
p Compared to the gloomy trading volume of 1.198 million Land Supply Structure of Each Area
Overall Real Estate
Market Assessment
SAN DIEGO Town House Central City's Multi-floor building Lake-moon life's High-rise
The recent years have seen steady development in Wuhu's real est ate market, with 202 property developers, among which are some renowned land resources compani es. Affected by the overall gloomy market, the price has gone through certain adjust ing in 2008.
Overall Real Estate
Market Assessment
The 2009 Wuhu real estate market has taken a turning for the
better, reaching a market-adjusting phase, featuring in
trade growth and steady price.
Customer Psychology--with recovering market, there is a positive turning in customer
psychology for property purchasing. However, greatly affected by overall market, the
new round of real estate market will see more rational customers.
Demand Structure--the rigidity demand remains to be the main engine of Wuhu real
estate market. The improvement demand group has entered the mark et gradually.
The recovering new year market has resulted in better turning in customer psychology. As regards needs, the rigidity demand remains to be the main engine of Wuhu real estate market. The improvement demand and investment demand have shown willingn ess to enter the market.
Assessment of Future Development of Wuhu Market --recovering from bottom market to reviving market. Wuhu's market is estimated to be a steady short -term period with a promising future.
Land Market
Macro -market Customer Psychology
Real Estate Market
Explorations of Market Opportunities
North Region Core Area
San sha n Regi on
East Region
East City Center Cluster
Southern City Cluster
Wuhu's real estate market has taken shape step by step,with Jiujiang and Jinghu Districts as its two hotspots.
Real Estate Market
Assessment Plate Analysis
A high -valued, high -priced property market, with highest urban value absorbing customers from the whole city. It mainly feature s in the supply of small -scaled comprehensive property.
Core Area
Shimao Binjiang Garden
San Diego
Rive Gauche Core Area
Real Estate Market
Real Estate Market
South City Region
The emerging property plate as a result of eastward and southwar d
urbanization. As a high-educational region, it has a quality living
environment. The recent years have seen rapid development in thi s
area, with highly cost-effective and scale projects.
South City Region Central Town Bozhuang Blossom Town Bozhuang Beauty Town
North Economic Development Zone; customers mainly are working within the region; relatively low housing price.
North Region
Fengming Lake Phoenix Town
North Region
Real Estate Market
Real Estate Market
East City Center
The eastward and southward urban expansion resulting in the
emergence of East City Center Cluster. It relies on old urban ar ea,
and interconnect new east city, absorbing outflow customers and
customers from regions relying on urban center.
East City
Lake Moon Life Jinghu Century Town
Real Estate Market
New east district
The planned new east political district is the future for Wuhu's urbanization, With
installations of facilities and amenities, the regional value is ready to show.
Besides, there are fewer projects in this area.
New east district
East Star City
Sanshan District
Sanshan District is situated in the south -west of Wuhu City, part of new -emerging industrial zone, relatively far away from urban center. Its cust omers are mainly Sanshan residents or those industrial zone. The low -density property and low price have attracted some urban customers for investment purpose .
Country Garden
Sanshan District
Real Estate Market
East Star City---the only existing project in new east area. With a
relatively low price
and favorable benefits, the project has attracted many customers believing in the promising future of eastern district.•Innovation products effectively stimulate demands.
•The favorable benefits of new planned district have brought corr esponding customers. Innovation products: 90 town houses. The project has successfully found a group of customers with strong purchasing ability, pursuing a high quality life.
p The favorable benefits of new planned district have attracted ci vil servants, teachers, doctors, or other investors.
•Price advantage will effectively counteract
the region resistance
p Despite much region resistance, the low-priced project has attracted amounts of customers, expecially the exploration of investment customers be lieve in the future of eastern city.
competitive project analysis East Star City
Jinghu Century Town ---Relying on old urban center, it can also share the benefits of planned new district, the project has become the first priority to new Political District -relative customers.With its scale advantage and school district resources, the project has received positive market realization.
•Located in intersection of old and new east city areas.
•Favorable benefits of shared mature facilities and amenities and planning.•School District of Jinghu Primary School
p Locate d between 2nd Ring Road and East 3rd Ring Road; the first stop in new east district.Relying on old urban center, it can also share the benefits of p lanned development of new district.
p Integrating Wuhu Key Primary School into project planning, which has attracted amounts of school -oriented customers.
•Massive city -building driven by super large -scaled comprehensive project
p Super large -scaled comprehensive project of 2.2 million , including 0.45 million
commercial facilities and amenities, which effectively counterac t regional resistance. Another 0.7 million transitional shelter will ensure fast gathering popularity.
East Star City
competitive project analysis
project analysis
Jinjiang River
Adjoining City Center: Shortage of property supply in old urban center and Price
Crowding Out Effect have made Ronghui Jinjiang River attractive to large amounts of
customers persistent in purchasing property in downtown area.
Unfavorable effects of current region: the old image and insufficient traffic of the land site known as Dalong Fang, have restricted the development of the project, making it difficult from realizing its regional value.
Ronghui Jinjiang River--adjoining urban center, restricted by
unfavorable effects of current region and project scale, it's
difficult to realize its regional value.
Lake Moon Life --with
location advantage,product quality and
Weixin Brand reputation,it has attracted amounts of customers from
surrounding districts and outflow ones from urban market. However, the
inventory stock sales have made it less competitive.
•Product quality higher t han average on market.
•location advantage of being close to city center
p High product quality is seen in planning & layout, garden view,family type design,material choice and construction.
p The project is located on the southern part of East Huangshan Road, close to urban center. Surrounded by many enterprises and institutions, it boas ts of a complete set of amenities like hospitals and schools.
•Brand Impact of Weixin Real Estate
p As one of the first local developers in Wuhu,Weixin real estate has developed
7projects such as Goodwill Garden, Rive Gauche, etc. All the proj ects have made Weixin a quality brand with great ke Moon Life
competitive project analysis
In view of competitive market, the major competition is from eas t city enter cluster. The grand projects developed by renowned companies are most competitive. In order to outperform others, the project is advised to adopt a strategy highlighting quality and cost-effectiveness.
Macro Economy Land Market Real Estate Market Regional Market Competitiveness
Locate comparability projects via customer attention meters Measurement of reference prices of
different property types.
Expert grading on
reference coefficient.
Definition of
reference price
rage of property
types on static
Definition of the marketing price of this project, concerning dynamic growth rate
Average Core。