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振 动 与 冲 击
Vo.l 30No .22011
校博士点学科专项基金资助项目(200810780001)收稿日期:2009-09-07 修改稿收到日期:2010-09-09第一作者汪大洋男,博士生,1981年4月生
通讯作者周 云男,教授,博士生导师,1965年9月生
,周 云1
(1.广州大学土木工程学院,广州 510006;2.广州市住宅建筑设计院有限公司,广州 510006)
摘 要:以某288m 超高层框架-核心筒结构的减振控制为研究对象,针对该工程的自身特点提出了设置非线性
粘滞阻尼器、铅粘弹性阻尼器耗能减振层的六种控制方案。在10年一遇风振作用下,利用改进的自回归AR 模型模拟了结构Y 方向的脉动风荷载时程,并对该结构进行了不同控制方案下的风振控制研究,同时针对该结构进行了7 小震和中震作用下的阻尼减震控制研究。对比分析了不同控制方案下耗能减振层对结构地震与风振作用的减振效果,结果表明本文提出的六种控制方案不仅能有效抑制结构的风致振动,显著改善结构的风振舒适度,对结构顶层峰值加速度响应的最大降幅达40%,而且还能提高结构在地震作用下的可靠性,进一步证明了耗能减振层对于超高层结构抗风与抗震的有效性和可行性,提出了风振与地震作用下设置耗能减振层超高层结构的分析与设计建议。
关键词:超高层结构;耗能减振层;风振效应;地震效应;振动控制中图分类号:TU 973+.23 文献标识码:A
V ibration reduction for a super high structure w ith energy dissipation story
WANG Da yang 1
,ZHOU Yun 1
,WANG Shao he
(1.D epart m ent of C iv il Eng ineer i ng,G uang zhou U n i ve rsity ,Guangzhou 510006,Ch i na ;2.D es i gn Instit ute o f Guang z hou R esidential Bu il d i ng,G uang zhou 510623,Ch i na)
A bstract : V i b rati o n con tro l o f a 288m super tall bu il d i n g w as st u died here .Six v i b rati o n contro l sche m es w ith v iscous da m pers and lead v iscoelastic da m pers w ere proposed to control structural dyna m ic responses under w ind and
eart h quake excitations .Fluctuating w i n d ti m e ser i e s occuri n g one ti m e in 10 year on the struct u re w ere si m u lated w ith a m od ified AR m ode.l The dyna m ic responses of the str ucture w ith the proposed control sche m es under w i n d and earthquake excitations w ere i n vestigated and their vibration contr o l effectsw ere ana l y zed co m parative ly .The study resu lts sho w ed t h at the excessi v e dyna m ic responses i n duced under w i n d and earthquake excitations can be controlled effecti v e l y usi n g the proposed sche m es ;the peak acceleration of the top story can be reduced by al m ost 40%usi n g the proposed control sche m es w ith w i n d excitation ;the additi o na l safety reserve of the str ucture under m i n or and m ajor eart h quakes can also be added usi n g t h e proposed contro l sche m es .So ,the validity and feasi b ility of the proposed sche m es in reduc i n g structural v i b rati o n responses w as fully approved .So m e suggestions about struct u ra l ana l y sis and design under w i n d and earthquake excitations w ere proposed .
K ey words :
ta ll buildi n gs ;energy dissi p ation story ;w i n d effects ;earthquake effects ;v ibration control
呈现 强柱弱梁 和 强剪弱弯 的延性屈服机制。鉴于以上考虑,文献[1]提出把耗能减振技术应用于框架-核心筒结构,即将加强层桁架中的刚性支撑用耗能部件(支撑+阻尼器)代替,形成耗能减振层。在风振和地震作用下带有耗能减振层的结构主要通过阻尼器来耗散风振和地震输入到结构中的能量,以减轻结构