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析 本课侧重于学习一些时间短语: this morning/afternoon/evening,tomorrow,
tonight, next week 和动词短语:take a trip,go to the cinema,read a
1、能听、说、读、写时间短语:next week, this morning/afternoon/
程 Step 2. Presentation 1、课件出示“Let’s start”的主情景图,说:Zhang Peng is free today.
Look at the pictures.Suppose you’re Zhang Peng.Can you tell me:What are you going to do?启发学生在完成这单元的学习后来寻找答案.

3、通过 pair work,结合实际情况让学生运用句型、开口说;以小组为单
略 位的竞赛作为激励手段。
Step 1. Warm-up & Revision 1、A song“What Are You Going to Do?”
(设计思路:课前让学生听英文歌曲,引入新内容, 创设良好的英语学习氛围,激发
3、Do the actions.叫一学生上台翻日历,每翻一页全班学生边打手势边齐 读,这样就加强了星期 Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday 的复习。
学 一定的词汇量,能用英语进行简单的日常交流(如:Greeting:Good morning
生 /afternoon/evening 等等)。

析 in the morning/afternoon/evening 等。
教 趣。) 4、Group competition:Do as quickly as you can.教师在黑板上贴出
课前准备好的特大课程表,说: “Look! We have so many classes in a week. 指着 Monday 说:“What classes do we have on Mondays?”帮助学生一起说“On Mondays,we have English,Chinese,math…”再请各组的学生边打手势边齐 学 读出其他几天的功课安排。看哪组同学反应最快说的最准。
继续说: What are you going to do this evening? 引导学生根据自己的意愿 回答,如 I'm going to the cinema/ read a magazine/take a trip(贴图片 go to the cinema, read a magazine,take a trip).
教 evening;并能够听、说、认读时间短语:tomorrow,tonight.

2、能听、说、认读动词短语:take a trip,go to the cinema,read a magazine.

3、能够听、说、认读句型:“What are you going to do this evening?
设计教师: Mr Zhu
教学年级: 六年级
课题名称:Unit 3 What Are You Going to Do?
The 1st lesson
Let's start
A. Let's learn
Pair work
教材版本: PEP Book 7 授课时间:40 分钟
1、六年级的学生已经有三、四年的 PEP 英语的学习经验,他们已经掌握了
标 I'm going to the cinema.”并能对其中的动词和时间短语进行替换操练。
4、能够在 Pair work 中合理安排自己的活动时间并与他人进行交流。

学 戏来巩固新单词。
2、Free talk : What day is it today ?What day is it tomorrow ?What do you usually
do on Wednesdays/in the evening? Can you ask me some questions?…
5、Game:让每组一个学生站到讲台上,看贴在黑板上的特大课程表 5 秒 钟,尽量记住每天的功课,再转身听老师发问:T:What classes do we have on 过 X please? S:On X ,we have...
2、用故事来整体呈现新内容。(边说边贴图) T:Suppose we’re also free today. What are you going to do?引导学 生根据自己的意愿回答,如:I’m going to climb mountains.老师接着学生的回 答说:You are going to climb mountains? That is good.But when? This morning / afternoon / evening, tonight,tomorrow,or next week( 贴 图 片 this morning,this afternoon,this evening, tonight,tomorrow, next week).教师
1、本课内容是 Unit 3 What are you going to do?中的第一个课时。
教 “Let’s start”和主情景图揭示了此单元的中心内容———“询问并回答未来
材 几天或周末的活动安排”。
Baidu Nhomakorabea

2、本课的句型是:What are you going to do...? I’m going to ....