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论文摘要 (1)

一关于产品缺陷和产品瑕疵 (3)

(一)两个术语的含义................................. (3)

(二)两个术语的同异比较 (3)

二产品缺陷责任的归责原则 (4)

(一)无过错责任原则 (4)

(二)严格责任原则 (5)

三产品缺陷责任的构成要件 (7)

(一)产品存在缺陷 (7)

(二)损害事实的存在 (8)

四产品缺陷责任的司法救济 (8)

(一)关于产品责任的赔偿范围 (8)

(二)举证责任 (10)

(三)诉讼时效 (11)

五对改进我国立法和执法的若干建议 (12)

(一)关于产品缺陷 (12)

(二)关于归责原则 (12)

(三)关于损害赔偿 (12)

(四)完善立法,加强执法,认真解决产品质量问题 (13)

参考文献 (14)



; 本文首先紧紧抓住了产品缺陷的含义,从此入手,对产品缺陷和产品瑕疵的同异点作了详细分析,指出了二者的不同内涵。通过对无过错责任原则和严格责任原则分别进行分析,并指出了二者的具体含义,在对二者进行甄别的基础上,指出了我国产品责任的归责原则应为严格责任原则,而不应是无过错责任原则。之后,本文归纳出了产品缺陷责任构成要件即产品存在缺陷、损害事实的存在、产品缺陷与损害事实之间有因果关系,这三个方面紧密相连,共同构成了产品缺陷的责任的要件。在司法救济方面,从损害赔偿的范围、举证责任以及诉讼时效三个方面进行阐述。指出我国产品缺陷责任的赔偿范围应包括人身伤害赔偿、财人产损害赔偿、精神损害赔偿、惩罚性损害赔偿;在举证责任上实行的是举证责任倒置的原则;在诉讼时效上应适用两年的诉讼时效期间的规定。最后,本文从产品缺陷、归责原则、损害赔偿等方面提出了自己的看法和观点,对改进和完善我国有关产品缺陷责任的立法和执法提出了若干建议,期望我国产品质量法更加健全和完善。


关键词:产品缺陷; 产品缺陷责任严格责任原则赔偿范围Abstract: In this paper, the definition of defectiveness of product is

being discussed. Then based on the definition discussed, the difference between defectiveness of product and design defect is thus discriminated. Furthermore, strict liability and non-negligence liability are also analyzed, and the difference between the former and the latter is drawn. As a result, the principal or strict liability shall be issued in the perfection of our legal system. Based on these discussion above, the attributes of product liability are induced (these attributes are product defect, the fact of damages and the causality between defect and damages). Nevertheless, the three attributes of product liability link to each other respectively, and none of them can be dispensed with when the standard of product liability shall be made.

In the second part of this paper, judicial remedy about product liability is being researched. As well as known, there have been a number of proposals and extensive discussion regarding the possibility of devising dispute-resolution methods for product liability. Many such mechanisms are already in place, in the form of money compensation, and insurance, medical care and medicaid. Such device as well as mechanisms may never provide a so call "complete and satisfactory substitute of the product liability law. In order to the perfection and completion of our own system, many more shall be issued as such device. In this paper, opinions are drawn as such: not only money remedy shall be used as one of the device, the mental remedy shall be also be used.

One thing that is important in judicial remedy when claimed is that the burden of proof in product liability shall be shifted to those who are responsible for the cause of damages. These device combined those usual mechanisms mentioned above may provide a sense of vindication and fairness that are unlikely to be found in administrative and other non adversarial forms of compensation.

In the final part of this paper, the author puts forward his own view and analyzes the products defect from his own view, mainly focus on responsibility principle, how compensation for damage shall be made. Then he put forward several suggestions in improving and perfecting our country's legislation about the defect responsibility of the products. Because the author thinks that it is sound and perfect to expect our country to produces more satisfactory tort law.

Key words: defect product products liability ; the strict liability ; the scope of the remedy

; 伴随着现代科技进步,产品种类越来越丰富、构造越来越复杂,由于设计、生产失误而形成的"缺陷产品"给消费者人身、财产造成的损失也日见增多。特别是进期出现的一系列产品缺陷引发的纠纷事件,引起了社会民众对缺陷产品的广泛关注。因此,在这里我们有必要对产品缺陷责任加以详述。

; 根据《民法通则》和《产品质量法》的规定,因产品存在缺陷造
