我们这一天 中英文剧本对白--英汉对照(完整)This is Us 17

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Previously on this is us... The drinking has to stop.
You have to reign it in, baby,
Because I won't have it in my house.
I remember when we were together,
She said she never wanted to get married.
What do you mean, together?
Yeah, it was very brief.
It was another life. Probably why she didn't tell you.
You think that I didn't deserve to know
That you had history with him?
You know, you never really talk about your dad's death.
It's been, um, just blocked for a really long time.
Roll all your windows down, randall.
Crank up the music.
Let someone else make your bed.
You don't have to pack up his stuff yet.
It's only been a couple days.
I know.
I don't know what to do, beth.
How do I honor his legacy?
Do I start wearing sweater vests?
Drink more egg creams?
Could get cooler frames.
Like, round ones, like the hipsters wear.
William was kind of the o.G. Hipster, right?
Huh? Listen to me.
The only thing anyone expects you to do is to plan a service. You already did that. Like I said, show up for the service,
Be with your family,
Think of him dearly, and...
You're gonna want to read this.
Hi. Uh, it's kevin pearson calling.
I was calling to see if brandon novak was getting my voicemails, Because I've left quite a few of 'em, and he...
She hung up on me.
What, that theater critic's assistant?
Well, not that theater critic.
The theater critic. The times, right?
Shows live or die based on what brandon novak writes about them, Which is why I need him to come to opening night of my play,
But he won't come to opening night of my play, because
He already came to opening night, and I wasn't there, so... Well, can't you just explain what happened?
No, I'm not... I can't, you know,
Tell them randall's business.
He's been through enough, so that's that.
You know, you're-you're kind of sexy when you're loyal.
Really? Yup.
Because I give money to the same charity every year, you know? You're not sexy when you brag about it.
Right. No.
You know what you should do?
You should sit with my family at the play.
Why don't you sit with them? No.
Yes. Come on. No, uh-uh. No, I am
Slinking in when the lights go down, back row,
And then, when you take your bow, I'm-I'm sneaking out, Successfully avoiding the entire pearson clan.
Oh. Especially kate.
Look, we haven't even told them that we're dating yet.
See, now that's not... You know what we should do?
We should just tell them that. We get 'em together, and we say, "Hey, family, you remember sophie, right, my ex-wife?
"Well, we're dating exclusively, even though
"She still won't let me sleep with her, which...
Oh, s... "I'm hoping is not because
"She's developed some, you know, weird moles on your body
Since the last time I saw you naked?"
No. Or that you think I've lost my touch, because I guarantee you I have not lost my touch. Mm-hmm.
What's happening? Where-where are we going?
Why are you...? I've got to get to work.
Hey, what, you're gonna leave me here with a floundering career And a lukewarm americano? Kevin.
You're dating the ex-wife you cheated on 12 years ago,
Yet somehow managed to woo back
In a diner with a "C" Health rating.
You really think you can't win over this novak guy?
So, it seems your grandpa left you some instructions.
"Dear tess and annie,
"I know you're probably feeling a little sad right now,
"And I'd like to get you back to smiling.
"Because you have two of
My all-time favorite smiles."
"That's why I'd like you two to plan my memorial.
"Adults make these things sad,
"And I want you two to make it fun.
Fill it with things that make you smile."
"And make sure your mom and dad help you execute your vision.
No questions asked."
So, we're in charge of the memorial?
It's tomorrow, right before uncle kevin's play re-opens,
And I've already got
The flowers and the lasagna and the...
Okay. We'll take it from here.
Um, if it's all right with you two,
I'd like to give a eulogy.
A eulogy sounds sad.
How 'bout we call it a toast, then?
We'll allow it.
I guess I'll cancel the caterer,
And the flowers and the white doves.
You got white doves?
They don't make black ones, randall.
You know, I heart n.Y.,
But I'm kind of psyched to get back to l.A.
And get shacked up with my boo.
Yes, bryce, I need 50 rainbow balloons.
They're for a funeral.
My nieces gave me one job.
Can I speak to your supervisor?
Hey. If you want
To talk about william...
Or anything,
I know funerals can be difficult.
Especially since you lost your...
I just want things to be special for randall and the girls. Okay.
Oh, I don't know, sharon, can you help me?
Oh, come on. Don't do this, jack.
thank you, everybody.
Uh, jack, you told me to tell you when it was 5:30.
Uh, yeah.
Jack? What?
What? We're-- we're celebrating pench's retirement.
We hate pench.
You hate pench. I do hate pench.
Look, just-- it's time for you to go home
And say a proper good-bye to your wife.
Yeah. Staying here
Is not gonna keep her from leaving.
With her ex-boyfriend. Jack...
Two weeks, five hotels.
Night after night, getting back late.
That is ridiculous.
This is rebecca we're talking about.
Now, go. Yeah.
You leaving?
The real party's happening after work at joe's tavern.
You should come.
Night, heather.
Hi, amy, yeah, it's rebecca.
What time did he leave?
Yeah, thank you. Bye.
Hey, dad.
Kitchen, please.
How could you be late today, of all days?
Is ben here yet? No.
Then I guess I'm not late.
Well, you said you'd be home at 5:30. No,
I said I would knock off at 5:30.
I called your office and you didn't.
So, you're checking up on me now?
This is just passive-aggressive, jack.
Okay, the kids. Yeah.
They need a ride to joel's party tonight.
Parents are home, I already checked.
And randall's robotics class, do you see?
It's moved to tuesdays.
I can read, bec.
And please, please do not let kevin and sophie
Be by themselves in the basement.
They're all over each other.
What's so funny? It's disturbing.
You know, the other day, I came in...
...She was nibbling on his ear. Mm-mm.
Yeah. Don't say the word nibbling in reference to our son. That is the only way to describe it.
Those ears haven't seen q-tips in years.
Time to hit the road.
I'm leaving.
Good luck, mom.
You're supposed to say "Break a leg."
Oh, am I?
Mmm. Bye, baby.
Bye, sweetheart.
Oh, I love you.
I promise I'll call twice a day, every day.
Have fun, mom. Seriously.
I will.
I love you, mom.
I love you more.
I love you most.
Be good to each other. Take care of each other.
"His name was william h. Hill."
Everybody knows his damn name, fool.
Oh, man...
Hey, jessie.
Hi, randall.
Is this an all right time?
I'm happy for the distraction.
How you doing?
Uh... Not terribly well, as it turns out.
Uh, william and I
Had our good-byes privately, before you left,
But it's still a shock.
I know.
I'm with my sister in chicago
Right now.
It's, um...
It's a very slippery slope for me.
And I needed time.
You know, time away?
Uh, understood.
I told our na group about his passing,
And, uh, there wasn't a dry eye in the house.
A young man named sebastian
Insisted that I pass along
His condolences. He was
A young athlete who was addicted to vicodin
When he first came to our meetings
And, uh, wanted nothing to do with us.
But william feigned an interest in football
So the boy would have
Someone to relate to.
I'd have loved to have seen william
Pretend to know anything about football.
It was...
It was quite a laugh.
He was a soft armrest
For weary souls to lean on, you know?
Anyway, I...
I'm sure you've got things going on there.
I don't want to keep you.
Hey, that's okay.
Thanks for calling, jessie.
Um... Be well.
Take care.
mr. Novak.
Sorry to just, you know, barge in like this,
But I really need to talk to you.
I'm kevin pearson, by the way.
I know who you are. Oh, good.
How'd you get in here?
Oh, just bribed the assistant, tracy.
You know, big manny fan.
Um, I came here to beg you
To come to opening night of my play.
I did go to opening night, you didn't.
I know, I know that, and I know what you must be thinking...
I think that you choked.
I think that you realized
Without the help of
Five takes and a laugh track,
You're nothing but a 40-year-old playboy
With no talent.
36 years...
Doesn't matter, doesn't matter.
Neither here nor there.
I literally uprooted my entire life for this play.
It's the only reason I'm here, sir.
And the crazy part about this whole thing is
It's actually really good-- it is.
But no one's gonna come see it, sir, unless you tell them to, So I am begging you, please...
Give us another chance.
It's worth it. Just think about it.
oh, hey.
Morning. Sorry to ring,
I saw this crate of perishables out there,
And I thought I...
Lot of pears.
Yeah, uh, thank you.。
