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What have we
learned today?
When we were little kids, our parents usually chose friends for us. Now we’re older, we decide
_w_h_o_ our friends are. As we become more independent, school and
技巧1:句子缺主语或宾语,多填代词。 代词包括: 人称代词; 指示代词; 不定代词;形容词性物主代词(放名词前)
主格-主语: I, you ,he,she,they… 宾格-宾语: me,us,him,them,you... 形容词性物主代词:my,your,their
…放名词前 不定代词:another,other,both ,either
some of our peers, and we may feel so connected to them that they are like __a_n_ extended family.
Our friends---our peers——are people __a_t_ our age or close to it who have experiences and interests similar to ours.
5.A young man and an old man were waiting for a bus. _T_h_e_y__ sat next to each other. 6.They met at the station and started walking. It took _th_e_m__at least 15 minutes to get to the house.
8.He was very tired after doing this for a whole day,_b__u_t__ he felt very happy since the crop did “grow higher.”
9.This is the park _th_a__t/_w_h__ic_h__ they visited last year.
4.The young man went home with a happy heart. After the student left, the teacher let _a_n_o_t_h_e_r_ student taste the water.
无提示词 Conjunction(连词)
7. There were many people waiting at the bus stop ,_a_n_d__ some of them looked very anxious.
some,neither,something… It作形式主语/形式宾语 反身代词:myself,yourself,themselves
1. Raise your leg and let __it__ stay in the air for seconds. 2….I patiently walked to the library, took my seat and did some deep breathing to help relax_m__y_s_e_l_f_. 3.The little boy pulled _h__is__ right hand out of the pocket …
或者根据句式结构,确定是并列句,应 填并列连词and, or, but, while等。
(2)若两个句子之间,没有句号或分号, 也没有并列连词,那空格处必定是填从 句引导词,否则,句子结构就不完整。 (常考查定语从句,状语从句,名词性
技巧3:若结构较完整,空格后的谓语 动词是原形,且又与上下文时态一致或 主谓不一致,填情态动词或表示强调谓 语的(do, does, did等)。
分析句子,确定词性 通读全文,理解大意
Practice Makes Perfect!
• Finish the exercises on your paper-sheet.
Consolidation 巩固练习
1.It was 10 o’clock _w__h_e_n_ the accident happened.
12. I d_i_d___climb to the top and admired its
beautiful scenery.
13.What’s amazing is Tom, a two years boy,
_c_a_n_ understand everything dad says.
Learning objectives
1.Develop the ability to do the grammer filling
2.Grasp some skills of the grammer filling (no given words)
3.Practise the ability and skills
第二节(共10 小题;每小题1.5分,满分15) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词 括号内单词的正确形式 语篇材料: 短文,篇幅不长 无提示词的空: 一个单词 有提示词的空: 单词的正确形式
内容 连词 介词 助动词 冠词
(全国卷I)题号及答案 64. which / that 66. by(构成短语介词)
(全国卷II)题号及答案 70. how(引导宾语从句) 67. at(构成介词短语)
62. the(定冠词在形容词 最高级前)
(全国卷II)题号及答案 (全国卷I)题号及答案
It is tough to be the only one who says “no” to peer pressure, but you can do _i_t _. Paying attention to your own feelings and beliefs about what is right and wrong can help you know the right thing to do. Inner strength and selfconfidence __c_a_n_help you stand firm, walk away, and resist doing something when you know better.
2.I _d_i_d__ go to the park yesterday. 3.__I_t___ doesn’t matter who you are. 4.Smile at life, _a_n__d__ it will shine on you.
5.My face turned red on hearing _w__h_a_t my mother said.
It is great to have friends_w_i_th__ values similar to yours who will back you up when you don’t want to do something.
检查搭配, 前后连贯
语法+语境 根据语义, 确定词形
other activities take_u_s___ away from home, we may spend more time with peers(同龄人)__th_a_n_ we do with our parents and siblings(兄弟姊妹). We’ll probably develop close friendship _w__it_h_
2. There is a bottle full of water on the desk._T_h_e__ water is very dirty.
3. Third-culture kids may not be able to adapt themselves completely __to__ their new surroundings. 4.Bob and Mary are going to see a movie __o_n__ Christmas Day.
62. and(并列连词)
64. or 67. that /which(引导宾 语从句)
介词 助动词
64. to(构成短语介词)
68. Did(构成过去时态一 般疑问句)
冠词 代词
63. the(定冠词在形容词 最高级前)
69. me / mine(人称/名词性物主代 词)
★ 无提示词的解题技巧
-冠词(a, an, the)
无 -介词(固定搭配)
提 示 词
-代词(人称代词,物主代词…) -连词(并列连词与从句引导词)
无提示词 Article and Preposition(冠词和介词)
1. I hope you have __a__ wonderful vacation.
10.I still remember many of the games we played w__h_e_n_ I was about ten.
11.I would hear them talk about _w__h_a_t_ happened during their day.
技巧2:(并列连词/从句引导词) (1)连接两个功能对等的单词或短语时,