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Cylindrical Grinder Design








随着机械产品精度、可靠性和寿命的要求不断提高及新型材料的应用增多,磨削加工技术正朝着超硬度磨料磨具、开发精密及超精密磨削(从微米、亚微米磨削向纳米磨削发展)和研制高精度、高刚度、多轴的自动化磨床等方向发展[4],如用于超精密磨削的树脂结合剂砂轮的金刚石磨粒平均半径可小至4μm、磨削精度高达0.025μm;电主轴单元可使砂轮线速度高达400m/s,但这样的线速度一般用于实验室,实际生产中常用的砂轮线速度为40-60m/s;从精度上看,定位精度<2μm,重复定位精度≤±1μm的机床已越来越多;从主轴转速来看,8.2kw主轴达60000r/min,13kw达42000r/min,高速已不是小功率主轴的专有特征;从刚性上看,已出现可加工60HRC 硬度材料的加工中心。北京第二机床厂引进日本丰田工机公司先进技术并与之合作生产的GA(P)62-63数控外圆/数控端面外圆磨床,砂轮架采用原装进口,砂轮线速度可达60m/s,砂轮架主轴采用高刚性动静压轴承提高旋转精度,采用日本丰田工机公司GC32-ECNC磨床专用数控系统可实现二轴(X和Z)到四轴(X、Z、U和W)控制。



Along with the mechanical product precision, reliability and life requirement continuously improve the application of new materials and grinding technology is increasing, super hardness towards abrasives and develop precision and ultra-precision grinding (from micro, sub-micron grinding to nano grinding development) and develop high precision, high stiffness, the multiaxial automation grinder etc direction [4], for example for

ultra-precision grinding wheel the resin-bonded diamond grits can mean radius small to 4 u m, grinding accuracy as high as 0.025 muon m; Electric spindle unit can make the grinding wheel 400m linear up/s, but such linear velocity general for laboratory, actual production of commonly used grinding wheel for 40-60m/linear; s Look from the precision positioning accuracy, < 2 u m, repositioning precision of plus or minus 1 muon m more than already more and more machine; Judging from the spindle, 8.2 of 60000r/min spindle kw, 42000r/min, 13kw of high-speed has not small power spindle proprietary characteristic; Look from rigid, has appeared 60HRC hardness materials can be processed the machining center. The Beijing second machine tool factory introduced from Japan, Toyota worker machine company with advanced technology and the cooperative production of GA (P) 62-63 CNC cylindrical grinder/CNC cylindrical grinder, face grinding wheel frame adopt imported linear can reach 60m, grinding wheel/s, grinding wheel frame spindle is used by high rigid rotation precision

hydrodynamic-hydrostatic bearing improve, the Toyota worker machine company GC32 - ECNC grinder special nc system can realize two axis (X and Z) to four shaft (X and Z, U and W) control

Key word:Grinding wheel frame Grinding Cylindrical grinder


第一章绪论 (1)

1.1 磨床的类型与用途 (1)

1.1.1 磨床的类型及特点 (2)

1.1.2 磨床的用途 (2)

1.1.3 外圆磨削和端面外圆磨床 (3)

第二章设计任务书 (4)

2.1 毕业设计题目 (4)

2.2 毕业设计内容 (4)

2.3 任务与要求 (4)

2.4 用途和规格 (5)

2.5 设计重点与难点 (5)

2.6 拟采用的途径与手段 (5)

第三章磨床总体布局 (6)

3.1 磨床总体设计 (6)

3.2 总体设计注意事项 (6)

3.3 磨床总体布局设计 (6)

3.3.1 加工零件 (6)

3.3.2 初步估计组成部分 (6)

3.3.3 总体布局初步设计 (7)

3.3.4 纵向与横向尺寸的确定 (7)

3.3.5 砂轮架相关尺寸设计 (9)

3.3.6 头架相关尺寸的确定 (12)

3.3.7 尾架相关尺寸的确定 (13)

3.3.8 工作台 (13)

3.3.9 横向进给机构 (13)

3.3.10 砂轮修整器 (13)

3.3.11 液压系统 (13)

3.3.12 电气部分 (13)

3.3.13 机床保护系统 (14)

第四章部件设计(砂轮架) (15)

4.1 砂轮架设计的基本要求 (15)

4.2 主轴旋转精度及其提高措施 (15)

4.3 主轴轴承系统的刚性 (15)

4.4 砂轮架主轴初步设计 (15)

4.5 主轴刚度校核 (16)

4.6 动静压轴承 (17)

4.7 传动装置设计 (19)

第五章数控系统设计 (25)

5.1 概述 (25)

5.2 确定硬件电路总体方案 (26)

第六章液压系统设计 (33)
