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制造商资格声明Manufacturer Qualification Statement

1.名称及概况:Name and Summary of the Manufacturer

(1)制造商名称Headquarter Address:

(2)总部地址Headquarter Address:


(3)成立和/或注册日期Establishment date or registration date:

(4)实收资本Paid-in Capital:

(5)近期资产负债表(到年月日止)Recent balance sheet(till FY ) ○1固定资产current assets:

○2流动资产liquid assets:

○3长期负债long term liability:

○4流动负债liquid liability:


(6)主要负责人姓名Name of the main responsible person(可选填):

(7)制造商在中国的代表的姓名和地址(如有的话)Name, address of the representative of the manufacturer in People’s Republic of China:

2.(1)关于制造商投标货物的设施和其它情况Situation of the proposed goods:


Name and address of factory Goods Annual production Number of worker (2)本制造商不生产,而需从其它制造商购买的主要零部件which of Main parts need be buy from the other supplier:

制造商名称地址name of manufacturer 主要零部件名称Name of main parts


Manufacturers of goods (including bidding, project owner, fixed nominal capacity, commercial operation of the start date, etc.).

4.近3年投标货物主要销售给国内、外主要客户的名称地址Nearly 3 years bidding goods mainly sell to domestic and foreign customers name address:

(1)出口销售Export sales

And so on

(2)国内销售Domestic sales

5.近3年的营业额Annual turnover in recent 3 years:

年份Annual 国内Domestic 出口Export 总额Total

6.易损件供应商的名称和地址Name, address of supplier of main fragile parts:

部件名称Name of Parts 供应商名称Name of the supplier

7.最近3年直接或通过贸易公司向中国提供的投标货物Goods provided directly by or through trading company to China in the bidding document in recent 3 years:

合同编号The contract number:

签字日期Signing Date:

项目名称Name of project:


合同金额The contract value:

8.有关开户银行的名称和地址Related bank name and address:

9.制造商所属的集团公司(如有的话)Affiliated consortium (if any) :


兹证明上述声明是真实的、正确的,并提供了全部能提供的资料和数据,我们同意遵照贵方要求出示有关证明文件the abovementioned statement is real and accurate and all of he existing materials and data have been provided. We agreed to present the document for certification according to your requirements。

签字人姓名和职务Name and position signatory.:

签字人签字signatory sign:

签字日期date of sign:



