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Miss you much leslie...
Leslie Cheung 张国荣 (12September 1956 – 1 April 2003), nicknamed elder brother (哥哥), was a film actor and musician from Hong Kong.
He left that night, countless people remember him. Within a few days, the world's major news media such as the associated press and Reuters, Agene France-Presser, was reported, even CCTV " news 30 “reported the news of the death of a Hongkong artists. 他走的那晚,无数人缅怀着与他一起走过的青春年华。几天内,世界各大新闻媒体如路透 社、法新社、美联社等都做了报道,甚至中国中央电视台《新闻30分》都史无前例地报道 了一位香港艺人去世的消息。
梅艳芳:“哥哥这个人就是心肠好,他总是帮我,但是很少麻烦我去帮忙。合作二十年来, 我有心事,他来倾听。我的苦恼,他来劝解。我受人欺负,他出面来挡。参加活动,人潮 汹涌,他马上护住我。”
April 1, 2003 is no longer just a April Fool's day, Leslie Cheung waved away, leaving countless love his people to use lifetime to miss
he is a
我在乐坛多年,尝尽不少酸甜苦辣的滋味,今日 总算有了一点点成绩,这些成果,都是经过不断 努力争取得来的。
1985 红馆演唱会
• 《 Silence is Golden》(《沉默是金》) • 《together 》(《共同度过》)
In April 8, 2003, Leslie Cheung's funeral held at the Hongkong funeral parlor, during "SARS" period of the outbreak. but there still have forty thousand people from around the world in gathered in Hongkong funeral .f 2003年4月8日,张国 荣的葬礼在香港殡仪馆举行,当时正值“非典”爆发期,居民轻易不敢出门,但 是出殡当日仍然有来自世界各地的四万名群众冒雨聚集在香港殡仪馆周围,人群 占据了几条街道,成为香港史上最轰动的葬礼之一
Days of Being Wild
The world is a bird without legs which life has been able to fly, fly tired sleep in the wind. The bird life will fall to the ground a time, that is the moment of death
不可超越的书生 宁采臣
什变叫很 么得做多 叫狠西年 嫉毒毒之 妒,,后 只任, 要何我 你人有 尝都个 试可绰 过以号
In the years to come, I'll be given the nickname: Malicious West.Well,everyone can be very malicious if you've ever been jealous of someone.
巨星陨落 夕阳之歌
Finally, let's end with a picture of today's lecture. Let us remember him forever.
People in the eyes of Leslie Cheung
陈凯歌:“没有张国荣,就没有《霸王别姬》,这部戏也是唯一在戛纳、金球奖同时赢 得欧洲和好莱坞认同的中国电影。” 吴宇森演员之一。” 黄秋生看过《枪王》之后说:“简直把我 吓到了,他怎么可以演得这么好!” 林青霞:“在香港演艺圈像他这么重情义的人不多了。”
• 《Ghost Story》(《倩女幽魂》)
• 《When love has become the past 》
• (《当爱已成往事》)
• 《Admire》(《愛慕》)
• 《For Your Love Only》
• (《為你鍾情 》)
• 《 Midnight songs》(《夜半歌声》)
He is a film actor..