

expression n.表情first aid 急救

extract v.&n.拔出,提取fist n.拳头

提炼物,浓缩物flatfoot 平足

extremity n.末端flesh n.肉

eyeball n.眼球flexible adj.灵活的eyebrow n.眉,眉毛flu n.流感

eyedrop n.眼药水fluid diet 流质食物

eyelid n..眼睑flush v.(用水)冲洗,eyesight n.视力脸颊发红F

failure n.衰竭,破产follow-up adj.手术后的,faint n.&adj.昏倒,衰弱的后续的

软弱的。Forceps n.镊子,钳子false tooth n.义牙forehead n.前额

family history 家族史foreign body 异物,外来物体far-sightedness n. 远视fracture n.骨折,挫伤fasten v.扎牢,扣住fragile adj. 虚弱的,易fasting n.&adj.禁食,禁食的,碎的

空腹的frail adj.虚弱的

fatal adj. 致命的,重大的,frequency n.频率

fatigue n.疲乏,疲劳functional adj.功能性的,fatty adj.油腻的起作用的fault n.缺点,毛病funeral n.真菌,霉菌fecal adj.粪便的G

feces n.粪便gait n.步态feedback n.反馈gall n.胆汁

female n.&adj.女性gallbladder n.胆囊

雌性,女的gallstone n.胆石

fetal adj.胎儿的garbage n.垃圾

fetch V.(去) 取来gas and air 混合气体(50% (去)带(人)来氧气和50%氮fetus n.胎儿气,有镇痛作用feverish adj.发烧的gaseous adj.气体的

fiber n. 纤维gastritis n.胃炎

film n,薄膜,涂片gauze n.纱布fingernail n.手指甲gel n.凝胶(体)冻胶

gender n.性别

gene n.因子,基因。


genetic adj.遗传的,起源的herbal adj. 药草的germ n.细菌herbalist n.草药师

gland n.腺体hereditary adj.世袭的,遗传的glandular adj.腺体的hiccup v.&n.打嗝globulin n.球蛋白hip n.臀

glossal adj.舌的history n.病史

glove n.手套hiver n.荨麻疹

gout n.痛风hoarse adj.嘶哑的gown n.长外衣,睡衣hole n.孔,洞

graft n.&v.移植(物)holistic adj.整体的,全growth n.生长,异常生长盘的

物,细胞增生。hormone n.激素

gum n.齿龈hospitalization n.住院治疗gurney n.(运送病人的)推车hospitalize V.住院治疗gut n.肠子host n.主人,宿主

H humidity n.湿度haemoglobin n.血红素,血红humor n.体液,幽默

蛋白hump n.驼背

hairy adj.多毛的hygiene n.卫生,卫生学handicapped adj.有生理缺陷的,残疾的hypertension n.高血压heal v.愈合hypodermic adj 皮下的healer n.医治者hypotension n.低血压healing n.愈合I

healthful adj.有利健康的ICU(intensive care unit)特护病房healthy adj.健康的identification n.身份证明hearing aids 助听器illusion n.错觉heart failure 心力衰竭imaging n.成像heartbeat n.心跳immature adj.未成熟的heartburn n.胃灼热immune adj.免疫的heel n.脚后跟immunity n.免疫性heme n.血红素impair V.削弱hemorrhage n.出血impulse n.冲动hepatic adj.肝的imactivate v.灭活,使不hepatitis n.肝炎活动

herb n.药草inadequate adj.不充足的


inborn adj.天生的,先天的inspiratory. Adj. 吸气的incision n.切口,切开instill v.滴注incontinent adj.(大小便)失禁的,instruction n.说明书

不能自制的instrument n.器械incurable adj.无法治疗的,insurance n.保险,保险费

不能治愈的intake n.摄入,摄取indicate vt.显示,预示intensive adj.增强的indication n.指征,适应症intern n.实习医师indigestion n.消化不良intestine n.肠

inefficient adj.效率低的intravenous adj.静脉内的infant n.&adj.婴幼儿irrigate vt.灌洗,冲洗伤


infarct n.梗死irritate v.激怒,刺激infect v.传染,感染irritation n.刺激infection n.传染,感染isolate v.隔离,分离(出)infectious adj.有传染性的,isolated adj.隔离的

易传染的itch v.&n.发痒,疥疮inflamed adj.发炎的,红肿itching adj.痒的

的IV(intravenous)adj.静脉内的inflammation n 炎症J

inflammatory adj.炎症的jaw n 颚,influenza n 流行性感冒,joint n.接合点,关节


infusion n.输入kidney n.肾

inhale vt.吸入kilogram n.千克

inhibit v.抑制,阻碍knee n.膝

inject vt.注射,注入knot n.&v.结,结疤injection n.注射打结

in-patient n.住院病人L

inpatient department 住院部labor n.分娩

input n.输入lame adj,跛的,瘸的inquiry n.问诊lap n.(人坐时)膝insert v.插入部insomnia n.失眠larynx n.喉

inspect v.检查,审视laser n.激光inspection n.望诊lavatory n.便所,厕所

lead n.铅


leak v.渗漏,泄露lumbar adj.腰部的leakage n.泄漏,漏出lump n.肿块

lean adj.瘦的lung n.肺

legal adj.法律的,法lymph node 淋巴结

定的lyse v.溶解,溶化length n.长度lysis n.溶解,消散lens n.晶体状M

lesion n.损害,身体上malady n.疾病

的伤害malaise n.不舒适lethal adj.致死的male n.&adj.男性,leukocyte n.白细胞,白血雄性,男的

球malformation n.畸形,变形life expectancy 预期寿命malfunction n.机能障碍,life-limiting condition 影响健康生活的机能不良(同

疾病dysfunction)life-threatening 危及生命的疾病malignant adj.恶性的condition malnutrition n.营养失调,ligament n.韧带营养不良limb n.肢(臂,腿) malpractice n.治疗失当,linen n.织物,衣物,医疗差错

床单,被单mammary gland 乳腺

lining n.内层manipulate v.操作,控制lip n.嘴唇,唇manipulation n.操作法,lipid n.脂质,油脂推拿术

(脂肪,乳酪)marital history 婚姻史litter v.乱丢杂物marrow n.骨髓,髓liver n.肝mask n.面具,口罩lobe n.(肺,肝等的)mass n.肿块

叶massage v.&n.按摩local anaesthetic 局部麻醉剂maternal n.&adj.母性,location n.部位产科病房,母loneliness n.孤独,寂寞亲的,似母亲longevity n.长寿的

long-sightedness n.远视mattress n.床垫,空气垫loose adj.松散的,(大便)mature v.&adj.使成熟

稀的成熟的,充分发loosen V.使松解,使放育的

松measure n.&vt.测量,测度lotion n.洗液,洗剂mechanism n.机制,机理


medical adj.内科的nasal adj.鼻的,鼻音的medication n.药物,药物治疗natural adj.天然的,自然medicinal adj.医疗的,有益的,的

有帮助的,nausea n.恶心,反胃,晕medium n.介质,培养基船

megaly n.肥大near-sightedness n.近视membrane n.膜,隔膜needle n.针

menstrual adj.月经的negative adj.阴性的,负的mental adj.精神的,智力nerve n.神经

的nervous adj.不安的,神mercury n.水银,汞经过分紧张的metabolism n.新陈代谢neural adj.神经的microorganism n.微生物newborn n.新生儿microscope n.显微镜night shift 夜班

migraine n.偏头疼nipper n.钳子,镊子mild adj.温和的,暖nipple n.乳头

和的node n.节点

mineral n.矿物质nostril n.鼻孔

missing tooth 牙脱失nuclear adj.核的mobilize v.使活动numb adj.&v.麻木的mode n.方式,模式失去知觉molecule n.分子nurse v.给(婴儿)喂monitor n.监护仪奶,带养,护morbidity n.发病率理,看护(病人) mortuary n.太平间nursery n.婴儿室mouthwash n.漱口水,洗口nursing officer 护士长,护理药主任

mucus n.黏液nutrient n.营养物multi-sensory adj.多重感官的,nutrition n.营养(学)

多感知性的nutritionist n.营养学家muscle n.肌肉O

muscular adj.肌肉的obese adj.肥胖的,肥mutate v.变异,突变大的mutation n.变异,突变obesity n.肥胖N occupation n.职业

nail n.指甲occupational disease 职业病naked adj.躶体的



公共英语三级词汇汇总 canal n.运河;(沟) 渠 cancel v.取消,作废;删去 cancer n.癌症;肿瘤 candidate n.候选人,候补者;报考者;申请者 candle n.蜡烛 candy n.糖果;蜜饯

cannon n.大炮,火炮v.开炮;碰撞 canoe n.独木舟,小游艇v.划独木舟 cap n.便帽,军帽;(笔、瓶等的) 盖套v.覆盖于…顶端capable a.能干的,有能力的 capacity v.容量,容积;才能,能力;接受力 capital

n.首都 captain n.上尉,队长;船长 capture n.捕获,俘获v.夺得,占领;捕获,俘虏car n.小汽车 card n.卡片 care v.关心,介意n.小心,谨慎,注意

career n.生涯,经历;专业,职业careful a.小心的;谨慎的 careless a.粗心的,疏忽的 cargo n.船货,货物 carpet n.地毯;像地毯般的一层东西carriage

n.(四轮) 马车;(火车的) 客车厢carrot n.胡萝卜 carry vt.运送 cart n.大车,板车,手推车v.用大车运走cartoon n.漫画,幽默画;动画片v.画漫画carve v.(雕) 刻

n.情况,情形,事实;案件,案情;病例 cash n.现金,现款,现钱v.兑现,兑付 cashier n.(银行、商店等的)出纳员 cassette n.小盒子;盒式磁带 cast v.投, 掷,抛;铸造;计算n.演员表;一掷;模型;性格castle


大学英语三级考试常考词组和固定搭配大学英语三级考试常考词组和固定搭配1、介词+名词 by accident 偶然 on account of 因为,由于 in addition 另外 in addition to 除......之外 in the air 在流行中,在传播中 on (the/an) average 平均,一般来说 on the basis of 根据,在......的基础上 at (the) best 充其量,至多 for the better 好转,改善 on board 在船(车、飞机)上 out of breath 喘不过气来 on business 因公,因事 in any case 无论如何,总之 in case of 假使,万一 in case 假使,以防(万一)免得 in no case 决不 by chance 偶然,碰巧 in charge (of) 负责,主管 (a) round the clock 昼夜不集地 in common 共用,共有,共同 in conclusion 最后,总之 on cond0ition that 在......条件下 in confidence 信任 in connection with/to 关于 in consequence 因此,结果 in consequence of 由于......的缘故 on the contrary 反之,正相反 in contrast with/to 与......成对照 out of control 失去控制 under control 被控制住 at all costs 不惜任何代价 at the cost of 以......为代价 in the course of 在...过程中,在...期间 of course 当然,自然 in danger 在危险中,垂危 out of danger 脱离危险 out of date 过期(时)的 up to date 时新的 in debt 欠债 in detail 详细地 in difficulties 处境困难in the distance 在远处 off duty 下班 on duty 值班,上班 on earth 究竟,到底 at all events 无论如何 in any event 有效;实际上 in the event of 万一,如果发生 for example 例如 with the exception of ......之外 in the face of 面对,不顾,即使 in fact 其实,实际上 on fire 烧着 on foot 步行 in force 有效;实施中 in favo(u)r of 有利于,赞成,支持in front of 在......面前 in (the) future 今后,将来 on guard 警惕,防范 in general 通常,大体上 in half 成两半 at hand 在手边,在附近 from tip to toe 彻着彻尾,完全 by hand 用手 hand down to 往下传,传给(后代)hand in hand 手拉手,携手 in hand 在掌握中,在控制中 on hand 在手边,临近 on (the) one hand ... 一方面......, on the other hand ... 另一方面......,at heart 在内心;实质上 by heart 牢记,凭记忆 at home 在家,在国内;自在,自如in honour of 以纪念,向......表示敬意on one's honour 以名誉担保 in a hurry 匆忙地,立即 for instance 例如,举例说 at intervals 不时,时时 at last 最终,终于 at least 至少,最低限度 in the least 一点,丝毫 at length 终于,最后;详细地 in the light of 按照,根据 in line 成一直线,排成一行 in line with 与......一致,按照


公共英语三级备考词汇 【-公共英语等级考试】 公共英语三级备考词汇: come on (表示鼓励、催促等)快,走吧;进步,进展 come out 出来,出现;出版,发表;结果是 comedy n.喜剧,喜剧性事件;喜剧因素 comfortv. 安慰,慰问;使舒适 comfortable adj. 舒服的,舒适的;宽裕的,小康的 command n.指挥(权);命令;掌握,精通 commend v.推荐;把…付托给;称赞,表扬,嘉奖;吸引,引起兴趣 comment n.评论;注释v.评论;注释 commerce n.买卖;商业;贸易 commercial adj.商业的,商务的n.商业广告 commission n.委托(书),委任,代办;委员会;佣金,手续费 commit v.犯(错误、罪行),干(坏事);把…交托给 committee n.委员会 commodity n.商品;日用品 common adj.普通的,通常的;公共的,共同的 commonwealth n.联邦 communicate vt.传达,传递(意见、感情、消息等) vi.交流,沟通 communication n.通讯,联络,交流 communism n.共产主义 communist adj.共产主义的n. 共产主义者;共产党员 community n.团体,公社;[常用单数]公众 compact adj.紧密的;紧凑v.使紧凑;压缩 companion n.同伴;伴侣 company n.公司,商号;[总称](一)群,(一)伙;同伴(们),朋友(们);连队comparable adj.可比较的;比得上的 comparative adj.比较的;相对的n. [常用单数]匹敌物;比较级 compare v.比较,对照;把…比作,比喻;匹敌,相比 comparison n.比较,对比;相似,类似 compartment n.列车车厢;分隔间 compass n.指南针,罗盘;[常用复数]圆规;[常用单数]范围,界限

大学英语2 综合教程 课文词汇大全

词汇: 【1】 被系在…上be attached to 探索行为exploratory behavior 偶尔on occasion 父母的责任parental duties 揭示,阐明throw light on 最终目的ultimate purpose 要做的动作desired action 所希望的结果desirable outcome 关键critical point 育儿观value of child rearing 弥补某种错误行为making up for a misdeed 回想起来in retrospect 善意的well-intentioned 前来帮助某人come to sb.'s rescue

极其熟练、温和地with extreme facility and gentleness 适用于apply to 发展到evolve to 发展创造力promote creativity 值得追求的目标worthwhile goals 【2】 1.面临,遭遇be confronted with 2.仰头向上看look up at 3.填写fill out 4.属于fall into 5.仅仅,不多于,不强于nothing more than 6.转瞬即逝的念头 a passing whim 7.磨损,损耗wear and tear 8.虽然,尽管in spite of 9.期望,盼望look forward to 10.富裕的,有钱的well off 11.不自在,格格不入out of place 12.陈旧的家具dated furniture 13.…之后不久shortly after 14.走下坡路,失败go south


最新大学英语三级短语 a few 有些,几个all right 好,行as though好像a good deal 大量,许多all the time 一直,始终as to至于,关于a good deal of 大量的,许多的along with 与···一起as usual照常,照例a good many 大量,许多and so forth 等等as well也,又a great deal 大量,许多and so on 等等as well as(除···之外)也,既···又···a great deal of 大量的,许多的and then其次,然后,于是as yet 到目前为止,到那时为止a great many 许多,大量and yet 可是,然而aside from 除···以外a little 一点,稍anything but 除···以外任何事(物),并不,绝at a loss困惑,不知所措a lot 大量,很多arrive at达到,得出at a time每次,一次a lot of 大量的,很多的as…as 像···一样at all costs不惜任何代价,无论如何a matter of(关于···)的问题;大约as a matter of fact 其实,事实上 at any rate无论如何a number of 若干as a result 因此,结果at best充其量,至多a series of 一系列,一连串as a result of 由于···的结果at first最初,起先above all首先,最重要的是as a rule 通常,照例at first sight乍一看,处看起来according to 按照,根据as far as…be concerned 就···来说at hand在手边,附近account for 说明(原因等)as follows 如下at intervals不时,时时add up to 合计,总计as for 至于,就···方面说at large一般,大体上after all 终于,毕竟as good as 和···几乎一样,事实上等于at last 最后,终于ahead of 在···前面as if 好像,仿佛at least至少all at once 突然,同时as long as 只要at length终于,最后;详细地all but 几乎,差一点,除···之外,其余都是as regards 关于,至于at most至多,不超过all over 遍及,到处as soon as 一···就,刚···便at no time从不,绝不 at once 立刻by reason of 由于due to由于,因为at one time 同时;曾经,从前by the way顺便说,附带说一下each other相互at present现在by virtue of 由于either…or…或者···还是,不论···还是at the cost of 以···为代价by way of 经由,通过even if即使,虽然at the mercy of 在···支配下call for 邀约;要求,需要even then即使那样,连···都at the monent现在,此刻call forth唤起,引起;振作起,鼓起even though即使,虽然at the same time 同时,然而call off放弃,取消ever since从那时起,自那时以来at times有时can’t/couldn’t help禁不住,不得不ever so非常,及其back and forth 来来往往的,来回carry into effect使生效,使起作用 every other每隔一个的be able+to V 能,会carry into practice实施,实行except for除···之外be about +to V 即将carry off夺去fall in with符合,与···一致;碰见be absorbed in 专心于carry on 继续下去far from远非;远离be attached to 附属于,隶属于carry out贯彻,执行,实现feel like 欲,想要be concerned with 有关,从事于cast light on 阐明,使明figure out计算出,理解,明白


2015年成人学位英语三级考试高频词汇速记(14)-成人英语三级考试 2015年成人学位英语三级考试高频词汇速记汇总 concentrate concentrate 集中;浓缩,集中,专心 【语境】The crowds concentrated round the palace. 人群汇集在宫殿的四周。 The threat of going bankrupt is very unpleasant but it certainly concentrates the mind. 即将破产的威胁虽令人极烦恼,但确实也能逼迫人开动脑筋。 【考点】concentrate on/upon 聚精会神 concept concept 概念,观念,思想 【语境】I can not understand the so abstract concept. 我无法理解如此抽象的观念。 This concept is at the very core of her theory. 这个概念是她的理论的核心。

concern concern 关心,担心所关切的事,(利害)关系 【语境】How much money I earn is none of your concern. 我挣多少钱与你无关。 These problems concern all of us. 这些问题影响到我们每一个人。 【考点】as far as …be concerned 就中有利害关系of concern 重要的 conclude conclude 结束,终止;断定,下结论;缔结,议定 【巧记】反义词:begin v.开始embark on 开始 【语境】The two countries are reported to have concluded a military convention. 据报道,这两个国家已缔结军事协定。 conclusion conclusion n.结论,推论;结尾;缔结;议定 【语境】Our conclusion is based entirely on fact. 我们的结论完全是实事求是的。


Vocabulary Unit 1 A 1、There are no simple solutions to the problem of overpopulation. 2、We often ignore advice which we do not wish to hear. 3、Even the doctor couldn’t persuade Tom to give up smoking. 4、The evening newspaper is going to assign a couple of reporters to cover(报道) the Olympic Games in Sydney. 5、“Next Monday is the deadline for handing in this essay,”said the professor to his class. “Be sure to meet it.” 6、I don’t think we can solve the problem this way. We should try a different approach 7、Alex bought a map of the world and stuck it on his bedroom wall. 8、He earns $ 200 a week and has little money for anything except the essentials of life. 9、Though she was very busy with her studies, Amanda managed to find time to play tennis regularly. 10、He is very rich, but that does not necessarily mean that he is happy. 11、Short-term memories are those which are retained only for a few minutes. 12、The essay is due next Monday. I have done a rough draft but haven’t written it up yet. 13、The doctor suggested that both of them put in 20 minutes a day doing taijiquan. 14、Tom studied hard. He wanted to make the most of his time in college to learn as much as he could. 15、In taking notes, you don’t have to put down everything the teacher says. 16、Active reading, according to education experts, will lead to a better understanding of what is being read. 17、During those years in the countryside, she was reading everything she could get her hands on. 18、It’s going to rain: we’d better put away and go indoors. 19、In spite of the new difficulties, we’ve decided to stick to our plan. 20、I have told you time after time not to exercise immediately after lunch or supper. 21、Taking his doctor’s advice, my uncle has cut down on smoking as the first step. 22、Knowing how to make the most of your abilities counts for much more than working hard. Unit 1 B 1、Tom is a very calm person, but his wife is just the opposite 2、Do you have any preference for a particular kind of music? 3、Many power stations are located on coastal land so that they are near to a good supply of water. 4、I like your idea but I don’t think it’s technically feasible 5、Alex said the sudden death of his best friend had given him a new perspective on life. 6、Public attention has shifted recently from the World Cup to the rising house prices. 7、The rise in unemployment is of great concern to the government. 8、The salary they’re offering is very attractive, but Amada still doesn’t want the job. 9、Thanks to the intensive care of the zoo-keepers, the animals there managed to survive the severe winter last year.


词汇表 (Vocabulary) abandon [?'b?nd?n] n. 1. 狂热 2. 放任 vt.1. 遗弃; 2. 放弃 ability[?'biliti] n. 1. 能力,能耐 2. 才能 aboard [??????] adv.1. 在飞机上; 2. [船] 在船上; 3. 在火车上 prep. 在…上 absence['?bs?ns] n. 1. 没有; 2. 缺乏; 3. 缺席; 4. 不注意 absolute [ ????●◆??] adj.1. 绝对的; 2. 完全的; 3. 专制的 n. 1. 绝对; 2. 绝对事物 absolutely [ ????●◆??●?] adv.1. 绝对地; 2. 完全地 absorb [???????] vt.1. 吸收; 2. 吸引; 3. 承受; 4. 理解; 5. 使…全神贯注 abuse [?'bju:z, ?'bju:s] n. 1. 滥用; 2. 虐待; 3. 辱骂; 4. 弊端; 5. 恶习,陋习 vt. 1. 滥用; 2. 虐待; 3. 辱骂 academic [ ?k?'demik] adj.1. 学术的; 2. 理论的; 3. 学院的 n. 1. 大学生,大学教师; 2. 学者 accelerate[?k'sel?reit] vt.1. 使……加快; 2. 使……增速 vi.1. 加速; 2. 促进; 3. 增加 accent ['?ks?nt, ?k'sent] n. 1. 口音; 2. 重音; 3. 强调; 5. 重音符号 vt. 1. 强调; 2. 重读; 3. 带…口音讲话 accept [?k'sept] vt. 1. 接受; 2. 承认; 3. 承担; 4. 承兑; 5. 容纳 Vi .1. 承认; 2. 同意; 3. 承兑 acceptance[?k'sept?ns] n. 1. 接受; 2. 接纳; 3. [金融] 承兑; 4. 赞同 accident ['?ksid?nt] n. 1. 事故; 2. 意外; 3. [法] 意外事件; 4. 机遇 accompany [?????????] vt. 1. 陪伴,伴随; 2. 伴奏 vi. 伴奏,伴唱 accomplish [??????●??] vt.1. 完成; 2. 实现; 3. 达到 accordance [?????????] n. 1. 一致; 2. 和谐 account[?'kaunt] n. 1. [会计] 账户; 2. 解释;[会计] 账目, 账单; 3. 理由 vi.1. 解释; 2. 导致; 3. 报账 vt.1. 认为; 2. 把…视为 accumulate [?'kju:mjuleit] vi.1. 累积; 2. 积聚 vt. 积攒 accurate['?kjur?t] adj. 精确的 accuse [?'kju:z] vt.1. 控告,指控; 2. 谴责; 3. 归咎于 vi.1. 指责; 2. 控告 accustomed [?????????] adj.1. 习惯的; 2. 通常的; 3. 独有的 v. 使习惯于(accustom的 过去分词) ache [eik] vi. 1. 疼痛; 2. 渴望 n. 疼痛 achieve [???????] vt.1. 达到; 2. 完成 vi.1. 达到目的; 2. 如愿以偿 achievement [???????????] n. 1. 成就; 2. 完成; 3. 达到 acid ['?sid] n. 1. 酸; 2. <俚>迷幻药 adj. 1. 酸的; 2. 讽刺的; 3. 刻薄的 acquaintance [?'kweint?ns] n. 1. 熟人; 2. 相识; 3. 了解; 4. 知道 acquire[?'kwai?] vt. 1. 获得; 2. 取得; 3. 学到; 4. 捕获 acre ['eik?] n. 1. 土地,地产; 2. 英亩 across [??????] prep.1. 穿过; 2. 横穿 adv. 1. 横过; 2. 在对面 act [?kt] vt. 1. 扮演; 2. 装作,举动像 vi. 1. 行动; 2. 扮演,充当; 3. 表现,举止; 4. 假装,演戏; 5. 起作用,见效 n. 1. 行为,行动; 2. 法令,法案; 3. (戏剧,歌剧的)一 幕,段; 4. 装腔作势 action [ ?????] n. 1. 行动; 2. 活动;


Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 16. The question is ________ me and I have no idea of it. A) beyond B ) over C) beside D) above 17. The output of our company this month is _______ that of last month. A) twice as much as B) twice as much C) twice many as D) twice as many as 18. Hardly had I got home ________ the telephone rang. A) then B) when C) as D) than 19. By the time you get back, I ________ all the work. A) would finish B) will have finished C) has finished D) had finished 20. It' s required that the students ________ the term paper tomorrow. A) finished B) finish C) will finish D) may finish 21._______ the final examination is over, we can go outside for a picnic. A) Even though B) Now that C) For D) With 22. Tom was the only one of the students who ________ named Outstanding Student. A) is B) are C) was D) were 23. There is something wrong with my car. It will take me one hour to have it ______. A) fix B) fixing C) to fix D) fixed


Unit1 Alternative n.可供选择的事物;取舍;抉择Constant a.不断的;连续发生的;一再重复的Cripple vt.严重损坏或削落;使残废 Impressive a.给人以强烈或良好印象的,令人难忘的Initial a.开始的,最初的 Move n.步骤;行动 Put v.安置,放 React vi.反应;反对 Shallow a.肤浅的,浅薄的 Tackle v.处理;应付;解决

Universal a.全体的;与全体有关的 Capture vt.占领;刻画;俘获 Construct vt.建造;创立;构造 Contact n.接触;联系 Entitle vt.给……提名 Generate vt.产生;创造 Genuine a.真的;真诚的 Rough a,粗超的 Count sth against sb 认为某事物不利于某人;因某事而低估某人 Do sb wrong 中伤某人;冤枉某人;虐待某人

Find it in oneself to do sth Like it or not 不管喜欢与不喜欢 Root out sth 根除 Take hold 固定下来;确立 Warts and all 不隐瞒缺点的,毫不遮丑的Aware of 意识到;知道 In any case 无论如何 Unit2 adopt vt.采取 characterize vt.是…的特征,以…为特征confine vt.把…局限于,把…限制于

convince vt.使确信,使信服 emphasize vt.强调,着重 picture vt.想象,设想 remarkable a.值得注意的;十分不平常的;出众的 response n.回答 reveal vt.展现,显露(出) stretch vi. (时间和空间)延伸,延续,绵延 lower vt.降下,把…放低 owe vt.欠(债)等;感激 propose vt.提议为…干杯;提议,建议;提出(行动﹑计划或供表决的方案等) remedy n.补救(方法);纠正(办法)


大学英语三级高频词汇 三星级单词★★★ (出现频率极高) 单词词性及释义 local adj.地方性的,当地的;n.当地居民market n.市场,交易,集市 nice adj.美好的,和蔼的,做得好的 park n.公园,游乐场,停车处 pleasure n.快乐,愉快,令人高兴的事 scientist n.科学家 space n.位置,空间,太空 table n.桌子,餐桌 thanksgiving n.(对神的)感谢,感恩祈祷 already adv.已经,早已 angry adj.生气的,愤怒的 bill n.账单,清单 build vt.建立,建造 case n.情形,情况,箱子,病例,案例 class n.班级,阶级,种类,课 daughter n.女儿 death n.死亡 either adj.(两者之中)任一的;pron.任一个face n.脸,面容,外观;vt.面对,面临film n.胶卷,电影;vt.拍摄 ground n.地面,土地,底;adj.磨碎的,磨平的hold vt.握着,抓住,握住;vi.持续,保持interest n.兴趣,嗜好,利益;vt.使感兴趣Internet n.互联网 least n.最少,最小;adj. & adv.最少(的)likely adj.有可能的;adv.或许,可能 tired adj.疲乏的,疲倦的;劳累的 welcome adj.受欢迎的;vt.欢迎,接待;n.欢迎area n.区域,面积,范围 born adj.天生的 clothes n.衣服 deal vt.发,分配;vi.处理,应付 foreign adj.外国的 forget vt.& vi.忘记 heart n.心,心脏,中心,内心 level n.水平,水准


2012年成人英语三级考试语法词汇辅导汇总 also,too这两个词都是副词,又都表示“也是”的意思,但在修辞意味和使用场合上有所不同。它们的区别如下: (一)一般说来,also用于比较正式formal)的场合,语气比too庄重;too是惯熟familiar)的用语,使用范围较广。 (二)also在句中的位置要紧靠动词;too在句中的位置比较灵活,有时插入句中,前后用逗号分开,有时放在句末。 (三)too只能用在肯定句中,不可用于否定句内。在否定句中,只能用either;also则可以用在否定句中。 下面请看例句: The Hong Kong Chief Executive also heads the university as Chancellor. 香港行政长官也以大学)校监身份领导大学。 Reading books is learning,but application is also learning and the more important form of learning. 读书是学习,买践也是学习,而且是更重要的学习。 We have not heard such a thing.Also,we have never seen such a scene. 我们没有听见过这种事情,我们也从来没有见过这种场面。 请注意,一般说来,also在句中的位置应紧靠动词,但有时为了强调其意,也可以将它放在句首或句末。 Here,too,the colon must be followed by a dash. 这里也一样,应当在冒号之后加破折号。 Mary,too,can play the piano. 玛丽也会弹钢琴。 Could you speak Japanese?—Yes,and Spanish too. 您会说日语吗?——会的,还会说西班牙语哩。 Also虽然和too同义,但前者大都用于书面语,后者大都用于口语。例: The lady washed the children and also gave them dinner.书面语) The lady washed the children and gave them dinner too.口语) 在口语中,too还可以用as well代替。 有时候,also在句中的位置不同,句子的涵义也会跟着变化。例: John is also concerned in this matter.(1) John also is concerned in this matter.(2) John is concerned in this matter also.(3) (1)句的涵义是:John is concerned in this matter as well as that one. (2)句的涵义是:John is concerned in this matter,just as somebody else is. (3)句的涵义是:This matter is the last of many that have been mentioned. 虚拟语气。它主要可分为以下情况: A,表建议,要求,命令的动词,及与其相关的名词、形容词或分词,后面的从句中都要用should+动词原形作谓语,should可省略。 B,某些特殊的形容词,后面常跟虚拟语气。这一点要尤其注意。 C,wish后表示与现实相反的愿望时要用虚拟语气。 D,would rather后若加从句则要用过去式表示虚拟语气,也可以直接加do sth宁愿做…


公共英语三级词汇汇总canal n.运河;(沟) 渠 cancel v.取消,作废;删去 cancer n.癌症;肿瘤 candidate n.候选人,候补者;报考者;申请者 candle n.蜡烛 candy n.糖果;蜜饯

cannon n.大炮,火炮v.开炮;碰撞 canoe n.独木舟,小游艇v.划独木舟 cap n.便帽,军帽;(笔、瓶等的) 盖套v.覆盖于…顶端capable a.能干的,有能力的 capacity v.容量,容积;才能,能力;接受力 capital

n.首都 captain n.上尉,队长;船长 capture n.捕获,俘获v.夺得,占领;捕获,俘虏car n.小汽车 card n.卡片 care v.关心,介意n.小心,谨慎,注意

career n.生涯,经历;专业,职业careful a.小心的;谨慎的 careless a.粗心的,疏忽的 cargo n.船货,货物 carpet n.地毯;像地毯般的一层东西carriage

n.(四轮) 马车;(火车的) 客车厢carrot n.胡萝卜 carry vt.运送 cart n.大车,板车,手推车v.用大车运走cartoon n.漫画,幽默画;动画片v.画漫画carve v.(雕) 刻

n.情况,情形,事实;案件,案情;病例 cash n.现金,现款,现钱v.兑现,兑付 cashier n.(银行、商店等的)出纳员 cassette n.小盒子;盒式磁带 cast v.投, 掷,抛;铸造;计算n.演员表;一掷;模型;性格castle


精心整理Unit1 Alternative n.可供选择的事物;取舍;抉择 Constant a.不断的;连续发生的;一再重复的 Cripple vt.严重损坏或削落;使残废 Generate vt.产生;创造 Genuine a.真的;真诚的 Rough a,粗超的 Count sth against sb 认为某事物不利于某人;因某事而低估某人 Do sb wrong 中伤某人;冤枉某人;虐待某人

Find it in oneself to do sth Like it or not 不管喜欢与不喜欢 Root out sth 根除 Take hold 固定下来;确立 Warts and all 不隐瞒缺点的,毫不遮丑的 lower vt.降下,把…放低 owe vt.欠(债)等;感激 propose vt.提议为…干杯;提议,建议;提出(行动﹑计划或供表决的方案等) remedy n.补救(方法);纠正(办法) tremble vi.颤抖,发抖,震颤,战栗

all but 几乎,差不多 in particular 特别;尤其in search of 搜索 long for 切盼,渴望 take in 看到,注意到 Favourable a .博得好感的refresh vt. 使恢复精神Remark v .谈起,说起resolve vt. 下决心Somewhat ad. 有几分,稍微

sufficient a. 足够的,充足的Undergo v .遭受,经历 worthy a.值得…的 Come across 遇到,发现 come up with 提出,想出 curse v. 诅咒 highlight vt. 使….显着;使注意力集中incredible adj. 不可相信的;难以置信的issue n. 问题;流出 perspective n. (观察问题的)视角


大学英语三级词汇表下载: A a,an art.一,任一,每一 abandon v.1.放弃,2.离弃,抛弃 ability n.1.能力 2.才能,能力 able a.1.有能力的,有才干的 2.显示出才华的be~ to V.能,会 aboard ad.在船(飞机,车)上 prep.在(船.飞机.车)上 about prep.1. 在…周围,2.关于,对于 ad.1.周围,附近,到处2.大约 be ~ to V.即将 above prep. 高于,在…之上 a.上面的,上述的 ad.以上,在上面 abroad ad.到国外,在国外 absence n.1.不在,缺席,2.缺乏,没有 absent a.(from)不在的,缺席的 absolute a.完全的,绝对的 absorb vt.吸收 be ~ed in专心于 abstract a. 抽象的 n.摘(提)要 vt. 提(抽)取 abuse n.& v.1.滥用, 2.辱骂 academic a.1.学院的, 2.学术的 accent n.1.口音,腔调 2.重音 accept vt.1.接受,领受 2.同意,承认 acceptable a.可接受的 access n.1.接近. 进入,接近(或进入)的方法 have/gain ~ to 可以获得accident n.事故,意外的事 by ~ 偶然 accompany vt.1.伴随,陪同 2.为……伴奏 accomplish vt.完成 according ~ to 按照,根据 account n.1.账,账户 2叙述,说明 vt.说明 ~ for说明(原因等) on ~ of 因为 take into ~ 考虑 accuracy n.准确(性),精确(性) accurate a.准确的,精确的 accuse vt.(of)控告,谴责 ache vi.痛 n.痛,疼痛 achieve vt.1.完成 2.达到,得到 achievement n.1.完成,达到, 2.成就,成绩 acid n.酸 a.酸的 acquire vt.1.取得,获得 2.学到 across prep.1.横过,穿过 2.在……对面与……交叉 ad. 1.横过,穿过2.宽,阔 act vi.1.行动,做事 2.(on)作用 n.行为,动作 action n.1.行动,行为,活动 2.(on) 作用于 active a.1.有活动力的,积极的,活跃的 2.在活动中的 activity n.1.活动 2.活性,活力 actor n.男演员
