


Unit 2Colours



1. I’m yellow.

2. I’m red.

3. I’m orange.

4. I am blue.

5. I am red and green.

6. I am yellow and green.


() 1.这是格林老师。

A. My name is Miss Green.

B. This is Miss Green. () 2.我看见蓝色了。

A. I see green.

B. I see blue.


A. Good morning

B. Good afternoon ()4.给我看看黄色。

A. Show me red

B. Show me yellow.


( )1. Nice to meet you.

A. 见到你我也很高兴。

B. 见到你我很高兴。( )2. A yellow pen.

A. 一支红色的钢笔。

B. 一支黄色的钢笔。( )3. Nice to meet you,too.

A. 见到你我也很高兴。

B. 见到你我很高兴。 ( )4. Good morning!

A. 早上好!

B. 中午好!

( )4.This is Wu Yifan .

A. 这是吴一凡。

B. 那是吴一凡。


1. r d

2. yel ow

3. lac

4. bl e

5. whit

6. oran e

7. gr n 8. brow 9. K


A B c D e F g H


英语七上第二单元测试题 一. 选择填空(1×20) ( )1. This is ___ “h” and that’s ____ “q”. A. a; a B. a; an C. an; a ( )2. —Is this your ruler? —No, ______. A. this isn’t B. it isn’t C. it’s not ( )3. —Hello! Are you Amy? — _____. A. Yes, I’m B. No, I’m C. No, I’m not ( )4. You can(能) call Gina _____ 234-5678. A. in B. at C. for ( )5. —Your backpack is very nice. — _____ . A. Thank you B. Yes, it is C. That’s right ( )6. You can look up(查询)the word(单词)in the ______. A. pencil case B. dictionary C. backpack ( )7. — ___ you spell pen? —P-E-N. A. How are B. What do C. How do ( )8. —Is that ____ ruler? —No, it’s not her ruler. It’s my ruler. A. her B. my C. your ( )9. —What’s that?— ____ English book. A. It’s a B. It’s an C. This’s an ( )10. —Is that your computer game ___ the lost and found case? —Yes, it is. A. at B. in C. on ( )11.What’s this _____English ? A. of B. for C. in ( )12._______ a ruler ? Yes, ____ . A. Is this , it is B. Is that , it’s C. this is , it’s ( )13. —Is that _______pencil ? —Yes, it’s my pencil. A. you B. your C. his ( )14. — ____ your father a teacher ? —Yes, he is . A. Are B. Is C. Does ( )15. ___color is your backpack ? It’s yellow. A. What B. What’s C. Where’s ( )16. ___Mary. ___ name is Bob. A.I’m,His B.I’m,M y C.His,My ( )17. —How_____ your father? A. am B. is C. are ( )18. This is______ ID card. A.an B.a C.the ( )19. —How do you do ? —________ .


2017小学三年级英语下册各单元测试卷及期末测试卷小学三年级英语下册第一单元测试卷 班级:姓名:得分: 听力部分 一、听录音,把所听到信息前面的字母填在括号内。(10分) ()1. A. new B. from C. friend D. boy ()2.A. the USA B. Canada C. China D.the UK ()3.A. hello B. no C. name D.today ()4.A. morning B. bag C. welcome D.cat ()5.A. girl B. have C. boy D.and 二、听录音,把你听到的字母圈出来。(10分) 1.b e 2.A C 3.D B 4.a d 5.E C 三、根据录音顺序排列下列句子。(10分) ()1.I have a new friend today. ()2.Good afternoon. ()3.I am from America. ()4.Let’s have some apples. ()5.Welcome back to school. 笔试部分 一、用正确的格式书写单词。(10分)

cat bag hand dad she 二、把下列不同类的单词的序号填写在题前括号内。(10分) ()1.A.book B.pencil C.pen ()2.A.brown B.red C.colour ()3.A.duck B.panda C.crayon ()4.A.Coke B.bread C.hamburger ()5.A.China B.Canada C.dog 三、单项选择,把序号填在题前括号内。(20分) ()1.Have _____ apple,please. A. a B. an ()2.I am _____ America. A. from B. to ()3.Guess! Boy _____ girl? A. and B. or ()4.We _____ a new friend today. A. have B. has ()5. Good morning, _____ and girls. A. boys B. boy ()6._____ back to school. A. welcome B. Welcome ()7.I’m Amy. I’m a _____. A. girl B. boy


博乐C 班结业考试英语试卷 总分:100分 考试时间:60分钟 姓名:___________ 一、看图,选出正确的单词。(10分) ① eye ② peach ③ nose ④ bus ⑤ watermelon ⑥ bike ⑦ banana ⑧ hand ⑨ ear ⑩ plane ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 一、 将下列英语和相对应的汉语表达连线。(20分)

二、写出下列单词的汉语意思。(45分) 1、friend( ) 2、taxi( ) 3、brother( ) 4、grape( ) 5、nod ( ) 6、Chinese( ) 7、fruit( ) 8、ship( ) 9、open( ) 10、leg( ) 11、wave( ) 12、purple( ) 13、body( ) 14、black( ) 15、happy( ) 四、选出不同类的单词。(10分) 1、A、cat B、big C、dog () 2、A、arm B、leg C、taxi () 3、A、red B、blue C、duck () 4、A、open B、close C、neck () 5、A、apple B、pen C、pencil () 6、A、bus B、pear C、orange () 7、A、grey B、wave C、green () 8、A、father B、sister C、face () 9、A、nine B、eleven C、elephant () 10、A、China B、American C、Japanese () 五、情景选择。(15分) ()1、当你想知道对方的名字时,你应该说: A、Good morning! B、My name is Wang Yang. C、What’s your name? D、Nice to meet you! ()2、下午3:00左右,你见到同学Lily,向她问好,应该说: A、What’s your name、 B、I’m Mike. C、Good morning, Lily. D、Good afternoon, Lily. ()3、向别人介绍你的哥哥时,你该怎么说? A、How are you? B、I’m fine. C、This is my brother, D、Here you are. ()4、问别人喜欢什么颜色,应该怎么说? A、I like pink. B、What color do you like? C、It’s nice. D、This is pink. ()5、放学时,要跟老师告别了,你应该说: A、Good morning. B、Good afternoon. C、Goodbye! D、Hello!


最新人教版八年级英语第二单元测试题 I.根据句意及其首字母提示补全单词.(10分) 1.He never goes to a d for teeth cleaning. 2.Don’t eat too much j food ,it’s bad for your health. 3.—What’s your favorite p? —Animal World. 4.He watches TV t a week,on Saturday and Sunday. 5.After the accident,she could h________speak. 6.We should sleep at l eight hours. 7.My grandfather e every day to keep healthy. 8. Don’t give up,a some of the questions are not easy to answer. 9.We think the best way to relax is t exercise. 10.She n goes to learn swing dance because he dislikes it. II.用所给单词的适当形式填空.(10分) 1. Mike goes to see his grandparents _________(one) a week. 2. He spends more than an hour __________(exercise) every day. 3. He didn’t go to school. He could ________(hard) read or write. 4. It’s a good habit to brush your (tooth) every day. 5.To keep healthy,I decide _______ (exercise) half an hour every day. 6.Look! Your pet dog is (die). 7.Exercise is (health) for the mind and the body. 8. Your sweater is beautiful. I want _________(buy) one,too. 9. How about (go) shopping on Sundays? 10. He usually study English by (read) it in the morning. 11.We do morning _____(exercise)every day. 12.He plays soccer at_____(little)three times a week. III.根据汉语提示,完成句子.(10分) 1.They always go to bed early,they never (熬夜). 2.I go shopping (一周三次). 3.Vegetables are (对……有好处)our health. 4.Most students use internet (为了好玩)and not for homework. 5.He plays soccer (至少) four time a month. 6.We found only (百分之十五) of the students exercise ever y day. 7. --_________ _______(多久一次)does your brother exercise? --Every day. 8.She is (一个五岁的) girl. 9.Her parents are not very because she (几乎从不)helps with housework. 10.We think (放松的最好办法)is through exercise. IV.句型转换(10分) 1..I always eat junk food,(改为否定句) I __________ eat junk food. 2.I seldom(几乎不)eat junk food.(改为同义句) I______ _________ eat iunk food. 3.Mary is 16 years old.(改为同义句) Mary is girl. 4. We all went to see the movie. us went to see the movie. 5. I sl eep nine hours every night. (对画线部分提问) ________ _______ do you sleep? (同义句) you 7.She usually watches TV for over two hours a day.(同义句)


七年级下册英语Unit2What time do you go to school单元测试题单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) Ⅰ. ()1.—do you go to school? —Iusually go to school at seven o'clock. A.How B.What C.Where D.What time ()2.I have interesting job.I like job. A.a;a B.an;a C.a;the D.an;the ()3.Jack's father works at night and he works ten o'clock twelve o'clock. A.with;on B.at;at C.at;to D.from;to ()4.I ride a bike(骑自行车)to school.But this morning,I walked to school. https://www.360docs.net/doc/c813220955.html,ually B.hardly C.seldom D.never ()5.We usually get quickly in the morning. A.dress B.dressing C.dresses D.dressed @简单初中生 ()6.—What's the English for“9:50”? —It's. A.nine fifty B.fifty nine C.ten to nine D.ten past nine 第1页共6页

()7.—Do you go to bed at nine,Linda? —.I have lots of things to do at night. A.Yes,I do B.Yes,she does C.No,I don't D.No,she doesn't ()8.I needto learn English becauseit can help me get a good. A.work B.news C.job D.jobs ()9.Doing exercise is good us. A.at B.on C.in D.for ()10.My grandfather eats well and every day,so he is very healthy. A.writes B.draws C.exercises D.sings ()11.The beef tastes and I like it. A.well B.good C.health D.quickly ()12.When your sister her homework? A.does;do B.does;does C.do;does D.do;do ()13.Here are your brother's clothes.Go and help him quickly. A.clean the room B.get dressed C.do the dishes D.do his homework ()14.It's good for us to a walk after dinner.@简单初中生 A.take B.make C.play D.think ()15.Miss White likes shopping and she buys clothes and bags. A.lot of B.lots of C.much D.very much Ⅱ.完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) Hello!I'm Tom.I'm a16in a middle school.Let me tell you about my17.I get up at half 18six and have breakfast at fifteen to seven.I go to school at seven.In the morning,we have four lessons.Lessons19at five past eight.We20an English lesson at five to nine,and 第2页共6页


三年级上册英语单元测 试题 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

三年级上册英语1---4单元测试题 听力部分 一、Listen and choose.听录音,选出你所听到的单词(10分) ( ) 1. A. red B. green ( ) 2. A. book B. look ( ) 3. A. bag B. leg ( ) 4. A. black B. brown ( ) 5. A. nose B. mouth 二、Listen and circle.将下面每组中符合录音内容的图片下面的字母 圈住。(10分) 1 2 3. A B A B A B 4 5 A B A B 三、Listen and write the right number.(听录音,给下列图片标上正确的序号。)(10分) 四、Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的句子的最佳答句。)(10分) ( ) 1. A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Hello. ( ) 2. A. How are you B. I’m Sarah. C. Fine, thanks. ( ) 3. ’s a cat. B. Nice to meet you, too. C. Hi! ( ) 4. A. Thank you. B. Bye! C. How are you? ( ) 5. A. Good morning. B. Goodbye. C. Very well,thanks. 笔试部分


姓名:得分: 英语测试卷 一、读出下列词语的英语。(每人任选一组)( 24 分) 1.铅笔书包头胳膊黑色的猴子鸟牛奶 2.尺子书眼睛白色的猫松鼠果汁飞机 3.橡皮手指身体橙色的狗大象面包小汽车 二、认一认,连一连。根据图片认一认单词,将左边的单词与右边的图连起来。(20 分) 1.pencil-case pen crayon eraser sharpener 2.head ear nose arm hand 三、按书写格式,把下列大写字母的小写形式,小写字母的大写形式写在下面的四线格内。( 21 分) G H E I Y P FAMILY ELBOW TWO GIRL r d q j m x sing body juice door 第1页共3页

四、找答语。(15 分) ( )1.How are you? ( )2.How many pencils? ( )3.What ’yours name? ( )4.How old are you? ( )5. Nice to meet you A. Nice to meet you , too B. I ’ m nine. C. Two., D.My name is Chen Jie. E.I ’ m fine.Thanks. 五、 选一选。给图片选出正确的单词,将单词前的序号写在图片下的括号内。 ( 20 分) A 、 juice B 、 milk C 、coffee 1、 2、 ( ) A 、 bread B 、 hot dog 3、 C 、hamburger ( ) A 、head B 、ear C 、eye 5、 ( ) A 、eight B 、seven C 、six A 、 pen B 、 pencil C 、 pencil-case ( ) A 、 dog B 、 pig C 、 cat 4、 ( ) A 、 hand B 、 head C 、 finger 6、 ( ) A 、 bird B 、 rabbit C 、 squirrel 7、 8、 ( ) ( ) A 、doll 10、 4 B 、boat A 、 four C 、ball B 、 five 9、 C 、 face ( ) ( )


六年级下英语第二单元测试卷 学校____________ 班级__________ 姓名____________ 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音.选出你所听到的单词.(10分) ()1. A. rabbit B. habit C. happy ( ) 2. A. think B. toy C. tidy ( ) 3. A. make B. messy C. mean ( ) 4. A. finish B. fish C. foolish ( ) 5. A. slow B. know C. show ( ) 6. A. never B. every C. clever ( )7. A. sleep B. sleepy C. sleeping ( ) 8. A. well B. windy C. with ( ) 9. A. bedroom B. bathroom C. living room ( )10. A. other B. order C. old 二、听录音.根据你所听到的内容选择相应的答句.(10分) ()1. A . It’s six. B. It’s at eight. C. At seven. ( ) 2. A. She does it very well. B. Yes, she does. C. No, she didn’t. ( ) 3. A. No, I don’t. B. I go to bed early. C. I get up at six. ( )4. A. You did it very well. B. Good idea! C. Well done. ( )5. A. Let’s play table tennis. B. It’s in that hole. C. No, I don’t have. 三、听录音.完成短文.(10分) Tim has many good ___________. He always puts his things __________ __________. He usually____________ his homework ___________dinner. But ___________ he ____________ TV in the evening. He goes to bed ___________, so he __________ ___________ late in the morning. 笔试部分(70分) 一、单项选择(10分) ()1.Su Hai’s father’s brother is Su Hai’s _______________.A. grandfather B. uncle C. cousin ( ) 2. The boy runs ____________.A. slowly B. bad C. good ( ) 3.Going to bed late is a ____________.A. bad habit B. good habit C.good hobby ( )4. Mr Green sings very ________________.A.good B..well C.much ()5. _____________ wash their face in the morning.A. Child B. Childs C. Children ( )6. ____________ is it ? ——It’s my brother’s. A. Whose bedroom B. Who’s bedroom C. Whoes bedroom ( )7. You should put your clothes ________________. A. clean B. tidy C. in order ( )8. They feel ___________today.A. happy B. happily C. badly ( ) 9. I can see a lot of _____________ in the street. A. tree B. car C. people ( ) 10. Don’t run ____________ the grass.A. go B. through C. cross ers’ office.’’ “Why did you go to the teachers’ office?” “Because my teacher asked us a question in class, and nobody(没有人)could answer it, but me.” “It’s good to answer the teacher’s questions.” “But the question was ‘Who put the ink(墨水)on my chair?’” ( ) 1. Tom lives near his school. Today Tom went to school late.( ) 4. Tom put some ink on the teacher’s chair. ( ) 5. The boy is very naughty(调皮). B. 阅读短文.选择正确的答案.(5分) Long long ago, there was a cat and a mouse. They were good friends. They lived together.


新课标七年级英语上册第二单元测试题 姓名分数总分(120分) 笔试部分(共八大题,90分) 一、根据句意和首字母提示填空。(10分) 1.What’s this in E ? 2.How do you s pencil? 3.Call Jane a 635-2469. 4.Is this y eraser? 5.My b is big. I can put many things in it. 6.Is that your c game in the case? 7.I want to buy two pencil s . 8.A set of k is on your desk. 9.Is your watch in the l and found case? 10.He can’t find the word in the d . 二、根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1._________(I) name is Lisa Barnes. 2.Jenny is a girl. _____________(she) family name is Green. 3.What’s ____________(you) name, please? 4.He is a boy and she is a __________(boy的对应词). 5.Nice __________(meet) you ,too. 6.I have ___________(yes的反义词) notebook. 7.That is _____________(Jim) watch. 8.My friends __________(be) Gina and Sonia. 9.I ___________(be) an English schoolgirl. 10.______________(he) pencil is in the pencil case. 三、单项选择。(10分) ()1.-How do you spell ring? -___________. A.It’s a ring B.r-i-N-g C.R-I-N-G D.a ring ()2.Is that __________ pencil case? A.he B.him C.his D.he’s

三年级英语试卷Unit 1 单元测试卷

Unit 1 Hello! 满分:100分时间:60分钟得分: 听力部分 一、听录音,排序。 (10分) ()()()()() 二、听录音,判断正()误(?)。 (10分) ()1.Hello, I’m Mike.()2.My name’s Chen Jie. ()3.Goodbye!()4.Open your book. ()5.I have a pencil. 三、听录音,选出图片。 (10分) ()1.A. B. ()2.A. B. ()3.A. B. ()4.A. B. ()5.A. B. 四、听录音,选句子。(10分)

()1.A.Open your pencil box. B.Open your book. ()2.A.Let’s play! B.Let’s go! ()3.A.I have an eraser. B.I have a crayon. ()4.A.My name’s Zip. B.My name’s Zoom. ()5.A.What’s your name? B.Who’s there? 笔试部分 五、抄写下列字母的大小写形式。(6分) 六、看一看,选一选。 (16分) A B C D E F G H 1.pen 2.pencil 3.ruler 4.crayon 5.eraser 6.book 7.pencil box 8.bag 七、根据图片,选单词或词组。(10分) ()1. I have a . A.book B.bag C.ruler ()2. I have a/an . A.eraser B.ruler C.pencil box ()3. I have a . A.crayon B.pen C.pencil ()4.I have a/an . A.eraser B.ruler C.book ()5.I have a . A.bag B.crayon C.pen


人教版小学三年级英语 测试题 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

姓名:得分: 英语测试卷 一、读出下列词语的英语。(每人任选一组)(24分) 1.铅笔书包头胳膊黑色的猴子鸟牛奶 2.尺子书眼睛白色的猫松鼠果汁飞机 3.橡皮手指身体橙色的狗大象面包 小汽车 二、认一认,连一连。根据图片认一认单词,将左边的单词与右边的图连起来。(20分) 1. pencil-case pen crayon eraser sharpener 2. head ear nose arm hand 三、按书写格式,把下列大写字母的小写形式,小写字母的大写形式写在下面的四线格内。(21分) G H E I Y P FAMILY ELBOW TWO GIRL r d q j m x sing body juice door 四、找答语。(15分) ( ) are you A. Nice to meet you,too

( ) many pencils B . I’m nine. ( )’s your name C. Two., ( ) old are you name is Chen Jie. ( )5. Nice to meet you ’m . 五、 选一选。给图片选出正确的单词,将单词前的序号写在图片下的括号内。(20 分) 1、 2、 ( ) ( ) 3、 4、 ( )( ) 5、 、 7、 8、 9、 10、4 ( ) ( ) A 、 juice B 、 milk C 、coffee A 、pen B 、pencil C 、pencil- case A 、 bread B 、 hot dog C 、hamburger A 、dog B 、pig C 、cat A 、head B 、ear C 、eye A 、eight B 、seven C 、six A 、hand B 、head C 、finger A 、bird B 、rabbit C 、 squirrel A 、doll B 、boat C 、ball A 、four B 、five C 、face


牛津译林版(9A)英语第二单元测试卷 班级姓名 一、填空题(每小题1分,共15分) ( )1. 一Is the tie made silk? 一Yes,and it is made hand. A. from; in B. of ; by C. of; with D. from; by ( )2. Rather than to school by bus,I preferred a bike there. A. to go; to ride B. go; riding C. going; to ride D. go; to ride ( )3. 一She sold her treasures to cure her mother's illness, even though it was her own wishes. 一It's so kind her. A. against; of B. above; of C. on; for D. for; for ( )4. of the students has solved the problem,so hardly has come out of the classroom. A. None; anybody B. None; nobody C. No one; anybody D. No one; nobody ( )5. 一Betty, do you know if Tony the photo competition next month? 一He will,if he his project in Australia. A. enters; finishes B. enters; will finish C. will enter; will finish D. will enter; finishes ( )6. What colors can give you a happy and satisfied feeling? A. Blue and yellow. B. Orange and white. C. Orange and yellow. D. Red and yellow. ( )7. green or in a light green room good for us. A. Wear;sleep;is B. Wear;sleep;are C. Wearing;sleeping;is D. Wearing;sleeping;are ( )8. “Someone says he is feeling blue” that means . A. he is feeling sad B. he is feeling calm C. he is feeling stressed D. he is feeling peaceful ( )9. People pale skin and blonde hair look good yellow and pink. A. have;in B. with;in C. have;on D. with;on ( )10. I feel very when I listen to music. A. relaxing;relaxing B. relaxing;relaxed C. relaxed;relaxing D. relaxed;relaxed ( ) 11. I think not difficult English every morning. A. that; keep reading B. it’s; keep reading C. that; to keep read D. it; to keep reading ( ) 12. The students were all tired, but of them stopped a rest. A. no one; to have B. all; having C. none; to have D. nobody; having ( ) 13. Daniel was a bad mood and didn’t talk to . A. on; something B. with; anybody C. in; anybody D. in; somebody ( ) 14. There’s with your son’s ears. So don’t worry about him.


牛津英语七年级上第二单元测试卷 一、选择填空 Do you know _________ girl ________ two big eyes ---- Yes. She is my cousin. A. the , have B. a , have C. a , with D. the , with 2. ________they __________ playing basketball A. Are , like B. Do , like C. Does , like D. Is , like 3. Amy __________ from school every day. A. go home on foot B. go to home on foot C. walks home D. walks to home — 4. These students are __________ football players. They play football __________. A. good , good B. good , well C. well , good D. well , well 5. Would you like __________ shopping _______ me A. going , and B. to go , and C. going , with D. to go , with 6. Simon with his friends _________ football on Tuesday afternoon. A. play B. plays C. play the D. plays the 7. ---- May I drink ________ water ---- Sorry , I don’t have _________. A. any , some B. some , any C. some , some D. any , any 8. ----Excuse me . Where _______ Andy ________ from ----Nanjing. A. does ,is B. does , is come C. does , come D. do , come : 9. ----Let’s go swimming tomorrow. ---- _____________ . A. Great. B. That’s right. C. Yes , we do. D. No , I don’t. 10. ---- Does your father often ________ books at home ----- Sometimes. He usually __________ TV. A. look , watches B. read , sees C. reads , looks D. read , watches 二、单词拼写:根据汉语意思或首字母提示写单词,每空一词。 Suhong is a good ____________( 排球) star. 2. There are many ____________( 俱乐部) in our school. 3. Selina is a _____________ ( 成员) of SHE. 4. My son likes __________ ( 画画) very much. ~ 5. To play football in Huanghe Football Team is my ___________ ( 梦想). 6. Jeremy Shu-How is a good basketball p____________. 7. Yao Ming plays basketball very well . He is my h_________. 8. -----Can you help me with my study ----Of c_________, I can. 9. He works hard to make his plan (计划)come t___________. am r_________ busy this week. I have no time to walk after supper. 三、动词填空。(5分) 1. Can the little boy ___________ (read ) English books 2. One of my friends ____________ (study )English very well. 3. After supper he wants ________ (see )a film.. [
