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(南京师范大学外国语学院和文学院,江苏南京 210097)

摘 要:隐喻的双重性是概念隐喻理论的研究重点之一,但一直未引起足够的重视。本文拟从认知科学、语义学和文化等视角对时间隐喻的双重性进行重新分析并揭示时间隐喻的复杂性。研究表明,Talmy 的主动-决定原则对时间隐喻的双重性的解释更有说服力。同时,时间隐喻的研究必须考虑诸如时间概念的多义性、文化差异以及映射过程中的诗性隐喻等因素。


Abstract :The duality of metaphor is a neglected focus in Conceptual Metaphor Theory.This paper is an attempt to make a reanalysis of duality in time metaphor from the perspectives of cognitive science ,semantics and culture for the purpose of exploring the complexity of time metaphor.It is re 2vealed that duality of time metaphor can be more convincingly interpreted within the framework of Talmy ’s Active -determinative Principle.The results of this case study suggest conceptual metaphor theorists need to take account of polysemous senses of the concept of time ,cultural-specific factors and po 2etic metaphors in the process of mapping.

K ey Words :time metaphor ;duality ;Conceptual Metaphor Theory

中图分类号:H0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-6038(2006)02-0058-03


时间是哲学、人生和诗歌中探讨的永恒主题之一,也是认知语言学研究的重要概念之一。认知科学家一般认为:时间是通过空间来概念化的,人们通常用空间方面的词汇来理解或谈论时间。而实际上时间这一概念比我们通常想象的更为复杂,时间隐喻中存在双重性现象。但隐喻的双重性一直并未引起足够的重视,除了Lakoff (1993:218,225;1999:148)对此有过较少的描述以外,很少有相关方面的深入研究。有鉴于此,本文拟从认知科学、语义学和文化等方面探讨时间隐喻的双重性,并揭示其复杂性。


Lakoff (1993:217)认为时间是以事物(例如,实体和位置)以及其移动来理解的,主要涉及以下映射:时间是事物;时间的流逝是移动;将来的时间在观察者之前,过去的时间在观察者之后;某一物体在移动,另一物体处于静止状态,静止的物体为指示中心。这一概念隐喻有两种特殊情形:

A )Moving Time (Time Passing is Motion of an Object ),如:(1)a.The time for action has arrived.b.Election day is two months away.c.The deadline is approaching.d.The spring has just zoomed by.

B )Moving Ego (Time Passing is Motion Over a Landscape ),如:(2)a.He ’ll have his degree within two years.b.There ’s going to be trouble down the road.

c.His stay in South K orea extended over many years.

d.He left his difficult childhood behind.

从表面上看,这两种特殊形式似乎差别很大,二者缺乏一致性。从认知的视角来分析,在(A )中时间是穿越静止观察者的物体;(B )中时间是观察者在地形中移动的位置。这在语言表达上也反映出以下矛盾:

(3)a.The end of the spring is approaching.b.We ’re approaching the end of spring.(4)a.The time has passed.b.He passed the time.

Lakoff (1993:218)指出,这两种变体有时是不一致的。Lakoff (1993:218)把这种Time Passing is Motion 的两种特殊形式称为双重性(duality ),位置-物体的匹配(location 2object pairs )称为对子。Lakoff (1999:149)对此作出了简要的解释:二者为差异很小的变体,呈图形-背景相互倒置关系(figure 2ground reversal )。在Moving Time 中,观察者为背景,时间为移动的图形;在Moving Observer (即Moving Ego )中时间为背景,观察者为图形,时间为固定的位置,而观察者沿着位置移动。同样,事件-结构隐喻中也存在双重性现象。3.从认知科学的角度看时间的隐喻双重性

Lakoff (1993)把上述现象归结为双重性,但问题是:Moving Ob 2server 只是Moving Time 的图形-背景倒置形式吗?究竟在何种情况下双重隐喻现象可以存在,并可以接受?Lakoff 对此并没有作深入的解释。他认为Moving Time 模式和Moving Observer 模式均可视为Moving Event 模式的子集。如:

(5)I have a headache coming on.(6)Disaster is approaching.

(7)She has a heart 2attack heading her way.



Foreign Languages and Their Teaching 2006,№2

Serial №203
