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ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
基金项目:黑龙江省教育科学“十三五”规划 2017 年度重点课题 (GZB1317032) 作者简介:葛艳琳(1985—),女(赫哲),助教,本科,研究方向:农产品 加工与贮藏。
山葡萄为葡萄科葡萄属植物,主要种植在我国的 东北地区,其种植资源丰富、抗寒性强、葡萄皮花青素 含量高等特点[1]。当前市面上以葡萄为原料的产品主 要有葡萄酒、葡萄果汁,因其具有独到的风味和滋补
摘 要:为了提高山葡萄皮的利用率,采用超声波辅助提取山葡萄皮花青素。在单因素试验的基础上,采用 BoxBehnken 设计方法和响应面法优化山葡萄皮花青素提取条件。结果表明:超声波辅助提取山葡萄皮花青素最优的工 艺条件为:超声波功率 580 W、超声温度 48 益、乙醇浓度 58 %、料液比 1 颐 29(g/mL)。在此条件下,理论花青素得率为 86.33 %,试验条件下花青素得率的平均值为 83.17 %,理论值和试验值相对误差 3.66 %。在最优工艺下测定花青素抗 氧化活性,研究发现随花青素浓度的增加,对 DPPH·和·OH 的清除率显著增加且高于抗坏血酸(VC)。研究结果对超 声波提取花青素技术的研究具有较好的借鉴意义。 关键词:山葡萄;超声波;提取;花青素;优化;抗氧化
圆园18 年 5 月
48 第 39 卷第 10 期
云ood Research And Development
山葡萄皮花青素超声波辅助提取 及抗氧化活性研究
葛艳琳 (黑龙江民族职业学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150066)
养身等功效备受人们的喜爱。葡萄皮作为生产葡萄酒 1.3 方法
和葡萄果汁的副产物(占整个葡萄的 10 %)被大量遗 1.3.1 山葡萄皮的预处理
引文格式: 葛艳琳. 山葡萄皮花青素超声波辅助提取及抗氧化活性研究[J].食品研究与开发,2018,39(10):48-55 GE Yanlin. Ultrasonic Assisted Extraction Technology and Its Antioxidant Activity of Vitis amurensis Rupr Skin Anthocyanin [J]. Food Research and Development,2018,39(10):48-55
Ultrasonic Assisted Extraction Technology and Its Antioxidant Activity of Vitis amurensis Rupr Skin Anthocyanin GE Yan-lin
(Heilongjiang Vocational College for Nationalities,Harbin 150066,Heilongjiang,China) 粤遭泽贼则葬糟贼:In order to improve the utilization rate of V itis amurensis Rupr skin,ultrasonic assisted extraction was employed to extract anthocyanins fromV itis amurensis Rupr skin. On the basis of single factor experiment, the optimal extraction conditions were investigated by using the Box -Behnken design method and response surface method. The results showed that the optimal extraction processing parameters were:ultrasonic power 580 W,ultrasonic temperature 48 益,ethanol concentration 58 %,solid-liquid ratio 1 颐 29 (g/mL). Under the optimal condition,the extraction rate of theoretical anthocyanin was 86.33 %,and the average extraction rate of anthocyanin was 83.17 % under the experimental conditions,and the relative error between theoretical value and experimental value were 3.66 % . The antioxidant activity of anthocyanins was determined under the optimum conditions. It was found that the scavenging rate of DPPH·and·OH were significantly higher than that of ascorbic acid (VC)with the increase of anthocyanin concentration. The results of this study have great significance on research of ultrasonic extraction anthocyanins technology. 运藻赠 憎燥则凿泽:V itis amurensis Rupr;ultrasonic;extraction;anthocyanins;optimization ;antioxidant