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into a new horizon.
没人知道他能否通过考试。 Nobody knew whether he could pass the exam. 我发现这场音乐会的门票都卖光了。 I have found out that all the tickets for the concert have been sold out. 专家认为每天喝开水是很有必要的。 Experts believe it necessary that we take plenty of hot water every day.

什么使你这么激动? What made you so excited?
兼语式的第一个动词如果是 “领导、率领、组织”等词语,第二 个动词只能翻译成介词短语,才符合英语习惯。
The party is capable of leading the peasants along the socialist road.
老师常常惩罚学生迟到。 Teachers often punish the students for being late.
他迫使对方处于劣势 He drove his opponent into a defensive position . 书是我的良友,它给我一把金钥匙,诱导我打开浅短的视 界、愚昧的头脑、闭塞的心灵。 Books are the best friends of mine. They provide me with a golden key to the door out of ignorance and
检票员领他到座位上。 The usher took him to his seat. 他们组织工人参加了工会。 They have organized the workers into trade unions.
基督教徒认为耶稣是救世主。 Christians regard Jesus as the redeemer.
他们认为她是全国人大代表的合适人选 They regard her as the right candidate for a deputy to the National Congress. 国际奥委会选定这个城市为下界奥运会的会址。 The International Olympic Committee has selected this city as the site for the coming Olympic Games.
她总是把课桌保持的很整洁。 She always keep her desk clean and tidy. 前女友跟他说,“我希望你幸福”。 His ex-girlfriend said to him, ’I wish you happy’ . 你应该让他出去的。 You should let him out! 你妈喊你马上回家吃饭了。 Your mother wants you back home having lunch at once.