



######Manufacturing Engineering Processes1.Classification of Manufacturing ProcessesThe following table shows the classification of manufacturing engineering processes used in shaping materials. Note that only typical examples are mentioned in the table.2.Examples of Manufacturing ProcessesForging .Forging can be characterized as: mass conserving, solid state of work material (metal), mechanical primary basic process-plastic deformation. A wide variety of forging processes is used .The most common type of forging is drop forging .The metal is heated to a suitable working temperature and placed in the lower die cavity .The upper die is then lower so that the metal is forced to fill the cavity. Excess material is squeezed out between the die faces at the periphery as flash, which is removed in a later trimming process. When the term gorging is used, it usually means hot gorging. The material loss in forging processes is usually quite small. Normally, forged components require some subsequent machining, since thetolerances and surfaces obtainable are not usually satisfactory a finished product. Forging machines include drop hammers and forging presses with mechanical or hydraulic drives. Es involve simple .The machines involve simple translatory motions.Rolling Rolling can be characterized as: mass conserving, solid state of material, mechanical primary basic process-plastic deformation. Rolling is extensively used in the manufacturing of plates, sheets, structural beams, and so on. An ingot is produced in casting, and then, in several stages of rolling it is reduced in thickness, usually while hot. Since the width of the work material is kept constant, its length is increased according to the reduction. After the last hot-rolling stage, a final stage is carried out cold to improve surface quality and tolerances and to increase strength. In rolling, the profiles of the rolls designed to produce the desired geometry.Powder Compaction Powder compaction can be characterized as; mass conserving, granular state of material, mechanical primary basic process-flow and plastic deformation. In this context, only compaction of metal powder is mentioned, but generally compaction of molding sand, ceramic materials, and so on, also belong in this category.In the compaction of metal powders, the die cavity is filled with a measured volume of powder and compacted at pressures typically around 500N/mm2. During this pressing phase, the particles are packed together and plastically deformed. Typical densities after compaction are 80% of the density of the solid material. Because of the plastic deformation, the particles are”welded” together, giving sufficient strength to withstand handling. After compaction, the components are heat-treated—sintered—normally at 70%~80% of the melting temperature of the material. The atmosphere for sintering must be controlled to prevent oxidation. The duration of the sintering process varies between 30 min and 2h. The strength of the components after sintering can, depend on the material and the process parameters closely approach the strength of corresponding solid material.The die cavity, in the closed position, corresponds to the desired geometry. Compaction machinery includes both mechanical and hydraulic presses. The production rates vary between 6 and 100 components per minute.加工工艺过程1.加工工艺过程的分类2.锻造工艺过程分类锻造锻造过程的特性可表述如下,质量守恒,工作材料为固态,力学基本过程为塑性变形过程。



Unit 20 反应器的类型几乎每种储存设备都可以当做化学反应容器,有混合接管、离心泵。





























Unit 13 Principles of Heat TransferPractically all the operations that are carried out by the chemical engineer involve the production or absorption of energy in the form of heat. The laws governing the transfer of heat and the types of apparatus that have for their main object the control of heat flow are therefore of great importance.实际上,所有的由化学工程师进行的操作都要涉及热量的产生和吸收。


1. Nature of Heat FlowWhen two objects at different temperatures are brought into thermal contact, heat flows from the object at the higher temperature to that at the lower temperature. The net flow is always in the direction of the temperature decrease. The mechanisms by which the heat may flow are three, conduction, convection, and radiation.当两种不同温度的物体开始接触后,热流就会从高温物体传给低温物体。





术语:gradient; motion;solid;electron;random motion;
• 对流
• 当宏观的流体颗粒流动穿过某特定的表面,比如某一控制 体积的边界,它会带来定量的热焓。像这种热焓的流动被 称为热对流或者简单对流。由于对流是一种宏观现象,因 此只有当力作用在微团或者液流上且该力能够克服摩擦力 并维持其运动时,这种传递现象才能发生。对流域流体力 学联系紧密。实际上,从热动力学上看,对流不被看成是 热量流动,而是被看成热焓的通量。实际上,很难将对流 和纯传导截然分开,因此,将二者概括起来称为对流时, 热对流的识别就很方便了。对流的例子,比方靠湍流漩涡 引起的热焓的传递或者由温暖的空气流过并离开普通换热 器引起的热焓的传递。 术语:enthalpy;the force of friction;turbulent flow; 短语:not…but;
•自然对流和强制对流 •用于产生流体中对流流动的力有两种。如果流动是由密度差引 起的浮力导致的,而且这种密度差是由流体微团的温度梯度引 起的,那么这种流动称为自然对流。空气通过散热器的流动就 是自然对流的一个例子。如果热流是由机械区分的作用(比如 泵或者搅拌器)引起的,流动是与密度梯度相独立的,那么称 这种对流为强制对流。热量流动到通过一个加热了的管子泵送 而来的流体上就是强制对流的一个例子。在同一流体中,两种 类型的力可能同时都很活跃,因此自然对流和强制对流是同时 发生的。 术语:natrual convection; forced convection;buoyancy force; density; pump; agitator;
Unit 13 Principles of Heat Transfer
Unit 13 热量传递原理




1. control [kənˈtrəʊl] (n. / vt.) - 控制;管理;抑制。

- 例句:The control system is very important in this project.(控制系统在这个项目中非常重要。

)2. system [ˈsɪstəm] (n.) - 系统;体系;制度。

- 例句:This is a complex system.(这是一个复杂的系统。

)3. engineering [ˌendʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ] (n.) - 工程;工程学。

- 例句:He is majoring in control engineering.(他主修控制工程。

)4. process [ˈprəʊses] (n. / vt.) - 过程;工序;处理。

- 例句:The manufacturing process needs to be optimized.(制造过程需要被优化。

)5. input [ˈɪnpʊt] (n. / vt.) - 输入;投入。

- 例句:The input of the system should be carefully monitored.(系统的输入应该被仔细监测。

)6. output [ˈaʊtpʊt] (n. / vt.) - 输出;产量。

- 例句:The output of this device is stable.(这个设备的输出是稳定的。

)7. feedback [ˈfiːdbæk] (n.) - 反馈;成果。

- 例句:The feedback from the sensor is used to adjust the system.(来自传感器的反馈被用于调整系统。

)8. parameter [pəˈræmɪtə(r)] (n.) - 参数;系数。

- 例句:We need to adjust the parameters of the model.(我们需要调整模型的参数。



《过程装备与控制工程专业英语》考试范围——made by REN09过控Unit 1 General Equilibrium Conditions of A System词汇:1、internal force 内力2、external force 外力3、equilibrium 平衡4、sufficient condition 充分条件5、necessary condition 必要条件虽然我们不能对其进行详细的讨论,以上结论适用于一个由任意外力作用的任何数量的质点所组成的系统,假设系统内力符合牛顿第三定律。







Unit 9 internal structure of steel词汇1、internal structure of steel 钢材的内部就够2、alloy 合金3、fracture 断裂,断口4、grind 研磨,抛光5、polish 研磨,抛光,精加工钢是我们最重要的工程和建筑材料;它大概占所有金属制品的80%。





Unit 13 principles of heat transfer词汇1、The mechanisms by which the heat may flow are three :conduction(热传导)、convection(热对流)、radiation(热辐射)2、natural convection 自然对流3、forced convection 强制对流4、electromagnetic wave 电磁波5、enthalpy 焓Unit 14单元操作有:fluid flow 流体流动,heat transfer 传热,evaporation 蒸发,drying 烘干,distillation 蒸馏,absorption 吸收,crystallization 结晶,mechanical physical separation 机械物理分离,membrane separation 膜分离,liquid-liquid separationUnit 15 chemical reaction engineering1、chemical reaction engineering 化学反应工程2、chemical kinetics 化学动力学3、fluid dynamics 流体力学4、materials mechanics 材料力学5、heat transfer 热转换6、thermal dynamics 热力学反应器的设计用到信息,知识,以及不同领域的经验——热力学、化学动力学、流体力学、传热、传质和经济学,化学反应工程是综合所有因素,其目的是正确设计一个化学反应器。



• 安全系数 根据复杂的失效理论和形式推导出许多准确
公式,在实际中,用于确定最小的所需厚度和应力水平的 又有一些实际的设计公式,为了在两者之间给出一个安全 余量,就需要针对各种材料性能采用一个安全系数来确定 许用应力的值。安全系数直接与失效理论和形式有关、与 每个规范的特定设计标准有关,也与确定的和估计的实际 应力的变化水平的范围有关。
术语:creep;rupture; tensile strength;
术语:specification;certification; 短语:kept on file
• 材料的技术要求
所有的标准和规范都有材料的说明 和要求来描述什么样的材料是可以用的。那些在特定的规 范中许用的材料或者被列出来,或者被限定在许用应力值 给定的情况。对于一种特定的过程容器来说,许用的材料 的限定是由标准或者规范决定的。例如,只有那些有SA、 SB标志的材料才可以被用于按《ASME锅炉与压力容器规 范》造的容器。
Unit 17 Design of Pressure Vessels
Unit 17 压力容器的设计
容器的选择 尽管许多因素对选压力容器起作用,但是影
响选择的两个基本的要求就是安全性和经济性。选择的过程中, 要考虑许多因素,比如材料的可获得性、抗腐蚀性、材料强度、 载荷的种类和大小、安装所处位置的风载荷和地震载荷、加工 的场合(制造厂或使用现场)、容器的安装位置以及安放地是 否有可用的工人。
术语:corrosion resistance;wind loading;earthquake loading; 短语:
• 随着在石油化工业和其它行业中应用的特种压力容器量增 多,合适材料的可获得性迅速成为一个主要问题。制造容器 的通用材料为碳钢。许多其它的特殊材料也用于防腐以及在 不使材料性能退化的情况下来容纳流体。普遍采用材料的替 代,广泛使用涂层和镀层。设计工程师一定要与工艺工程师 沟通以便所采用的材料能为整个容器服务。那些在现场装配 的容器是与那些在工厂中加工制造完的容器是不同的,不管 容器制造的环境有多恶劣,必须对采用的焊接工艺确立合理 的质量保证。在现场,欲先确立射线探伤,消除应力,以及 其它所需的操作。



Reading Material 16Pressure Vessel Codes①History of Pressure Vessel Codes in the United States Through the late 1800s and early 1900s, explosions in boilers and pressure vessels were frequent. A firetube boiler explosion on the Mississippi River steamboat Sultana on April 27, 1865, resulted in the boat's sinking within 20 minuted and the death of 1500 soldiers going home after the Civil War. This type of catastrophe continued unabated into the early 1900s. In 1905, a destructive explosion of a firetube boiler in a shoe factory in Brockton, Massachusetts, killed 58 people, injured 117 others, and did $400000 in property damage. In 1906, another explosion in a shoe factory in Lynn, Massachusetts, resulted in death, injury, and extensive property damage. After this accident, the Massachusetts governor directed the formation of a Board of Boiler Rules. The first set of rules for the design and construction of boilers was approved in Massachusetts on August 30, 1907. This code was three pages long.②In 1911, Colonel E. D. Meier, the president of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, established a committee to write a set of rules for the design and construction of boilers and pressure vessels. On February 13, 1915, the first ASMEBoiler Code was issued. It was entitled "Boiler Construction Code, 1914 Edition". This was the beginning of the various sections of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, which ultimately became Section 1, Power Boilers.③The first ASME Code for pressure vessels was issued as "Rules for the Construction of Unfired Pressure V essels", Section Ⅷ, 1925 edition. The rules applied to vessels over 6 in. indiameter, volume over 1.5 3ft, and pressure over 30 psi. In December 1931, a Joint API-ASMECommittee was formed to develop an unfired pressure vessel code for the petroleum industry. The first edition was issued in 1934. For the nest 17 years, two separated unfired pressure vessel codes existed. In 1951, the last API-ASME Code was issued as a separated document. In 1952, the two codes were consolidated into one code----the ASME Unfired Pressure Vessel Code, Section Ⅷ. This continued until the 1968 edition. At that time, the original code became Section Ⅷ, Division 1, Pressure Vessels, and another new part was issued, which was Section Ⅷ, Division 2, Alternative Rules for Pressure Vessels.④The ANSI/ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code is issued by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers with approval by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as an ANSI/ASME document. One or more sections of the ANSI/ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code have been established as the legal requirements in 47 states in the United Stated and in all provinces of Canada. Also, in many other countries of the world, the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code is used to construct boilers and pressure vessels.⑤Organization of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code is divided into many sections, divisions, parts, and subparts. Some of these sections relate to a specific kind of equipment and application; others relate to specific materials and methods for application and control of equipment; and others relate to care and inspection of installed equipment. The following Sections specifically relate to boiler and pressure vessel design and construction.Section ⅠPower Boilers (1 volume)Section ⅢDivision 1 Nuclear Power Plant Components (7 volumes)Division 2 Concrete Reactor Vessels and Containment (1 volume)Code Case Case 1 Components in Elevated Temperature service (in Nuclear Code N-47Case book)Section ⅣHeating Boilers (1 volume)Section ⅧDivision 1Pressure Vessels (1 volume)Division 2 Alternative Rules for Pressure Vessels (1 volume)Section ⅩFiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels (1 volume)⑥A new edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code is issued on July 1 every three years and new addenda are issued every six months on January 1 and July 1. The new edition of the code becomes mandatory when it appears. The addenda are permissive at the date of issuance and become mandatory six months after that date.⑦Worldwide Pressure Vessel Codes In addition to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, which is used worldwide, many other pressure vessel codes have been legally adopted in various countries. Difficulty often occurs when vessels are designed in one country, built in another country, and installed in still a different country. With this worldwide construction this is often the case.⑧The following list is a partial summary of some of the various codes used in different countries:Australia Australian Code for Boilers and Pressure Vessels, SAA Boiler Code (Series AS 1200):AS 1210, Unfired Pressure Vessels and Class 1 H, Pressure Vessels of Advanced Design and Construction, Standards Association of Australia.France Construction Code Calculation Rules for Unfired Pressure Vessels, Syndicat National de la Chaudronnerie et de la Tuyauterie Industrielle (SNCT), Paris, France.United Kingdom British Code BS. 5500, British Standards Institution, London, England.Japan Japanese Pressure V essel Code, Ministry of Labour, published by Japan Boiler Association, Tokyo, Japan; Japanese Standard, Construction of Pressure Vessels, JIS B 8243, published by the Japan Standards Association, Tokyo, Japan; Japanese High Pressure Gas Control Law, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, published by The Institution for Safety of High Pressure Gas Engineering, Tokyo, Japan.Italy Italian Pressure Vessel Code, National Association for Combustion Control (ANNCC), Milan, Italy.Belgium Code for Good Practice for the Construction of Pressure Vessels, Belgian Standard Institute (IBN), Brussels, Belgium.Sweden Swedish Pressure Vessel Code, Tryckkarls kommissioner, the Swedish Pressure Vessel Commission, Stockholm, Sweden.压力容器准则①美国的压力容器规范历史在19世纪和20世纪初期,锅炉和压力容器频繁发生爆炸事件。



To sum up总而言之Dosums算术Safety protectionof crane起重机的安全保护Productive maintenance生产维修Equipment service specification设备维修规程Periodic service of equipment 设备的定期检查Regional service of equipment设备的区域维修Dropping your pants降低产品价格求购Lose face 失面子Green light 可行的Save one's neck免受处罚Stare from scratch白手起家Keep a good house受到好的招待For a song 便宜的Never say under不肯承认Put onair摆架子Encroach upon染指Get snubbed碰钉子Show magnanimity更高姿态Dawdle a long待工Small a rot 感到不妙Covet money 贪财Not reveal one's silver in pocket 财不外露Make a humble fortune 理财有方Regard money as one's life 爱财如命A mass great fortune 一大笔财富Unit 2Commodity inspection商品检测Plant model selection设备模具的选择(设备选择) Investment plan of plant设备投资计划Plant renewal 设备的更新Open-case inspection 开箱检查Claim for equipment 索赔(设备)Cross over structure 跨越结构Static strength 静力强度分析The lion share 最大的分量Think tank 智能团Anoutright majority 绝大多数Live up to a promise 实现,守诺言Chief Representative行政专家Chief executive行政主管Department manager 部门主管Research and development研究与发展International Monetary Fund国际货币基金组织Human resource department人力资源部门Horrific/horrible/terrific恐吓Make like an alligator急忙,匆忙For good measure附加Set one's heart on something非常想要Load upon吃多了The dead of night 深夜Butter somebodyup哄骗Here goes 马上着手Tell on 告发,指控Hear through道听途说Be seem all in 筋疲力尽As like two peas 非常相似的To compete/to contend/to contest 激烈的竞争The two teams are contend for the championship两队非常激烈的竞争冠军赛It is good farther that knows his son再好的父亲都未必完全了解自己的儿子It is good horse that never stumbles 人有失手,马有失蹄It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest 再病的鸟也不会弄脏自己的窝Showingoff 炫耀Does the baby cat mother's milk or cow milk? Is the breast -fed or bottle-fed母乳还是人工奶Artificial fed人工喂奶Isn't shea killer?美人Knock out绝世美人,非常出色Safety procedure 安全程序Routine inspection 例行检查Unit 3Operation specification of equipment设备操作规程Specification of usage 设备使用规程Equipment service specification 设备维护规程Plant maintenance specification 检修规程Plant manager system设备管理制度Examinable a check system of plant manager设备管理考核制度Facility inspection and appraise through comparison for plant 设备检修评比Book value and intrinsic valuce设备(指旧的)固有价值Cyclical and secular周期性和长期性Good-will大家服务信誉,好意的Nominal and virtual 名义上经常做假账Price/earnings ratio 市盈的能力Off-balance transactions 负债之外的交易,帐外交易Draw a blank 突然忘记,失忆Dead serious极其严肃的Eat to /to upset /to angry非常心烦意乱Freakout情绪失控That makes me sick恶心Get out of shape十分生气Get away with sth(to)做某事的诡计Absolutely not绝对不是,绝对否认Get out of someone's face不要打扰别人Give someone a favor 帮某人一个忙to be disgusting非常讨厌Simplified and safe operation操作简单和安全Act a test (to) to do extremely完全做测试做某事Wellontest适当进行测试Blow sth to/to fail at sth 做某事做砸了Heart(~)With all / and soul 全心全意One's heart being a five心急如焚Ring in one's ~ 牵肠挂肚Ingoing one's heart 进入某人的心Bring ones ~ into one's mouthHaving the ~to dosth全心全意做某事With a heavy ~ 心情非常沉重Break one's ~ 心痛心碎Bare heart 非常潜入的交心Set ~ at ease 非常放心,放松Witha half~做事三心两意Will someone ~ 赢得某人信任Have ~of gold 有金子般的心From ~ button 发自内心的Unit4 5Meet with/come across/run into遇见某人Three well doing for use of facility 设备“三好”Operator "four basic skills"现场操作人员的“四会”Safety procedure 安全规程Routine in section 正常检修A cat may look at a king 猫也是国王(小人也可以评论大人物)A Penny saved is a Penny earned节约一个便士就是挣了一个便士A watch pot never boils 心急锅不开。



Unit 19 Types of Heat ExchangersHeat exchangers are equipment primarily for transferring heat between hot and cold streams.They have separate passages for the two streams and operate continuously.The most versatile and widely used exchangers are the shell-and-tube types but various plate and other types are valuable and economically competitive or superior in some applications.These other types will be discussed briefly but most of the space following will be devoted to the shell-and-tube types primarily because of their importance but also because they are most completely documented in the literature.Thus they can be designed with a degree of confidence to fit into a process.The other types are largely proprietary and for the most part must be process designed by their manufacturers.Plate-and-Frame Exchangers Plate-and-frame exchangers are assemblies of pressed corrugated plates on a frame. Gaskets in grooves around the periphery contain the fluids and direct the flows into and out of the spaces between the plates.Close spacing and the presence of the corrugations result in high coefficients on both sides several times those of shell-and-tube equipment and fouling factors are low.he accessibility of the heat exchange surface for cleaning makes them particularly suitable for fouling services and where a high degree of sanitation is required as in food and pharmaceutical processing.Operating pressures and temperatures are limited by the natures of the available gasketing materials with usual maxima of 300 psig and 400 F.Since plate-and-frame exchangers are made by comparatively few concerns most process design information about them is proprietary but may be made available to serious engineers.Friction factors and heat transfer coefficients vary with the plate spacing and the kinds of corrugations.Pumping costs per unit of heat transfer are said to be lower than for shell-and-tube equipment.1n stainless steel construction the plate-and-frame construction cot is 50%-70% that of the shell-and-tube.Spiral Heat Exchangers In spiral heat exchangers the hot fluid enters at the center of the spiral element and flows to the periphery; flow of the cold liquid is countercurrent entering at the periphery and leaving at the center.Heat transfer coefficients are high on both sides and there is no correction to the log mean temperature difference because of the true countercurrent'action. These factors may lead to surface requirements 20% or so less than those of shell-and-tube exchangers. Spiral types generally may be superior with highly viscous fluids at moderate pressures.Compact (Plate-Fin) Exchangers Compact exchangers are used primarily for gas service.Typically they have surfaces of the order of 1200 m2 /m3 corrugation height 3.8-11.8 mm corrugation thickness 0.2-0.6 mm and fin density 230-700 fins/m.The large extended surface permits about four times the heat transfer rate per unit volume that can be achieved with shell-and-tube construction.Units have been designed for pressiIres up to 80 atm or so.The close spacings militate against fouling mercially compact exchangers are used in cryogenic services and also for heat recovery at high temperatures in connection with gas turbines.For mobile units asin motor vehicles compact exchangers have the great merits of compactness and light weight.Any kind of arrangement of cross and countercurrent flows is feasible and three or more different streams can be accommodated in the same equipment.Pressure drop heat transfer relations and other aspects of design are well documented.Air Coolers In such equipment the process fluid flows through finned tubes and cooling air is blown across them with fans. The economics of application of air coolers favors services that allow 25-40 1" temperature difference between ambient air and process outlet.In the range above 10 Mbtu/l air coolers can be economically competítíve with watercoolers when water of adequate quality is available in su Hicient amountDouble-Pipe Exchangers This kind of exchanger consísts of a central pipe supported withín a larger one by packíng glands. The straight length is limited to a maximum of about 20 ft;otherwise the center pipe wi1l sag and cause poor distribution in the annulus.It is customary to operate with the high pressure high temperature high density and corrosive fluid in the inner pipe and the less demanding one in the annulus. The inner surface can be provide with scrapers as in dewaxing of oils or crystallization from solutions.External longitudinal fins in the annular space can be used to improve heat transfer with gases or viscous fluids.When greater heat transfer surfaces are needed several double-pipes can be stacked in any combination of series or parallel.Double-pipe exchangers have largely lost out to shell-and-tube units in recent years.They may be worth considering in these situations:1. When the shell-side coefficient is less than half that of the tube side;the annularside coeHicient can be made comparable to the tube side.2. Temperature crosses that require multishell shell-and-tube units can be avoided by the inherent true countercurrent flow in double pipes.3. High pressures can be accommodated more economically in the annulus than they can in a larger diameter shell.4. At duties requiring only 100~200 sqft of surface the double-pipe may be more economical even in comparison with off-the-shell unts.Shell-and-Tube Exchangers This type of exchangers will be discussed in the following section.(Selected from: Stanley M.Walas Chemical Process Equiment Butterworth Publishers 1988.)Words and Expressions1.passage n.通道,通过2.versatile a.多用途的,通用的3.proprietary a.专利的,私有的4.corrugate v.成波纹状,起波纹;corrugation n5.groove n.沟,槽6.coefficient n.系数7.gasket n.密封垫片8.foul v.弄脏,堵塞;fouling factor 污垢系数9.sanitation n.卫生10.pharmaceutical a.制药的;药物的11.countercurrent n. ; a.逆流12.fin n.翅片;v.装翅片itate v.妨碍,起作用14.cryogenic a.冷冻的,低温的15.recovery n.恢复,回收,再生16.gland n.填料盖,密封套17.sag v.下垂,下沉18.annulus n.环状空间; annular a环形的.19.dewax v.脱蜡20.crystallization n.结晶,结晶体21.stack n.堆积,烟囱22.inherent α.内在的,固有的23.accommodate v.调节,适度,容纳Unit 19 换热器的种类换热器起初是为了在热流和冷流中传热。



过程装备与控制工程专业英语Unit 13 Principles of Heat TransferPractically all the operations that are carried out by the chemical engineer involve the production or absorption of energy in the form of heat. The laws governing the transfer of heat and the types of apparatus that have for their main object the control of heat flow are therefore of great importance.实际上,所有的由化学工程师进行的操作都要涉及热量的产生和吸收。


1. Nature of Heat FlowWhen two objects at different temperatures are brought into thermal contact, heat flows from the object at the higher temperature to that at the lower temperature. The net flow is always in the direction of the temperature decrease. The mechanisms by which the heat may flow are three, conduction, convection, and radiation. 当两种不同温度的物体开始接触后,热流就会从高温物体传给低温物体。





Unit 19 Types of Heat ExchangersHeat exchangers are equipment primarily for transferring heat between hot and cold streams.They have separate passages for the two streams and operate continuously.The most versatile and widely used exchangers are the shell-and-tube types but various plate and other types are valuable and economically competitive or superior in some applications.These other types will be discussed briefly but most of the space following will be devoted to the shell-and-tube types primarily because of their importance but also because they are most completely documented in the literature.Thus they can be designed with a degree of confidence to fit into a process.The other types are largely proprietary and for the most part must be process designed by their manufacturers.Plate-and-Frame Exchangers Plate-and-frame exchangers are assemblies of pressed corrugated plates on a frame. Gaskets in grooves around the periphery contain the fluids and direct the flows into and out of the spaces between the plates.Close spacing and the presence of the corrugations result in high coefficients on both sides several times those of shell-and­tube equipment and fouling factors are low.he accessibility of the heat exchange surface for cleaning makes them particularly suitable for fouling services and where a high degree of sanitation is required as in food and pharmaceutical processing.Operating pressures and temperatures are limited by the natures of the available gasketing materials with usual maxima of 300 psig and 400 F.Since plate-and-frame exchangers are made by comparatively few concerns most process design information about them is proprietary but may be made available to serious engineers.Friction factors and heat transfer coefficients vary with the plate spacing and the kinds of corrugations.Pumping costs per unit of heat transfer are said to be lower than for shell-and-tube equipment.1n stainless steel construction the plate-and-frame construction cot is 50%-70% that of the shell-and-tube.Spiral Heat Exchangers In spiral heat exchangers the hot fluid enters at the center of the spiral element and flows to the periphery; flow of the cold liquid is countercurrent entering at the periphery and leaving at the center.Heat transfer coefficients are high on both sides and there is no correction to the log mean temperature difference because of the true countercurrent'action. These factors may lead to surface requirements 20% or so less than those of shell-and-tube exchangers. Spiral types generally may be superior with highly viscous fluids at moderate pressures.Compact (Plate-Fin) Exchangers Compact exchangers are used primarily for gas service.Typically they have surfaces of the order of 1200 m2 /m3 corrugation height 3.8-11.8 mm corrugation thickness 0.2-0.6 mm and fin density 230-700 fins/m.The large extended surface permits aboutfour times the heat transfer rate per unit volume that can be achieved with shell-and-tube construction.Units have been designed for pressiIres up to 80 atm or so.The close spacings militate against fouling mercially compact exchangers are used in cryogenic services and also for heat recovery at high temperatures in connection with gas turbines.For mobile units as in motor vehicles compact exchangers have the great merits of compactness and light weight.Any kind of arrangement of cross and countercurrent flows is feasible and three or more different streams can be accommodated in the same equipment.Pressure drop heat transfer relations and other aspects of design are well documented. Air Coolers In such equipment the process fluid flows through finned tubes and cooling air is blown across them with fans. The economics of application of air coolers favors services that allow 25-40 1" temperature difference between ambient air and process outlet.In the range above 10 Mbtu/l air coolers can be economically competítíve with watercoolers when water of adequate quality is available in su Hicient amount Double-Pipe Exchangers This kind of exchanger consísts of a central pipe supported withín a larger one by packíng glands. The straight length is limited to a maximum of about 20 ft;otherwise the center pipe wi1l sag and cause poor distribution in the annulus.It is customary to operate with the high pressure high temperature high density and corrosive fluid in the inner pipe and the less demanding one in the annulus. The inner surface can be provide with scrapers as in dewaxing of oils or crystallization from solutions.External longitudinal fins in the annular space can be used to improve heat transfer with gases or viscous fluids.When greater heat transfer surfaces are needed several double-pipes can be stacked in any combination of series or parallel.Double-pipe exchangers have largely lost out to shell-and-tube units in recent years.They may be worth considering in these situations:1. When the shell-side coefficient is less than half that of the tubeside;the annular side coeHicient can be made comparable to the tube side.2. Temperature crosses that require multishell shell-and-tube units can be avoided by the inherent true countercurrent flow in double pipes.3. High pressures can be accommodated more economically in the annulus than they can in a larger diameter shell.4. At duties requiring only 100~200 sqft of surface the double-pipe may be more economical even in comparison with off-the-shell unts.Shell-and-Tube Exchangers This type of exchangers will be discussed in the following section.(Selected from: Stanley M.Walas Chemical Process Equiment Butterworth Publishers 1988.)Words and Expressions1.passage n.通道,通过2.versatile a.多用途的,通用的3.proprietary a.专利的,私有的4.corrugate v.成波纹状,起波纹;corrugation n5.groove n.沟,槽6.coefficient n.系数7.gasket n.密封垫片8.foul v.弄脏,堵塞;fouling factor 污垢系数9.sanitation n.卫生10.pharmaceutical a.制药的;药物的11.countercurrent n. ; a.逆流12.fin n.翅片;v.装翅片itate v.妨碍,起作用14.cryogenic a.冷冻的,低温的15.recovery n.恢复,回收,再生16.gland n.填料盖,密封套17.sag v.下垂,下沉18.annulus n.环状空间; annular a环形的.19.dewax v.脱蜡20.crystallization n.结晶,结晶体21.stack n.堆积,烟囱22.inherent α.在的,固有的23.accommodate v.调节,适度,容纳Unit 19 换热器的种类换热器起初是为了在热流和冷流中传热。



2. EST与科技小品文(Essay for Science and Technology) 的区别
EST通常是专业人员用比较专业的术语、词汇写出 的文章,它的形式多样,专业词汇较多,面向对象是 本专业或相关专业的技术人员使用和引用。 科技小品文通常是用比较通俗易懂的语言来描述某 一科学事物或者现象,语言灵活,通俗易懂,而其中 的专业术语往往需要加以注释,它的对象是普通的生 活人群(例如报纸杂志等)。它的目的是推广宣传科 学知识。
过程装备与控制工程 专业英语
E-mail: yuanzw@ 过程装备与控制工程系 郑州大学
预备知识(introduction) 课本学习(text) 科技写作知识(writing skills for EST)
1. 课本学习内容:
PART Ⅰ Basic Knowledge of Mechanics PART Ⅱ Metallic Materials PART Ⅲ Process Industry PART Ⅳ Process Equipment PART Ⅴ Process Machinery PART Ⅵ Process Control
预备知识-科技英语的特点及Fra bibliotek用(4)大量使用非限定动词
在科技英语中,为了对事物的描述明确、简练,常常 使用非限定动词(包括不定式、分词和动名词)构成短语 来代替从句,在句中可作主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语 等。例如:
1) The pedal serves to operate the clutch.
可译为:踏板用来操作离合器。(动词不定式作状语) 2) Weighing 2350 tons, the automatic forging press is easily operated .



昆明理工大学过程装备与控制工程专业英语翻译Unit 6 金属大约现有元素中的四分之三可归类为金属;而大约一半金属元素都有一定的工业或商业上的重要性。


























abrasiveness研磨;腐蚀absolute绝对的accumulate 堆积;积累acid 酸;酸性的,酸味的actuator 执行机构adjust 调整;调节agitation 搅拌air preheater 空气预热器air register 空气调节器airflow 气流alkali 碱allowance 公差,容差,容许量alloy 合金alternating current 交流电angle 角度,角apparatus 装置,仪器,仪表application 应用artificial 人造的;仿造的assembly 装配atmospheric 大气的,大气层的austenite 奥氏体automation自动化,自动操作auxiliary 辅助设备,附属机构backflow 回流baffle 挡板;折流板;隔板batch 一批,批量bearing 轴承bellow 波纹管belt 带;腰带;地带blade 叶片blower 鼓风机boiler 锅炉bolt螺栓bonnet阀盖,阀帽,机罩box furnace 箱式炉brittle 易碎的,脆弱的burner 燃烧器bushing 轴衬;套管butterfly valve 蝶阀capacity 容积carbon steel 碳钢,碳素钢casing 机壳cast 浇铸catalyst催化剂category 分类,种类cavity 腔;洞,凹处centrifugal force 离心力chamber 腔,室,船舱check valve 止回阀checklist检查表,清单classify 分类;分等clockwise 顺时针方向的- 1 -coating 涂层,覆盖层coefficient 系数coil盘管,线圈coking 结焦,焦化column 圆柱,柱形物combination 结合combustion 燃烧,氧化component 成分;组件;零件composition 组成,成分compressor 压缩机concentration 浓度concentric 同轴的,同心的condense 浓缩;凝结condenser 冷凝器;凝汽器conduction 传导cone roof 锥形顶constant 常量,常数contract 缩小,收缩contrast 对比,形成对照controller控制器convection 对流convert 使转变;转换.。








考试内容根据不同学校和学科的具体情况而有所不同,但主要涵盖以下几个方面:1. 工程技术领域的词汇:包括机械工程、电子工程、电气工程、航空航天工程等领域的单词和短语。

2. 计算机科学与技术方面的词汇:包括计算机网络、数据库、软件开发等方面的专业名词和术语。

3. 自动化控制领域的词汇:包括PID控制、PLC、传感器、自动化仪表等方面的专业名词和术语。

4. 英文文献阅读:考察学生对于英文文献中常用词汇的理解和应用能力。

三、备考建议1. 注重词汇积累:考生应该注重积累和记忆与专业相关的英语词汇,可以通过背单词、阅读相关英文文献以及参加专业英语课程等方式进行积累。

2. 多做练习题:解答过去的考试试题,对于熟悉考试内容和提高做题技巧非常有帮助。

3. 注意查漏补缺:在备考过程中,要及时发现自己对某些词汇的不确定性,并通过查阅资料或请教老师进行补充和巩固。

四、考试技巧1. 根据上下文推测词义:如果遇到不认识的词汇,可以通过上下文的语境来推测词义,这是提高阅读理解能力和查词技巧的有效方法。

2. 注意词性的变化:词汇在不同句子中可能扮演不同的词性,例如名词、动词、形容词等,考生要注意识别和理解这些变化。

3. 掌握词汇搭配:一些词汇在搭配中有固定的用法,掌握这些搭配可以帮助加深理解和记忆。




Reading Material 1Static Analysis of BeamsA bar that is subjected to forces acting transverse to its axis is called a beam.In this section we will consider only a few of the simplest types of beams,such as those shown in Fig.1.2.In every instance it is assumed that the beam has a plane of symmetry that is parallel to the plane of the figure itself.Thus,the cross section of the beam has a vertical axis Of symmetry.Also,it is assumed that the applied loads act in the plane of symmetry,and hence bending of the beam occurs in that plane.Later we will consider a more general kind of bending in which the beam may have an unsymmetrical cross section.(a)A simple supported beam (b) A cantilever beam (c) A beam with an overhangFig.1.2 Types of beamsThe beam in Fig.1.2(a),with a pin support at one end and a roller support at the other,is called a simply supported beam,or a simple beam.The essential feature of a simple beam is that both ands of the beam may rotate freely during bending, but they cannot translate in the lateral direction. Also, one end of the beam can move freely in the axial direction (that is, horizontally). The supports of a simple beam may sustain vertical reactions acting either upward or downward.The beam in Fig. 1.2(b) which is built in or fixed at one end and free at the other end, is called a cantilever beam. At the fixed support the beam can neither rotate nor translate, while at the free end it may do both. The third example in the figure shows a beam with an overhang. This beam is simply supported at A and B and has a free end at C.Loads on a beam may be concentrated forces, such as P1 and P2 in Fig. 1. 2(a) and (c),or distributed loads, such as the load q in Fig. 1.2(b). Distributed loads are characterized by their intensity, which is expressed in units of force per unit distance along the axis of the beam. For a uniformly distributed load, illustrated in Fig. 1.2(b), the intensity is constant; a varying load, on the other hand, is one in which the intensity varies as a function of distance along the axis of the beam.The beams shown in Fig. 1.2 are statically determinate because all their reactions can be determined from equations of static equilibrium. For instance, in the case of the simple beam supporting the load Pl[Fig. 1.2(a)], both reactions are vertical, and their magnitudes can be found by summing moments about the ends; thus, we findRA=P1 (L--a)/ L RB =P1a/ LThe reactions for the beam with an overhang [Fig. 1. 2 (c)] can be found in the same manner.For the cantilever beam [Fig. 1.2 (b)], the action of the applied load q is equilibrated by a vertical force RA and a couple MA acting at the fixed support, as shown in the figure. From a summation of forces in the vertical direction, we conclude thatRA =q band, from a summation of moments about point A, we findMA =q b(a+b/2)The reactive moment MA acts counterclockwise as shown in the figure.The preceding examples illustrate how the reactions(forces and moments)of statically determinate beams may be calculated by statics.The determination of the reactions for statically indeterminate beams requires a consideration of the bending of the beams,and hence this subject will be postponed.The idealized support conditions shown in Fig.1.2 are encountered only occasionally in practice. As an example, long—span beams in bridges sometimes are constructed with pin and roller support at the ends. However, in beams of shorter span, there is usually some restraint against horizontal movement of the supports.Under most conditions this restraint has little effect on the action of the beam and can be neglected.However,if the beam is very flexible, and if the horizontal restraints at the ends are very rigid,it may be necessary to consider their effects. Example*Find the reactions at the supports for a simple beam loaded as shown in Fig.1.3(a) Neglect the weight of the beam.SolutionThe loading of the beam is already given in diagrammatic form.The nature of the supports is examined next and the unknown components of these reactions are boldly indicated on the diagram.The beam,with the unknown reaction components and all the applied forces,is redrawn in Fig.1.3(b)to deliberately emphasize this important step in constructing a free—body diagram.At A,two unknown reaction components may exist,since the end is pinned.The reaction at B can only act in a vertical direction since the end is on a roller.The points of application of all forces are carefully noted.After a free body diagram of the beam is made,tile equations of statics are applied to obtain the solution.Fig.1,3 A simple beam∑F x=0,RAx=0∑MA=O+,2000+100(10)+160(15)-RB(20)=0,RB=+2700 lb↑∑MB=O+,RAy(20)+2000-100(10)-160(5)=0,RAy=-10lb↓Check:∑F y=0↑+,-10-100-160+270=0Note that ∑F x=0 uses up one of the three independent equations of statics.thus only two additional reaction components may be determined from statics.If more unknown reaction components or moments exist at the support,the problem becomes statically indeterminate.Note that the concentrated moment applied at C enters only into the expressions for the summation of moments.The positive sign of RB indicates that the direction of RB has been correctly assumed in Fig.1.3(b).The inverse is the case of RAy, and the vertical reaction at A is downward.Note that a check on the arithmetical work is available if the calculations are made as shown.(Selected from Stephen P. Timoshenko and James M. Gere,Mechanics of Materials*Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Ltd. ,1978.* Selected from Egor P. Popov, Introduction to Mechanics of Solids*Prentice-Hall Inc. ,1968. )材料1横梁的静力分析一条受到由截面向轴心的力的棒子称为横梁。



未来的化学工程师比较任何其他工程分支的工程师更是 宽尺度的结合型人才。例如,某些工程师的工作可以把宏观 的环境与中间尺度的燃烧和微观尺度的分子反应与传递联系 起来。某些工程师的工作可以把宏观的合成飞行器与中尺度 的机翼成型的化学反应器联系起来,而这个反应器的设计可 能受复杂的液体微观动力学研究的影响。
随着化学工程工业向前发展,新的数据、新的关系、以 及新的通则被添加到化学工程的主题中去。凭借自身的条件, 许多分支从化学工程的主干上分离出来,例如,工艺和工厂 设计、自动化、化学过程模拟和建模等。
forge ahead ; in one’s own right

化学工程向来关注那些改变材料的物理状态或化学 成分的工业过程。化学工程师致力于这些工艺过程的合 成、设计、放大性试验、操作、控制和优化。化学工程 师所研究问题的传统范围,从复杂性和规模性上讲,也 许都可以称之为是中尺度的问题。这个尺度的实例包括 在加工厂中的反应器和某一工艺(单元操作)的以及这 些单元操作组合的装备。未来的中间尺度研究将越来越 多地由微观尺度的研究和极端复杂系统的宏观尺度的研 究来补充。 focus ; chemical engineer; mesoscale ; microscale; macroscale
起初,化学工程很大程度上是一门描述性的科学。早 期的关于化学工程的教科书和手册是当时所知道的商业生 产过程的百科全书。科学和工业的进步引起化工厂数量上 不平常的增长。例如,今天石油可作为大约8万种化学品 的生产原料。化学过程工业的发展,一方面使化学和技术 科学向前发展,另一方面,可为化学加工工艺奠定理论基 础。
Unit 11 Chemical Engineering 第11课 化学工程
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这些词在科技英语和普通英语中都能见 到,在不同的学科领域其含义有所不同。
(3)频繁使用缩略词 为了方便人们逐渐用几个字母来代替某些 词汇,主要分为节略词、缩略词、首字词、 缩写词等。 ➢ 节略词:用前几个字母表示的词 ➢ 缩略词:用每个词的首字母所组成的词 ➢ 首字词:与缩略词相同,但必须逐字读出 ➢ 缩写词:大多数缩写词后面都附有一个句 号
§ 2 科技英语词汇的特点
在语言的发展过程中,旧词不断被抛弃, 新词不断产生,科技英语尤其如此。随着科学 技术的发展,新概念、新技术、新理论、新产 品不断出现,因此新的技术词汇也不断出现, 许多日常用语也被赋予新的科技含义,缩略词 的增加尤为迅速,技术词汇的相互渗透日益增 多。其特点主要表现在以下几方面:
• bandwidth 带宽
• flip-flop 触发器
• diode
• triode
• capacitor 电容
(2)大量使用半技术词 例如: • lead 导线 force 力,作用力 • series 串联 moment 力矩 • relay 继电器 • conductor 导体(日常生活中指售货员、 乐队指挥) • power 功率
社会稳定! 菲律宾挑衅中国
• “21世纪头20年是中国发展的战略机遇期”
• 民族复兴 • 美国“重返亚太”
• 美日、韩、菲、澳“军事同盟”
“伪爱国主义” 引起社会动荡
English for Special Science and Technology
• If machines are tested by this method,there will be some loss of power.
• The testing of machines by this method entails some loss of power.
科技英语是指科技文体,包括英语科 技论文、科技报告、科普文章、科技新闻 和科研产品说明书等,它有别于一般英语 和文学英语。
科技文体崇尚结构严谨、概念准确、 逻辑性强、行文简练、推理周密、重点突 出、句式严整、段落章节分明。
科技英语语法的特点 科技英语词汇的特点 常用的符号和数学式的表达
节略词: del-delete, lab-laboratory, ad-advertisement
缩略词:ROM- Read only memory, IEEE-the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineer 首字词: CAD-computer Aided Design ,
§ 1 科技英语的特点
(1) 多使用现在时和被动语态。
英语使用被动语态大大多于汉语,科技英语更是如此,在表 现手法上,力求客观性,避免主观性和个人色彩,常用被动语 态。译时用“被”、“经过”、“受了”、“由于”等,举例 如下(加下划线者为被动语态, 下同):
例1 Four methods are used to compress gas. Two are in the
---- and so on
---- versus
---- Appendix
---- Figure
---- operational amplifier
---- for example
---- limited
---- Amplifier
IC-Integrated Circuit DSP-Digital Signal Process 缩写词:Eq.-Equation, et al.-and other, Fig.-Figure, e.g.-for example
et al.
---- and other
intermittent class, and two are in the continuous flow class.
气体的压缩有四种方法,其中两种属于间断操作,另外两种属于连续 操作。
பைடு நூலகம்
(2) 多使用带有介词短语、形容词短语、 分词短语、不定式短语、同位语从句、定语从 句、状语从句等修饰语的长句。
[1] 徐鸿,董其伍. 过程装备与控制工程专业英 语[M]. 北京:化学工业出版社,2010
1、由经过精选的、能够反映过程装备与控制工 程专业级别专业内容的英语文章构成。
2、所有文章来自原版英文教科书、专著、科技 报告或期刊。
3、各篇课文之间既有一定内在联系,又独立成 章,便于不同学时选用。
(4)组合词和派生词多 组合词:两个或两个以上的词结合成一个 新词,包括有连字符和无连字符两种方式。 组合词形成的方法有:名词+名词,形容词+ 名词,动词+副词,名词+动词,介词+名词, 形容词+动词等。 例: • feedback 反馈(vt.+adv.) • open-loop 开环 (adj.+n.) • zero-input response 零输入响应
内容简介:专业英语以培养学生阅读科技文献、 用英语撰写科技论文以及具备一定的国际学术交 流能力为目的。
课程主要包括以下内容:科技英语单句写作;科 技英语论文写作(包括科技论文及其摘要的写 作、作者简介的写法、推荐信及邀请信的写 法);数、符号、公式、图形的英文表达;科技 英语的翻译(包括词汇和句法)。
(3) 科技英语中常常使用两种语气,即虚 拟语气和祈使语气。
虚拟语气在科技英语中的作用是用来描述假设的 条件,即假设有某种条件,就会产生某种结果。
在公式化表达或不强调动作的执行者时常用祈使 语气。
例3 If there were no attraction between the proton and the electron, the electron would fly away from the proton in a straight line. • attraction 引力 • proton 质子 • electron 电子 例4 Suppose f(x) is periodic continuous. • suppose 假设