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C luster Analysis on the Gographical Distribution of Glires in Henan Province.Lu Jiqi(Dep ar tment of Biology ,H enan N or mal University ,Xinx ing ,453002).Chinese Jour nal of Ecology ,2000,19(4):43-45.

T he Glires (Rodentia and L ar gomorp ha )recor ded in Henan prov ince are 29speices.I ts fauna and geog raphical distribution has been studied by Lu Jiqi et al(1996).T his paper gives a cluster analysis o n geographical distribution about t hese G lires.T he y es o r no of distribution of the Glires in ev ery zoo-geographical pro vince were reg ar ded as two co mponent status(1or 0).T he relative co effi cient was taken for the similar degree of G lires in every two zoo-geographical provinces.T he cluster was taken by similar mean method.T his paper discusses the characteristics of g eogr aphical distribu tion and the reasons of its formation,and gives a comparison among the cluster r esult and the geo g raphical division o f G lires in Henan province.It is clear that the Glires species was poor in plain and farming area,but the population of these r odent w ere enormous.T he species diversit y was more abundant in the forest mountains.M eanw hile,the ming le of Palear ctic Realm speices and O riental r eal m speices w er e very notable in Henan province.

Key words:G lires (Rodentia and L argomor p ha ),geogr aphical distribution,cluster,

Henan province.




对河南省啮齿动物区系与区划进行了研究,把河南省已知的32种啮齿动物区系划分为豫西北太行山地森林省、豫西黄土台地农作省、豫东豫北平原及南阳盆地农作省、豫西伏牛山地森林省、淮南冲积平原农作省和豫南桐柏 大别山地森林省共6个动物地理省。因为毛耳飞鼠(Belomys pear sonii )、中华鼢鼠(Myosp alax f ontaneri )、针毛鼠(Rattus f ulv escens )3种动物尚无标本考证,故本文所列河南省啮齿动物计29种。另据马勇等[2]研究,认为应恢复绒鼠平属(Caryomys )的分类地位。这样,苛岚绒鼠(Eochenomys inez )相应更名为苛岚绒鼠平(Caryomys in ez )。本文从此意见。1 研究方法




S =

a +d n +

b +c

其中,S 为联合系数,a 、b 、c 、d 分别表示每两个动物地理省都取 1,1 、 1,0 、 0,1 、 0,0 状态的啮齿动物种数,n =a +b

生态学杂志 2000,19(4)!43-45

Chinese Journal of Ecology

+c+d。由此,建立各动物地理省间啮齿动物的联合系数矩阵(表2)。再按公式D =1-S将联合系数矩阵转换为距离系数(D)矩阵(表2)。以距离系数作为相似性指标,对距离系数矩阵进行聚类分析。聚类方法为类平均法。即先从距离系数矩阵中找到距离最小的一对类群,将其合并为

一个新类群,再依公式:D i r2=n p

n r

D ip2+

表1 河南省啮齿动物地理分布

T ab.1 Simultaneous geographical di stribution of

Glires(R odentia and L argomorpha)in

H enan province

种 类∀#∃%&∋赤腹松鼠Callosciuru s ery thraeus000100隐纹花松鼠Tamiops sw inhoei100100岩松鼠Sciurotamias dav idianus110101花 鼠Eutamias sibir icus110101


Sp ermop hilus daur icus 010000

复齿鼯鼠Trog opter us xan thip e s100100小飞鼠Pteromys v olan100100黑线仓鼠Cric etulus bar abensis111101长尾仓鼠C.longicaudatus010100大仓鼠C.triton111000甘肃仓鼠Cansumys canus000101东北鼢鼠M yospalax p silur us001000罗氏鼢鼠M.rothsc hili000100苛岚绒鼠平Caryomys inez000100棕色田鼠M icr otus mand ar in us011000子午沙鼠M eriones meridianus010000小家鼠M us m uscu lus111111大林姬鼠Apodemus speciosus110100中华姬鼠A.d raco010000黑线姬鼠A.agrarius111111黄胸鼠Rattu s f lavipectu s111111褐家鼠R.norv egicus111111大足鼠R.nitidus000001白腹鼠R.cox ingi000001社 鼠R.niv iv en ter110111豪 猪Hystrix hodgsoni000101藏鼠兔Ochotona thibetana000100黄河鼠兔O.huangensis000100草 兔L e p us capensis111111 注:∀ 豫西北太行山地森林省;# 豫西黄土台地农作省;∃ 豫东豫北平原及南阳盆地农作省;% 豫西伏牛山地森林省;& 淮南冲积平原农作省;∋ 豫南桐柏 大别山地森林省.n q

n r

D iq2计算新类群与其他类群间的距离系数。计算新类群与其他类群间的距离系数。公式中p、q为距离最小的两个类群,r为p、q两类合并而成的新类群,i为任意一个已知类群。D ir为r和i的距离系数,n p、n q、n r为p、q、r所包含的分类单位个数。

表2 河南省啮齿动物各动物地理省分布联合系数与距离系数矩阵

T ab.2 M atrix of combined coefficient and distance

coefficient of the geographical distributi on

of Glires in Henan province


∀00.40540.47370.47370.43240.4737 #0.594600.47370.68180.51280.5500∃0.52360.523600.76000.29410.5128 %0.52360.31820.234000.68180.5854 &0.56760.48720.70590.318200.3889∋0.52630.45000.48720.41460.61110


2 结果与讨论


图1 河南省啮齿动物各动物地理省分布聚类Fig.1 Clus ter fi gure of the geographical distributi on

of Glires in Hanan province

44生态学杂志 第19卷 第4期
