



look ----_________ come ----_________ watch ----_________

am/is ----_________ are ----_________ live----_________

get ----_________ have ----_________ talk ----_________

cook ----_________ work----_________ can ----_________

read----_________ write ----_________ dance----_________

teach----_________ study----_________ eat ----_________

like----_________ give----_________ drink ----_________

bring----_________ help----_________ want ----_________

use----_________ take ----_________ go ----_________

stay ----_________ visit----_________ ride----_________

climb ----_________ wear----_________ laugh ----_________

sleep----_________ put----_________ borrow ----_________

send----_________ tell----_________ carry ----_________

make ----_________ finish----_________ run ----_________

wait----_________ drop----_________ meet----_________

walk----_________ see----_________ wash ----_________

play----_________ skip----_________ ring ----_________

win ----_________ lose----_________ listen----_________

photo ----_________ rain ----_________ jump----_________

hop ----_________ look ----_________ stop ----_________

bump ----_________ carry ----_________ fall ----_________

happen----________ swim ----_________


My name is Lily. This is my house. There are five rooms in my house. This is my father and mother’s roo m. There are three pictures on the wall. There is a desk near the window. There are two chairs behind the desk. On the left of the room, there is a toilet. On the right, it’s my room. There are four pictures and a poster on the wall. ( )1. This is Lily’s house.

( )2. There are four rooms in the house.

( )3. There are three pictures in Lily’s room.

( )4. There are two chairs and a desk in father and mother’s room.

( )5. The toilet is on the left of my father and mother’s room.



( )1. What did you do at the weekend? _________

A. I visit a lot of places

B. I visited lots of places

C. We visit lots of places. ( )2. Where did you go? A. We went to the British Museum

B. We go to the park

C. It’s a wonderful place

D. I don’t understand ( )3. Did Lingling like the London Eye?_____

A. Yes, she do

B. Yes, she did

C. Yes, he did

D. No. he didn’t

( ) 4.She liked the bus ride______ . A. best B. better C. good D. bad ( )5. Did Daming and his father take photos of the mountains? ______________

A. Yes, he did

B. No, he didn’t

C. No, they did

D. Yes, they did ( ) 6. They ______ ther e at ten o’clock last Sunday. A. go B. went C. goes ( ) 7. Then they ______ for one hour to Badaling yesterday.

A. walk

B. walked

C. walking

( )8. They __ photos of the mountains last Wednesday. A. took B. take C. takes ( ) 9.They _______young then. A. are B. were C. is D. was

( )10.I ______ two years old then A. is B. were C. was D. are ( )11.I _______nine years old last year. A. is B. were C. am D. was ( )12.She _____tall then . A. isn’t B. weren’t C. are D. wasn’t ( )13.I _______tall then . A. isn’t B. weren’t C. are D. wasn’t ( )14. I ___my mother yesterday. A. help B. helped C. helps D. helping ( )15 He ______ in the park yesterday. A. ran B. runs C. run D. running ( )16.They _______last evening. A. dance B. danced C. dance D. dances ( )17.She ______ to school at 8 o’clock yesterday morning .

A. go

B. goes

C. went

( )18.They______ lunch at 1 o’clock then. A. had B. has C. have ( )19. ______you visit vegetables at Shouguang last year?

A. Do

B. Does

C. Did

( )20 When did you come back?___________

A. He came back last Sunday

B. Yes, we did

C. We came back last Sunday

D. We come back last Sunday

( )21.I _______ in Shanghai last term. But now I ______ in Beijing.

A. study, studied

B. studied, studied

C. studied, study

( )22.He ______ up late this morning . A. get B. gets C. got D. getting ( )23. My sister _______ all day yesterday.

A. didn’t cry

B. didn’t cried

C. doesn’t cry

D. doesn’t cried ( ) 24.What ____ you ____ last night?

A. do , do

B. do, did

C. did, did

D. did , do

( )25. I ________ in the park last night. A. walk B. walked C. walking


1.They went to the cinema.(一般疑问句)

_________ they _________ to the cinema?

2. Jim’s weekend was very great. (就划线部分提问)

_____ _______ Jim’s weekend?

3. He practiced English last weekend. (就划线部分提问)

________ ____________ he _____________ last weekend?

4. He moved to Wuhan because his father worked there.(就划线部分提问)

________ _________ he __________ to Wuhan?

5. They did their homework last night.(变否定句)

They _________ _________ their homework last night.

6. She did her homework last night. (否定句)

She _______ _______ her homework last night.

7. Anita studied for math test last Sunday. (一般疑问句)

_______ Anita______ for math test last night?

8. I went to the beach yesterday. ( 一般疑问句并否定回答)

_____ you _____ to the beach yesterday? _______, I ______



There is a new park near my house. It’s a fine day today. My family and I are in the park now. On my left, there is a cafe. On my right, there is a big lake. There are many flowers and trees near the lake. There’s a small hill behind the lake. Near the lake, there is a sign. It says,“ Don’t swim in the lake!” There is a playground in the middle of the park. There are some small shops near the gate. The park is so beautiful. We like it very much.

( )1. The park near my house is _____.

A. new and beautiful

B. old and beautiful

C. clean and new

D. old and clean ( )2. Is there a cafe in the park? ______

A. Yes, there isn’t.

B. No, there isn’t.

C. Yes, there is.

D.No, there is.

( )3. People can’t _______in the lake.

A. swim

B. fish

C. boat

D. play

( )4. The shops in the park are4 not _______

A. small

B. big

C. good


( )5. -Do we like the park? -________

A. Yes, we do.

B. No,we do.

C. Yes, you do.

D. No, we don’t.


()1. Last week, my good friend and I ________ a movie.

A. see

B. saw

C. watch

D. looked

()2. I ________ English yesterday evening.

A. study

B. studied

C. studyed

D. studies

()3. Did he _______ to sleep late last night ?

A. went

B. go

C. goes

D. going

()4. — ________ was your weekend?

— It was not good.

A. What

B. Where

C. How

D. Why

()5. —What did you do last weekend?

_________ my friends .

A. visits

B. visited

C. visiting

D. visit

()6. Mary _______ swimming with them last Friday.

A. doesn’t go

B. wasn’t going

C. didn’t go

D. isn’t going

()7. My mother is always busy. What about ____________?

A. your

B. it

C. yours

D. its

()8.—Did you do some shopping last week? —_______.

A .Yes,I did B. Yes,I do C. No,I don’t D No, I didn’t ( ) 9.—_______did Sally_______ on Sunday? —She went to Beijing.

A. What; do

B. Where; goes

C. Where; go

D. What ; did ( ) 15. Where_______your parents last night? –They were at home .

A .was

B .is

C .are D. were

( )16. Susan likes _______.

A. singing

B. sing

C. sings

D. sang

( )17. Some of ______ can speak English.

A. them

B. theirs

C. they

D. their

( )18. What ____ Tom and his mother like ?

A. does

B. do

C. is

D. are

( )19. Tom can ______ some vegetables at the market.

A. buys

B. buying

C. buy

D. to buy

IV. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. Tom and Mary ___________ (come) to China last month.

2. Mary __________ (read) English yesterday morning.

3. There _________ (be) no one here a moment ago.

4. I listened but ___________ (hear) nothing.

5. Tom ___________ (begin) to learn Chinese last year.

6. Last week we _________ (pick) many apples on the farm.

7. My mother ________________ (not do) housework yesterday.

8. She watches TV every evening. But she ____________ (not watch) TV last night. 9.________ your father ________ ( go ) to work every day last year?

10.--What time _______ you _______ (get) to Beijing yesterday?

-We __________ (get) to Beijing at 9:00 in the evening.

11. Eli ____________ to Japan last week.( move)

12. –When _______ you _________ (come) to China?Last year.

13. Did she ________ (have) supper at home?

14. _________ (be) it cold in your city yesterday?

15. How many people ________ (be) there in your class last term?

16. It ________ (be) hot yesterday and most children _______ (be) outside.



一般过去时 一、写出下列动词的过去式 1.am/is ________ 2.do _______ 3.go ________ 4.have _______ 5.isn’t _________ 6. aren’t ________ 7.spend________ 8.cook_______ 9.read ________ 10.clean _______ 11.live _______ 12.study_________ 二、用适当的词完成下列对话 1.— How was your weekend? — It ______ great. — What _______ you ______ last weekend ? — I _______ some homework. 2.— What ______ she ______ last weekend? — She _______ to the beach. 3.— What _______ they do last weekend? — They ________ to the movies. 三、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1. We _________ (enjoy) ourselves at the party last night. 2.Jack ____________ (study) for the English test last Sunday. 3._______ you ______ (go) to the Great Wall last year? 4. What day _______ (be) it yesterday? 5.The old man _______(be)ill and went to see a doctor. 6.We ________ (have) a party last night. 7.We __________ (visit) the museum and went home. 8.— How _______ (be) the students? — They were very friendly. 9.He often _______ (have) supper at home. Today he ______ (have) supper at school. 10.— ______ he _______ (have) lunch at nine? —No, he didn’t. 11.They _________(buy) a guitar yesterday. 四、句型转换 1. He came here last month. (改为否定句) He _______ _______ here last month. 2.They played football this morning. (改为一般疑问句并作简略回答) —______ they _______ football this morning? —Yes, they _______./No, they _________ . 3.They went to Beijing last year. (就划线部分提问) _________ _________ they ________ last year. 4.Tom watched TV last night. (改为一般疑问句) _______ Tom _______ TV last night? 5.Mary does homework every day. (用last night 改写句子) Mary ________ ____________ _________ ________ . 五、选择填空 ( ) 1. Lee ________ his mobile phone at home. A. leave B. leaves C. leaved D. left ( ) 2. _____ he ________ a good rest? No, he didn’t. A. Do, had B. Did, have C. Did, had D. Was, had ( ) 3. As soon as he ________, he ______ to his family. A. arrived, writes B. arrived, written C. arrived, wrote D. arriveds, write ( ) 4. Mr. Black was late because he _______ his way. A. losted B. lose C. loses D. lost ( ) 5. When _________ Lee ________ school this morning? A. did, got to B. did, get to C. did, get D. did, got ( ) 6. Will you please say it again? I ________ quite _______ you. A. didn’t, hear B. don’t, heard C. didn’t, heard D. don’t, hear ( ) 7. ______ you ________ at six o’clock yesterday? A. Do ,get up B. Did, get up C. Do, got up D. Did, got up ( ) 8.What did you see _________?


最新过去将来时一般过去时易错题集锦-名师教育(word) 一、过去将来时 1.—Do you worry about the final exam? —Yes, but Mr. Wang promised that he everything in his power to help us. A. does B. did C. is doing D. would do 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——你担心期末考试吗?——是的,但是王先生承诺他会尽全力帮助我们。A.does做,B.did做,C.is doing正在做,D.would do将会做。根据句子结构可知,此处用了过去将来时,故填入would do,故选D。 【点评】考查了过去将来时,注意would do的用法。 2.Mr. Wu said he ______ us to the zoo the next week. A. would take B. will take C. take D. takes 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:吴老师说他下周会带我们去动物园。在这个句子中,said 后面跟的是一个宾语从句,从句中的时态是由主句决定的。主句中said 用的是过去时,故宾语从句中也需用过去时态。the next week 下周,是一个将来的时间。故应该用过去将来时。故选A。 【点评】考查动词时态。 3.Tim told us that his company ______ robots to do some of the work. A. uses B. will use C. has used D. would use 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:蒂姆告诉过我,他的公司会使用机器人做工作的一部分。宾语从句的结构:主语一谓语-连接词一从句。从句在句中作宾语,从句要用陈述句的语序。如果主句是一般现在时,从句根据需要选择时态,如果主句是过去时态,从句要用相应的过去时态。但是从句是客观真理,一般用一般现在时态。该句主句是过去时态,根据句意可知从句动作还没有发生,所以用过去将来时,故选D。 4.Who would you ___________ as your best friend? A. choose B. to choose C. chose D. choosing 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:你会选择谁作为你最好的朋友。would是情态动词,后跟动词原


(英语)高三英语一般过去时模拟试题及解析 一、单项选择一般过去时 1.Wolf Warrior 2, which ________ the “Award for Best Visual Effects” at the Beijing Film Festival, indicates China's film industry has come of age. A.wins B.won C.has won D.had won 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查动词时态。句意:在北京电影节上获得“最佳视觉效果奖”的《狼战2》表明中国电影业已经成熟。因为电影获奖发生在过去,用一般过去时。故选B. 2.All the doctors in the hospital insisted that he ____ badly wounded and that he ____ at once. A.should be; be operated on B.were; must be operated on C.be; was operated on D.was; be operated on 【答案】D 【解析】 试题分析:考查insist的用法。句意:医院里所有的医生都认为他受伤很严重,要求他立即动手术。insist作“坚决要求做某事”讲时,要用虚拟语气;当“坚持说,坚持陈述某事实”解时,用陈述语气。 考点 : 考查insist的用法 3. The real reason why prices ____ , and still are, too high is complex, and no short discussion can satisfactorily explain this problem. A.were B.will be C.have been D.had been 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查动词时态。句意:过去和现在价格一直居高不下的真正原因很复杂,简短的讨论解释这一问题无法让人满意。根据题干中“and still are”的提示可知过去价格也居高不下,故用一


一般过去时 概念:表示过去经常发生、反复发生的动作、行为,以及过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态。 时间状语:ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week(year, night, month…), in 1989,基本结构:①be动词;②行为动词 I saw him in the park yesterday. There were 2 birds on the tree yesterday. She was short last year, but now she is tall. 否定形式:①was/were+not; ②在行为动词前加didn't,同时还原行为动词。 She was not short last year. They were not busy last week. He did not ( go ) to work yesterday. Tom did not ( watch ) TV last night. 一般疑问句:①was或were放于句首;②用did 提问,同时还原行为动词。 ☆动词过去式规则变化 1、直接加“ed”:work→worked 2、以不发音的e结尾的加“d”:live→lived 3、以辅音字母+y结尾的,变y为i加“ed”:study→stuied 4、以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的,双写最后的辅音字母加“ed”:stop→stopped sit-sitting ☆动词过去式不规则变化 do→did does-did read→read sit→sat run→ran have→had has→had is→was am-was are→were see→saw make→made go→went eat→ate drink-drank break-broke sweep-swept write-wrote ride-rode swim-swam sing-sang blow-blew draw-drew 一般过去时的练习 I.用所给的动词的适当形式填空。 ⒈He ___________(visit) the Great Wall last year. 2.We____________(have) a good time yesterday. 3.We often __________(go) to school by bus last year. 4.I __________(live)in the village when I was a child. 5.Mike__________(see) a big tiger in the nature park last year. 6.Sam___________ (do) the housework yesterday. 7._______(do) you_________watch TV yesterday? 8.________(do)you __________(play) the violin in the afternoon yesterday? 9.. I __________ (eat) a big pizza yesterday. 10.There_________ (be) many goats on the farm yesterday. 11. I _________ (watch) a cartoon on Saturday. 12. Her father __________ (read) a newspaper last night. 13. We _________ to zoo yesterday, we ___________ to the park. (go) 14. _________ you __________ (visit) your relatives last Spring Festival? 15. _________ he __________ (fly) a kite on Sunday? Yes, he __________. II.选择填空 ( ) 1. She watered the flowers ________. A tomorrow B sometimes C yesterday morning ( ) 2.What ____ Mike do last weekend ? A do B does C did ( ) 3. I ___ my room last Sunday. A cleaned B clean C am cleaning ( ) 5. _____ you _____ TV last night . A Do, watch B Did, watch C Did, watched ( ) 6.---Did your father write an e-mail yesterday ? A Yes, he did. B Yes, he do es C No, he don’t ( ) 7.They _____ on a trip in February ,2007. A are going B going C went ( ) 9. ____ he ____ football two days ago? A Does , play B Did , played C Did , play - 1 -



一般过去时练习题 1.I _____ (watch) a cartoon on Saturday. 2. Her father ______(read) a newspaper last night. 3. We ______ to zoo yesterday, we _____ to the park. (go) 4. _____ you _____ (visit) your relatives last Spring Festival? 5. ______ he ______(fly) a kite on Sunday? Yes, he ______. 6. Gao Shan _______(put) up the picture last night. 7. I _______ (sweep) the floor yesterday, but my mother ______. 8. What ______ she ______(find) in the garden last morning? She _______(find) a beautiful butterfly. 9. How _______(be) Jim's weekend? It _______(be not) bad. 10. ________ (be) your mother a sales assistant last year? No. she __________. 11. I _______(have) an exciting party last weekend. 12. _________ she ______(practice) her guitar yesterday? No, she _________. 13. What ________ Tom _____ (do) on Saturday evening? He ________(watch) TV and ______(read) an interesting book. 14. They all ______(go) to the mountains yesterday morning. 15. She ______(not visit) her aunt last weekend. She ________ (stay) at home and ______(do) some cleaning. 16. When ______ you ______(write) this song?


【英语】一般过去时易错题集锦 一、单项选择一般过去时 1.Jack had planned to visit his grandparents last weekend, but an emergency _____ and he had to reschedule. A.should come up B.had come up C.came up D.would come up 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查时态。句意:杰克原计划上周末去看望他的祖父母,但突然发生了一件紧急事情,他不得不重新安排时间。由“he had to reschedule”可知,and连接的两个句子都为一般过去时。故选C项。 2.Chinese kites in ancient times ________ in the shape of birds. A.design B.had designed C.were designed D.have been designed 【答案】C 【解析】考查时态和语态。句意:在古代中国的风筝被设计成鸟的形状。根据in ancient times可知,句子用一般过去时态,根据动词与主语是被动关系,故用一般过去时的被动语态,故选C。 3.This summer holiday, many foreign students _______ to China for a holiday. A.come B.have come C.had come D.came 【答案】D 【解析】考查动词时态。句意:今年夏天,许多外国学生来中国度暑假。表示过去时间发生的事,此处是陈述事实,用一般过去时。故选D。 4.—Where was I? —You ________ you di dn’t like your job. A.had said B.said C.were saying D.has said 【答案】B 【解析】考查动词的时态。句意:——我说到哪里?——你说到你不喜欢你的工作。结合语境可知,下文描述的是过去的刚刚发生的动作,故用过去时态。选B。 5.––You seem to be familiar with this city. —I ______ here for three years. It’s so great to be back. A.lived B.had lived C.have lived D.live


一般过去时专项练习题 Document number【980KGB-6898YT-769T8CB-246UT-18GG08】

一般过去时讲解与习题 一般过去时的功能? 1.表示发生在过去某一时间的动作 2.表示过去一段时间内经常性或习惯性的动作 一般过去时的构成及变化? 1.be动词作谓语 肯定句:主语+be(was,were)+其它 否定句:主语+be(was,were)+not+其它。一般疑问句:Be(was,were)+主语+其它。如:肯:Hewasaworker. 否:Hewasnotaworker.疑:-Wereyouaworker -Yes.Iwas./No,Iwasn’t. *注意主语为第一人称单数和第三人称单数时用was,其他用were 2.行为动词的变化 肯定句:主语+行为动词(+其它) 否定句:主语+didn't+动词原形(+其它)。一般疑问句:Did+主语+动词原形+其它。如:肯:Iwenttoschoolbybus. 否:Ididn’tgotoschoolbybus.疑:-Didyougotoschoolbybus -Yes,Idid./No,Ididn’t. 一般过去时中,动词过去式的构成规则: 1.直接加ed:work—— worked look——looked 2.以不发音e结尾的单词,直接加d:live ——lived hope——hoped use——used 3.以+y结尾的,变y为i加ed:study—— studied carry——carried worry——worried 4.以一个辅音字母结尾的,双写最后的+ed:stop—— stopped plan——planned 重读闭音节体现形式为辅-元-辅结构,例如nod,n为辅音,o为元音,d为辅音。 5. 以ic结尾的动词,要把ic变成ick再加ed,如picnic→picnicked,traffic→trafficked 6.不规则变化的动词: have---had are---were get---got say---said feel---felt do/does---did is---was go---went drink--drank eat--ate bring----brought think----thought buy----bought catch---- caught teach ---- taught sit----sat wear----wore cut----cut sweep----swept sleep——slept see----saw become----became[1] read——read (详见:) 7以辅元辅结尾的加d 肯定形式 主语+动词过去式+其他 例句:She often came to help us in those days. 否定形式 ①was/were+not;②在前加didn't,同时还原 例句:I didn't know you like coffee. 一般疑问句 ①Did+主语+谓语动词原型+其他②Was\Were+主语+表语? 例句:Did I do homework? 习题一: 用be动词的适当形式填空 1. I ______ an English teacher now. 2. She _______ happy yesterday. 3. They _______ glad to see each other last month.


一般过去时基础练习题 一、单项选择一般过去时 1.—Ouch! You hurt me. —I'm sorry. But I ________ any harm. I ________ to drive a rat out. A.don't mean; am trying B.didn't mean; tried C.haven't meant; tried D.didn't mean; was trying 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查动词的时态。句意:——哎呀!你伤到我了。——对不起。但是我不是有意伤你的。我当时正尽力把一只老鼠赶出去。由hurt这一动作发生在过去可知,第一空应用一般过去时;且根据句意可知,try这一动作表示过去某个时间正在进行,所以第二空应用过去进行时。故选D。 2.Only after talking to two students__________that having strong motivation is one of the biggest factors in reaching goals. A.I did discover B.did I discover C.I discovered D.discovered I 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:考查倒装句。Only位于句首强调状语时,主句要用部分倒装,句型为:only+状语+be/助动词/情态动词+主语。故选B。 【知识归纳】 在句首的only如果后面跟了副词、介词短语或从句等状语,则主句用部分倒装结构。如only 后跟的是状语从句或only修饰主语,则不用倒装结构。 例如:Only when the war was over in 1918 was he able to get back to work. Only the teachers are allowed to use the room. 注意only then,是“过一小会儿”的意思,一般用在句首,引导倒装句。 例句:Only then did he realize the importance of English. 考点:考查倒装句 3.––You seem to be familiar with this city. —I ______ here for three years. It’s so great to be back. A.lived B.had lived C.have lived D.live 【答案】A


中考英语易错题专题三英语一般过去时(含解析) 一、初中英语一般过去时 1.—Sorry, Tom. I can't find the book you ______ me. —It's OK. I don't need it any more. A. lend B. have lent C. will lend D. lent 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】句意:——对不起,汤姆。我找不到你借给我的那本书。——没关系。我不再需要它了。根据I don't need it any more可知汤姆现在不再需要那本书,因此借给我那本书应发生在过去,故此处用一般过去时,故选D。 【点评】此题考查一般过去时的用法。 2.— Where did you go last weekend? — I to the Great Wall. A. go B. went C. will go D. have gone 【答案】B 【解析】【分析】句意:——上个周末你去哪里了?——我去长城了。A,go一般现在时。B,went一般过去时C,will go一般将来时。D,have gone现在完成时。据时间状语last weekend可知此处用一般过去时,故用动词的过去式went。故选B。 【点评】本题考查一般过去时。以及go、went、will go、have gone四种事态的用法和区别。 3.The car suddenly _________ on the road and went out of control. Finally, it was seen _________ into the wall of the building. A. was broken down; crash B. broke down; crash C. was broken down; to crash D. broke down; to crash 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:汽车在路上突然加速,失去了控制。最后,人们看到它撞到了建筑物的墙壁上。break down和主语car是主动关系,故排除A和C,be seen to do,固定搭配,被看到做某事,故用不定式,故选D。 【点评】考查语态和固定搭配,注意be seen to do的用法。 4.— Are you a basketball player in your school ? — Yes. I ______________ the team 3 years ago. I ______________ in it for 3 years. A. joined; was B. was joined; am C. have joined; have been D. joined; have been 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——你是你们学校的篮球运动员吗?——是的,三年前我加入了这个团队,我在里面呆了3年。3 years ago是一般过去时的标志,join和主语 I 之间是主动关系,且for 3 years是时间段,是现在完成时标志,故用持续性动词,have been in表示持续,故选D。


(英语)英语一般过去时模拟试题及解析(1) 一、初中英语一般过去时 1.What a day! The car I ___________ seems to go wrong again. A. have repaired it B. had repaired C. had repaired it D. have it repaired 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:多么糟糕的一天呀!我让人修好的车又坏了。这里I had repaired 是定语从句,先行词是前面的名词car,关系词that或which在定语从句中作宾语省略了,it也是指代the car,所以定语从句中关系词代替先行词了,it必须去掉。故选B。 2.In February, Chinese tech company Huawei ________ Mate X, a foldable (可折叠的) 5G mobile phone. A. is introducing B. introduced C. introduces D. was introduced 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:二月,中国科技公司华为介绍Mate X,一款可折叠5G手机。根据In February,可知陈述过去的事情,用一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式,introduce介绍,其过去式是introduced,故选B。 【点评】考查动词的时态,注意句子涉及一般过去时。 3.Everyone except Tom and John there when the meeting began. A. are B. is C. were D. was 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:当会议开始的时候,除了Tom和John没来,每个人都在这。except和besides两者都是“除去”之意,但前者指“但并不包括”,是“排除”之意,后者指“除此之外还有”,是“外加”之意。举例如下:There are six of us besides Tom.除汤姆外,另外还有6人。(一共7人)We all went home except Tom.除汤姆外,我们全回家了。(只有汤姆一人未回家)。谓语动词要看except前面的主语。故选D。 【点评】本题考查be动词。以及are、is、were、was四个词的用法和区别。 4.The car suddenly _________ on the road and went out of control. Finally, it was seen _________ into the wall of the building. A. was broken down; crash B. broke down; crash C. was broken down; to crash D. broke down; to crash 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:汽车在路上突然加速,失去了控制。最后,人们看到它撞到了建筑物的墙壁上。break down和主语car是主动关系,故排除A和C,be seen to do,固定搭配,被看到做某事,故用不定式,故选D。 【点评】考查语态和固定搭配,注意be seen to do的用法。


★一般过去时★ 一、概念 表示在过去某个时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态。通常在句子里找到表示过去时间的词或词组。如:yesterday,yesterday morning/ evening,this morning,last night/week/ month/year,,two days ago,a week ago,等。 如:I went to bed at eleven last night. 昨晚我11:00睡觉。 二、动词一般过去时变化规则 1.一般在动词末尾加-ed, 如:cook-cooked, play- played, look-looked, start-started 2.结尾是e加d, 如:dance—danced, live-lived, use-used, hope-hoped 3.末尾只有一个元音字母和一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ed,如:stop-stopped,drop—dropped, plan-planned 4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变y为i,再加-ed, 如:study-studied, worry-worried 5.小学阶段不规则动词一般过去时, 1)过去式与原形一样 put→put (放下)let→let(让)cut → cut(砍,剪)read→read(读) 2.)把元音字母变成“a” come- came give –gave drink –drank begin –began 3.)中间去“e” 末尾加“t” sleep -- slept keep –kept feel –felt 4.)把“i”变成“o” ride— rode drive — drove


一般过去时练习题及答 案 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

一般过去时练习题及答案 一、请用正确动词形式填空。 1. I _________ (have) an exciting party last weekend. 2. _________ she _________(practice) her guitar yesterday? No, she _________. 3. What ________ Tom ________ (do) on Saturday evening? He ________(watch) TV and __________(read) an interesting book. 4. They all _________(go) to the mountains yesterday morning. 5. She _________(not visit) her aunt last weekend. She ________ (stay) at home and _________(do) some cleaning. 6. When ________ you _________(write) this song? I __________(write) it last year. 7. My friend, Carol, ________(study) for the math test and ________(practice) English last night. 8. ________ Mr. Li __________(do) the project on Monday morning? Yes, he _________. 9. How _________(be) Jim's weekend? It _________(be not) bad. 10. ________ (be) your mother a sales assistant last year? No. she __________. 二、翻译下列句子 1. 我过了一个忙碌但却刺激的周末。 I _________ _________ __________ __________ exciting weekend.


一般过去时易错点解析 例1. 用括号内动词的适当形式填空 I went to the supermarket and (buy) some fruit. 解析:很多同学在做本题时,由于没有找到时间状语,因而不知道应该填什么。句中的and连接了两个并列句,前后时态应该一致,前面用了go的过去时went,所以后面buy也应该用过去时bought. 答案:bought 例2. 用括号内动词的适当形式填空。 He always (play) computer games last year. 解析:有些人会把答案写成plays,虽然主语He是单数第三人称,而且句子中出现了always,但是当你读完整个句子就会发现last year,所以应该用过去时played。一般过去时也可以表示过去经常做某事。 答案:played 例3. 用括号内动词的适当形式填空。 Our teacher said that the earth (move) round the sun. 解析:本题是一道难题。本句是含有宾语从句的主从复合句。主句的谓语动词said是say的过去式,有的同学可能会填moved,但是从句the earth moves round the sun(地球绕着太阳转)是客观真理,所以还是要用一般现在时。 答案:moves 例4. 句型转换。 Miss Green taught us English last year.(变一般疑问句) 解析:本题有的同学可能会写成:Did Miss Green taught you English last year?要注意,如果变一般疑问句时提前了Did,则原句中的实意动词要恢复成原形。可记住如下口诀:“见助动,周原形”。 答案:Did Miss Green teach you English last year? 例5. 单项选择。 ( )There a pen and two books on the desk yesterday. A. is B. are C. was D. were 解答:由yesterday可知本题应该选择过去时,可排除A和B。又因为there be


英语一般过去时模拟试题含解析 一、初中英语一般过去时 1.Mr Zhang and his wife _______to the party last Sunday。() A. invited B. was invited C. were invited 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:上周星期天请的张先生和妻子参加晚会。表示上周星期天发生的过去动作,用一般过去时态;主语Mr Zhang and his wife是谓语动词invite的承受者,用被动语态,主语Mr Zhang and his wife表示复数合义。故选C。 2.—Linda hasn't come to the party yet. —But she . I think I have to call her again. A. promises B. promised C. will promise 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——琳达还没来参加聚会。——但她答应了。我想我得再给她打个电话。根据 I think I have to call her again. 我得再给她打个电话。可知她答应了,应用一般过去时,故选B。 【点评】考查动词一般过去时的用法。 3.The traffic was heavy this morning, but Dad________ to get to the office on time. A. manages B. managed C. would manage D. will manage 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:今天早上交通非常繁忙,但爸爸设法按时赶到了办公室。根据The traffic was heavy this morning.可知,本句时态为一般过去时,动词“设法”manage的过去式为managed。故选B。 【点评】考查一般过去时,注意判断句子的时态,选择正确答案。 4.Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, _____ _________to donate a lot of money to charity when his daughter was born. A. decides B. has decided C. had decided D. decided 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:当脸书的创始人——马克·扎克伯格的女儿出生的时候,他决定把很多钱捐给慈善事业。根据when his daughter was born.可知,句子为一般过去时。故答案是D。 【点评】考查动词时态,注意一般过去时的判定依据。 5.The car suddenly _________ on the road and went out of control. Finally, it was seen


am ([?m] ,is [iz]是)→was:[w?z] make([meik]做;制造)→made:[meid] move([mu:v]移动)→moved[mu:vd] draw([dr?:]画)→drew:[dru:] play([plei]玩耍)→played work([w?:k]工作)→worked[t] say([sei]说)→[sed] are([ɑ:]是)→were[w?:] cut( [k?t]切;割;剪)→cut colour(['k?l?]染色)→cloured find([faind]发现)→found[faund] put([put]放)→put roll([r?ul]打滚)→rolled fall([f?:l]落下;跌倒)→fell[fel] burn([b?:n]燃烧)→burnt/burned buy([bai]买)→bought[b?:t] lay([lei]下蛋;产卵)→laid[leid] lead([li:d]引导;领(路))→led[led] learn([l?:n]学习)→learnt/learned leave([li:v]离开)→left[left] lend([lend]把...借给)→lent let([let]让)→let lie([lai]撒谎)→lay lose([lu:z]丢失)→lost[l?st] spell[spel]拼写→spelt[spelt]/spelled spend[spend]花(钱),花费→spent stand[st?nd]站立→stood[stud] sweep[swi:p]打扫→swept catch[k?t?]抓住→caught[k?:t] choose[t?u:z]选择→chose[t??uz] come[k?m]来→came[keim] cost[k?st]花费→cost dig[dig]掘(土);挖→dug[d?g] do[du:]做→did[did] draw[dr?:]画→drew[dru:] drink[dri?k]饮,喝→drank[dr??k] drive[draiv]驾驶(汽车等)→drove[dr?uv] eat[i:t] 吃→ate[eit] feel[fi:l]摸,触、感觉→felt fly[flai]飞→flew[flu:] meet[mi:t]遇见→met[met] read[ri:d]读→read ride骑(马等);乘(车等) [raid]→rode[r?ud] ring[ri?]摇铃→rang[r??] rise[raiz]上升→rose run[r?n]跑,奔→ran[r?n] swim[swim]游泳→swam[sw?m] take[teik]拿,取;→took[tuk]
