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• Premiums and Claims are subject to same percentage 赔款分担比例与保费分配比例相同
太平再保险顾问有限公司 Taiping Reinsurance Brokers Ltd.
Maximum 上限
Quota Share Treaty 成数合约
Treaty Limit (100%)合约限额: Retention (20%)自留: Quota Share (80%)成数:

太平再保险顾问有限公司 Taiping Reinsurance Brokers Ltd.
Treaty Reinsurance 合约分保
• An agreement between the original Insurer and Reinsurer whereby the Reinsurer automatically accepts a certain liability for all risks falling within the scope of the agreement 原保险公司与再保人间的一项协议,据此再保险人自动接受协议范 围内的所有风险责任
• Types of Reinsurance 再保险的种类
- Facultative 临分
- Treaty 合约
- ART/CAT BOND/ Sidecar 非传统风险转移/巨灾债券/第三方资本
• Forms of Reinsurance 再保险的形式 - Proportional (Pro Rata)比例 保费和赔款按比例分摊
Introduction to Reinsurance
太平再保险顾问有限公司 2014年9月25日
太平再保险顾问有限公司 Taiping Reinsurance Brokers Ltd.
•什么是再保险 - 定义 •再保险的功能 •再保险的种类/形式
比例合约再保险 非比例合约再保险 临时分保
party to insure him against loss or liability by reason of such original insurance. 保险公司像所有的直保客户一样需要购买保险来保障自己,即向再 保人购买再保险以保障原保单的损失或责任,是一种风险转移的方 式或手段。
• In Toomey v. Eagle Star (1993) Justice Hobhouse stated. 在Toomey控诉Eagle Star (1993)的案例里,法官Hobhouse说:
太平再保险顾问有限公司 Taiping Reinsurance Brokers Ltd.
Quota Share Treaty 成数合约
• Automatic reinsurance whereby the Cedant is bound to cede a fixed percentage of every risk written by it 自动分保,分出人必须要将每一个风险以固定百分比分进成数合约
• Stabilization of results 稳定业绩 - Protection of profits 保护利润 - Distribution of losses over a period of time 使损失得以在一段时间内逐渐分摊
太平再保险顾问有限公司 Taiping Reinsurance Brokers Ltd.
- ‘Reinsurance is the insurance of an insurable interest in the subject matter of an original insurance. 再保险是为“原保险对于标的物的可保利益”提供保障的保险。
太平再保险顾问有限公司 Taiping Reinsurance Brokers Ltd.
Other 其他
Quota Share成数
Non-Proportional or Excess of Loss 非比例或超赔
Risk X/L 险位
Catastrophe X/L巨灾
Stop Loss/ Aggregate XL 赔付率/累积超
• Reciprocity 业务互换 - Generation of incoming reinsurance to enhance spread 产生再保险分入业务,促进风险分散
• Financial Model 财务模型
太平再保险顾问有限公司 Taiping Reinsurance Brokers Ltd.
Particulars of a Quota Share Treaty 成数合约的详细内容
• Ceding Company 分出公司
• Effective Date 生效日期
• Notice of Cancellation 注销通知
• Type of Treaty
• Class of Business 业务类别
The functions of reinsurance 再保险的功能
• Capacity/Risk Sharing 提供承保能力/风险分担
- Allows insurer to take larger lines on individual risks yet follow the fundamental principles of insurance 让保险人在个别风险上可承接更大保额,但仍遵循保险的基本原则
太平再保险顾问有限公司 Taiping Reinsurance Brokers Ltd.
Quota Share Treaty 成数合约
• Obligatory Treaty 强制性合约 • Fixed Retention Percentage 固定自留百分比 • Fixed Cession Percentage 固定分保百分比
•再保险要注意的事项 •再保险简史
太平再保险顾问有限公司 Taiping Reinsurance Brokers Ltd.
Proportional Treaty 比例合约
• Quota Share Treaty 成数合约 • Surplus Treaty 溢额合约 • Facultative/Obligatory Treaty 预约临分合约
20,000,000 4,000,000 16,000,000
per risk 每一风险单位
太平再保险顾问有限公司 Taiping Reinsurance Brokers Ltd.
Quota Share Treaty 成数合约
太平再保险顾问有限公司 Taiping Reinsurance Brokers Ltd.
•什么是再保险 - 定义 •再保险的功能 •再保险的种类/形式
比例合约再保险 非比例合约再保险 临时分保
•再保险要注意的事项 •再保险简史
太平再保险顾问有限公司 Taiping Reinsurance Brokers Ltd.
The functions of reinsurance 再保险的功能
- Balanced book of business 业务的平衡
• Protection 风险保障
- For accumulation or catastrophic losses
- For attritional losses/deterioration in loss frequency
• An obligatory contract 强制性合同
• As treaty reinsurance provides automatic cover the Insurer is guaranteed a definite amount of reinsurance protection on every risk which it accepts 由于再保合约提供了自动保障,保险公司接受的每一个风险都受到 再保合约限额内的保障
• Administrative costs lower than Facultative basis 行政费用低于临分
太平再保险顾问有限公司 Taiping Reinsurance Brokers Ltd.
•什么是再保险 - 定义 •再保险的功能 •再保险的种类/形式
比例合约再保险 非比例合约再保险 临时分保
• To protect insurance companies 保护直保公司
• To meet Solvency requirements 满足偿付能力要求 - Allows insurer to write more insurance business against limited capital
• Territorial Limits
• Maximum Liability for 100% 100%的最大责任
• Quota Share % of 100%
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• Maximum Limit for Quota Share 成数分出最高限额
• Maximum Limit for Retention 成数自留最高限额
•再保险要注意的事项 •再保险简史
太平再保险顾问有限公司 Taiping Reinsurance Brokers Ltd.
What is reinsurance – Definition 什么是再保险 - 定义
• A simple definition of reinsurance 再保险的定义: - ‘A contract of reinsurance is one by which an insurer procures a third
• Same percentage of every risk 每一个风险的百分比相同 – No matter how large or small the sum insured 无论保险金额有多大 – Irrespective of whether the risk is good or bad 无论风险是好是坏
• Cession Limit / Event Limit
太平再保险顾问有限公司 Taiping Reinsurance Brokers Ltd.
- Non-Proportional (Excess of Loss) 非比例(亦称“超赔”) 分出公司向再保人购买不能承担的损失部分
太平再保险顾问有限公司 Taiping Reinsurance Brokers Ltd.
Types / Forms of Reinsurance 再保险的种类/形式
•什么是再保险 - 定义 •再保险的功能 •再保险的种类/形式
比例合约再保险 非比例合约再保险 临时分保
•再保险要注意的事项 •再保险简史
太平再保险顾问有限公司 Taiping Reinsurance Brokers Ltd.
Types / Forms of Reinsurance 再保险的种类/形式
消耗性损失 / 损失频率恶化
- For large losses of single risk
太平再保险顾问有限公司 Taiping Reinsurance Brokers Ltd.
The functions of reinsurance 再保险的功能
• Expertise 专业知识 - Assists in the development of new products 协助开发新产品 - Through ‘partnership’ with reinsurers can obtain: 通过与再保险公司的“伙伴关系” 取得: Independent advice 独立意见 Experience and service from the ‘market’ or specialist reinsurer “市场”或专业再保险公司的经验和服务