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Famous Chinese Tea—Xihu Longjing Tea


Time:2013-04-09 15:57:35


The Xihu (West Lake) Longjing tea ranks the highest among Chinese teas. It is produced among the hills surrounding the West Lake in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. Over the years, the city of Hangzhou is not only famous in the world for the beautiful West Lake but also for the Xihu Longjing tea. The hills near the West Lake have been producing tea for hundreds of years and have renowned as early as the Tang Dynasty. But the formation of flat shaped Longjing tea only occurred in the last hundred years. 西湖龙井茶外形挺直削尖、扁平俊秀、光滑匀齐、色泽绿中显黄。冲泡后,香气清高持久,香馥若兰;汤色杏绿,清澈明亮,叶底嫩绿,匀齐成朵,芽芽直立,栩栩如生。品饮茶汤,沁人心脾,齿间流芳,回味无穷。

The Xihu Longjing tea is straight and pointy, flat and slick, with hints of yellow showing through its green color. After brewing, the clear aroma of the tea smells of orchids and lasts for a long time. The color of the brew presents a bright and clear green. The tea leaves are light green, with uniform and straight buds. When consumed, the tea leaves a refreshing fragrance that reaches all the way through one’s teeth.


The Longjing tea plantations are spread among the majestic hills around the West Lake. The mild climate sees mists all year round. With plentiful rain, loose soil structure, and fertile land, the tea trees are able to become deep rooted and remain green all year long. From budding in spring to the coloring of the forests in late autumn, the tea buds are constantly sprouting. Tea picked before the Qingming Festival is called the Pre-Qingming tea. Five hundred grams of Pre-Qingming tea uses 70 to 80 thousand tea shoots, and it is the highest grade of Longjing tea. The shape and quality of the Longjing tea have much to do with its processing techniques.


The roasting techniques for Longjing tea are very complicated. There are 10 basic techniques that are based on different fresh tea leaves and different stages of roasting, including: sparkling, straightening, flattening, rubbing, flinging, squeezing, pushing, lifting, pressing, grinding. Anyone who has seen the entire process for roasting Longjing tea will think that it is indeed a meticulously crafted production.

