



空中交通管制(Air Traffic Control,简称ATC)是确保飞行安全、提高飞行效率和防止空中冲突的重要手段。



1. 空中交通服务(ATS):包括空中交通管制服务、飞行情报服务和告警服务。

2. 空中交通管制服务(ATC Service):提供给飞机以避免碰撞、合理有效地利用空域和维护有序飞行流的服务。

3. 飞行情报服务(FIS):为飞行中的飞机提供有助于安全和效率的信息服务。

4. 告警服务(ALRS):在紧急情况下,为空中或地面的飞机提供帮助。

1. 指令:当空管员向飞行员发出指令时,通常会使用“cleared to...”、“descend to...”、“turn right/left heading...”等词语。

2. 回应:飞行员在收到并理解指令后,通常会回复“roger”,表示已收到并理解。

1. 路径点(Waypoint):在航路图上定义的一个地理位置,用于导航。

2. 仪表飞行规则(IFR):在气象条件恶劣的情况下,飞行员按照仪器指示而非目视飞行的规则。

3. 视觉飞行规则(VFR):在天气良好,能见度高的情况下,飞行员依靠视觉进行飞行的规则。








你知道怎么用英语表达吗?Chinese military and civil air traffic control authorities worked to ease the concerns of thousands of passengers after days of flight delays and cancellations. Many travelers choose alternative means of transportation, including high-speed trains.The authorities said they have optimized plans for airspace controls to boost the capacity of East China's airports during military drills, according to an announcement posted on the official website of the Civil Aviation Administration of China.It is said that extreme weather is the most frequent reason for flight delays in July and August. The impact of military drills on civil flights was minimal.在几天的航班延误和取消之后,中国军用和民用航空交通管理局努力减缓成千上万名旅客的担忧。



空中交通管理1. 简介空中交通管理(Air Traffic Management,简称ATM),是指对空中交通活动进行监控、协调和管理的系统和程序。



2. 空中交通管理的组成2.1 空中交通管制中心(ACC)空中交通管制中心是空中交通管理系统的核心组成部分。


空中交通管制中心的职责包括: - 监控飞机的飞行路径和高度 - 确保飞机之间的安全间隔 - 协调飞机的起降和航线 - 提供天气和导航信息给飞机和机组人员 - 处理突发事件和紧急情况2.2 空中交通服务单元(ATS)空中交通服务单元是空中交通管理中的一部分,负责向飞机提供导航和通信服务。

它的职责包括: - 提供飞行计划和航行资料 - 监控飞机的位置和高度 - 提供导航和通信设备 - 支持空中交通管理中心的工作 - 处理飞机的通信需求和请求2.3 飞行管理系统(FMS)飞行管理系统是安装在飞机上的计算机系统,用于管理和控制飞机的飞行。

它的主要功能包括: - 管理飞机的航路和航线 - 计算飞机的速度和高度 - 提供自动导航和自动驾驶功能 - 监控飞机的性能和燃料消耗 - 提供飞行员与空中交通管理系统的通信接口3. 空中交通管理的运作原理3.1 飞行计划飞行计划是飞机起飞前提交给空中交通管理系统的计划。



3.2 飞行监控空中交通管理系统通过雷达和卫星定位系统等技术来监控飞机的位置、高度和速度等信息。


3.3 空中通信飞机与空中交通管理系统之间通过无线电通信进行联系。




空管对话范文1. 申请放行Request Airways Clearance (DEL)飞行员:白云放行,晚上好,国航9135,停机位廊桥207 号,机型波音737,通波BRAVO 已抄收,请求放行至北京。


管制员:国航9135,白云放行,许可而放行至北京,按计划航路飞行,使用跑道02 左,起始高度1200 米,修正海压1009,英德06 号离场,离场频率126.55,应答机2432。


(什么?应答机是啥不知道,那就请点击右上角的关注,我会专门来做一个应答机的解释)飞行员:可以放行至北京,按计划航路飞行,使用跑道02L,起始高度1200 米,修正海压1009,英德06 号离场,离场频率126.55,应答机2432,国航9135。





2. 申请推出开车及滑行(地面)飞行员:白云地面,晚上好,国航9135,停机位廊桥207,请求推出开车。




飞行员:白云地面,国航9135,请求滑行地面管制员:国航9135,沿滑行道SIERA、FOXTROT、FOXTROT10,跑道02 左外等待飞行员:沿滑行道SIERA、FOXTROT、FOXTROT10,跑道02 左外等待,国航9135注:这里的一些英文新手可能看不懂,这其实就是滑行道的代码,在滑行前务必要知道机场的地图,以免搞不清方向。



中国空间站英文介绍(中英文实用版)Introduction to China"s Space StationChina"s space station, a marvel of human ingenuity and technological advancement, stands as a testament to the nation"s thriving space program.Officially named the China Manned Space Engineering (CMSE), this orbital complex symbolizes China"s commitment to peaceful space exploration and utilization.Boasting cutting-edge design and state-of-the-art facilities, it aims to facilitate scientific research, promote international cooperation, and inspire the next generation of space enthusiasts.中国空间站,作为人类智慧和科技进步的杰作,彰显了中国航天事业的蓬勃发展。



Configuration and ModulesThe Chinese space station is designed as a modular structure, consisting of a core module, two experiment modules, and a cargo module, all connected by a series of robotic arms.The station, once completed, will be approximately 60 meters long and weigh around 100 tons.Each module is equipped with solar arrays, providing the necessary power for operations and experiments.构造与模块中国空间站采用模块化设计,包括一个核心模块、两个实验模块以及一个货物模块,通过一系列机械臂连接。



空管面试专业知识1. 空管系统概述空管(Air Traffic Control)是指对航空器在地面和空中飞行过程中进行监控、引导和管理的系统。


2. 空中交通管理空中交通管理是空管的核心任务之一。



3. 空中导航系统空中导航系统是空管系统中的重要组成部分。



4. 空中通信系统空中通信系统用于航空器与地面的通信,以及航空器之间的通信。



5. 空中流量管理空中流量管理是为了确保航空器有序进出机场、在空中按计划航行。



6. 空中监视和雷达系统空中监视和雷达系统是用于监控航空器在空中的位置和动态信息的技术。



7. 空管规章和标准空管系统有一系列的规章和标准,用于确保空中交通的安全和顺畅。


8. 空管系统的发展趋势随着航空业的发展和技术的进步,空管系统也在不断演进和改进。


9. 空管面试准备和技巧如果你想从事空管相关的工作,面试准备是非常重要的。



空中交通管制缩略语大全(ICAO English)A Amber 琥珀色(南北向主航路)A/A Air-to-air 空对空AAL Above Aerodrome Level 高出机场平面ABM Abeam 正切ABN Aerodrome beacon 机场灯标ABT About 关于ABV Above …以上AC Altocumulus 高积云ACAC Airborne collision avoidance system 机载防撞系统ACC Area control center 区域管制中心ACCID Notification of an aircraft accident 航空器失事通知ACFT Aircraft 航空器ACK Acknowledge 承认,收悉CAN Aircraft classification number 航空器等级序号AD Aerodrome 机场ADA Advisory area 咨询区ADF Automatic direction-finding equipment 自动定向设备ADIZ Air defense identification zone 防空识别区ADR Advisory route 咨询航路ADS Address 收电地址ADVS Advisory service 咨询服务ADZ Advise 通知AEIS Aeronautical en-route information service 航空的航路情报服务AER Approach end runway 跑道的进近端AERADIO Air radio 航空无线电AES Aerodrome emergency services 机场紧急服务AFB Air force base 空军基地AFCS Automatic flight control system 飞行自动控制系统AFIS Aerodrome flight information service 机场飞行情报服务AFL Above field level 高于场面AFM Affirmative 是的,对的AFS Aeronautical fixed service 航空固定服务AFTN Aeronautical fixed telecommunication network航空固定电信网A/G Air to ground 空对地AGA Aerodromes, air routes and ground aids机场、航路和地面助航设施AGL Above ground level 高出地面AGN Again 再,再次AIREP Air report 空中报告ALA Alighting area 着陆区,降落区ALR Alerting 告警ALS Approach lighting system 进近灯光系统ALT Altitude 海拔高度ALTN Alternate 备降,备分AM Amplitude modulation 调幅AMA Area minimum altitude 区域最低高度AMDT Amendment 修订AMS Aeronautical mobile service 航空移动服务AMSL Above mean sea level 高出平均海平面AOC Airport obstacle chart 机场障碍物图AOR Area of responsibility 责任区APCH Approach 进近APP Approach control 进近管制APRX Approximate 大约APU Auxiliary power unit 辅助动力装置APV Approve 批准ARO Air traffic services reporting office 空中交通服务报告室ARP Airport reference point 机场基准点ARQ Automatic error correction 自动误差纠正ARR Arrival 到达ARSA Airport radar service area 机场雷达服务区ARSR Air route surveillance radar 空中航路监视雷达AS Altostratus 高层云ASC Ascend to 上升ASDA Accelerate-stop distance available 可用加速停止距离ASPH Asphalt 沥青ASR Airport surveillance radar 机场监视雷达ATA Actual time of arrival 实际到达时间ATC Air traffic control 空中交通管制ATD Actual time of departure 实际离场时间ATF Aerodrome traffic frequency 机场交通频率ATFM Air traffic flow management 空中交通流量管理ATIS Automatic terminal information service 自动终端情报服务ATM Air traffic management 空中交通管理ATN Aeronautical telecommunication network 航空电信网ATS Air traffic service 空中交通服务ATZ Aerodrome traffic zone 机场交通地带AUTH Authorized 授权AUW All up weight 起飞全重AUX Auxiliary 辅助的AVBL Available 有用的,可用性AVG Average 平均AWY Airway 航路AZM Azimuth 方位(角)B Blue 兰色(南北向辅航路)BA Braking action 刹车效应BASE Cloud base 云底BC Back course 后航道BCN Beacon 灯标BCST Broadcast 广播BDRY Boundary 边界BFR Before 在…之前BGN Begin 开始BKN Broken 裂云BLDG Building 建筑物BLW Below …以下BRG Bearing 方位(角)BTL Between layers 云层之间,云层飞行BTN Between 在…之间BYD Beyond 超过C Degrees Celsius (Centigrade) 摄氏度CAAC Civil aviation administration of China 中国民用航空总局CAB Civil Aeronautics Board (美国)民用航空委员会CAT Clear air turbulence 晴空颠簸CAT Category 分类,类别CB Cumulonimbus 积雨云CEIL Ceiling 云高CGL Circling guidance light(s) 盘旋引导灯CH Channel 波道.CHG Change 改变、换CIV Civil 民用CK Check 检查,校核CL Center line 中心线CLBR Calibration 校正CLG Calling 呼叫CLR Clear, clearance 放行,放行许可CLSD Closed 关闭CM Centimeter 厘米CMB Climb to 爬升至CNL Cancel or cancelled 取消CNS Communication, navigation and surveillance 通信、导航和监视COM Communications 通信CONC Concrete 混凝土COND Condition 条件,状况CONT Continue(s) 连续,连续的COORD Coordinates 坐标COP Change-over point 转换点COR Correct or correction 正确,更正CORR Corridor 走廊CPU Central processing unit 计算机中央处理系统CRP Compulsory reporting point 强制性位置报告点CRT Cathode ray tube 阴极射线管CRZ Cruise 巡航CTA Control area 管制区CTL Control 管制,控制CTN Caution 注意CTR Control zone 管制地带CWY Clearway 净空道DA Decision altitude 决断高度DCKG Docking 停靠DCT Direct 直线进近,直飞DEG Degree 度DEP Depart/departure 起飞或离场DEPT Department 部门DES Descend to 下降DEST Destination 目的地DEV Deviation 偏航,偏离DFTI Distance from touchdown indicator 离接地距离指示器DH Decision height 决断高DIST Distance 距离DIV Divert, diverting 改航,转向DLA Delay 延误DME Distance measuring equipment 测距仪DP Dew point temperature 露点DPT Depth 深度DR Dead reckoning 推测DRG During 在…期间DS Dust storm 尘暴DSB Double sideband 双边带DUR Duration 持续期,持续时间DVOR Doppler VOR 多普勒全向信标EAT Expected approach time 预计进近时间EET Expected elapsed time 预计航程(经过)时间EFC Expected further clearance 预计进一步放行许可ELEV Elevation 标高EM Emission 发射,发讯EMERG Emergency 紧急,应急ENG Engine 发动机ERR Error 错误EST Estimate 预计,估计ETA Estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间ETD Estimated time of departure 预计离场时间ETE Estimated time enroute 预计航路飞行时间ETO Estimated time over 预计飞越时间EXC Except 除…..之外EXP Expect 预期,希望EXTD Extend 延长、延伸F Degrees Fahrenheit 华氏(度)FAA Federal Aviation Administration 联邦航空局(美)FAC Facilities 设施,设备FAF Final approach fix 最后进近定位点FAP Final approach point 最后进近点FAS Final approach segment 最后进近航段FAX Facsimile transmission 传真FC Funnel cloud 漏斗云FCST Forecast 预报FCT Friction coefficient 摩擦系数FG Fog 雾FIC Flight information center 飞行情报中心FIR Flight information region 飞行情报区FIS Flight information service 飞行情报服务FISA Automated Flight information service 自动飞行情报服务FL Flight level 飞行高度FLD Field 机场,场地FLG Flashing 闪光,照明弹FLT Flight 飞行,飞行航班FM From 自,从FM Frequency modulation 调频FMS Flight management system 飞行控制系统FMU Flight management unit 流量管理单位FNA Final approach 最后进近FPL Filed flight plan 申报的飞行计划FPM Feet per minute 英尺/分FPR Flight plan route 飞行计划路线FR Fuel remaining 剩余油量FREQ Frequency 频率FSL Full stop landing 全停着陆FSS Flight service station 飞行服务站FST First 第一FT Feet 英尺G Green 绿色(东西向主航路)GA General aviation 通用航空GCA Ground controlled approach (radar) 地面管制进近(雷达)GEO Geographic or true 地理的或真的GMT Greenwich mean time 地面管制GP Glide path 下滑道GPS Global positioning system 全球定位系统GRADU Gradually 逐渐地GS Glide slope 下滑坡度GS Ground speed 地速GWT Gross weight 全重H24 24 hour service 24小时服务HBN Hazard beacon 危险信标HC Critical height 临界高HDF High frequency direction finding station 高频定向台HDG Heading 航向HEL Helicopter 直升机HF High frequency (3-30 MHz) 高频HGT Height 高HJ Sunrise to sunset 日出至日没,昼间服务HLDG Holding 等待HN Sunset to sunrise 日没日出至,夜间服务HPA Hectopascal 百帕HS During hours of scheduled operations 按航班开放HIS Horizontal situation indicator 水平状态指示仪HST High speed taxiway turn-off 高速转出滑行道HX Irregular service 非定时服务Hz Hertz (cycles per second) 赫兹(每分钟周数)IAC Instrument approach chart 仪表进近图IAF Initial approach fix 起始进近定位点IAL Instrument approach and landing chart 仪表进近和着陆图IAP Instrument approach procedure 仪表进近程序IAR Intersection of air routes 航路交叉点IAS Indicated airspeed 指示空速IATA International air transport association 国际航空运输协会IBN Identification beacon 识别灯标ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization 国际民航组织IDENT Identification 识别,认别标志IF Intermediate approach fix 中间进近定位点IFR Instrument flight rules 仪表飞行规则IGS Instrument guiding system 仪表引导系统ILS Instrument landing system 仪表着陆系统IM Inner marker 内指点标IMC Instrument meteorological conditions 仪表气象条件IMG Immigration 入境,移民IMPT Important 重要INBD Inbound 进场,向台INFO Information 资料,情报INOP Inoperative 不工作INP If not possible 如不可能INPR In progress 在进行中INS Inertial navigation system 惯性导航系统INT Intersection 交叉点,联络道INTER Intermittent 间断的INTL International 国际的INTRG Interrogator 询问器INTRP Interrupted 中断,干扰IR Ice on runway 跑道积冰IS Island 岛屿ISA International standard atmosphere 国际标准大气JTST Jet stream 高空激流KG Kilogram 公斤KHz Kilohertz 千赫KM Kilometer 公里KMH Kilometer(s) per hour 公里/时KT Knots 海里/时KW Kilowatt 千瓦L Locator (Compass) 示位台LAT Latitude 纬度LB Pound 磅LCT Local time 当地时间LDA Landing distance available 可用着陆距离LDG Landing 着陆LDI Landing direction indicator 着陆方向指示器LEN Length 长度LF Low frequency 低频(30-300千赫)LGT Light, lighting 灯,灯光LIH Light intensity high 高强度灯LIL Light intensity low 低强度灯LIM Light intensity medium 中强度灯LLZ Localizer 航向道LMM Locator middle marker 示位台中指点标LOM Locator outer marker 示位台外指点标LONG Longitude 经度LORAN LORAN(long range air navigation system)罗兰(远程导航系统)LT Local time 当地时LVL Level 水平,层M Meters 米MAA Maximum authorized altitude 批准的最大高度MAG Magnetic 磁的MAINT Maintenance 维修,维护MAP Aeronautical maps and charts 航空地图和航图MAPT Missed approach point 复飞点MAR Marine (At sea) 在海上,在海洋MAX Maximum 最大的MB Millibar 毫巴MBZ Mandatory broadcast zone 强制广播区MCA Minimum crossing altitude 最低穿越高度MDA Minimum descent altitude 最低下降高度MDF Medium frequency direction-finding station 中频定向台MEA Minimum en-route altitude 最低航路高度MER True height above MSL 高出平均海平面的真高MET Meteorological 气象的METAR Aviation routine weather report (in aeronautical meteorological code)航空例行天气预报(用航空气象电码)MF Medium frequency 中频(300-3000赫兹)MHA Minimum holding altitude 最低等待高度MHz Megahertz 兆赫MID Mid-point (related to RVR) 中间点(关于跑道视程)MIL Military 军用,军事MIN Minutes 分钟MKR Marker radio beacon 无线电指点信标MLS Microwave landing system 微波着陆系统MM Middle marker 中指点标MM Millimeter 毫米MOA Military operating area 军事活动区MOC Minimum obstacle clearance (required) 最小超障余度(要求的)MOD Moderate 中度MOV Move, movement 活动,运动MPH Miles per hour 英里/小时MPS Meters per second 米/秒MPW Maximum permitted weight 最大允许重量MRA Minimum reception altitude 最低接受高度MRG Medium range 中程MS Minus 减,负MSA Minimum sector altitude 最低扇区高度MSG Message 电报MSL Mean sea level 平均海平面MT Mountain 山MTOW Maximum take-off weight 最大起飞重量MTWA Maximum total weight authorized 最大允许全重N Night, north or northern 夜间,北或北方NA Not authorized 不允许,不批准NAT North Atlantic 北大西洋NAV Navigation 导航NAVAID Navigational aid 导航设施NB Northbound 向北飞行的NC No change 无变化NCRP Non-compulsory reporting point 非强制性位置报告点NDB Non-directional radio beacon 无方向性信标NE Northeast 东北NEB North-eastbound 向东北飞的NEG No, negative 不,不是,不正确的NGT Night 夜,夜晚NIL None 没有NM Nautical miles 海里NML Normal 正常NOF International NOTAM office 国际航行通告室NAP Noise abatement procedure 消噪音程序NOTAM Notice to airman 航行通告NR Number 号码,数NW North-west 西北NWB North-westbound 向西北方向飞的NXT Next 下一个,下次OAC Oceanic area control center 海洋管制中心OAS Obstacle assessment surface 障碍物评价面OBS Observe, observed, observation 观测,观察OBST Obstruction 障碍物OCA Oceanic control area 海洋管制区OCA Obstacle clearance altitude 超障高度OCS Obstacle clearance surface 超障面OM Outer marker 外指点标OPN Open 开放OPR Operator, operate, operative 经营人,报务员,运行OPS Operations 运行,运转O/R On request 按要求,按申请OTS Out of service 不工作OVNGT Overnight 过夜PALS Precision approach light system 精密进近灯光系统PANS-OPS Procedures for air navigation services—aircraft operations航行服务程序-航空器运行PAPI Precision approach path indicator 精密进近航径指示器PAR Precision approach radar 精密进近雷达PARL Parallel 平行PCN Pavement classification number 道面等级序号PCZ Positive control zone 绝对管制地带PERM Permanent 永久的PJE Parachute jumping exercise 跳伞训练PLN Flight plan 飞行计划PN Prior notice required 需事先通知POB Persons on board 机上人员PRKG Parking 停机PROB Probability 概率,可能性PROC Procedure 程序PROP Propeller aircraft 螺旋桨航空器PROV Provisional 临时的,暂时的PS Plus 加、正PSG Passing 过往,经过PSGR Passenger 旅客PSN Position 位置PTN Procedure turn 程序转弯PWR Power 电源,功率QDM Magnetic bearing to facility 向台磁方位QDR Magnetic bearing from facility 背台磁方位QFU Magnetic orientation of runway 跑道磁向QTE True bearing 真方位QUAD Quadrant 象限R Red 红色(东西向辅航路)R Radar, right 雷达,右RA Radio altimeter 无线电高度表RAC Rules of the air and air traffic services空中规则和空中交通服务RAG Runway arresting gear 跑道制动装置RAI Runway alignment indicator 对准跑道指示器RB Rescue boat 救生艇RCA Reaching cruising altitude 到达巡航高度RCC Rescue co-ordination center 救援协调中心RCF Radio communication failure 无线电通讯失效RCL Runway centerline 跑道中心线RCLM Runway centerline markings 跑道中心线标志RCLR Recleared 再放行RDL Radial 径向线REC Receive, receiver 收,收到,接收REDL Runway edge light(s) 跑道边灯REF Reference 参阅REG Registration 登记,注册REIL Runway end identification lights 跑道端识别灯RENL Runway end light(s) 跑道端灯REP Reporting point 报告点REQ Request 请求RF Radio facility 无线电设施RFLG Refueling 加油(燃料)RH Right hand 右手(边)RL Report leaving 脱离报告RLCE Request level change en-route 请求在航路上改变高度层RLLS Runway lead-in lighting system 跑道引进灯光系统RMK Remarks 附注,备注RNAV Area navigation 区域导航/领航ROC Rate of climb 上升率,爬升率ROD Rate of descent 下滑率,下降率RPM Revolutions per hour 每分钟的转数RSCD Runway surface condition 跑道道面情况RSR En-route surveillance radar 航路监视雷达RTE Route 航路RTF Radiotelephony 无线电话RTG Radiotelegraphy 无线电报RTHL Runway threshold light(s) 跑道入口灯RTR Remote transmitter/receiver 遥控发射机/接收机RTS Return to service 恢复工作RTT Radio teletypewriter 无线电传打字机RTZL Runway touchdown zone light(s) 跑道接地带灯RVR Runway visual range 跑道视程RVV Runway visibility values 跑道能见度数值RWY Runway 跑道S South 南、南纬SAR Search and rescue 搜寻与援救SB Southbound 向南飞SDBY Stand by 等待,备份SE Southeast 东南SEB South-eastbound 向东南飞SEC Seconds 秒SECT Sector 扇区SELCAL Selective call system 选择呼叫系统SER Service 服务,工作SFC Surface 表面,道面SID Standard instrument departure 标准仪表离场SKED Schedule 定期SLW Slow 慢SMC Surface movement control 地面活动管制SMR Surface movement radar 地面活动雷达SN Snow 雪SNOWTAM Snow NOTAM 雪情通告SRA Special rules area 特殊规则区SRA Surveillance radar approach 监视雷达进近SRE Surveillance radar element 地面管制进近(GCA)的监视雷达部分SRG Short range 短程SSB Single sideband 单边带SSR Secondary surveillance radar 二次监视雷达SST Supersonic transport 超音速运输机STA Strait in approach 直线进近STAR Standard terminal arrival 标准终端进场STD Standard 标准STN Station 站,站位STNR Stationary 静止的STWL Stopway light(s) 停止道灯SUP Supplement 增补,补充SUPPS Regional supplementary procedures 地区补充程序SW Southwest 西南SWB South-westbound 向西南飞SWY Stopway 停止道T Temperature 温度TA Transition altitude 过度高度TAF Aerodrome forecast 机场天气预报TAIL Tail wind 顺风TAR Terminal area surveillance radar 终端区监视雷达TAS True airspeed 真空速TCA Terminal control area 终端管制区TDO Tornado 龙卷风TDZ Touchdown zone 接地区TEMPO Temporary 临时TEND Trend forecast 趋势预报TFC Traffic 交通TGL Touch-and-go landing 连续起落TGS Taxiing guidance system 滑行引导系统THR Threshold 跑道入口TKOF Take-off 起飞TMA Terminal control area 终端管制区TNA Turn altitude 转弯高度TML Terminal 终端,终端机场TOC Top of climb 爬升顶点TODA Take-off distance available 可用起飞距离TORA Take-off run available 可用起飞滑跑距离TP Turning point 转弯点TR Track 航迹,轨迹TRA Temporary reserved airspace 临时备用空域TRL Transition level 过度高度层TROP Tropopause 对流层顶TT Teletypewriter 电传打字机TURB Turbulence 颠簸TVOR Terminal VOR 终端甚高频全向信标TWR Tower 塔台TWY Taxiway 滑行道TWYL Taxiway-link 滑行联络道TXT Text 电文TYP Type of aircraft 机型TYPH Typhoon 台风UAA Upper advisory area 高空咨询区UAB Until advised by…直到由…通知UAC Upper area control center 高空区域管制中心UAD Upper advisory route 高空咨询航路UAR Upper air route 高空航路UFN Until further notice 直至进一步通知UGT Urgent 紧急UHF Ultra high frequency (300-3000MHz) 超高频(300-3000兆赫)UIC Upper information center 高空情报中心UIR Upper flight information region 高空飞行情报区UNL Unlimited 无限制U/S Unserviceable 不能使用USB Upper sideband 上边带UTA Upper control area 高空管制区UTC Coordinated universal time 协调世界时UWY Upper airway 高空航路VAC Visual approach chart 目视进近图VAR Magnetic variation 磁差VASIS Visual approach slope indicator system 目视进近坡度指示系统VDF VHF direction finding station 甚高频定向台VDP Visual descent point 目视下降点VFR Visual flight rules 目视飞行规则VHF Very high frequency (30-300MHz) 甚高频VIP Very important person 要客VIS Visibility 能见度VLF Very low frequency 甚低频VMC Visual meteorological conditions 目视气象条件VNAV Vertical navigation 垂直导航VOLMET Meteorological information for aircraft in flight供飞行中航空器用的气象情报VOR VHF Omnidirectional range 甚高频全向信标VSP Vertical speed 垂直速度VTOL Vertical take-off and landing 垂直起降VV Vertical visibility 垂直能见度W West, white 西,白色WAC World Aeronautical Chart 世界航图(1:1000,000)WB Westbound 向西飞WDI Wind direction indicator 风向指示器WEF With effect from 自xx起生效WIE With immediate effect 立即生效WIP Work in progress 工程在进行中WO Without 没有WPT Way-point 航路点WRNG Warning 警告,报警WS Wind shear 风切变WT Weight 重量WX Weather 天气X Cross 交叉,十字XNG Crossing 穿越Y Yellow 黄色YDS Zulu time 格林尼治平时Z Coordinated universal time 协调世界时。



Air Traffic ManagementAir Traffic Management Business LineCorporate ProfileWorld leader for mission-critical information systemsThree core businessesAerospace & Space Defence Security}€12.7 bn annual revenuesA Worldwide Group68,000 employees worldwide Presence in 50 countries1Air Traffic ManagementCorporate DomainsMarket-driven businessesDualDefence & Security C4I Systems Air Operations Avionics SpaceDefenceDefence Mission Systems Land DefenceCivilTransportation SystemsAir Traffic Management A coherent organisation Bringing to our customers the benefit of technology expertise and international presence2Air Traffic ManagementA global playerGlobal reach, local expertise3Air Traffic Management68,000 employees in 50 countriesInnovation and Technological ExcellenceR&D at Thales totals €2.4bn (19% of revenues) 25,000 researchers on cutting-edge technologies 300 inventions per year Over 15,000 patents Over 30 cooperation agreements with universities and public research laboratories in Europe, the United States and AsiaR&D is a reality within Thales4Air Traffic ManagementAerospace & Space - Selected ReferencesSupplier of avionics systems to Airbus, Boeing, Dassault and other major aircraft manufacturers. Simulators for all types of civil and military aircraft and helicopters.Onboard systems and equipment for latestgeneration helicopters.Air trafic surveillance radars & control centresTelecommunications: constellation of 81 satellites for Iridium.Europe’s Galileo satellite navigation system.5Air Traffic ManagementThales’s Air Traffic Management SolutionsProviding integrated gate-to-gate ATM systems and solutions for over 60 yearsAirport SystemsAutomation SystemsSurveillanceNavigation6Air Traffic ManagementATM - Product Manufacturing and SupportWorkforce: 1,500Sales: €440 MAmerica & Latin AmericaEurope & AfricaBrazil Mexico USAFrance Germany Italy South Africa United KingdomAsia – PacificAustralia China Saudi Arabia Singapore United Arab Emirates7Air Traffic ManagementAn organization dedicated to customer intimacyIntegrated ATM SystemsAutomation Communication Navigation SurveillanceACC/APPEUROCAT SIMCATAFTN/AMHSAERMACMLS ILS GBAS DVOR, DME NDB TACAN SBASEGNOS GALILEORadarsSTAR2000 (S-Band) TRAC2000 (L-Band) RSM970S (Mode S)Airport Tower SystemsEUROCAT-T A-SMGCS/STREAMSAir/Ground Datalink VCCSADS-BAS680 & 685 MosquitoFlow ManagementFlowcatWAM/MLATMAGSAIMANAIS, AIXM+, Charting, e-AIPFODetectThales delivers complete and proven ATM systems8Air Traffic ManagementThales: World Leader CNS/ATM System IntegratorAbu DhabiCairoBangkokTaiwan9Air Traffic ManagementThales totally committed to SESAR Thales has been at the forefront of SESAR since its inception Participation in the Air Traffic AllianceContribution to the development of the Master PlanInvolvement in the SESAR JU task forces and working groups.Thales is now supporting SESAR through 159 projects4 out of 7 Thales divisions contribute to the SESAR activities to bringthe best technical capabilitiesA unique position in SESARThales is actively implementing the SESAR programmein all SESAR Work Packagesfor Ground, Airborne and Space activitiesthrough its unique expertise in military and civilian domains# 2 contributor after EUROCONTROL# 1 industry contributor•Contributing to 159 projects •Managing 34 projects•Co-leading 3 Work PackagesUp to 400 Thales European experts involved in SESAR’s successEUROCAT Automation: A Worldwide StandardTHALES ATM Control Centres in the Middle EastSana’aMuscatBahrainTehranHammanBeirut KuwaitTel AvivBaghdadDamascusAnkaraAsmaraEurocat (Thales)CairoJeddahBASRAH AIRPORTATC SystemATC Automated Centre (Approach / Tower)Primary/Secondary Mode-S radar Microwave linkFibre optic link (CAPE)Infrastructure (tower & shelters) Foundations (CAPE) Backup power systemLogistics supportBasrah Airport CNS/ATMRadar Station Airport ATC FacilitiesOther equipmentILS (Cat. II) and associated DME VCCS and operator positions AFTN switchAWOS (Autom. Weather Observation Syst.)ATIS (Autom. Terminal Information Syst.) VSAT/Radio Integration (Labor only) Back up powerATC Signal Light Gun…etcContract : 2007SAT: end 2008> THALES REFERENCES IN IRAQRadars & Center in IRAQ: BASRA ReferenceBasra Site AcceptanceTest performed beforeplanned schedule, on the18th of September 2008> THALES REFERENCES IN IRAQICAA Trainees at Thales Air OperationsMaintenance Training :4 weeks in Rouen Radar factory2 weeks in Rungis: Control CenterOperational Training :1 week in Rungis: Control CenterTraining> THALES REFERENCES IN IRAQNavigation AidsNavaidsinstalled in Iraq over the 5 past yearsBaghdad Int’l:•1 DVOR (Y2004)•1 ILS/DME (Y2006)•1 DME (Y2007)•1 CVOR/DME (Y2008)•1 CVOR/DME (Y2008)> THALES REFERENCES IN IRAQUAE –Abu Dhabi International Airport Thales provided all the new ATC Equipment forAbu Dhabi Airport:Automation System :Eurocat-X AutomationEurocat-Tower (with 22 positions)A-SMGCS:1 SMR, MLAT, Vehicle TrackingCommunications:VCCS, VDR, Backup Tel, LVP intercom,emergency radioNavaids: 3 DMEsAeronautical Display Systems: D-ATIS;AMHS; AISMonitoring Systems (GIMS, ECAS)Logistics (Spares, Training)Integration of existing systems and MSSR radar,Telecommunication means, Data Sources andNavaids.Fully Operational on April 6th, 2011EgyptTHALES RADARS:Star-2000/RSM 970S (Cairo),RSM970-S (Assouan, Hurghada,Mersah Matruh, Asyut)RSM970 (Dakhla)TOTAL = 7 RADARSTHALES ATC CENTERS:Eurocat-X at CairoTHALES Tower System:Eurocat Tower in Cairo Intl AirportSaudi Arabia – Riyadh & Jeddah Control Centers2580 Jabal al-LawzL E B E D J M A R A M H CGolfe PersiquePersian GulfDohaE N E D J RiyadhTHALES SUPPLY: THALES SUPPLY: System Engineering for System Engineering for ATCC Systems ATCC Systems Civil Works Civil WorksHRougeEMerDJMadinahZJedda MakkahAASAUDI ARABIAATCC Buildings ATCC Buildings Air Traffic Control System: Air Traffic Control System: EUROCAT Jeddah EUROCAT Jeddah EUROCAT Riyadh EUROCAT Riyadh Logistics LogisticsSI RProgramme On-Schedule : Riyadh: in operation Jeddah: in operation20Air Traffic ManagementTraining Training Documentation Documentation Spares SparesSouth Africa - Advanced Air Traffic System (SAAATS)Two Fully Integrated Centres: (Johannesburg & Cape Town) with 5 TCUs (Durban, Port Elizabeth, Bloemfontein, Georges, Lanseria) Flow management With ANAIS & MAESTRO Start: 1st April 02 Duration: 31 months Support: 5 years21Air Traffic ManagementKorea - Incheon International Airport50 km SW of Seoul, built on reclaimed land Biggest airport in NE Asia (4 x HKIA) Ultimately 4 parallel runways Project Cost US$5.5 Billion Phase 2 for 3rd runway : 2006-2008Thales ATM supply (Phase 1 – 1999/2000) (Phase 2 – 2006/2008) 2 radar stations SMGCS (Star2000 +RSM970) 4 ADS-B GS ATC centre (EUROCAT) EUROCAT ASDE (Ku-band) enhancement Navaids 2nd ASDE (X-band) Navaids22Air Traffic ManagementTaiwan - Taipei : ATMASNorthern Centre (Taipei)map11 Remote TowersNew system deployed countrywide Integrated architecture : ATM System (En-route, 2x Approach & 2x Simulator) Aeronautical Information System DVCSS 11 remote towers Aviation Training Institute System Multi-sensor tracker (inc. radar, WAM & ADS-B)23Air Traffic ManagementSouthern Centre (Kaohsiung)Australia – TAAATSProvides Air Traffic Management Services for the whole of Australia and for the surrounding oceanic areas ( = ~11% of the world's surface ) 6 EUROCAT Centres connected to 23 Control Towers Total of 167 Controller Positions Voice Communication Systems Training Systems Ongoing enhancementsBRISBANE ACCMELBOURNE ACCThe FIRST fully integrated nation wide ATM System with disaster recovery capability24Air Traffic ManagementThales Air Systems presence in MexicoTIJUANA APPInstalled Systems4 ACC Centres for superior airspace 11 APP Centres for approach 19 radars over the 26 radars of SENEAM Around 10 ILS for Landing Around 70 VOR for navigationHERMOSILLO APP CHIHUAHUA APPMONTERREY En RouteSAN JOSE APPMERIDA En RouteMAZATLAN En RoutePUERTO VALLARTA APPEL BAJIO APPVERACRUZ APPTOLUCA APPCANCUN APPGUADALAJARA APPMEXICO CITY En RouteACAPULCO APP25Air Traffic ManagementAutomationEUROCAT: trusted by over 60 countries Unrivalled approach in safety Most advanced integrated solution Designed by controllers for controllers A mature and future proof ATC centre Suited for applications ranging from approach to en-route and oceanic control Tailored for low complexity to the world’s most demanding environments Fully compliant with the latest international and European standardsThales is playing a leading role in SESAR in 4D trajectory management, airground integration, and Man Machine Interface26Air Traffic ManagementSurveillanceThales has over 50 years experience in the design and implementation of radars and provides a complete multisensor surveillance solutionAirport Surface Surveillance Terminal Manoeuvring Surveillance En-Route Surveillance Secondary surveillance • RSM970 S • AS680/685 • MAGSPrimary surveillance • STAR 2000 • MLATUp to 5 NM Up to 80 NMPrimary surveillance • TRAC 2000 NUp to 200 NMSTAR 2000:Primary S-Band Solid State Approach RadarTRAC 2000N:Primary L-Band Solid State En-route RadarRSM 970 S:Mode S Monopulse Secondary Surveillance RadarAS680/685: ADS-B systems (FAA certified) MAGS: Multilateration Systems (MLAT + WAM)27Air Traffic ManagementThe largest in-house surveillance portfolioProven SolutionsThales equipmentOver 400 radars, 1,039 ADS-B stations, 8 Multilateration systems and 25 ADS-C ATC Centres operational around the world28Air Traffic ManagementNavigationThe most complete range of Navaids equipment, from landing systems to en-route and approach navigation systems to suit all requirements More than three quarters of the world market for Navaids with an installed base of more than 7,000 Navaids installations in over 170 countries More than 60 years experienceThales is leading the Non-Avionics CNS activities of SESAR on the future air-ground data link and Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS)29Air Traffic ManagementAir Traffic ManagementWorldwide Leader in NavaidsThales equipmentCustomer ServiceMAINTENANCERepair servicesSpare partsIntegrated logistic supportUPGRADE & SYSTEM LIFE EXTENSION Functional & capacity improvements System life extension EXTENDED SERVICES Full life support All level maintenance Support prime contractorship Worldwide network of 150 staff dedicated to responding to customer needs. Customer Support Centres on 5 continentsAir Traffic Management Thales Air Systems CNS/ATM at a glanceIn the world, 2 in every 3 airplanes is brought to the ground safely thanks to Thales’ air trafficmanagement systems or equipment.Today, more than 400 Thales radars are in service in the world.Thales has 260 air traffic management systemsEUROCAT installed in the world.More than 100 Flight Information Regions (FIR)are controlled thanks to our EUROCAT installedsystemsThales is trusted by 180 nations.。



空中交通管制缩略语大全(ICAOEnglish) A Amber 琥珀色(南北向主航路)A/A Air-to-air空对空AAL AboveAerodromeLevel高出机场平面ABM Abeam 正切ABN Aerodromebeacon 机场灯标ABTAbout关于ABV Above…以上AC Altocumulus 高积云ACAC Airbornecollisionavoidancesystem 机载防撞系统ACC Areacontrolcenter 区域管制中心ACCID Notificationofanaircraftaccident 航空器失事通知ACFT Aircraft 航空器ACK Acknowledge承认,收悉CAN Aircraftclassificationnumber 航空器等级序号AD Aerodrome 机场ADA Advisoryarea 咨询区ADF Automaticdirection-findingequipment 自动定向设备ADIZ Airdefenseidentificationzone 防空识别区ADR Advisoryroute 咨询航路ADS Address 收电地址ADVS Advisoryservice 咨询服务ADZ Advise 通知AEIS Aeronauticalen-routeinformationservice航空的航路情报服务AER Approachendrunway 跑道的进近端AERADIO Airradio 航空无线电AES Aerodromeemergencyservices 机场紧急服务AFB Airforcebase 空军基地AFCSAutomaticflightcontrolsystem飞行自动控制系统AFIS Aerodromeflightinformationservice机场飞行情报服务AFL Abovefieldlevel 高于场面AFM Affirmative 是的,对的AFS Aeronauticalfixedservice 航空固定服务AFTN Aeronauticalfixedtelecommunicationnetwork航空固定电信网A/G Airtoground 空对地AGAAerodromes,airroutesandgroundaids机场、航路和地面助航设施AGL Abovegroundlevel 高出地面AGN Again 再,再次AIREP Airreport 空中报告ALA Alightingarea 着陆区,降落区ALR Alerting 告警ALS Approachlightingsystem 进近灯光系统ALT Altitude 海拔高度ALTN Alternate 备降,备分AMAmplitudemodulation调幅AMA Areaminimumaltitude 区域最低高度AMDT Amendment 修订AMS Aeronauticalmobileservice 航空移动服务AMSL Abovemeansealevel 高出平均海平面AOC Airportobstaclechart 机场障碍物图AOR Areaofresponsibility 责任区APCH Approach 进近APP Approachcontrol 进近管制APRX Approximate 大约APUAuxiliarypowerunit辅助动力装置APV Approve 批准ARO Airtrafficservicesreportingoffice 空中交通服务报告室ARP Airportreferencepoint 机场基准点ARQ Automaticerrorcorrection 自动误差纠正ARR Arrival 到达ARSA Airportradarservicearea 机场雷达服务区ARSR Airroutesurveillanceradar 空中航路监视雷达AS Altostratus 高层云ASC Ascendto 上升ASDA Accelerate-stopdistanceavailable 可用加速停止距离ASPH Asphalt 沥青ASR Airportsurveillanceradar 机场监视雷达ATA Actualtimeofarrival 实际到达时间ATCAirtrafficcontrol空中交通管制ATD Actualtimeofdeparture 实际离场时间ATF Aerodrometrafficfrequency 机场交通频率ATFM Airtrafficflowmanagement 空中交通流量管理ATIS Automaticterminalinformationservice 自动终端情报服务ATM Airtrafficmanagement 空中交通管理ATN Aeronauticaltelecommunicationnetwork航空电信网ATS Airtrafficservice 空中交通服务ATZ Aerodrometrafficzone 机场交通地带AUTH Authorized 授权AUW Allupweight 起飞全重AUX Auxiliary 辅助的AVBL Available 有用的,可用性AVG Average 平均AWY Airway 航路AZM Azimuth 方位(角)B Blue兰色(南北向辅航路)BA Brakingaction 刹车效应BASE Cloudbase 云底BC Backcourse 后航道BCN Beacon 灯标BCST Broadcast 广播BDRY Boundary 边界BFR Before 在…之前BGN Begin 开始BKN Broken 裂云BLDG Building 建筑物BLW Below …以下BRG Bearing 方位(角)BTL Betweenlayers 云层之间,云层飞行BTN Between 在…之间BYD Beyond 超过C DegreesCelsius(Centigrade) 摄氏度CAACCivilaviationadministrationofChina中国民用航空总局CAB CivilAeronauticsBoard (美国)民用航空委员会CAT Clearairturbulence 晴空颠簸CAT Category 分类,类别CB Cumulonimbus 积雨云CEIL Ceiling 云高CGL Circlingguidancelight(s) 盘旋引导灯CH Channel 波道CHG Change 改变、换CIV Civil 民用CK Check 检查,校核CL Centerline 中心线CLBR Calibration 校正CLG Calling 呼叫CLR Clear,clearance 放行,放行许可CLSD Closed 关闭CM Centimeter 厘米CMB Climbto 爬升至CNL Cancelorcancelled 取消CNS Communication,navigationandsurveillance通信、导航和监视COM Communications 通信CONC Concrete 混凝土COND Condition 条件,状况CONT Continue(s) 连续,连续的COORD Coordinates 坐标COP Change-overpoint 转换点COR Correctorcorrection 正确,更正CORR Corridor 走廊CPUCentralprocessingunit计算机中央处理系统CRP Compulsoryreportingpoint 强制性位置报告点CRTCathoderaytube阴极射线管CRZ Cruise 巡航CTA Controlarea 管制区CTL Control 管制,控制CTN Caution 注意CTR Controlzone 管制地带CWY Clearway 净空道DA Decisionaltitude 决断高度DCKG Docking 停靠DCT Direct 直线进近,直飞DEG Degree 度DEP Depart/departure 起飞或离场DEPT Department 部门DES Descendto 下降DEST Destination 目的地DEV Deviation 偏航,偏离DFTI Distancefromtouchdownindicator 离接地距离指示器DH Decisionheight 决断高DIST Distance 距离DIV Divert,diverting 改航,转向DLA Delay 延误DME Distancemeasuringequipment 测距仪DP Dewpointtemperature 露点DPT Depth 深度DR Deadreckoning 推测DRG During 在…期间DS Duststorm 尘暴DSB Doublesideband 双边带DUR Duration 持续期,持续时间DVOR DopplerVOR 多普勒全向信标EAT Expectedapproachtime 预计进近时间EET Expectedelapsedtime 预计航程(经过)时间EFC Expectedfurtherclearance 预计进一步放行许可ELEV Elevation 标高EM Emission 发射,发讯EMERG Emergency 紧急,应急ENG Engine 发动机ERR Error 错误EST Estimate 预计,估计ETA Estimatedtimeofarrival 预计到达时间ETD Estimatedtimeofdeparture 预计离场时间ETE Estimatedtimeenroute 预计航路飞行时间ETO Estimatedtimeover 预计飞越时间EXC Except 除…..之外EXP Expect 预期,希望EXTD Extend 延长、延伸F DegreesFahrenheit 华氏(度)FAA FederalAviationAdministration 联邦航空局(美)FAC Facilities 设施,设备FAF Finalapproachfix 最后进近定位点FAP Finalapproachpoint 最后进近点FAS Finalapproachsegment 最后进近航段FAX Facsimiletransmission 传真FC Funnelcloud 漏斗云FCST Forecast 预报FCT Frictioncoefficient 摩擦系数FG Fog 雾FIC Flightinformationcenter 飞行情报中心FIR Flightinformationregion 飞行情报区FIS Flightinformationservice 飞行情报服务FISA AutomatedFlightinformationservice 自动飞行情报服务FL Flightlevel 飞行高度FLD Field 机场,场地FLG Flashing 闪光,照明弹FLT Flight 飞行,飞行航班FM From 自,从FMFrequencymodulation调频FMSFlightmanagementsystem飞行控制系统FMU Flightmanagementunit 流量管理单位FNA Finalapproach 最后进近FPL Filedflightplan 申报的飞行计划FPM Feetperminute 英尺/分FPR Flightplanroute 飞行计划路线FR Fuelremaining 剩余油量FREQ Frequency 频率FSL Fullstoplanding 全停着陆FSS Flightservicestation 飞行服务站FST First 第一FT Feet 英尺G Green绿色(东西向主航路)GA Generalaviation 通用航空GCA Groundcontrolledapproach(radar) 地面管制进近(雷达)GEO Geographicortrue 地理的或真的GMT Greenwichmeantime 地面管制GP Glidepath 下滑道GPSGlobalpositioningsystem全球定位系统GRADU Gradually 逐渐地GS Glideslope 下滑坡度GS Groundspeed 地速GWT Grossweight 全重H24 24hourservice 24小时服务HBN Hazardbeacon 危险信标HC Criticalheight 临界高HDF Highfrequencydirectionfindingstation高频定向台HDG Heading 航向HEL Helicopter 直升机HF Highfrequency(3-30MHz) 高频HGT Height 高HJ Sunrisetosunset 日出至日没,昼间服务HLDG Holding 等待HN Sunsettosunrise 日没日出至,夜间服务HPA Hectopascal 百帕HS Duringhoursofscheduledoperations 按航班开放HIS Horizontalsituationindicator 水平状态指示仪HST Highspeedtaxiwayturn-off 高速转出滑行道HX Irregularservice 非定时服务Hz Hertz(cyclespersecond) 赫兹(每分钟周数)IAC Instrumentapproachchart 仪表进近图IAF Initialapproachfix 起始进近定位点IAL Instrumentapproachandlandingchart 仪表进近和着陆图IAP Instrumentapproachprocedure 仪表进近程序IAR Intersectionofairroutes 航路交叉点IAS Indicatedairspeed 指示空速IATAInternationalairtransportassociation国际航空运输协会IBN Identificationbeacon 识别灯标ICAOInternationalCivilAviationOrganization国际民航组织IDENT Identification 识别,认别标志IF Intermediateapproachfix 中间进近定位点IFR Instrumentflightrules 仪表飞行规则IGS Instrumentguidingsystem 仪表引导系统ILS Instrumentlandingsystem 仪表着陆系统IM Innermarker 内指点标IMC Instrumentmeteorologicalconditions 仪表气象条件IMG Immigration 入境,移民IMPT Important 重要INBD Inbound 进场,向台INFO Information 资料,情报INOP Inoperative 不工作INP Ifnotpossible 如不可能INPR Inprogress 在进行中INS Inertialnavigationsystem 惯性导航系统INT Intersection 交叉点,联络道INTER Intermittent 间断的INTL International 国际的INTRG Interrogator 询问器INTRP Interrupted 中断,干扰IR Iceonrunway 跑道积冰IS Island 岛屿ISA Internationalstandardatmosphere 国际标准大气JTST Jetstream 高空激流KG Kilogram 公斤KHz Kilohertz 千赫KM Kilometer 公里KMH Kilometer(s)perhour 公里/时KT Knots 海里/时KW Kilowatt 千瓦L Locator(Compass) 示位台LAT Latitude 纬度LB Pound 磅LCT Localtime 当地时间LDA Landingdistanceavailable 可用着陆距离LDG Landing 着陆LDI Landingdirectionindicator 着陆方向指示器LEN Length 长度LF Lowfrequency 低频(30-300千赫)LGT Light,lighting 灯,灯光LIH Lightintensityhigh 高强度灯LIL Lightintensitylow 低强度灯LIM Lightintensitymedium 中强度灯LLZ Localizer 航向道LMM Locatormiddlemarker 示位台中指点标LOM Locatoroutermarker 示位台外指点标LONG Longitude 经度LORAN LORAN(longrangeairnavigationsystem)罗兰(远程导航系统)LT Localtime 当地时LVL Level 水平,层M Meters 米MAA Maximumauthorizedaltitude 批准的最大高度MAG Magnetic 磁的MAINT Maintenance 维修,维护MAP Aeronauticalmapsandcharts 航空地图和航图MAPT Missedapproachpoint 复飞点MAR Marine(Atsea) 在海上,在海洋MAX Maximum 最大的MB Millibar 毫巴MBZ Mandatorybroadcastzone 强制广播区MCA Minimumcrossingaltitude 最低穿越高度MDA Minimumdescentaltitude 最低下降高度MDF Mediumfrequencydirection-findingstation中频定向台MEA Minimumen-routealtitude 最低航路高度MER TrueheightaboveMSL 高出平均海平面的真高MET Meteorological 气象的METARAviationroutineweatherreport(inaeronauticalmeteorologicalcode)航空例行天气预报(用航空气象电码)MF Mediumfrequency 中频(300-3000赫兹)MHA Minimumholdingaltitude 最低等待高度MHz Megahertz 兆赫MID Mid-point(relatedtoRVR) 中间点(关于跑道视程)MIL Military 军用,军事MIN Minutes 分钟MKR Markerradiobeacon 无线电指点信标MLS Microwavelandingsystem 微波着陆系统MM Middlemarker 中指点标MM Millimeter 毫米MOA Militaryoperatingarea 军事活动区MOC Minimumobstacleclearance(required) 最小超障余度(要求的)MOD Moderate 中度MOV Move,movement 活动,运动MPH Milesperhour 英里/小时MPS Meterspersecond 米/秒MPW Maximumpermittedweight 最大允许重量MRA Minimumreceptionaltitude 最低接受高度MRG Mediumrange 中程MS Minus 减,负MSA Minimumsectoraltitude 最低扇区高度MSG Message 电报MSL Meansealevel 平均海平面MT Mountain 山MTOW Maximumtake-offweight 最大起飞重量MTWA Maximumtotalweightauthorized 最大允许全重N Night,northornorthern 夜间,北或北方NA Notauthorized 不允许,不批准NAT NorthAtlantic 北大西洋NAV Navigation 导航NAVAID Navigationalaid 导航设施NB Northbound 向北飞行的NC Nochange 无变化NCRP Non-compulsoryreportingpoint 非强制性位置报告点NDB Non-directionalradiobeacon 无方向性信标NE Northeast 东北NEB North-eastbound 向东北飞的NEG No,negative 不,不是,不正确的NGT Night 夜,夜晚NIL None 没有NM Nauticalmiles 海里NML Normal 正常NOF InternationalNOTAMoffice 国际航行通告室NAP Noiseabatementprocedure 消噪音程序NOTAM Noticetoairman 航行通告NR Number 号码,数NW North-west 西北NWB North-westbound 向西北方向飞的NXT Next 下一个,下次OAC Oceanicareacontrolcenter 海洋管制中心OAS Obstacleassessmentsurface 障碍物评价面OBS Observe,observed,observation 观测,观察OBST Obstruction 障碍物OCA Oceaniccontrolarea 海洋管制区OCA Obstacleclearancealtitude 超障高度OCS Obstacleclearancesurface 超障面OM Outermarker 外指点标OPN Open 开放OPR Operator,operate,operative 经营人,报务员,运行OPS Operations 运行,运转O/R Onrequest 按要求,按申请OTS Outofservice 不工作OVNGT Overnight 过夜PALS Precisionapproachlightsystem 精密进近灯光系统PANS-OPS Proceduresforairnavigationservices—aircraftoperations 航行服务程序-航空器运行PAPI Precisionapproachpathindicator 精密进近航径指示器PAR Precisionapproachradar 精密进近雷达PARL Parallel 平行PCN Pavementclassificationnumber 道面等级序号PCZ Positivecontrolzone 绝对管制地带PERM Permanent 永久的PJE Parachutejumpingexercise 跳伞训练PLN Flightplan 飞行计划PN Priornoticerequired 需事先通知POB Personsonboard 机上人员PRKG Parking 停机PROB Probability 概率,可能性PROC Procedure 程序PROP Propelleraircraft 螺旋桨航空器PROV Provisional 临时的,暂时的PS Plus 加、正PSG Passing 过往,经过PSGR Passenger 旅客PSN Position 位置PTN Procedureturn 程序转弯PWR Power 电源,功率QDM Magneticbearingtofacility 向台磁方位QDR Magneticbearingfromfacility 背台磁方位QFU Magneticorientationofrunway 跑道磁向QTE Truebearing 真方位QUAD Quadrant 象限R Red红色(东西向辅航路)R Radar,right 雷达,右RA Radioaltimeter 无线电高度表RAC Rulesoftheairandairtrafficservices空中规则和空中交通服务RAG Runwayarrestinggear 跑道制动装置RAI Runwayalignmentindicator 对准跑道指示器RB Rescueboat 救生艇RCA Reachingcruisingaltitude 到达巡航高度RCC Rescueco-ordinationcenter 救援协调中心RCF Radiocommunicationfailure 无线电通讯失效RCL Runwaycenterline 跑道中心线RCLM Runwaycenterlinemarkings 跑道中心线标志RCLR Recleared 再放行RDL Radial 径向线REC Receive,receiver 收,收到,接收REDL Runwayedgelight(s) 跑道边灯REF Reference 参阅REG Registration 登记,注册REIL Runwayendidentificationlights 跑道端识别灯RENL Runwayendlight(s) 跑道端灯REP Reportingpoint 报告点REQ Request 请求RF Radiofacility 无线电设施RFLG Refueling 加油(燃料)RH Righthand 右手(边)RL Reportleaving 脱离报告RLCE Requestlevelchangeen-route 请求在航路上改变高度层RLLS Runwaylead-inlightingsystem 跑道引进灯光系统RMK Remarks 附注,备注RNAV Areanavigation 区域导航/领航ROC Rateofclimb 上升率,爬升率ROD Rateofdescent 下滑率,下降率RPM Revolutionsperhour 每分钟的转数RSCD Runwaysurfacecondition 跑道道面情况RSR En-routesurveillanceradar 航路监视雷达RTE Route 航路RTF Radiotelephony 无线电话RTG Radiotelegraphy 无线电报RTHL Runwaythresholdlight(s) 跑道入口灯RTR Remotetransmitter/receiver 遥控发射机/接收机RTS Returntoservice 恢复工作RTT Radioteletypewriter 无线电传打字机RTZL Runwaytouchdownzonelight(s) 跑道接地带灯RVR Runwayvisualrange 跑道视程RVV Runwayvisibilityvalues 跑道能见度数值RWY Runway 跑道S South 南、南纬SAR Searchandrescue 搜寻与援救SB Southbound 向南飞SDBY Standby 等待,备份SE Southeast 东南SEB South-eastbound 向东南飞SEC Seconds 秒SECT Sector 扇区SELCAL Selectivecallsystem 选择呼叫系统SER Service 服务,工作SFC Surface 表面,道面SID Standardinstrumentdeparture 标准仪表离场SKED Schedule 定期SLW Slow 慢SMC Surfacemovementcontrol 地面活动管制SMR Surfacemovementradar 地面活动雷达SN Snow 雪SNOWTAM SnowNOTAM 雪情通告SRA Specialrulesarea 特殊规则区SRA Surveillanceradarapproach 监视雷达进近SRE Surveillanceradarelement 地面管制进近(GCA)的监视雷达部分SRG Shortrange 短程SSB Singlesideband 单边带SSR Secondarysurveillanceradar 二次监视雷达SST Supersonictransport 超音速运输机STA Straitinapproach 直线进近STAR Standardterminalarrival 标准终端进场STD Standard 标准STN Station 站,站位STNR Stationary 静止的STWL Stopwaylight(s) 停止道灯SUP Supplement 增补,补充SUPPS Regionalsupplementaryprocedures 地区补充程序SW Southwest 西南SWB South-westbound 向西南飞SWY Stopway 停止道T Temperature 温度TA Transitionaltitude 过度高度TAF Aerodromeforecast 机场天气预报TAIL Tailwind 顺风TAR Terminalareasurveillanceradar 终端区监视雷达TAS Trueairspeed 真空速TCA Terminalcontrolarea 终端管制区TDO Tornado 龙卷风TDZ Touchdownzone 接地区TEMPO Temporary 临时TEND Trendforecast 趋势预报TFC Traffic 交通TGL Touch-and-golanding 连续起落TGS Taxiingguidancesystem 滑行引导系统THR Threshold 跑道入口TKOF Take-off 起飞TMA Terminalcontrolarea 终端管制区TNA Turnaltitude 转弯高度TML Terminal 终端,终端机场TOC Topofclimb 爬升顶点TODA Take-offdistanceavailable 可用起飞距离TORA Take-offrunavailable 可用起飞滑跑距离TP Turningpoint 转弯点TR Track 航迹,轨迹TRA Temporaryreservedairspace 临时备用空域TRL Transitionlevel 过度高度层TROP Tropopause 对流层顶TT Teletypewriter 电传打字机TURB Turbulence 颠簸TVOR TerminalVOR 终端甚高频全向信标TWR Tower 塔台TWY Taxiway 滑行道TWYL Taxiway-link 滑行联络道TXT Text 电文TYP Typeofaircraft 机型TYPH Typhoon 台风UAA Upperadvisoryarea 高空咨询区UAB Untiladvisedby…直到由…通知UAC Upperareacontrolcenter 高空区域管制中心UAD Upperadvisoryroute 高空咨询航路UAR Upperairroute 高空航路UFN Untilfurthernotice 直至进一步通知UGT Urgent 紧急UHF Ultrahighfrequency(300-3000MHz) 超高频(300-3000兆赫)UIC Upperinformationcenter 高空情报中心UIR Upperflightinformationregion 高空飞行情报区UNL Unlimited 无限制U/S Unserviceable 不能使用USB Uppersideband 上边带UTA Uppercontrolarea 高空管制区UTC Coordinateduniversaltime 协调世界时UWY Upperairway 高空航路VAC Visualapproachchart 目视进近图VAR Magneticvariation 磁差VASIS Visualapproachslopeindicatorsystem 目视进近坡度指示系统VDF VHFdirectionfindingstation 甚高频定向台VDP Visualdescentpoint 目视下降点VFR Visualflightrules 目视飞行规则VHF Veryhighfrequency(30-300MHz) 甚高频VIP Veryimportantperson 要客VIS Visibility 能见度VLF Verylowfrequency 甚低频VMC Visualmeteorologicalconditions 目视气象条件VNAV Verticalnavigation 垂直导航VOLMETMeteorologicalinformationforaircraftinflight供飞行中航空器用的气象情报VOR VHFOmnidirectionalrange 甚高频全向信标VSP Verticalspeed 垂直速度VTOL Verticaltake-offandlanding 垂直起降VV Verticalvisibility 垂直能见度W West,white 西,白色WAC WorldAeronauticalChart 世界航图(1:1000,000)WB Westbound 向西飞WDI Winddirectionindicator 风向指示器WEF Witheffectfrom 自xx起生效WIE Withimmediateeffect 立即生效WIP Workinprogress 工程在进行中WO Without 没有WPT Way-point 航路点WRNG Warning 警告,报警WS Windshear 风切变WT Weight 重量WX Weather 天气X Cross 交叉,十字XNG Crossing 穿越Y Yellow 黄色YDS Zulutime 格林尼治平时Z Coordinateduniversaltime 协调世界时。



ATC的名词解释Air Traffic Control(ATC),即空中交通管制,是指通过监控和协调航空器在空中和地面上的运行,确保空中交通的安全与有序。






二、航空交通管制中心(Air Traffic Control Center)航空交通管制中心是负责对一片管制区域的航空运行进行监控和协调的机构。



三、航空交通管制塔台(Air Traffic Control Tower)航空交通管制塔台是驻扎在大型机场的一个重要设施,负责监控着机场旗下的起降航班。







五、现代化航空交通管理系统(Modernized Air Traffic Management System)现代化航空交通管理系统是指通过引入先进技术和通讯设备,为航空运输提供更高效、更安全的管理系统。



空中交通管制英语词汇表(ICAO English)A.1 航空器及其系统(aircraft and its system)A.1.1 航空器框架(aircraft structure)airframe 机身flight deck 驾驶舱wheel well 轮舱front (fore) part 前部rear (aft) part 后部port 左舷(舵)starboard 右舷(舵)inboard engine or inboards 内侧发动机outboard engine or outboards 外侧发动机nose 机头belly 机腹skin 蒙皮outer shell 外壳rib 翼肋spar 翼梁stringer 桁条windscreen or windshield 风挡wing 机翼trailing edge 机翼后缘leading edge 机翼前缘wing tip 翼尖control surface 操纵面aileron 副翼flaps (inboard flap, outboard flap, leading edge flaps)襟翼(内侧襟翼,外侧襟翼,前缘襟翼)spoilers (inboard\outboard spoiler) (spoiler down\up) 阻力板,扰流板(内、外侧扰流板)(扰流板放下、打开)airbrakes 减速板(阻流板)slats 缝翼elevators (elevator control tab) 升降舵(升降舵操纵片)rudder (rudder control tab) 方向舵(方向舵操纵片)flap angle 襟翼角flap setting 襟翼设定full flap position 全襟翼位置flapless landing 无襟翼着陆landing gear 起落架stabilizer 安定面nose wheel 起落架前轮gear locked 起落架锁定wheel well 起落架舱wheel door 起落架舱门tyre 轮胎burst 爆破deflated tyre 瘪胎flat tyre 漏胎puncture 轮胎被扎破extend the flaps (retract the flaps) 放下襟翼(收上襟翼)extend the gear (retract the gear) 放下起落架(收上起落架)gear extension (gear retraction) 放轮(收轮)the gear is jammed 起落架被卡阻the flaps are jammed 襟翼被卡阻emergency extension system 应急放下系统crank the gear down 摇动放下起落架brakes 刹车disc brakes 盘式制动器an anti-skid device 防滞装置an arresting gear 拦阻装置thrust reverser 反推装置tail parachute 尾伞the brakes are unreliable 刹车不可靠braking action is poor 刹车状况不好brake wear 刹车磨损overheat 超温(过热)slow down 减慢(速度)bring the plane to a stop 使飞机停下passenger cabin 客舱floor 地板ceiling 顶棚(板)galley 机上厨房toilet 厕所lounge 休息室partition 隔墙interior fittings 机上用具oxygen mask 氧气面罩cargo-hold 货舱A.1.2 动力系统(power plant system)nacelle (cowl)引擎短舱spinner 螺旋桨整流罩pod 发动机吊舱air inlet or intake 进气道bird, water ingestion 发动机吸进了鸟、水foreign object damage 外来物损伤fan 风扇windmill 风车rotor 转子fan blades 风扇叶片propeller 螺旋桨propeller blade 桨叶propulsor 推进器reduction gearbox 减速器LP and HP compressors 低压和高压压缩机annular combustor 环行燃烧室multiple-can combustor 管型燃烧室can-annular combustor 管环燃烧室reverse-flow annular combustor 回流式环行燃烧室turbocharger 涡轮增压器turbine wheel 涡轮导向器supercharger 增压器compressor blades 压缩机叶片nozzles 尾喷管(嘴),排气管cylinder 气缸crankshaft 曲轴exhaust section 排气部分engine setting 发动机设置RPM (revolution per minute) 转速(转每分)set the engine to idle 慢车位give full throttle (or power) to the engine 全油门(功率)throttle up the engine 加油门throttle down (or back) the engine 收油门engineering trouble 机械故障engine failure 发动机失效the engine runs rough 发动机工作不稳定the engine runs smoothly 发动机工作稳定vibration 抖动the engine is low on power 马力小low rumble 发动机发出低沉的响声loud bangs 发动机放炮engine surge 发动机喘振engine shutdown 停车engine flame out 发动机熄火exhaust duct and tail cone 排气道和尾锥engine feathered 顺桨A.1.3 航空器系统(aircraft system)A.1.3.1 燃油系统(fuel system)fuel system 燃油系统fuel tanks 燃油箱vent 通气孔fuel hydrant 加油栓fuel lines 燃油管路fuel pump 燃油泵fuel filter 油滤joints 接头dump valves 放油阀fuel shut-off levers 燃油油路切断操纵杆fuel flow indicators 燃油流量表low fuel pressure warning lights 燃油油压过低警告灯A.1.3.2 滑油系统(oil system)lubricant 润滑剂lubrication 润滑oil lines 滑油管路oil pressure indicators 滑油压力表oil temperature indicator 滑油温度表oil cooler 滑油散热器A.1.3.3 液压系统(hydraulic system)hydraulic lines 液压管路hydraulic actuator 液压作动筒hydraulic pump 液压泵pressure control valves 压力控制阀pressure sensors 压力传感器relief valves 释压阀flow control valves 流量控制阀(actuating) jacks 千斤顶seals 密封圈A.1.3.4 电器系统(electrical system)DC generator 直流发电机an AC generator 交流发电机APU(auxiliary power unit) 辅助动力装置inverter 变换器solid state transformer 固态变压器rectifier 整流器fuse 保险丝wire 电线circuit 电路lead 连线/引线circuit breaker 跳开关A.1.3.5 空调系统(air-conditioning system)pressure control 压力控制environmental control system 环境控制系统cooling 冷却electronic cooling system 冷凝系统heating 加热humidifier 增湿器heat exchanger 热交换器fans 风扇pressurization 增压air ducts 空气导管pneumatic system 汽源系统A.1.4 驾驶舱(cockpit)A.1.4.1 操纵系统(control system)flight control system 飞行操纵系统flight management computer system 飞行管理计算机系统boosted controls 助力操纵系统manual controls 人工操纵系统levers/stick/column 杆control column 操纵杆control panel 控制板captain’s panel 机长仪表板glare shield panel 防眩板center console 中央操纵台handles 操纵手柄knobs 按钮或旋钮switchers 开关thrust levers 油门cranks 曲柄(摇把)control stand 操纵台rudder bar 方向舵连杆elevator controls 升降舵操纵系统flap controls 襟翼操纵系统autopilot controls 自动驾驶操纵系统autothrottle system 自动油门系统instrument landing system 仪表着陆系统microwave landing system 微波着陆系统hand-operated control 人工驾驶brake control unit 制动控制单元steering wheel 方向盘(前轮)A.1.4.2 航空器仪表(aircraft instrument)gauge 仪表primary display system 主显示系统electronic instrument system 电子仪表系统systems monitoring instruments 系统监控仪表indicator 指示器(仪表)flight director 飞行指引仪engine indicator 发动机仪表accelerometer 加速度计aneroid barometer 膜盒气压计metre (dial) 表盘(刻度盘)instrument panel 仪表板audio control panel 音频控制面板overhead panel 顶部仪表板flight engineer’s panel 随机工程师仪表板radio management panel 无线电管理面板flight navigation control panel 导航控制面板flight data interface unit 飞行数据接口digital flight data recording system 数字式飞行数据记录系统engine vibration monitoring unit 发动机振动监控系统weight and balance system 装载与配平系统altimeter 高度表radio altimeter 无线电高度表airspeed indicator 空速表automatic direction finder 自动定向仪turn and bank indicator 转弯侧滑仪attitude director indicator 姿态指示仪horizontal situation indicator 水平位置指示器set the altimeter 高度表拨正vertical speed indicator 升降速度表(gyro) horizon 陀螺地平仪directional gyro 陀螺方向仪A.1.5 航空器动作(aircraft maneouvre)pitch 俯仰roll 横滚yaw 偏转bank the aircraft 压坡度lift off 抬(提)起pitch up the aircraft (to nose up) 抬机头pitch down the aircraft (to nose down) 推机头down 向下dive 俯冲climb steeply 大角度爬升corrective action 修正动作level off 改平stall 失速recover from stall 从失速中改出cut back decrease 收油门spin 螺旋sharp turn 急转弯wide turn 小坡度转弯slipping turn 内侧滑转弯skidding turn 外侧滑转弯A.2 气象(meteorology)A.2.1 云(cloud)ceiling 云底高cloud layer 云层cumulonimbus 积雨云towering cumulonimbus 塔状积雨云altocumulus 高积云nimbostratus 雨层云altostratus 高层云cirrocumulus 卷积云cirrostratus 卷层云cirrus 卷云funnel cloud 漏斗云stratocumulus 层积云stratus 层云vertebratus 脊状云capillatus 鬃状云solid clouds 浓厚的云scattered clouds 疏云ragged clouds 破碎的云(残云)mackerel sky 鳞状云breaks in overcast 阴间多云few 少云scattered 疏云broken 裂开云,多云overcast (continuous) 满天云on top 在云上below cloud 在云下between layers 在云层间in cloud 在云中in and out of cloud 断续云中cloud is building up 云在增加cloud is clearing up 云在消散A.2.2 能见度(visibility)sky clear 晴空sky obscured 天空不明sand storm 沙暴mist 轻雾haze 霾brume 雾, 霭smoke 烟smog 烟雾light fog 轻雾dense fog 浓雾freezing fog 冻雾drifting fog 吹雾,平流雾fog dispersal in progress 雾在消失fog is coming down 正在起雾fog is clearing up 雾在消散fog is getting worse 雾越来越浓A.2.3 风(wind)wind 风surface wind 地面风wind aloft 高空风tailwind 顺风headwind 顶风crosswind 侧风wind-gauge 风向风速仪the wind-sock 风向袋wind calm 无风(静风)light wind 微风moderate wind 中速风strong wind 强风variable wind 风向不稳定steady wind 稳定风gust 阵风wind shift 风向转变wind shear 风切变gusts up to 8 m/s 阵风达8 m/s lull 风停gale 一阵大风storm 风暴eddy, a whirl wind 旋风vortex(vortices) 涡流wind W veering NW 风由西向西北转wind W backing SW 风由西转向西南the wind is shifting 风在转向the wind is rising 起风the wind is abating 风在减小the wind is getting stronger 风越来越大A.2.4 颠簸(turbulence)clear air turbulence 晴空颠簸moderate turbulence 中度颠簸severe turbulence 严重颠簸smooth 平稳的bumpy , turbulent 颠簸的be tossed , buffeted 受气流(或涡流)影响而使摇摆updraught 上升气流downdraught 下降气流jet stream 高空急流A.2.5 降水(precipitation)light rain 小雨heavy rain 大雨intermittent rain 间歇性雨continuous rain 连续性降水bright periods 雨停天晴期间occasional showers 偶尔下阵雨passing showers 正在通过的阵雨scattered showers 零零散散的阵雨torrential rain, downpour 暴雨waterspout 水龙卷drizzle 毛毛雨freezing rain 冻雨sleet 雨夹雪squall 飑(线)hurricane 飓风tornado 龙卷风thunderstorm 雷暴flash of lightning 闪电光lightning 闪电hail 冰雹hailstorm 雹暴soft hail 软雹snow 雪snowflake 鹅毛大雪snow shower 阵雪snow gust 突然一阵大雪icing 结冰ice 冰sheet of ice 一层冰rime 白霜,雾淞A.2.6 温度(temperature)surface temperature 地面温度outside air temperature 外界温度,大气温度dewpoint 露点温度the temperature rise 温度上升the temperature drop 温度下降the temperature is rising 温度在上升the temperature is falling 温度在下降the temperature is steady 温度稳定freezing level 冻冰点温度,结冰层,(指结冰层的下限)A.2.7 跑道道面状况(runway surface condition)loose snow 软雪compacted snow 压实的雪melting snow 在化的雪slush 雪水(或半化的雪)snow drift 雪堆snow plough 扫雪车snow clearance 雪清除the north taxiway is snowbound 北滑行道被雪封住了the runway is wet 跑道湿the runway is icy 跑道上有结冰the runway is slippery 跑道滑pools of water 跑道积水ice patches 冰块(指跑道上结成的一块块的冰)glazed frost(clear ice) 明冰hoar frost 白霜braking action is poor 刹车效应差braking action is medium 刹车效应中braking action is good 刹车效应好A.3 机场车辆与设备(airport vehicle and equipment)servicing truck 地面特种车辆airport passenger bus/ferry 摆渡车tug/towing tractor 拖车tow bar 拖把ground power unit 地面电源车catering truck 食品车(配餐车)ground air preconditioning unit 地面空调车water service truck 供水车galley service truck 餐车dolly 平台车tractor 牵引车fork lift truck 叉车fire truck 救火车ambulance 救护车crash tender 事故处理车wheelbarrow 独轮手推车air steps 机载客梯snow plough 犁雪车ramp vehicle 机坪车辆security van 保安运货车ice-melter 除冰车coach 大客车refueller 加油车hydrant dispenser 管线加油车runway snow blower 吹雪车sweeper 清扫车A.4 地面相关服务(relevant ground service)rubber removal 清除橡胶scrub 洗涤,擦洗conveyor 输送带passenger gate 登机口terminal 候机楼ground handling 地勤cargo door sill 货舱门基座pallet 平板架,托板chute 行李滑运道jetway 廊桥(美)air bridge/loading bridge 廊桥(英)pier 候机楼登机走廊stairway 扶梯apron/ramp 客/停机坪hangar 机库customs 海关blast fences 防吹墙loadsheet 舱单customs clearance 海关验放air waybill 航空运货单safety services 安全服务windshield wiper 风挡刮水器(美)windscreen wiper 风挡刮水器(英)deplane 下飞机,从飞机上卸下(美)disembark/unload 下飞机,从飞机上卸下(英)enplane 登机(美)embark/board 登机(英)ground radar 地面雷达2. AbbreviationsA Amber 琥珀色(南北向主航路)A/A Air-to-air 空对空AAL Above Aerodrome Level 高出机场平面ABM Abeam 正切ABN Aerodrome beacon 机场灯标ABT About 关于ABV Above …以上AC Altocumulus 高积云ACAC Airborne collision avoidance system 机载防撞系统ACC Area control center 区域管制中心ACCID Notification of an aircraft accident 航空器失事通知ACFT Aircraft 航空器ACK Acknowledge 承认,收悉CAN Aircraft classification number 航空器等级序号AD Aerodrome 机场ADA Advisory area 咨询区ADF Automatic direction-finding equipment 自动定向设备ADIZ Air defense identification zone 防空识别区ADR Advisory route 咨询航路ADS Address 收电地址ADVS Advisory service 咨询服务ADZ Advise 通知AEIS Aeronautical en-route information service 航空的航路情报服务AER Approach end runway 跑道的进近端AERADIO Air radio 航空无线电AES Aerodrome emergency services 机场紧急服务AFB Air force base 空军基地AFCS Automatic flight control system 飞行自动控制系统AFIS Aerodrome flight information service 机场飞行情报服务AFL Above field level 高于场面AFM Affirmative 是的,对的AFS Aeronautical fixed service 航空固定服务AFTN Aeronautical fixed telecommunication network航空固定电信网A/G Air to ground 空对地AGA Aerodromes, air routes and ground aids机场、航路和地面助航设施AGL Above ground level 高出地面AGN Again 再,再次AIREP Air report 空中报告ALA Alighting area 着陆区,降落区ALR Alerting 告警ALS Approach lighting system 进近灯光系统ALT Altitude 海拔高度ALTN Alternate 备降,备分AM Amplitude modulation 调幅AMA Area minimum altitude 区域最低高度AMDT Amendment 修订AMS Aeronautical mobile service 航空移动服务AMSL Above mean sea level 高出平均海平面AOC Airport obstacle chart 机场障碍物图AOR Area of responsibility 责任区APCH Approach 进近APP Approach control 进近管制APRX Approximate 大约APU Auxiliary power unit 辅助动力装置APV Approve 批准ARO Air traffic services reporting office 空中交通服务报告室ARP Airport reference point 机场基准点ARQ Automatic error correction 自动误差纠正ARR Arrival 到达ARSA Airport radar service area 机场雷达服务区ARSR Air route surveillance radar 空中航路监视雷达AS Altostratus 高层云ASC Ascend to 上升ASDA Accelerate-stop distance available 可用加速停止距离ASPH Asphalt 沥青ASR Airport surveillance radar 机场监视雷达ATA Actual time of arrival 实际到达时间ATC Air traffic control 空中交通管制ATD Actual time of departure 实际离场时间ATF Aerodrome traffic frequency 机场交通频率ATFM Air traffic flow management 空中交通流量管理ATIS Automatic terminal information service 自动终端情报服务ATM Air traffic management 空中交通管理ATN Aeronautical telecommunication network 航空电信网ATS Air traffic service 空中交通服务ATZ Aerodrome traffic zone 机场交通地带AUTH Authorized 授权AUW All up weight 起飞全重AUX Auxiliary 辅助的AVBL Available 有用的,可用性AVG Average 平均AWY Airway 航路AZM Azimuth 方位(角)B Blue 兰色(南北向辅航路)BA Braking action 刹车效应BASE Cloud base 云底BC Back course 后航道BCN Beacon 灯标BCST Broadcast 广播BDRY Boundary 边界BFR Before 在…之前BGN Begin 开始BKN Broken 裂云BLDG Building 建筑物BLW Below …以下BRG Bearing 方位(角)BTL Between layers 云层之间,云层飞行BTN Between 在…之间BYD Beyond 超过C Degrees Celsius (Centigrade) 摄氏度CAAC Civil aviation administration of China 中国民用航空总局CAB Civil Aeronautics Board (美国)民用航空委员会CAT Clear air turbulence 晴空颠簸CAT Category 分类,类别CB Cumulonimbus 积雨云CEIL Ceiling 云高CGL Circling guidance light(s) 盘旋引导灯CH Channel 波道CHG Change 改变、换CIV Civil 民用CK Check 检查,校核CL Center line 中心线CLBR Calibration 校正CLG Calling 呼叫CLR Clear, clearance 放行,放行许可CLSD Closed 关闭CM Centimeter 厘米CMB Climb to 爬升至CNL Cancel or cancelled 取消CNS Communication, navigation and surveillance 通信、导航和监视COM Communications 通信CONC Concrete 混凝土COND Condition 条件,状况CONT Continue(s) 连续,连续的COORD Coordinates 坐标COP Change-over point 转换点COR Correct or correction 正确,更正CORR Corridor 走廊CPU Central processing unit 计算机中央处理系统CRP Compulsory reporting point 强制性位置报告点CRT Cathode ray tube 阴极射线管CRZ Cruise 巡航CTA Control area 管制区CTL Control 管制,控制CTN Caution 注意CTR Control zone 管制地带CWY Clearway 净空道DA Decision altitude 决断高度DCKG Docking 停靠DCT Direct 直线进近,直飞DEG Degree 度DEP Depart/departure 起飞或离场DEPT Department 部门DES Descend to 下降DEST Destination 目的地DEV Deviation 偏航,偏离DFTI Distance from touchdown indicator 离接地距离指示器DH Decision height 决断高DIST Distance 距离DIV Divert, diverting 改航,转向DLA Delay 延误DME Distance measuring equipment 测距仪DP Dew point temperature 露点DPT Depth 深度DR Dead reckoning 推测DRG During 在…期间DS Dust storm 尘暴DSB Double sideband 双边带DUR Duration 持续期,持续时间DVOR Doppler VOR 多普勒全向信标EAT Expected approach time 预计进近时间EET Expected elapsed time 预计航程(经过)时间EFC Expected further clearance 预计进一步放行许可ELEV Elevation 标高EM Emission 发射,发讯EMERG Emergency 紧急,应急ENG Engine 发动机ERR Error 错误EST Estimate 预计,估计ETA Estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间ETD Estimated time of departure 预计离场时间ETE Estimated time enroute 预计航路飞行时间ETO Estimated time over 预计飞越时间EXC Except 除…..之外EXP Expect 预期,希望EXTD Extend 延长、延伸F Degrees Fahrenheit 华氏(度)FAA Federal Aviation Administration 联邦航空局(美)FAC Facilities 设施,设备FAF Final approach fix 最后进近定位点FAP Final approach point 最后进近点FAS Final approach segment 最后进近航段FAX Facsimile transmission 传真FC Funnel cloud 漏斗云FCST Forecast 预报FCT Friction coefficient 摩擦系数FG Fog 雾FIC Flight information center 飞行情报中心FIR Flight information region 飞行情报区FIS Flight information service 飞行情报服务FISA Automated Flight information service 自动飞行情报服务FL Flight level 飞行高度FLD Field 机场,场地FLG Flashing 闪光,照明弹FLT Flight 飞行,飞行航班FM From 自,从FM Frequency modulation 调频FMS Flight management system 飞行控制系统FMU Flight management unit 流量管理单位FNA Final approach 最后进近FPL Filed flight plan 申报的飞行计划FPM Feet per minute 英尺/分FPR Flight plan route 飞行计划路线FR Fuel remaining 剩余油量FREQ Frequency 频率FSL Full stop landing 全停着陆FSS Flight service station 飞行服务站FST First 第一FT Feet 英尺G Green 绿色(东西向主航路)GA General aviation 通用航空GCA Ground controlled approach (radar) 地面管制进近(雷达)GEO Geographic or true 地理的或真的GMT Greenwich mean time 地面管制GP Glide path 下滑道GPS Global positioning system 全球定位系统GRADU Gradually 逐渐地GS Glide slope 下滑坡度GS Ground speed 地速GWT Gross weight 全重H24 24 hour service 24小时服务HBN Hazard beacon 危险信标HC Critical height 临界高HDF High frequency direction finding station 高频定向台HDG Heading 航向HEL Helicopter 直升机HF High frequency (3-30 MHz) 高频HGT Height 高HJ Sunrise to sunset 日出至日没,昼间服务HLDG Holding 等待HN Sunset to sunrise 日没日出至,夜间服务HPA Hectopascal 百帕HS During hours of scheduled operations 按航班开放HIS Horizontal situation indicator 水平状态指示仪HST High speed taxiway turn-off 高速转出滑行道HX Irregular service 非定时服务Hz Hertz (cycles per second) 赫兹(每分钟周数)IAC Instrument approach chart 仪表进近图IAF Initial approach fix 起始进近定位点IAL Instrument approach and landing chart 仪表进近和着陆图IAP Instrument approach procedure 仪表进近程序IAR Intersection of air routes 航路交叉点IAS Indicated airspeed 指示空速IATA International air transport association 国际航空运输协会IBN Identification beacon 识别灯标ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization 国际民航组织IDENT Identification 识别,认别标志IF Intermediate approach fix 中间进近定位点IFR Instrument flight rules 仪表飞行规则IGS Instrument guiding system 仪表引导系统ILS Instrument landing system 仪表着陆系统IM Inner marker 内指点标IMC Instrument meteorological conditions 仪表气象条件IMG Immigration 入境,移民IMPT Important 重要INBD Inbound 进场,向台INFO Information 资料,情报INOP Inoperative 不工作INP If not possible 如不可能INPR In progress 在进行中INS Inertial navigation system 惯性导航系统INT Intersection 交叉点,联络道INTER Intermittent 间断的INTL International 国际的INTRG Interrogator 询问器INTRP Interrupted 中断,干扰IR Ice on runway 跑道积冰IS Island 岛屿ISA International standard atmosphere 国际标准大气JTST Jet stream 高空激流KG Kilogram 公斤KHz Kilohertz 千赫KM Kilometer 公里KMH Kilometer(s) per hour 公里/时KT Knots 海里/时KW Kilowatt 千瓦L Locator (Compass) 示位台LAT Latitude 纬度LB Pound 磅LCT Local time 当地时间LDA Landing distance available 可用着陆距离LDG Landing 着陆LDI Landing direction indicator 着陆方向指示器LEN Length 长度LF Low frequency 低频(30-300千赫)LGT Light, lighting 灯,灯光LIH Light intensity high 高强度灯LIL Light intensity low 低强度灯LIM Light intensity medium 中强度灯LLZ Localizer 航向道LMM Locator middle marker 示位台中指点标LOM Locator outer marker 示位台外指点标LONG Longitude 经度LORAN LORAN(long range air navigation system)罗兰(远程导航系统)LT Local time 当地时LVL Level 水平,层M Meters 米MAA Maximum authorized altitude 批准的最大高度MAG Magnetic 磁的MAINT Maintenance 维修,维护MAP Aeronautical maps and charts 航空地图和航图MAPT Missed approach point 复飞点MAR Marine (At sea) 在海上,在海洋MAX Maximum 最大的MB Millibar 毫巴MBZ Mandatory broadcast zone 强制广播区MCA Minimum crossing altitude 最低穿越高度MDA Minimum descent altitude 最低下降高度MDF Medium frequency direction-finding station 中频定向台MEA Minimum en-route altitude 最低航路高度MER True height above MSL 高出平均海平面的真高MET Meteorological 气象的METAR Aviation routine weather report (in aeronauticalmeteorological code)航空例行天气预报(用航空气象电码)MF Medium frequency 中频(300-3000赫兹)MHA Minimum holding altitude 最低等待高度MHz Megahertz 兆赫MID Mid-point (related to RVR) 中间点(关于跑道视程)MIL Military 军用,军事MIN Minutes 分钟MKR Marker radio beacon 无线电指点信标MLS Microwave landing system 微波着陆系统MM Middle marker 中指点标MM Millimeter 毫米MOA Military operating area 军事活动区MOC Minimum obstacle clearance (required) 最小超障余度(要求的)MOD Moderate 中度MOV Move, movement 活动,运动MPH Miles per hour 英里/小时MPS Meters per second 米/秒MPW Maximum permitted weight 最大允许重量MRA Minimum reception altitude 最低接受高度MRG Medium range 中程MS Minus 减,负MSA Minimum sector altitude 最低扇区高度MSG Message 电报MSL Mean sea level 平均海平面MT Mountain 山MTOW Maximum take-off weight 最大起飞重量MTWA Maximum total weight authorized 最大允许全重N Night, north or northern 夜间,北或北方NA Not authorized 不允许,不批准NAT North Atlantic 北大西洋NAV Navigation 导航NAVAID Navigational aid 导航设施NB Northbound 向北飞行的NC No change 无变化NCRP Non-compulsory reporting point 非强制性位置报告点NDB Non-directional radio beacon 无方向性信标NE Northeast 东北NEB North-eastbound 向东北飞的NEG No, negative 不,不是,不正确的NGT Night 夜,夜晚NIL None 没有NM Nautical miles 海里NML Normal 正常NOF International NOTAM office 国际航行通告室NAP Noise abatement procedure 消噪音程序NOTAM Notice to airman 航行通告NR Number 号码,数NW North-west 西北NWB North-westbound 向西北方向飞的NXT Next 下一个,下次OAC Oceanic area control center 海洋管制中心OAS Obstacle assessment surface 障碍物评价面OBS Observe, observed, observation 观测,观察OBST Obstruction 障碍物OCA Oceanic control area 海洋管制区OCA Obstacle clearance altitude 超障高度OCS Obstacle clearance surface 超障面OM Outer marker 外指点标OPN Open 开放OPR Operator, operate, operative 经营人,报务员,运行OPS Operations 运行,运转O/R On request 按要求,按申请OTS Out of service 不工作OVNGT Overnight 过夜PALS Precision approach light system 精密进近灯光系统PANS-OPS Procedures for air navigation services—aircraftoperations航行服务程序-航空器运行PAPI Precision approach path indicator 精密进近航径指示器PAR Precision approach radar 精密进近雷达PARL Parallel 平行PCN Pavement classification number 道面等级序号PCZ Positive control zone 绝对管制地带PERM Permanent 永久的PJE Parachute jumping exercise 跳伞训练PLN Flight plan 飞行计划PN Prior notice required 需事先通知POB Persons on board 机上人员PRKG Parking 停机PROB Probability 概率,可能性PROC Procedure 程序PROP Propeller aircraft 螺旋桨航空器PROV Provisional 临时的,暂时的PS Plus 加、正PSG Passing 过往,经过PSGR Passenger 旅客PSN Position 位置PTN Procedure turn 程序转弯PWR Power 电源,功率QDM Magnetic bearing to facility 向台磁方位QDR Magnetic bearing from facility 背台磁方位QFU Magnetic orientation of runway 跑道磁向QTE True bearing 真方位QUAD Quadrant 象限R Red 红色(东西向辅航路)R Radar, right 雷达,右RA Radio altimeter 无线电高度表RAC Rules of the air and air traffic services空中规则和空中交通服务RAG Runway arresting gear 跑道制动装置RAI Runway alignment indicator 对准跑道指示器RB Rescue boat 救生艇RCA Reaching cruising altitude 到达巡航高度RCC Rescue co-ordination center 救援协调中心RCF Radio communication failure 无线电通讯失效RCL Runway centerline 跑道中心线RCLM Runway centerline markings 跑道中心线标志RCLR Recleared 再放行RDL Radial 径向线REC Receive, receiver 收,收到,接收REDL Runway edge light(s) 跑道边灯REF Reference 参阅REG Registration 登记,注册REIL Runway end identification lights 跑道端识别灯RENL Runway end light(s) 跑道端灯REP Reporting point 报告点REQ Request 请求RF Radio facility 无线电设施RFLG Refueling 加油(燃料)RH Right hand 右手(边)RL Report leaving 脱离报告RLCE Request level change en-route 请求在航路上改变高度层RLLS Runway lead-in lighting system 跑道引进灯光系统RMK Remarks 附注,备注RNAV Area navigation 区域导航/领航ROC Rate of climb 上升率,爬升率ROD Rate of descent 下滑率,下降率RPM Revolutions per hour 每分钟的转数RSCD Runway surface condition 跑道道面情况RSR En-route surveillance radar 航路监视雷达RTE Route 航路RTF Radiotelephony 无线电话RTG Radiotelegraphy 无线电报RTHL Runway threshold light(s) 跑道入口灯RTR Remote transmitter/receiver 遥控发射机/接收机RTS Return to service 恢复工作RTT Radio teletypewriter 无线电传打字机RTZL Runway touchdown zone light(s) 跑道接地带灯RVR Runway visual range 跑道视程RVV Runway visibility values 跑道能见度数值RWY Runway 跑道S South 南、南纬SAR Search and rescue 搜寻与援救SB Southbound 向南飞SDBY Stand by 等待,备份SE Southeast 东南SEB South-eastbound 向东南飞SEC Seconds 秒SECT Sector 扇区SELCAL Selective call system 选择呼叫系统SER Service 服务,工作SFC Surface 表面,道面SID Standard instrument departure 标准仪表离场SKED Schedule 定期SLW Slow 慢SMC Surface movement control 地面活动管制SMR Surface movement radar 地面活动雷达SN Snow 雪SNOWTAM Snow NOTAM 雪情通告SRA Special rules area 特殊规则区SRA Surveillance radar approach 监视雷达进近SRE Surveillance radar element 地面管制进近(GCA)的监视雷达部分SRG Short range 短程SSB Single sideband 单边带SSR Secondary surveillance radar 二次监视雷达SST Supersonic transport 超音速运输机STA Strait in approach 直线进近STAR Standard terminal arrival 标准终端进场STD Standard 标准STN Station 站,站位STNR Stationary 静止的STWL Stopway light(s) 停止道灯SUP Supplement 增补,补充SUPPS Regional supplementary procedures 地区补充程序SW Southwest 西南SWB South-westbound 向西南飞SWY Stopway 停止道T Temperature 温度TA Transition altitude 过度高度TAF Aerodrome forecast 机场天气预报TAIL Tail wind 顺风TAR Terminal area surveillance radar 终端区监视雷达。



ICAO4空管词汇空中交通管制英语词汇表(ICAO English) A.1航空器及其系统(aircraft and its system)A.1.1航空器框架(aircraft structure)airframe机身flight deck驾驶舱wheel well轮舱front (fore) part前部rear (aft) part后部port左舷(舵)starboard右舷(舵)inboard engine or inboards内侧发动机outboard engine or outboards外侧发动机nose机头belly机腹skin蒙皮outer shell外壳rib翼肋spar翼梁stringer桁条windscreen or windshield风挡wing机翼trailing edge机翼后缘leading edge机翼前缘wing tip翼尖control surface操纵面aileron副翼flaps (inboard flap, outboard flap, leading edge flaps)襟翼(内侧襟翼,外侧襟翼,前缘襟翼)spoilers (inboard\outboard spoiler) (spoiler down\up)阻力板,扰流板(内、外侧扰流板)(扰流板放下、翻开)airbrakes减速板(阻流板)slats缝翼elevators (elevator control tab)起落舵(起落舵操作片)rudder (rudder control tab)偏向舵(偏向舵操作片)flap angle襟翼角flap setting襟翼设定full flap position全襟翼位置flapless landing无襟翼着陆landing gear起落架stabilizer安宁面nose wheel起落架前轮gear locked起落架锁定1wheel well起落架舱wheel door起落架舱门tyre轮胎burst爆破deflated tyre瘪胎flat tyre漏胎puncture轮胎被扎破extend the flaps (retract the flaps)放下襟翼(收上襟翼)extend the gear (retract the gear)放下起落架(收上起落架)gear extension (gear retraction)放轮(收轮)the gear is jammed起落架被卡阻the flaps are jammed襟翼被卡阻emergency extension system应急放下体系crank the gear down摇动放下起落架brakes刹车disc brakes盘式制动器an anti-skid device防滞装置an arresting gear拦阻装置thrust reverser反推装配tail parachute尾伞the brakes are unreliable刹车不可靠braking action is poor刹车状态欠好brake wear刹车磨损overheat超温(过热)slow down减慢(速率)bring the plane to a stop使飞机停下passenger cabin客舱floor地板ceiling顶棚(板)galley机上厨房toilet茅厕lounge休息室partition隔墙interior fittings机上用具oxygen mask氧气面罩cargo-hold货舱A.1.2动力体系(power plant system)nacelle (cowl)引擎短舱spinner螺旋桨整流罩pod发动机吊舱air inlet or intake进气道bird, water ingestion发动机吸进了鸟、水foreign object damage外来物损伤2fan电扇windmill风车rotor转子fan blades风扇叶片propeller螺旋桨propeller blade桨叶propulsor推进器reduction gearbox减速器LP and HP compressors低压和高压压缩机annular combustor环行燃烧室multiple-can combustor管型熄灭室can-annular combustor管环熄灭室reverse-flow annular combustor回流式环行燃烧室turbocharger涡轮增压器turbine wheel涡轮导向器supercharger增压器compressor blades紧缩机叶片nozzles尾喷管(嘴),排气管cylinder气缸crankshaft曲轴exhaust section排气局部engine setting发起机设置RPM (revolution per minute)转速(转每分)set the engine to idle慢车位give full throttle (or power) to the engine全油门(功率)throttle up the engine加油门throttle down (or back) the engine收油门engineering trouble机械故障engine failure发动机失效the engine runs rough发动机工作不稳定the engine runs smoothly发动机工作稳定vibration抖动the engine is low on power马力小low rumble发起机收回低落的响声loud bangs发动机放炮engine surge发起机喘振engine shutdown停车engine flame out发动机熄火exhaust duct and tail cone排气道和尾锥engine feathered顺桨A.1.3航空器体系(aircraft system)A.1.3.1燃油体系(fuel system)fuel system燃油体系3fuel tanks燃油箱vent通气孔fuel hydrant加油栓fuel lines燃油管路fuel pump燃油泵fuel filter油滤joints讨论dump valves放油阀fuel shut-off levers燃油油路切断操纵杆fuel flow indicators燃油流量表low fuel pressure warning lights燃油油压太低告诫灯A.1.3.2滑油体系(oil system)lubricant润滑剂lubrication润滑oil lines滑油管路oil pressure indicators滑油压力表oil temperature indicator滑油温度表oil cooler滑油散热器A.1.3.3液压体系(hydraulic system)hydraulic lines液压管路hydraulic actuator液压作动筒hydraulic pump液压泵pressure control valves压力控制阀pressure sensors压力传感器relief valves释压阀flow control valves流量掌握阀(actuating) jacks千斤顶seals密封圈A.1.3.4电器系统(electrical system)DC generator直流发电机an AC generator交流发电机APU(auxiliary power unit)辅助动力装置inverter变换器solid state transformer固态变压器rectifier整流器fuse保险丝wire电线circuit电路lead连线/引线circuit breaker跳开关4A.1.3.5空调系统(air-conditioning system)pressure control压力控制environmental control system环境控制系统cooling冷却electronic cooling system冷凝系统heating加热humidifier增湿器heat exchanger热交换器fans风扇pressurization增压air ducts空气导管pneumatic system汽源系统A.1.4驾驶舱(cockpit)A.1.4.1操纵系统(control system)flight control system飞翔操作体系flight management computer system飞行管理计算机系统boosted controls助力操作体系manual controls人工操纵系统levers/stick/column杆control column操纵杆control panel控制板captain’s panel机长仪表板glare shield panel防眩板center console中央操纵台handles操纵手柄knobs按钮或旋钮switchers开关thrust levers油门cranks曲柄(摇把)control stand操纵台rudder bar方向舵连杆elevator controls起落舵操作体系flap controls襟翼操作体系autopilot controls主动驾驶操作体系autothrottle system主动油门体系instrument landing system仪表着陆系统microwave landing system微波着陆体系hand-operated control人工驾驶brake control unit制动控制单元steering wheel偏向盘(前轮)A.1.4.2航空器仪表(aircraft instrument)5gauge外表primary display system主表现体系electronic instrument system电子外表体系systems monitoring instruments系统监控仪表indicator指示器(仪表)flight director飞行指引仪engine indicator发起机外表accelerometer加快率计aneroid barometer膜盒气压计metre (dial)表盘(刻度盘)instrument panel外表板audio control panel音频掌握面板overhead panel顶部仪表板flight engineer’s panel随机工程师外表板radio management panel无线电管理面板flight navigation control panel导航控制面板flight data interface unit飞行数据接口digital flight data recording system数字式飞翔数据记实体系engine vibration monitoring unit发动机振动监控系统weight and balance system装载与配平系统altimeter高度表radio altimeter无线电高度表airspeed indicator空速表automatic direction finder自动定向仪turn and bank indicator转弯侧滑仪attitude director indicator姿态指示仪horizontal situation indicator水平位置指示器set the altimeter高度表拨正vertical speed indicator升降速度表(gyro) horizon陀螺地平仪directional gyro陀螺偏向仪A.1.5航空器动作(aircraft maneouvre)pitch俯仰roll横滚yaw偏转bank the aircraft压坡度lift off抬(提)起pitch up the aircraft (to nose up)抬机头pitch down the aircraft (to nose down)推机头down向下dive俯冲climb steeply大角度爬升corrective action批改举措6level off改平stall失速recover from stall从失速中改出cut back decrease收油门spin螺旋sharp turn急转弯wide turn小坡度转弯slipping turn内侧滑转弯skidding turn外侧滑转弯A.2景象(meteorology)A.2.1云(cloud)ceiling云底高cloud layer云层cumulonimbus积雨云towering cumulonimbus塔状积雨云altocumulus高积云nimbostratus雨层云altostratus高层云cirrocumulus卷积云cirrostratus卷层云cirrus卷云funnel cloud漏斗云stratocumulus层积云stratus层云vertebratus脊状云capillatus鬃状云solid clouds粘稠的云scattered clouds疏云ragged clouds破碎的云(残云)mackerel sky鳞状云breaks in overcast阴间多云few少云scattered疏云broken裂开云,多云overcast (continuous)满天云on top在云上below cloud在云下between layers在云层间in cloud在云中in and out of cloud断续云中cloud is building up云在增长cloud is clearing up云在消散7A.2.2能见度(visibility)sky clear晴空sky obscured天空不明sand storm沙暴mist轻雾haze霾brume雾,霭smoke烟smog烟雾light fog轻雾dense fog浓雾freezing fog冻雾drifting fog吹雾,平流雾fog dispersal in progress雾在消逝fog is coming down正在起雾fog is clearing up雾在消散fog is getting worse雾越来越浓A.2.3风(wind)wind风surface wind地面风wind aloft高空风tailwind顺风headwind顶风crosswind侧风wind-gauge风向风速仪the wind-sock风向袋wind calm无风(静风)light wind轻风moderate wind中速风strong wind强风variable wind风向不不乱steady wind稳定风gust阵风wind shift风向改动wind shear风切变gusts up to 8 m/s阵风达8 m/slull风停gale一阵大风storm风暴eddy, a whirl wind旋风vortex(vortices)涡流wind W veering NW风由西向西北转8wind W backing SW风由西转向西南the wind is shifting风在转向the wind is rising刮风the wind is abating风在减小the wind is getting stronger风愈来愈大A.2.4波动(turbulence)clear air turbulence晴空波动moderate turbulence中度波动severe turbulence严重颠簸smooth平稳的bumpy , turbulent颠簸的be tossed , buffeted受气流(或涡流)影响而使扭捏updraught上升气流downdraught下降气流jet stream高空急流A.2.5降水(precipitation)light rain细雨heavy rain大雨intermittent rain间歇性雨continuous rain继续性降水bright periods雨停天晴期间occasional showers偶尔下阵雨passing showers正在经由过程的阵雨scattered showers零零星散的阵雨torrential rain, downpour暴雨waterspout水龙卷drizzle毛毛雨freezing rain冻雨sleet雨夹雪squall飑(线)hurricane飓风tornado龙卷风thunderstorm雷暴flash of lightning闪电光lightning闪电hail冰雹hailstorm雹暴soft hail软雹snow雪snowstorm雪暴snowflake鹅毛大雪snow shower阵雪9snow gust突然一阵大雪icing结冰ice冰sheet of ice一层冰rime白霜,雾淞A.2.6温度(temperature)surface temperature地面温度outside air temperature外界温度,大气温度dewpoint露点温度the temperature rise温度上升the temperature drop温度下降the temperature is rising温度在上升the temperature is falling温度在下降the temperature is steady温度不乱freezing level冻冰点温度,结冰层,(指结冰层的下限)A.2.7跑道道面状况(runway surface condition)loose snow软雪firm snow实雪compacted snow压实的雪melting snow在化的雪slush雪水(或半化的雪)snow drift雪堆snow plough扫雪车snow clearance雪肃清the north taxiway is snowbound北滑行道被雪封住了the runway is wet跑道湿the runway is icy跑道上有结冰the runway is slippery跑道滑pools of water跑道积水ice patches冰块(指跑道上结成的一块块的冰)glazed frost(clear ice)明冰hoar frost白霜braking action is poor刹车效应差braking action is medium刹车效应中braking action is good刹车效应好A.3机场车辆与设备(airport vehicle and equipment)servicing truck地面特种车辆airport passenger bus/ferry摆渡车tug/towing tractor拖车tow bar拖把ground power unit空中电源车10catering truck食品车(配餐车)ground air preconditioning unit地面空调车water service truck供水车galley service truck餐车dolly平台车tractor牵引车fork lift truck叉车fire truck救火车ambulance救护车crash tender事故处理车wheelbarrow独轮手推车air steps机载客梯snow plough犁雪车ramp vehicle机坪车辆security van保安运货车ice-melter除冰车coach大客车refueller加油车hydrant dispenser管线加油车runway snow blower吹雪车sweeper清扫车A.4空中相干效劳(relevant ground service)rubber removal清除橡胶scrub洗涤,擦洗conveyor输送带passenger gate登机口terminal候机楼ground handling地勤cargo door sill货舱门基座pallet平板架,托板chute行李滑运道jetway廊桥(美)air bridge/loading bridge廊桥(英)pier候机楼登机走廊stairway扶梯apron/ramp客/停机坪hangar机库customs海关blast fences防吹墙loadsheet舱单customs clearance海关验放air waybill航空运货单safety services安全服务11windshield wiper风挡刮水器(美)windscreen wiper风挡刮水器(英)deplane下飞机,从飞机上卸下(美)disembark/unload下飞机,从飞机上卸下(英)enplane登机(美)embark/board登机(英)ground radar空中雷达2. Abbreviations12AAmber琥珀色(南北向主航路)A/AAALAir-to-air空对空Above Aerodrome Level高出机场平面正切机场灯标ABMAbeam ABNAerodrome beacon ABTAbout关于ABVACACACACCACCIDACFTACKCANADADAADFADIZADRADSADVSADZAEISAERAERADIOAESAFBAFCSAFISAFLAFMAFSAFTNA/GAbove…以上Altocumulus高积云Airborne collision avoidance system机载防撞系统Area control center区域管制中心Notification of an aircraft accident航空器出事告诉Aircraft航空器Acknowledge承认,收悉Aircraft classification number航空器等级序号Aerodrome机场Advisory area咨询区Automatic direction-finding equipment主动定向装备Air defense identification zone防空识别区Advisory route咨询航路Address收电地址Advisory service征询效劳Advise告诉Aeronautical en-route information service航空的航线谍报效劳Approach end runway跑道的进近端Air radio航空无线电Aerodrome emergency services机场紧要效劳Air force base空军基地Automatic flight control system飞行自动控制系统Aerodrome flight information service机场飞翔谍报效劳Above field level高于场面Affirmative是的,对的Aeronautical fixed service航空固定服务Aeronautical fixed telecommunication network航空固定电网Air to ground空对地13AGAAerodromes, air routes and ground aids机场、航线和空中助航办法AGLAbove ground levelAGNAgainAIREP高出地面再,再次空中报告着陆区,降落区Air reportALAAlighting areaALRAlerting告警进近灯光体系ALSApproach lighting systemALTAltitudeALTNAlternateAMAmplitude modulationAMAArea minimum altitudeAMDTAmendmentAMSAeronautical mobile serviceAMSLAbove mean sea levelAOCAirport obstacle chartAORArea of responsibility APCHApproachAPPApproach control APRXApproximateAPUAuxiliary power unit APVApproveAROAir traffic services reporting office ARPAirport reference point ARQAutomatic error correction ARRArrivalARSAAirport radar service area ARSRAir route surveillance radar ASAltostratusASCAscend toASDAAccelerate-stop distance available ASPHAsphaltASRAirport surveillance radar ATAActual time of arrivalATCAir traffic controlATDActual time of departure 海拔高度备降,备分调幅区域最低高度修订航空挪动效劳高出平均海平面机场停滞物图责任区进近进近管制大约辅助动力装置批准空中交通服务报告室机场基准点自动误差纠正抵达机场雷达效劳区空中航线监督雷达高层云上升可用加快截止间隔沥青机场监督雷达实际到达时间空中交通管制实际离场时间14ATFAerodrome traffic frequency机场交通频率ATFMAir traffic flow management空中交通流量管理ATISAutomatic terminal information service自动终端情报服务ATMAir traffic management空中交通管理ATNAeronautical telecommunication network航空电网ATSAir traffic service空中交通效劳ATZAerodrome traffic zone机场交通地带AUTHAuthorized授权AUWAll up weight腾飞全重AUXAuxiliary辅助的AVBLAvailable有用的,可用性AVGAverage平均AWYAirway航线AZMAzimuth方位(角)BBlue兰色(南北向辅航线)BABraking action刹车效应BASECloud base云底BCBack course后航道BCNBeacon灯标BCSTBroadcast播送BDRYBoundary边界BFRBefore在…之前BGNBegin入手下手BKNBroken裂云BLDGBuilding建筑物BLWBelow…以下BRGBearing方位(角)BTLBetween layers云层之间,云层飞行BTNBetween 在…之间BYDBeyond超过CDegrees Celsius (Centigrade)摄氏度CAACCivil aviation administration of China中国民用航空总局CABCivil Aeronautics Board(美国)民用航空委员会CATClear air turbulence晴空颠簸CATCategory分类,类别15CBCEILCGLCHCHGCIVCKCLCLBRCLGCLRCLSDCMCMBCNLCNSCOMCONCCONDCONTCOORDCOPCORCORRCPUCRPCRTCRZCTACTLCTNCTRCWYDADCKG Cumulonimbus积雨云Ceiling云高Circling guidance light(s)盘旋引导灯Channel波道Change改变、换Civil民用Check搜检,校核Center line中心线Calibration校订Calling呼唤Clear, clearance放行,放行许可Closed封闭Centimeter厘米Climb to爬升至Cancel or cancelled取消Communication, navigation and surveillance通、导航和监视Communications通Concrete混凝土Condition条件,状况Continue(s)连续,连续的Coordinates坐标Change-over point转换点Correct or correction精确,改正Corridor走廊Central processing unit计较机中央处置惩罚体系Compulsory reporting point强迫性位置敷陈点Cathode ray tube阴极射线管Cruise巡航Control area管束区Control管束,掌握Caution注意Control zone管束地带Clearway净空道Decision altitude定夺高度Docking停靠16DCTDirectDEGDEP直线进近,直飞度腾飞或离场DegreeDepart/departure DEPTDepartment DESDescend to DESTDEV Destination Deviation局部下降目标地偏航,偏离DFTIDHDISTDIVDLADMEDPDPT DR DRG DS DSB DUR DVOR EAT EET EFC ELEV EM EMERG ENG ERR EST ETA ETD ETE ETOEXCDistance from touchdown indicator Decision heightDistanceDivert, divertingDelayDistance measuring equipment Dew point temperatureDepthDead reckoningDuringDust stormDouble sidebandDurationDoppler VORExpected approach time Expected elapsed timeExpected further clearance ElevationEmissionEmergencyEngineErrorEstimateEstimated time of arrival Estimated time of departure Estimated time enroute Estimated time over Except离接地距离指示器定夺高间隔改航,转向耽搁测距仪露点深度推测在…期间尘暴双边带持续期,持续时间多普勒全向标预计进近时间估计航程(颠末)工夫预计进一步放行许可标高发射,发讯紧急,应急发起机错误估计,估量预计到达时间预计离场时间估计航线飞翔工夫预计飞越时间除…..之外17EXPExpect预期,但愿EXTDExtend耽误、耽误FDegrees Fahrenheit华氏(度)FAAFederal Aviation Administration联邦航空局(美)FACFacilities办法,装备FAFFinal approach fix最落后近定位点FAPFinal approach point最落后近点FASFinal approach segment最后进近航段FAXFacsimile transmission传真FCFunnel cloud漏斗云FCSTForecast预报FCTFriction coefficient摩擦系数FGFog雾FICFlight information center飞行情报中心FIRFlight information region飞翔谍报区FISFlight information service飞行情报服务FISAAutomated Flight information service主动飞翔谍报效劳FLFlight level飞翔高度FLDField机场,场地FLGFlashing闪光,照明弹FLTFlight飞行,飞行航班FMFrom自,从FMFrequency modulation调频FMSFlight management system飞行控制系统FMUFlight management unit流量管理单位FNAFinal approach最后进近FPLFiled flight plan申报的飞行计划FPMFeet per minute 英尺/分FPRFlight plan route飞翔打算门路FRFuel remaining残剩油量FREQFrequency频率FSLFull stop landing全停着陆FSSFlight service station飞行服务站FSTFirst第一FTFeet英尺18GGreen绿色(东西向主航路)GAGCAGEOGMTGPGeneral aviation通用航空地面管制进近(雷达)Ground controlled approach (radar)Geographic or true天文的或真的空中管束Greenwich mean timeGlide path下滑道GPSGlobal positioning system全球定位系统GRADU GSGSGWTH24HBNHCHDFHDGHELHFHGTHJHLDGHNHPAHSHISHSTHXHzIACIAFIALIAPIARIASIATAGradually逐渐地Glide slope下滑坡度Ground speed地速Gross weight全重24 hour service24小时服务Hazard beacon危险标Critical height临界高High frequency direction finding station高频定向台Heading航向Helicopter直升机High frequency (3-30 MHz)高频Height高Sunrise to sunset日出至日没,昼间服务Holding期待Sunset to sunrise日没日出至,夜间服务Hectopascal百帕During hours of scheduled operations按航班开放Horizontal situation indicator水平状态指示仪High speed taxiway turn-off高速转出滑行道Irregular service非按时效劳Hertz (cycles per second)赫兹(每分钟周数)Instrument approach chart仪表进近图Initial approach fix肇端进近定位点Instrument approach and landing chart外表进近和着陆图Instrument approach procedure外表进近步伐Intersection of air routes航线交织点Indicated airspeed指示空速International air transport association国际航空运输协会19IBNIdentification beacon识别灯标ICAOInternational Civil Aviation Organization国际民航组织IDENTIFIdentification识别,认别标志中间进近定位点Intermediate approach fix IFRInstrument flight rules IGSInstrument guiding system ILSInstrument landing system外表飞翔划定规矩仪表引导系统外表着陆体系IMInner marker IMCInstrument meteorological conditions IMGImmigrationIMPTImportantINBDInboundINFOInformationINOPInoperativeINPIf not possibleINPRIn progressINSInertial navigation system INTIntersectionINTERIntermittentINTLInternational INTRGInterrogator INTRPInterruptedIRIce on runwayISIslandISAInternational standard atmosphere JTSTJet streamKGKilogramKHzKilohertzKMKilometerKMHKilometer(s) per hour KTKnotsKWKilowattLLocator (Compass)LATLatitudeLBPound内指点标仪表气象条件出境,移民紧张出场,向台材料,谍报不工作如不可能在进行中惯性导航体系交叉点,联络道间断的国际的讯问器中断,干扰跑道积冰岛屿国际尺度大气高空急流公斤千赫千米公里/时海里/时千瓦示位台纬度磅20LCTLocal timeLDA本地工夫可用着陆距离Landing distance available LDGLanding着陆着陆方向指示器LDILanding direction indicator LENLengthLF长度低频(30-300千赫)Low frequency LGTLight, lighting灯,灯光LIHLILLIMLLZLMM。



A.航空器部分Aircraft 航空器Airship 飞艇Balloon 气球Fire balloon 热气球Helicopter 直升机Plane 飞机ACAS (airborne alert and collisions avoidance system)机载防撞系统(欧语)TCAS (traffic alert and collisions avoidance system)机载防撞系统(美语)Engine 发动机Engine failure 发动机失效Engine flame out 发动机熄火(停车)Engine surge 发动机喘振Engine trouble 发动机故障Loud bangs 发动机放炮Bird (water)ingestion 发动机吸进了鸟(水)Landing gear 起落架Gear extension(retraction)放(收)轮Gear emergency extension system 起落架应急展开系统To crank the gear down (手动)摇下起落架To extend(retract) the gear 展开(收起)起落架Tire 轮胎(美语)Deflated tire 放了气的轮胎Flat tire 没气的轮胎Wheel well 轮舱Flap 襟翼Rudder 方向舵Slat 缝翼Spoiler 扰流板To extend (retract)the flaps 放下(收上)襟翼Air power unit 航空动力装置Auxiliary power unit 辅助动力装置Belly 机腹Cargo-hold 货舱Flight data recorder (FDR)飞行数据记录器Hydraulic system 液压系统Nacelle 整流罩Oxygen mask 氧气面罩Passenger cabin 客舱Stall 失速Skin 蒙皮Front/fore part 前部Rear/aft part后部Port/left左Starboard/right 右B.航空气象用词Cloud 云CB 积雨云Ceiling 云底高To build up 增加(云)To clear up 消散(云)Cloud layer 云层Fog 雾Light fog 轻雾Drifting fog 吹雾Dense fog 浓雾Freezing fog 冻雾To come down 起雾To get worse (雾情)转坏To clear up (雾)消散Ice 冰Icing 结冰A sheet of ice 一层冰Ice blocks (很多)冰块Glazed frost 明冰Rain 雨Freezing rain 冻雨Heavy rain 大雨Light rain 小雨Thunderstorm 雷雨Snow 雪Firm snow 结实的雪Loose snow 松软的雪Melting snow 正在融化的雪Sleet 雨夹雪Slush 雪水Snow clearing 除雪Snow drifting 吹雪Snow shower 阵雪Temperature 温度Dew point 露点Outside temperature 室外气温Surface temperature地面气温Temperature drop 温度下降Temperature rise 温度上升Wind 风Crosswind 侧风Gust 阵风Headwind 顶风Tailwind 顺风Wind-sock 风向袋To shift (风向)变化To abate (风力)减弱Hailstone 冰雹Hoar frost 白霜Overcast 阴天Sand storm 沙暴Sky clear 晴空C.车辆与设备Air condition truck 空调车Air steps 机载客梯Catering truck 食品车Container loader 集装箱拖车De-icing truck 除冰车Fire engine 消防车Heavy-duty tender 重型消防车Follow me car 引导车Fork lift truck 叉车GPU (ground power unit)电源车Lavatory service truck 污水车Mobile belt conveyor 传送带车Passenger bridge 廊桥Passenger stairs 客梯车Passenger bus 摆渡车Potable water truck 清水车Refueller 油车SFT (surface friction tester)摩擦系数测试车Snow blower 吹雪车Tow bar 拖把Turbine gas generator气源车Tug/tractor 拖车D.飞行区、航站楼设施Aerodrome 机场Aerodrome maneuvering area 机场活动区Aircraft maneuvering area 航空器活动区Airfield 飞行区Aerodrome reference point 机场基准点Airport surface detection equipment 机场场面监视设备Concrete-surface 混凝土道面Rigid pavement 刚性道面Apron (ramp)停机坪Blowing resistance apron 防吹坪Drainage system 排水系统Fence 围栏Fuel well 油井Hangar 机库Holding apron 等待坪Spot 飞机机位Freight spot 货机位Open (remote)spot 远机位Signs for spot 机位指示牌Signs for taxiway 道路指示牌Apron lighting 机坪照明Aerodrome beacon 机场信标Approach lighting 进近灯光Boundary lights 场界灯Obstruction lights 障碍灯PAPI (precision approach path indicator)精密进近航道指示器Runway edge lights 跑道边灯Runway slope lights 跑道坡度灯Sequenced flashing lights 顺序闪光灯Taxiway edge lights 滑行道边灯Runway 跑道Main (primary)runway 主跑道Instrument runway 仪表跑道Noninstrument runwayPrecision approach runway 精密进近跑道Nonprecision approach runway 非精密进近跑道Runway centerline 跑道中心线Taxiway 滑行道Taxi line 滑行线Taxiway link 滑行联络道Rapid exit way 快速脱离道Terminal 航站楼Baggage reclaim hall 行李提取大厅Baggage sorting area 行李分拣区Boarding gate 登机口Check in counter 值机柜台Domestic departure lobby 国内离港大厅International departure lobby 国际离港大厅Restaurant 餐厅Smoking room 吸烟室Security check door 安全检查门X-ray X光机E.保障部门Authority supervising the airfield 机场管理当局Agent for airlines 航空公司代办Aircraft maintenance 机务维修ATS Reporting Office 站调Approach 进近管制Area control 区调Tower 塔台Baggage inquiry 行李查询Broadcasting room 广播室Charter company包机公司Customs 海关Immigration 边检Quarantine and inspection 检查检疫Dispatching office 签派室Domestic check-in 国内值机Emergency medical center 急救中心Fire bridge 消防队Police station 派出所Fuel supply corporation 油料公司Information 问讯处Load control 配载Lost and found office 失物招领处Manager on-duty 值班经理Meteorological forecast气象预报Meteorological observation 气象观测Operation conductor 现场指挥员Operation supervisor 运行监管员Ticket counter售票柜台F. 保障业务术语Actual departure time 实际起飞时间Actual arrival time 实际到达时间Aerodrome traffic circuit 机场起落航线Air corridor 空中走廊Aircraft type机型Airport elevation 机场标高Air traffic control 空中交通管制Air turn back 空中返航Airway 航路All-up weight 起飞全重Approach 进近ATC clearance(空管)放行许可ATS flight pan 领航报文Automatic terminal information service 航站自动情报服务Baggage 行李Baggage tag 行李牌Birds dispelling 驱鸟Boarding 登机Boarding pass 登机牌Broadcasting 广播Cabin service 客舱清洁Captain 机长Cargo/freight 货物Cargo and passenger throughput 机场货运和客运吞吐量Cargo door 货舱门Catering机上配餐Chock (wheel block)轮挡Chocks away 撤轮挡Connection 中转Crew meal 机组配餐Dangerous freight/cargo危险货物Decision altitude(DA)决断高Decision height(DH)决断高度Departure clearance 放行许可Departure airport起飞站Departure control system 离港系统Departure/takeoff time 起飞时间Destination airport 目的站Divert flight 备降航班Estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间Estimated time of departure 预计起飞时间E-ticket 电子客票Extra flight加班Extra fuel备份油量First class meal 头等舱配餐Flight assignment 飞行员任务书Flight delay message延误报文Flight information system 航班查询系统Flight management system 航班管理系统Flight leg 航段Flight plan 航班计划Frequency 频率Fuel on board 机载油量To go around 复飞Hiding payload 隐载Over payload超载Information 情报Inner marker (IM)内指点标Outer marker(OM)外指点标Landing and take off charge manifest 航班起降收费单Landing message 落地报文Landing time 落地时间Lights level 灯光等级Load 装载Mail 邮件Manifest(weight and balance manifest)舱单(装重表与平衡图)Monitor 监视器Minimum 最小Maximum 最大Passenger 旅客Passenger charter flight旅客包机Passenger door 客舱门Perishable freight易腐货物Pools of water 跑道积水QFE场压QNE标准气压QNH修正海平面气压NOTAM 航行通告Refueling 加油Registration number 机号Remain overnight 过夜Rubber removing 除胶Runway visual range (RVR)跑道视程Stay time 过站时间Screen display 屏幕显示Secondary(primary)RADAR二(一)次雷达Security check 安全检查Security check seal 安全检查章SNOWTAM 雪情通告Squawk number 应答机编码Takeoff message起飞报文Taxi fuel 滑行油量Test flight试飞航班Ticket 机票TOF起飞油量Transfer flight中转联程航班Transponder应答机Unaccompanied minors 无人陪伴儿童Universal time coordinated 世界协调时Unload 卸载VHF(very high frequency)甚高频VIP(very important person)要客VIP charter flight 重要旅客包机Visibility 能见度Visual meteorological condition 目视气象条件VOR (very high frequency omni directional radio range)甚高频全向信标台Walkie talkie手持对讲机Wheel chair 轮椅Zone standard time 地区标准时间G.应急救援Emergency salvage/rescue 机场应急救援Committee 机场应急救援领导小组Emergency salvage/rescue plan机场应急救援预案Emergency salvage/rescue command center 机场应急救援指挥中心Chief commander 总指挥Commander on-spot 现场指挥官Fire fighting commander 消防指挥官Medical commander 医疗指挥官Police commander 公安指挥官Rush-out 紧急出动Concentrating 集结待命Concentrating point集结点Position awaiting 原地待命Abortion 中断起飞Aircraft accident 航空器失事Aircraft mechanical trouble in the air 航空器空中机械故障Explosive threat 爆炸物威胁Hijack 劫持Search and rescue execises 搜索与救援演练Violence interference (航空器受到)非法干扰。



中国国际航空介绍英文作文China International Airlines, also known as Air China, is the national flag carrier of China. It was establishedin 1988 and is headquartered in Beijing. The airline operates a large fleet of aircraft and serves an extensive network of domestic and international destinations.Air China is a member of the Star Alliance, the world's largest global airline alliance. This partnership allowsAir China to offer its passengers access to a vast network of routes and destinations around the world, as well as seamless connectivity and convenient travel options.The airline is committed to providing high-quality service to its passengers, with a focus on safety, comfort, and convenience. Air China's fleet is modern and well-maintained, and the airline offers a range of cabin classes to suit the needs of different travelers, including first class, business class, and economy class.In addition to its passenger services, Air China also operates a dedicated cargo division, providing air freight services to destinations around the world. The airline's cargo operations are an important part of its business, supporting global trade and logistics and contributing to the growth of China's economy.Air China is also actively involved in corporate social responsibility initiatives, including environmental protection, community engagement, and charitable activities. The airline is committed to minimizing its environmental impact and contributing to the sustainable development of the aviation industry.Overall, Air China is a leading global airline with a strong reputation for safety, reliability, and service excellence. Whether you are traveling for business or leisure, Air China offers a wide range of options to meet your travel needs, and is dedicated to making your journeya smooth and enjoyable experience.。



国内飞行的航空器油量由以下几部分组成: 塔台管制 主要负责飞机的起飞、降落和地面滑行。 起飞机场地面滑行油量 由起飞机场飞往目的机场并着陆所需油量 飞往目的机场的最远备降机场并着陆的油量 在备降机场上空以正常巡航耗油率飞行45分钟的油 量
We Guide You Home
目 录
1、引 言
3、空中交通管制员简介 4、结束语
空中交通管理局宣传片 国内飞行的航空器油量由以下几部分组成: 起飞机场地面滑行油量 由起飞机场飞往目的机场并着陆所需油量 飞往目的机场的最远备降机场并着陆的油量 在备降机场上空以正常巡航耗油率飞行45分钟的油 量
我国民航事业实现了持续快速发展,成为了当今世 国内飞行的航空器油量由以下几部分组成: 界名副其实的航空运输大国。在民航事业发展的进 起飞机场地面滑行油量 程中,空中交通管制扮演着愈来愈重要的角色。欢 由起飞机场飞往目的机场并着陆所需油量 迎广大有志青年加入空管的队伍,为民航事业的发 飞往目的机场的最远备降机场并着陆的油量 展添砖加瓦。 在备降机场上空以正常巡航耗油率飞行45分钟的油 量
国内飞行的航空器油量由以下几部分组成: 进近管制 对落地飞机进行排序,当飞机建立盲降 起飞机场地面滑行油量 后移交给塔台管制室指挥;并对起飞的飞机进行引 由起飞机场飞往目的机场并着陆所需油量 导,上升到指定高度然后交给区域管制室指挥。 飞往目的机场的最远备降机场并着陆的油量 在备降机场上空以正常巡航耗油率飞行45分钟的油 量




如为改扩建矿山, 应说明矿山现状、


(2 列出开发利用方案编制所依据的主要基础性资料的名称。


对改、扩建矿山应有生产实际资料, 如矿山总平面现状图、矿床开拓系统图、采场现状图和主要采选设备清单等。










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➢ The proportion of international traffic will increase
➢ Very congested in eastern China
➢ Nearly 40% of traffic distribute in Bohai Bay, PRD and YRD.
➢ Traffic in Southwest China is expected to grow rapidly in future
punctuality up to 85%. ➢ EFFICIENCY: Route non-linear coefficient down to 1.05. ➢ SATISFACTION: Improve service to increase the
satisfaction of airspace user as the demands growth rapidly.
A Brief Introduction of China’s ATM System Development Vision and Current Improvement Programmes
Li Xin Science & Technology Committee Office, ATMB,CAAC
Air Traffic Management Bureau
➢ A brief introduction of China ATM system ➢ The vision of future: China New Generation ATM System ➢ Near-term improvements and programmes
Performance Framework
Planning Framework
Implementation Plan
Five-Years Plan
Assumptions of Significant Changes
➢ Flexible Resource/Capacity Allocation ➢ Performance-based Operation and service ➢ Collaborative decision-making ➢ From Tactical to Strategic ➢ Development of automation tools ➢ Transformation of roles and responsibilities
➢ Dynamic airspace capacity management
– Change airspace structures with pre-defined modes according to flow requirements and changes of traffic situation.
Vision of ATM Development
➢ China New Generation ATM System (CNAS)
• Follow CAAC Long-Term Strategy • Based on operation and development situation and
➢ China is involved in most of the major traffic flows of APAC region
ATM Infrastructure
➢ The eastern area and developed western area of China has covered by modernized CNS infrastructure.
Aerodromes operational sections
ATM service providers
Airspace users
information-rich environment
➢ Flexible Airspace Organization and Management ➢ Performance Based Operations ➢ Collaborative Operations ➢ Collaborative Demand Capacity Balance ➢ Trajectory Based Operation
Incomplete information sharing
Aerodromes operational sections
Airspace users
ATM service providers
➢ Insufficient ground infrastructure in highland and mountain areas of western China.
➢ Insufficient airspace and inflexible utilization. ➢ CDM mechanism need to be strengthened. ➢ Nation-wide ATFM system is to be setup.
➢ Nearly 20000 employee including 5000 controllers
23 ATM Sub-Bns
➢ Total Area: 10,810,000 km2
➢ 11 FIRs including HK& TAIPEI
KPAs Safety Capacity Efficiency Flexibility
Collaborative DCB
Flex AOM
Collaborati ve Ops
Performance Based Operation
➢ Performance Based Navigation and Separation ➢ ATM service provider will provide different service to
➢ 18 upper control areas
➢ 28 medium/low level control areas
➢ 31 APPs
Traffic Volume and Flows
➢ Traffic volume in 2010:5.5 million and over 90% is demotic traffic
Vision of Future China New Generation ATM System
Air Traffic Management Bureau
Rapid Growing Demand
➢ In the past decade, the air transportation volume in China maintained a growth of 15%.
a measure to maximums the utilization of ATM assets and increase capacity to accommodate demands. ➢ Users can make the tradeoffs between investments and level of service desired to best meet their needs.
General Information of China ATM System
Air Traffic Management Bureau
Overview of China ATM System
➢ China’s ATM system is running by Air Traffic Management Bureau of Civil Aviation Administration of China
➢ The China New Generation ATM System is part of the strategy.
ATM Long Term Objectives
➢ SAFETY: Accident rate less than 0.1 per million flight hours. ➢ CAPACITY: Accommodate 4 times of current demands and
Airports Fleet
175 1597
>230 >2750
➢ As the traffic growth rapidly, delay in congested areas is getting serious.
➢ Matured AIS system provides aviation users with timely, accurate and complete aeronautical information and service products.