

外研社版E英语视听说教程3 Unit4教学课件

外研社版E英语视听说教程3 Unit4教学课件
Guided conversation
A: Ask if B is excited about the coming New Year. B: Respond and say the New Year is a new start. A: Agree with B and tell B that you have already made a
Conversation 1
Word tips photogrபைடு நூலகம்ph emotional astronaut
n. 照片 a. 情绪上的;令人动感情的 n. 宇航员
Conversation 1
1 Listen to the conversation and choose the best
answer to each of the questions.
To infinity and beyond!
Learning objectives
• talk about space and space trips
• express hope and desire • identify emphasis in a sentence • report on whether there is any
A: Hey, New Year is coming, are you excited? B: Yes, I’m very excited. New Year means a new start. A: Very true. It’s a new start for everything. I have already made a
B. Go back to college. C. Share his photos on Twitter. D. Share his experience with others.



在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学 生带着 问题来 学习, 而问题 的设置 具有一 定的梯 度,由 浅入深 ,所提 出的问 题也很 明确
The Character:
A round character: usually has more than one quality, and grows in the course of the story development, as he reacts to events and to other characters.
such as “he’s utterly selfish” or “he loves only himself.” The indirect presentation, on the other hand, does not mention
the trait but display and exemplifies it in various ways, leaving the reader the task of inferring the quality they imply.
A dynamic character, on the other hand, is one who is modified by actions and experiences, and one objective of the work in which the character appears is to reveal the consequences of these actions.
在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学 生带着 问题来 学习, 而问题 的设置 具有一 定的梯 度,由 浅入深 ,所提 出的问 题也很 明确
Unit Four


职场实用英语交际教程(高级)——Unit 4
Set the task
Liu Hong: Morning, Tim. How was your trip to the Audio Expo? Tim: Well, I reaped a lot from the Expo. Before I went there, I was so confident of our products that I thought we had the best and most advanced audio products in the industry.
Muse Audio Supplies is a well-known electronics company in the industry. The company is now preparing to develop a new smart audio device to meet the demand of the market. Tim Swift, general manager of the company, has asked Liu Hong, the senior product manager, to make a product development proposal for the smart audio device.
the background, customers’ expectations, and aim; • list two to three key points you need to consider when making a product
development proposal; • make a product development proposal.

E时代大学英语视听说教程4课件及答案 Unit 1 A Beautiful Mind

E时代大学英语视听说教程4课件及答案 Unit 1 A Beautiful Mind
Unit One A Beautiful Mind
Part I Warm-up
Part II
In-Class Listening Understanding Short Conversations Understanding a Long Conversation Understanding a Passage Understanding News Reports
Report One Report Two Understanding a Movie Clip Speaking Self-Checking
Part Ⅲ After-Class Listening Task One Task Two Task Three
PartⅠ Warm-up
Listen to each sentence first and choose the right expressions from the four possible choices.
Part II In-Class Listening
Now you will hear five short conversations. After each conversation, you will hear a question. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.
3. A. Patients with depression are extremely dangerous. B. Patients with depression may commit suicide. C. Patients with depression may buy something that is worth nothing. D. Patients with depression may lose others’ love towards them.

外研社2023大学思辨英语教程 精读4Unit_13_开放周备课示范PPT

外研社2023大学思辨英语教程 精读4Unit_13_开放周备课示范PPT

Intensive Reading IVUnit 13What Is History课文讲授环节的设计思路•课程介绍•主要问题:语言与思辨•对二者的理解及其相互关系•课堂实施过程•尚待探索的问题语言与思辨 I•语言•具体内容:多方面+多维度•实现途径:学生自学;课文讲解;课堂练习;前情回顾;前后单元语言知识与技能的回顾与总结;课下写作任务•教师作用:督促语言学习;提示学习方法;检测学习效果(而非代替学生自主学习)语言与思辨 II•思辨•具体内容:多方面;正确看待学科知识与思辨技能•实现途径:思辨性课堂任务包含内容与技能两个维度,结合具体任务提出思辨策略,指导思辨能力培养语言与思辨 III•语言与思辨的关系•并非对立,而是互相渗透结合 需要进一步探索二者协同发展的策略课堂具体实施Question 1Choose from the following features of positivist historians: •viewing historical knowledge as facts •pessimistic about achieving ultimate history •reflecting the self-confidence of the beat generation •_________________•_________________Question 2Correct mistakes, if any:•Lest anyone think the question meaningless, I’ll take as my text two passages…•Final history we cannot have in this generation; but we can dispose conventional history.•Acton speaks out of the positive belief … of the later Victorian age; Sir Clark echoes the bewilderment … of the beaten generation.Question 3Think of synonyms for the following:•(the question seeming meaningless and) superfluous •judicious (division of labor)•(pundits contradicting each other) flagrantlyQuestion 4Translate the following into Chinese: •When we attempt to answer the question “What is history?” our answer, consciously or unconsciously, reflects our own position in time, and forms part of our answer to the broader question what view we take of the society in which we live.讲解过程中特别提示分析方法和自主学习方法Introduction: by what?Lord Aton & Sir Clark: •Why these two historians (to merit this comparison at all)? group work: main contentions by Acton? •Key words/phrases from Acton? •Issues of historical study touched upon?material selectioninstruction:contentinstruction:skillDisagreement: Lord Acton vs. Sir Clark Issues of concern:•methods for historical study: •knowledge of history: •objectives (end product/nature of history): •relationship between historians:Historiography demo.ofwhattohave review of textDemonstration: analysis of one part•steps in the process:•overall structure→ key word reading of text→analysis of method→ clarification of key ideas →critique/application•both language & content/critique indispensable;success one depends on the otherCarr’s argument II (para. 6)For long paragraphs like this, work out the structure first. target: common-sense view •What is Carr having problem with?refutation 1: •What is it?•To argue his point, what methods does Carr use? •(modification of his criticism about the common-sense view?) 1. overall structure 2. key-word reading 3. method 4. modification of language by contentCarr’s argument II (para. 6)R. 2: establishment as basic facts resting not on___ but on___ •Methods of argument? Let’s read the lines together. (cf. those for R.1) •In spite of C. P. Scott’s motto, every journalist knows that the most effective way to influence opinion is by the selection and arrangement of the appropriate facts. •The facts speak only when the historian calls on them: it is he who decides to which facts to give the floor, and in what order or context. •Pirandello's character saying that a fact is like a sack—won’t stand up till you’ve put something in it.•The only reason we are interested to know that the battle was fought at Hastings in 1066 is that historians regard it as a major historical event. •Caesar crossing Rubicon; your arriving in buildingquotation+analogy historians’ practice quotation: lit. echo of e.g. in R. 1 The conclusion?Carr’s argument II (para. 6)•Now that we’ve understood the author’s ideas, let’s give our own comment: to what extent do you agree? •R. 1: Facts are not what the historian is primarily concerned with. •R. 2: the necessity to establish these basic historical facts rests not quality in the facts but on a priori decisions of the historian.•Possible strategy: follow-up questions , by thinking along theauthor’s logic, or by focusing on key ideas/concepts in statements.instruction: content instruction: skillHistory of two universities: table of contents尚待探索的问题•语言•学生input方面相对较好,output方面如何加强•思辨•思辨能力可以通过训练提高,但如何在学生可以承受的工作量下提高其知识储备。


歌曲视频链接U4\4. Song.mp4
Beyond The Game is a song by Japanese techno ( 高科技舞曲 )
creator Alout. The song shows great passion towards competition as well as friendship. Ready to feel the flush of your blood inside your body?
Hot Words
Listening &
Applied Writing
Hot Words
Look and match
Do you want to buy it for yourself or as a present for someone else?
I’d like to buy one for my son as his birthday gift.
I think this one is perfect for a little boy.
Just like sports athletes, gamers all strive to be the best.
Unit 4
Game Isn’t Nothing



Listening for cause and effect
2. 表示隐性因果的词或词组: A. 由······而来(果——因): result from, derive from, originate from, initiate from, stem from, be attributable to 等 B. 导致(因——果): cause, lead to, give rise to, result in, render, make, let, push, stimulate, fuel, produce 等
Conversation 1 – Asking for/refusing/giving permission
3. Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations. You may refer to the Functional Language.
Conversation 1 – Asking for/refusing/giving permission Role play - Sample conversation Situation 1 Son: Mom, may I cycle to Tibet with my friends this
Many students have either a telephone or a computer in their bedroom.
They hardly go to sleep before 11:00 p.m.
They are short of sleep.
They might fall asleep in class or while doing their homework.



Unit 4 Just dance!PronunciationScripts and answers11. This is the first time we try to perform a work putting Miao people at center.2. For Mexicans, the dance is a way to show who they are and what they love.3. Their story is told through the d ance’s movements in beautifully-colored dresses, along with the cheerful music.4. About 8,500 groups of dancers from 150 countries and regions are competing this year.21. She works very hard to help the people there live a better life.2. Timing is the most important thing for them to dance well together.3. So, is dance a sport or an art? The answer is both.4. The art of dancing goes back thousands of years.Listening to communicateConversation 1ScriptsW: Welcome to the job interview. First, I’d like to know what types of dance you can teach. M: I can teach several different types of dance, including ballet, hip-hop, tango and jazz. W: What do you think is the most important ability for a dance teacher?M: I think a good dance teacher must know how to motivate students. For me, I have ideas about how to motivate my students and I am also very patient. If a student finds dancedifficult, I will change the way I teach to help them.W: How exactly will you motivate your students?M: I will ask my students to come up with new dancing styles and encourage them to inventtheir own dance moves, so that I can bring out their creativity.W: As you said, motivation matters. So, what motivates you to be a dance teacher?M: I love dance and I want to help more children fall in love with dancing.W: Do you have any related working experience?M: was asked to design the dances in a show for children.W: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?M: I hope that I will be the best dance teacher of the school.Answers1 1 C2 A3 D2 1 T 2 F3 F4 TConversation 2ScriptsM: Are you going to the prom tomorrow?W: Sure. I’ve been looking forward to it.M: I know you’re a good dancer. What dances do you like?W: I like the old styles of dance, such as waltz, rumba, tango. They are so graceful. What’s your preference?M: I prefer modern dances, especially hip-hop. I think they help me express myself more freely.W: I’ve seen people performing hip-hop dance, but I don’t know much about it.M: Well, first, there are many different kinds of hip-hop dance.W: Do you mean that there are several different styles?M: Yes. The styles include Popping, Locking, Breaking, and so on.W: What are the differences?M: Basically, with Popping, dancers quickly tighten and relax their bodies. Locking involvesa series of quick moves and still positions …W: So sometimes the Locking dancers are moving fast, while sometimes they are not moving at all. Is that what you mean?M: Exactly. And with Breaking, dancers often move close to the floor.W: So which one is your favorite?M: Personally, I like Popping the most. It’s more relaxing.W: I see. See you at the prom!M: See you!Answers1 1 A2 C3 C2 C EAct-outSample conversationA: Hi! Are you looking for someone?B: Yes. I saw a poster for the school dance club’s show next Friday. It says that students can book tickets at the Dance Studio. Did I come to the right place? I didn’t see anyone here. A: This is the Dance Studio, but the booking service closed 10 minutes ago.B: What? Such a pity! I really want to see that show.A: Don’t worry. I’m with the dance club. Let me see if there are any tickets left.B: That would be great! Thank you so much.A: How many tickets do you need?B: My friend might come along, but I’m not sure yet.A: Do you mean that you need two tickets?B: Yes, I’d like to book two.A: We still have two seats left at the back.B: Are you saying that there are no seats left in the front?A: There’re a few tickets left in the front rows. But none is close to each other.B: I see. I’d prefer to seat next to my friend.A: OK. Let me see if I understood correctly. You want two seats at the back, is that right? B: Yes. Thank you.A: You’re welcome.Listening to exploreNews reportScriptsThe National Ballet of China performed a new original piece, entitled Hua Yi Yang Kai Fang, which means “blooming like a flower,” in Beijing for the first time.The ballet tells the story of a volunteer who travels to a remote area where Miao people live. She works very hard to help the people there live a better life. The performance combines Miao folk dance and dress with ballet.“Ballet and Miao folk dance are different in techniques and the way the dancers move. Dancers have to make changes during their performances, which isn’t easy,” says one expert. For example, in several scenes, dancers need to jump while dancing on their pointe shoes to imitate bamboo dancing.“We’ve been trying to create ballet pieces with Chinese stories and traditions. This is the first time we try to perform a work putting Miao people at center, which is exciting,” says the president of National Ballet of China.Answers1 1 C2 D3 B2 1 T 2 F3 F4 TPassage 1ScriptsDancing is an important part of Mexican culture.One of the most popular Mexican folk dances is Mexican Hat Dance. It comes from mid-western Mexico and reflects how Mexicans feel about their past and rural lifestyle. During the Mexican War of Independence, the dance helped people understand what it meant to be a Mexican, so it soon became popular. In 1921, it became Mexico’s nationa l dance to celebrate the 100th year since winning the war. Today, Mexican Hat Dance is taught in almost every school in Mexico.For Mexicans, the dance is a way to show who they are and what they love. Their story is told through the dance’s movements in beautifully-colored dresses along with the cheerful music. The dance is performed by a man and a woman and the classic Mexican hat plays an important part. Usually, the man throws his hat on the floor and the woman dances around it. At the end of the d ance, the woman holds the hat up while both dancers’ faces are hidden behind it. Timing is the most important thing for them to dance well together, which has to be perfect.Answers1 1 B2 A3 D4 D2 1 T 2 T3 F4 TPassage 2Listening skills: Listening for opinionsFunctional language•I think …•To me, …•Personally, …•In my opinion, …ScriptsI’ve been dancing since I was two. When I was younger, dance was just for fun. But as I got older, I became more serious about it. Now, when people ask me what sport I play, my answer is always that I dance. People seem to think this is strange.I believe dance is a sport because it is similar to sport in many ways. To dance well, one needs to be flexible, be strong, not get tired easily, and most importantly, have a love for what they do. And like doing sports, you need to practice a lot if you want to get really good.But it doesn’t mean that dance isn’t an art. Dance is an art because it allows you to tell a story without words. You can change yourself into another character by changing the way you move or the look on your face. Also, with dance you are able to express emotions. It can help you relax and let you be yourself.So, is dance a sport or an art? The answer is both. I am able to express myself while keeping fit. And that’s why I love dance.Answers1 1 B2 C3 C2 1 dances 2 love; practice3 words; emotionsSharing your ideasPresentation skills: Moving the discussion onSample mini-talkToday, I want to share with you the story of Yang Liping.Born in a family of the Bai group, Yang became interested in dance from an early age. Bai people love nature and value the essence of life, so they usually express their affection for nature and life through singing and dancing. The first time she performed the dance The Soul of the Peacock, Yang said she felt as if spiders and elephants were all around her.As one of China’s most famous dancers, Yang Liping is known to many as the Spirit of Dance due to her performances, such as The Soul of the Peacock, Two Trees, and Moonlight. The movements in her dances bring nature to the stage: from a tree, a flower, to a fish, a snake. Her dances invite the audience to a journey to fairyland with colorful flowers, singing birds and running animals. She gives life to the image of those creatures with her emotional and expressive dance language and communicates with the audience.Viewing to knowScriptsW1:Most kids don’t know what they want to do when they grow up. I remember watching ballet as a child. They made it look effortless. I wanted that.W2:Ballet is work. The sweat, the pain …W1:It’s much tougher than what we show the audience.W2:That is something most people don’t understand.M1:It will test your limits. Everyone goes through a period like that where they really have to decide: Is it worth it?M2:Should I be doing something else? Something more secure? Something safer? But when I step out on that stage, there’s nothing like it. You don’t feel the pain. You don’t worry about the technique. It’s becoming something else.W1:If you don’t have that drive and pure love for it, I don’t think that it will work.M1:You devote your entire life, essentially, from a young age to being a ballet dancer. And then on top of that, a professional’s career is a super long thing.M2:If you don’t have the passion, you won’t make it.W1:And not a lot of people get to do what they love.W2:I …I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else I can … imagine doing anything else.M2:This is what I was meant to be.W1:There’s no other feeling (like this). And I want to come back and get that until I can’t anymore.M1:If you’re passionate about it and you’re willing to fight for it, then it’s worth it.AnswersPre-viewing1 Ballet first appeared in Europe during Renaissance. The main feature of ballet is that thedancers dance on the tips of their toes, which makes the movements and gestures of ballet very elegant. One of the most loved ballet pieces is Swan Lake, composed by Tchaikovsky in the 1870s. Its timeless love story mixes magic, tragedy, and romance, and that makes it my favorite piece of ballet.2 1) Yes, I will. Because I think ballet is a very beautiful form of art and it can help to keep mybody in shape.2) No, I won’t. I’d love to enjoy the performance, but I don’t think I can do the performancemyself. It takes a lot of practice for ballet dancers to keep balance while dancing on the tips of their toes. This is really difficult for me to learn.While-viewing1 A-3 B-4 C-1 D-1 E-2 F-32 1 work 2 pain3 passion4 meant5 come backPost-viewing1 I have a great love for skateboard. I spend lots of my spare time to practice. Now I can do afew difficult movements with skateboard. I’m proud of the progress I made. And I think my time spend on it is really worth it.Further listeningConversationScriptsM: Welcome to Star Dance School. May I show you around?W: That would be great. Thank you.M: What dance class are you interested in?W: I’d like to learn Latin dance. What Latin dance classes do you offer?M: We have all kinds of Latin dance classes: cha-cha, rumba, samba, flamenco … You name it!W: Wow, so many different types! Which class do you think is good for beginners?M: I’d choose rumba if I were you. It’s a very slow, serious but romantic dance, easier for beginners to learn.W: May I have a look at the rumba class?M: Sure. The class over there is having a rumba class. Come with me.W: Look at those students. They dance with so much passion and energy!M: That’s the way Latin dance is supposed to be. Do you want to have a try now?W: No, thank you. They already dance so well. It’s difficult for me to follow the beat of the music.M: It’s OK. Join us and after a while, you will be a good d ancer like the others.W: I’ll think about it. Thank you so much for your help.M: You are welcome!Answers1 C2 A3 DNews reportScriptsThe Blackpool Dance Festival, known as the ballroom dancing “Olympics,” starts in Shanghai on Sunday. About 8,500 groups of dancers from 150 countries and regions are competing this year.“It is a great opportunity for us dance lovers to see the world’s top standards of dancing,” says a local woman living in Shanghai.This year’s festival also features judges and live bands from previous festivals in the U.K.Wen Zheng, a member of Blackpool Dance Festival (China), says that the purpose of this event is to let people in Shanghai enjoy the pleasure of dancing.Dance lovers are encouraged to perform beside the dance pool of professional competitions. Street dancers and line dancers are welcome to show their skills, too.Over the past two decades, ballroom dancing has become more popular in China as people try to lead a healthier and more active life.Answers1 A2 CPassageScriptsLooking back in time, from ballroom dancing to hip-hop dancing, ballet to jazz, tango to mambo, and ancient rituals to modern dances – dance has come a long way.The art of dancing goes back thousands of years. Dance was used in rituals and ceremonies by ancient Egyptians and ancient Greeks.During Renaissance, a lot of new dances were created, such as ballet and country dance.As time went by, the family of dance got bigger. In the 17th and 18th century, the techniques of ballet and other dances kept developing. In the 19th century, rumba, tap dance and waltz gradually came into being. In the early 20th century, tango came to Europe and soon became one of the most popular ballroom dances there.Later, modern dances came into our sight. Young people found their passion in jazz, hip-hop, disco, and so on.All in all, dance has always been a part of human culture. Today, we are lucky to have so many different kinds of dance to enjoy. The charm of dance is more than words can describe, so let’s enjoy this beautiful treasure of human history and dance!Answers1 A2 A3 DListening to appreciateScriptsDancing in the MoonlightKing HarvestWe get it almost every nightWhen that moon gets so big and brightIt’s a supernatural delightEverybody was dancing in the moonlightEverybody here is out of sightThey don’t bark and they don’t biteThey keep things loose, they keep things lightEverybody was dancing in the moonlightDancing in the moonlightEverybody’s feeling warm and brightIt’s such a fine and natural sightEverybody was dancing in the moonlightWe like our fun and we never fightYou can’t dance and stay uptightIt’s a supernatural delightEverybody was dancing in the moonlightDancing in the moonlightEverybody’s feeling warm and brightIt’s such a fine and natural sightEverybody’s dancing in the moonlightEverybody here is out of sightThey don’t bark and they don’t biteThey keep things loose, they keep things lightEverybody was dancing in the moonlightEverybody’s dancing in the moonlightEverybody’s feeling warm and brightIt’s such a fine and natural sightEverybody’s dancing in the moonlightDancing in the moonlightEverybody’s feeling warm and brightIt’s such a fine and natural sightEverybody’s dancing in the moonlight (everybody)Dancing in the moonlightEverybody’s feeling warm and brightIt’s such a fine and natural sightEverybody’s dancing in the m oonlight (everybody)Dancing in the moonlightEverybody’s feeling warm and bright Answers1 moonlight2 light3 bright4 fine5 fight。



e英语教程第4册unit4课后答案1、Mr. Bliss became the first person to die in a car accident. [单选题] *A. 事故(正确答案)B. 竞赛C. 检阅D. 交易2、It’s so nice to hear from her again. ______, we last met more than thirty year ago [单选题] *A. What ‘s wordB. That’s to sayC. Go aheadD. Believe it or not(正确答案)3、—Whose book is it? Is it yours?—No, ask John. Maybe it’s ______.()[单选题] *A. hersB. his(正确答案)C. he’sD. her4、He doesn’t feel well. He has a _______ nose. [单选题] *A. runingB. rainingC. runny(正确答案)D. rainy5、3.Shanghai is my hometown. It’s ________ China. [单选题] *A.nearB.far away fromC.to the east ofD.in the east of(正确答案)6、My father and I often go ______ on weekends so I can ______ very well. ()[单选题] *A. swim; swimmingB. swims; swimC. swimming; swimmingD. swimming; swim(正确答案)7、56.Sam is in a hurry. Maybe he has got ________ important to do. [单选题] * A.everythingB.nothingC.anythingD.something(正确答案)8、27.Will it ______ warm in the room? [单选题] *A.areB.be(正确答案)C.isD.going to be9、The Spring Festival is on the way.Many shops have _______ huge posters with the word sales. [单选题] *A. put up(正确答案)B. put onC. put outD. put off10、We are very hungry now. Can you _______ us something to eat? [单选题] *A. carryB. takeC. borrowD. bring(正确答案)11、32.There are about __________ women doctors in this hospital. [单选题] * A.two hundred ofB.two hundreds ofC.two hundredsD.two hundred (正确答案)12、The students in that university are not fewer than()in our university. [单选题] *A. the oneB. thatC. themD. those(正确答案)13、Why don’t you _______ the bad habit of smoking. [单选题] *A. apply forB. get rid of(正确答案)C. work asD. graduate from14、( )Keep quiet, please. It’s ________ noisy here. [单选题] *A. many tooB. too manyC. too muchD. much too(正确答案)15、_______ win the competition, he practiced a lot. [单选题] *A. BecauseB. In order to(正确答案)C. Thanks toD. In addition to16、Nowadays more and more people travel by _______, because its safe, cheap and fast. [单选题] *A. footB. bikeC. high-speed train(正确答案)D. boat17、Jack can speak Japanese, and his brother can _______ speak Japanese. [单选题] *A. tooB. also(正确答案)C. eitherD. as well18、I will _______ at the school gate. [单选题] *A. pick you up(正确答案)B. pick up youC. pick you outD. pick out you19、He always did well at school _____ having to do part-time jobs every now and then. [单选题] *A despite ofB. in spite of(正确答案)C. regardless ofD in case of20、The idea of working abroad really()me. [单选题] *appeals to (正确答案)B. attaches toC. adapts toD. gets across21、His handwriting is better than _____. [单选题] *A. mine(正确答案)B. myC. ID. me22、Catherine has two cousins. One is quiet, and _______ is noisy. [单选题] *A. anotherB. the other(正确答案)C. othersD. other23、______ pocket money did you get when you were a child? ()[单选题] *A. WhatB. HowC. How manyD. How much(正确答案)24、Be _______ when you are driving. [单选题] *A. afraidB. careful(正确答案)C. clearD. clean25、—Why do you call him Mr. Know?—______ he knows almost everything that we want to know.()[单选题] *A. SoB. OrC. ButD. Because(正确答案)26、67.—What can I do for you?—I'm looking at that dress.It looks nice.May I ________?[单选题] *A.hold it onB.try it on(正确答案)C.take it offD.get it off27、Tom’s mother will let him _______ traveling if he comes back?in five days. [单选题] *A. to goB. goesC. wentD. go(正确答案)28、If you don’t feel well, you’d better ask a ______ for help. [单选题] *A. policemanB. driverC. pilotD. doctor(正确答案)29、The classmates can' t()Alice from her twin sister. [单选题] *A. speakB. tell(正确答案)C. talkD. say30、You can't rely on Jane as she is _____ changing her mind and you will never know what she is going to do next. [单选题] *A. occasionallyB. rarelyC. scarcelyD. constantly(正确答案)。


B: Yes. I like to make friends with those who I can get along well with.
A: Sure! Who will make friends with those they cannot ___g_e_t__o_n__ well with.
Unit 2 Valuable Friendship
Dialogue 1
B: What kind of qualities do you _l_o_o__k__f_o_r__ in your friends? A: I like to make friends with people who are __a__c_t_i_v_e___.
New Words
Metting Great Friends in College
Unit 2 Valuable Friendship

Watching & Performing
Applied Writing
Text A Intensive Reading
Unit 2 Valuable Friendship
Unit 2 Valuable Friendship
__u_n__d_e__rs__ta__n_d__i_n_g__. ___.
C: That is really important.
M: Besides, communication is vital. When problems occur, talk to your roommates __f_r_a__n_k_l_y____



E英语教程智慧版4课件1、How can I _______ the nearest supermarket? [单选题] *A. get offB. get upC. get to(正确答案)D. get on2、As soon as he _______, he _______ to his family. [单选题] *A. arrived, writesB. arrived, writtenC. arrived, wrote(正确答案)D. arrives, write3、She often _______ at 21: [单选题] *A. go to bedB. gets upC. goes to bed(正确答案)D. gets to4、Mom, I need you ______ me a pencil box.()[单选题] *A. buyB. buyingC. to buy(正确答案)D. to buying5、( ) ________ large the library is! [单选题] *A. WhatB. What aC. How(正确答案)D. How a6、The Internet is an important means of()[单选题] *A. conversationB. communication(正确答案)C. speechD. language7、4.—Let's fly a kite when you are ________ at the weekend.—Good idea. [单选题] * A.warmB.kindC.smallD.free(正确答案)8、I used to take ____ long way to take the bus that went by ____ tunnel under the water. [单选题] *A. a, aB. a. theC. a, /(正确答案)D. the, a9、You cannot see the doctor _____ you have made an appointment with him. [单选题] *A. exceptB.evenC. howeverD.unless(正确答案)10、Customers see location as the first factor when_____a decision about buying a house. [单选题] *A.makeB.to makeC.making(正确答案)D.made11、You could hardly imagine _______ amazing the Great Wall was. [单选题] *A. how(正确答案)B. whatC. whyD. where12、He can’t meet his friends tonight because he _______ do homework. [单选题] *A. has to(正确答案)B. needC. have toD. don’t have to13、When Max rushed to the classroom, his classmates _____ exercises attentively. [单选题] *A. didB. have doneC. were doing(正确答案)D. do14、Jim will _______ New York at 12 o’clock. [单选题] *A. get onB. get outC. get offD. get to(正确答案)15、We are very hungry now. Can you _______ us something to eat? [单选题] *A. carryB. takeC. borrowD. bring(正确答案)16、It ______ me half an hour to return to school.()[单选题] *A. takes(正确答案)B. spendsC. costsD. brings17、We moved to the front row_____we could hear and see better. [单选题] *A. so asB. so that(正确答案)C. becauseD. such that18、34.My mother isn't in now, but she will be back ______ ten minutes. [单选题] * A.forB.beforeC.in(正确答案)D.at19、Can you _______ this form? [单选题] *A. fillB. fill in(正确答案)C. fill toD. fill with20、It seems slow for children to become _____ ,while adults often feel time flies. [单选题] *A. growns-upsB. growns-upC. grown upsD. grown-ups(正确答案)21、The language school started a new()to help young learners with reading and writing. [单选题] *A. course(正确答案)B. designC. eventD. progress22、Miss Smith is a friend of _____. [单选题] *A. Jack’s sister’s(正确答案)B. Jack’s sisterC. Jack sister’sD. Jack sister23、Tom and Mary's house bought last year is()Lucy, s. [单选题] *A. the three size ofB. three times the size of(正确答案)C. as three times large asD. three times as larger as24、The students _____ outdoors when the visitors arrived. [单选题] *A. were playing(正确答案)B. have playedC. would playD. could play25、37.—What will you be ___________?—I'm not sure. Maybe I'll be a doctor like my father. [单选题] *A.right nowB.in the future(正确答案)C.at onceD.at the moment26、You can _______ Bus 116 to get there. [单选题] *A. byB. take(正确答案)C. onD. in27、—What can I do for you? —I ______ a pair of new shoes.()[单选题] *A. likeB. would lookC. would like(正确答案)D. take28、I repeated my question several times. [单选题] *A. 到达B. 惊奇C. 重复(正确答案)D. 返回29、Everyone knows that the sun _______ in the east. [单选题] *A. fallsB. rises(正确答案)C. staysD. lives30、—Where ______ you ______ for your last winter holiday?—Paris. We had a great time. ()[单选题] *A. did; go(正确答案)B. do; goC. are; goingD. can; go。



Book4Unit1I. Warming-up1. GreetingGood morning/afternoon/evening, everyone.2. Lead-inToday we are going to learn Book4Unit1. Before we start, let’s do a short reviewof what we have learned in the last lesson.II. Pre-reading1. Vocabulary(1) Look at the pictures and try to guess the words.(2) Ask the students to match the words with the pictures.(3) Check the answers.2. DiscussionDiscuss the following questions in groups.Q1: What do you think of the pictures?Q2: What do you think the story is about?Q3: What do you think will happen inthe story?III. Reading1. Read the passageRead the passage and answer the questions.2. ComprehensionQ1: What did the old man do when he saw the little girl?A1: The old man smiled and waved at the little girl.Q2: What did the little girl do when she saw the old man?A2: The little girl smiled and waved back at the old man.Q3: What did the old man give the little girl?A3: The old man gave the little girl a beautiful flower.IV. Post-reading1. DiscussionDiscuss the following questions in groups.Q1: What do you think of the story?Q2: What do you think the old man and the little girl were thinking?Q3: What do you think the old man and the little girl learned from this story?2. SummarySummarize the story in your own words.V. HomeworkWrite a story about a kind old man and a little girl.。

E英语教程(第二版)教师用书 3_U4

E英语教程(第二版)教师用书 3_U4

Unit 4Listening and speakingPronunciation and listening skillsScriptsHer name is Mary.↘The speaker doesn’t believe it.Her name is Mary.↗The speaker has mentioned the name several times and becomeimpatient.Her name is Mary.∨The speaker states clearly that she is Mary.Her name is Mary.∧The speaker didn’t hear the name and wants the name to be repeated.News reportScriptsIn recent years, the Palace Museum culture has become a hit. “Discover the Forbidden City” is an interactive experience sponsored by China Cultural Centre in Sydney and the Palace Museum. As part of the experience, cultural communication activities were held at four local schools in Sydney from November 21 to November 22. They aimed to increase local students’ understanding of Chinese culture.At the events, two lecturers introduced the cultural resources in the Palace Museum in English. After the introduction, crafting activities including adding color to pictures shaped like dragon robes became the highlights of the event.Australia is the fourth station of the interactive experience tour following Malta, Singapore and Thailand. The Palace Museum will continue to organize more interactive activities to promote its collections and Chinese culture.Keys1 C2 C3 DConversationScriptsAlice: Hey, Li Lei. Andrew and I have been invited to a Chinese home for dinner. We wonder what gifts to take.Li Lei: What do you have in mind?Alice:I’m thinking about some decorations, such as flowers, a clock, and …Li Lei: Han g on, did you say “clock”? Uh, actually we don’t give clocks as presents, especially to older people.Alice:Do you mean it’s a bad idea to give clocks as presents? But why?Li Lei: Well, they have a funeral connotation in China.Alice: Can you explain that?Li Lei:The Chinese pronunciation of “clock” is the same with that of “end”. The latter one usually suggests a person’s death. So presenting a clock as a gift is a taboo.Alice: I see. Thanks for your advice.Li Lei:You’re welcome!Keys11 F2 T3 F2☑1Hang on, did you say …?☑3Do you mean …?☑5 Can you explain that?3S ample conversationsSituation 1Lily: Hi, John. I am planning to visit Beijing, and this is my first time. I was wondering if you could tell me something about Beijing since you have been there before.John:Sure. It’s my pleasure.Lily:What is the weather like there?John: It’s usually very cold and dry in winter. You should bring a down coat with you. And there are so many beautiful scenic spots in Bei jing. You’d better plan out in advance.Lily: Could you be more specific?John: Before you go to visit the scenic spots, you should get to know the route and the means of transportation the day before. It will save you time. You can also gather some information about the places you’re going to visit.Lily: I see. Thank you.Situation 2Sammy:Stacey, I’m very interested in tennis lately and I want to learn how to play it. Could you please tell me something about it?Stacey: Sure. What do you want to know?Sammy: I would like to know the basic rules in playing tennis.Stacey: The overall goal of tennis is to gain points to win games (局), sets (盘), and matches. A player wins a set when he wins six games, provided he is ahead of his opponent by two games.Sammy: Would you elaborate on that?Stacey: If the difference between the players is less than two games, the game may continue till either wins the set by a margin of two.Sammy: I see. Thanks for the information.Stacey:You’re welcome.PassageScriptsCustoms are often different from country to country. Take greeting for example. When people meet each other for the first time in England, they say “How do you do?” and shake hands. They, however, don’t do so if they see each other regularly. Differently, Germans are great hand-shakers.People have known that it is helpful to learn some of the customs of other countries before going abroad. But sometimes funny stories still happen. Last year, a group of German students went to England for a holiday. Their teacher told them that the English people hardly shake hands. So when they met their English friends at the station, they kept their hands behind their backs. The English students, however, had learned that the Germans shake hands as often as possible, so they put their hands in front and got ready to shake hands with them. It made both of them laugh.Keys11 B2 C21 T2 F3 F4 FReadingPassage ALanguage points1. … if you travel,you see new customs, meet new people, eat new food, do new things, and come back home more broad-minded. (Para. 1)broad-minded: a. willing to listen to other people’s opini ons and accept behavior that is different from your own 心胸开阔的[Note] 后缀-minded 可放在一些形容词后构成新的形容词,表示“具有某种特点的;持有某种态度或观点的”。


-- He thought the flowing lights were the days that his wasted and the falling star was the symbol of himself as a dying man.
3. What became of his childhood friends? (para. 4)
mourn v. to feel or express great sadness They mourned the passing of traditional folk dancing (= felt sad because it had stopped
The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both. And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same.
Questions for close comprehension: 4. What did the young man remember about his parents? (para. 5)

E英语教程(第二版)1教学课件B1Unit 4

E英语教程(第二版)1教学课件B1Unit 4

重音在第一 重音在第二
mountain __b_o_y_fr_ie_n_d__ ___ai_r_p_o_rt___
guitar ___p_o_l_it_e___ ___a_l_o_n_g___
重音在第一Leabharlann 个音节重音在第二 个音节yesterday __h_o_s_p_i_ta_l__ __d_an_g_e_r_o_u_s_
3 Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the situations. You may refer to the Functional language.
Situation 1
A is late for the first class in the morning. A explains the reason for his / her lateness to B, the teacher.
Situation 2
A and B have planned to go to the movies together. Just before B leaves for the movie theater, A calls B to cancel the plan.
3 Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the situations. You may refer to the Functional language.
3 Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the situations. You may refer to the Functional language.

E英语教程(第二版)教师用书 4_U4

E英语教程(第二版)教师用书 4_U4

Unit 4Listening and speakingPronunciation and listening skillsScriptsThe weather in Britain can change very quickly. / One day last week, / I went for a walk in the country. / When I started out early in the morning, / the weather was beautiful. / The sun was shining; / the sky was blue; / and there was no cloud at all. / In the middle of the morning, / a sudden change came. / A strong wind started to blow; / black clouds covered the sun. / And in a very short time, / it started to rain heavily. / There were no houses in sight, / and I had no coat with me. / So I got very wet and felt very cold. / About an hour later, / I managed to catch a coach / which took me home. / But when I arrived, / it was clear again! / We sometimes say that / Britain is a country / where you can have four seasons in one day.News reportScriptsA European Union program is letting blind people experience famous paintings for the first time.The program is called Access to Museums for Blind and Visually Impaired People. It uses 3-D printing to re-create famous paintings so they can be touched.One painting printed with the new technology is Gustav Klimt’s The Kiss. It is a popular attraction at a museum in Vienna.The painting shows a man and a woman standing in a field filled with flowers. They are wearing gold robes and have their arms around each other. The man leans down to kiss the woman.Klimt finished the painting in 1908. Until now, people who had trouble seeing could not appreciate the artwork with eyes. But, thanks to the reproduction with technology, they can touch the piece and feel it.Keys1 B2 D3 DConversationScriptsBrenda: Can you spare me a few minutes, Professor Smith?Professor Smith: Of course, Brenda. Come in and take a seat, please.Brenda: I need your advice, professor.Professor Smith:OK. What’s the problem?Brenda: Could you tell me whether I can take a photo of a school athlete and use it for the coming school’s logo contest?Professor Smith:Well, I don’t think it’s appropriate to use a person’s image to represent the wholeschool. What’s more, you may infringe on that person’s image rights if you use itwithout his or her permission.Brenda: OK. What about using a particular sporting event such as swimming?Professor Smith:You can’t, I’m afraid. I think you’d better design an image reflecting the spirit of all the events instead of one.Brenda: Oh, I see. I’ll try to figure out a more suitable image. Thanks a lot, Professor Smith. Professor Smith:You’re welcome. Good luck!Keys11 C2 C3 D21 3 43S ample conversationsSituation 1Robert: Hi, bro. My computer broke down. I wonder if I could use yours this evening.Jack:Sorry, I’m afraid that you can’t.Robert:Come on! Don’t be so mean. I have a paper due by the end of tomorrow. I really need to work on it. Why can’t you do me a favor?Jack: Sorry, I have to finish a quiz online and submit it by 8:00 p.m. today.Robert:Is it OK with you if I use your computer after 8:00 p.m. since you will have already submitted your quiz by then?Jack: All right!Robert: Thanks a lot.Situation 2Lisa:Hi, Mary. I’m about to call you. I’m wondering whether it would be all right if we use the meeting room for our rehearsal of a play tomorrow afternoon.Mary:I’m sorry, but you can’t.Lisa:Why can’t we use it? Please do me a favor. I can’t find any bette r place to do our rehearsal. Mary: The English Club has already reserved the meeting room. They are going to have a meeting there tomorrow.Lisa: Is the room available tomorrow evening? Is it all right if we use it from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.? Mary: Sure.Lisa: Thank you very much. I really appreciate that.PassageScriptsBorn on October 25, 1881, in Málaga, Spain, Pablo Picasso is one of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century.He once said, “When I was a child, my mother said to me, ‘If you become a soldier, you’ll be a general. If you become a monk, you’ll end up as the Pope.’ Instead I became a painter and wound up as Picasso.”From an early age Picasso showed an interest in drawing. At the age of seven, he began receiving art instruction from his father, who was an art teacher. By the time he was 13, his paintings were already better than his father’s. Soon, he lost all desire to do any schoolwork and instead spent his school days doodling on his notebooks.Finally Pablo Picasso became one of the most recognized figures in 20th-century art. Best known for his contributions to modern art, Picasso worked in a number of different styles and across a variety of art forms. His artistic achievements brought him worldwide fame and immense fortune.Keys11 F2 F3 T4 T21 18812 an early age3 seven / 74 thirteen / 133(略)ReadingPassage ALanguage points1. Around and around we go, laughing and nodding to the other dancers. (Para. 1)[Note] Around and around we go是倒装句,方位状语放在句首。


to each of the questions.
2 According to the conversation, what is new about Arnold’s golf cart?
A. It runs at a speed much faster than the old ones.
B. It picks the golf ball for the player automatically.
Work in pairs and complete the following conversations. You may use the expressions in the skill box or come up with your own expressions. Sample conversation A: Welcome to our gallery. I’m in charge of the Human Resource department. Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too. A: Why do you want to apply for this job? B: I’ve heard about the great work environment here from a few friends. And the job requirements seem to match my skills very closely. A: I see. So what related experiences do you have? B: I have a degree in art history and was a volunteer for 2 years in a local museum.
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The weather in Britain can change very quickly. One day last week I went for a walk in the country. When I started out early in the morning the weather was beautiful. The sun was shining; the sky was blue; and there was no cloud at all. In the middle of the morning a sudden change came. A strong wind started to blow; black clouds covered the sun.
Listening and speaking Reading
Pronunciation and listening skills
Culture express
The weather in Britain can change very quickly. / One day last week / I went for a walk in the country. / When I started out early in the morning / the weather was beautiful. / The sun was shining; / the sky was blue; / and there was no cloud at all. / In the middle of the morning / a sudden change came. / A strong wind started to blow; / black clouds covered the sun. / And in a very short time / it started to rain heavily. / There were no houses in sight, / and I had no coat with me. / So I got very wet and very cold, too. / After about an hour / I managed to catch a coach / which took me home. / But when I arrived, / it was clear again! / We sometimes say that / Britain is a country / where you can have four seasons in one day.
Pronunciation and listening skills
Culture express
Divide the following passage into sense groups. Then read after the recording and pay attention to the pauses between sense groupeaking Reading
Pronunciation and listening skills
Culture express
Divide the following passage into sense groups. Then read after the recording and pay attention to the pauses between sense groups.
And in a very short time it started to rain heavily. There were no houses in sight, and I had no coat with me. So I got very wet and very cold, too. After about an hour I managed to catch a coach which took me home. But when I arrived, it was clear again! We sometimes say that Britain is a country where you can have four seasons in one day.
Tips 意群是语句中能够表示最小语义单位的单词或词组,一 般根据句法结构、逻辑关系或句子意义来划分。在朗读 长句时,可以在意群之间作短暂的停顿以换气。意群之 间的停顿不是固定的,而是相对灵活的。正确的停顿能 够更好地表达句子的意义,也使得朗读比较轻松并有节 奏。
Listening and speaking Reading
Listening and speaking Reading
Culture express
Listening and speaking Reading Grammar Writing
Culture express
Listening and speaking Reading
Pronunciation and listening skills
Culture express
Divide the following passage into sense groups. Then read after the recording and pay attention to the pauses between sense groups.
Listening and speaking
Culture express
Pronunciation and listening skills Conversations Passage
Listening and speaking Reading
Listening and speaking Reading
Pronunciation and listening skills
Culture express
一个句子可以按照意义和语法结构分成几个部分, 每一个部分称为一个意群。意群之间可以用“/”间 隔。意群是根据语义和语法来划分的。从语义和语 法上讲,意群必须是表达某种意义的一个词、一个 短语、一个分句、一个主句或从句。