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The fuel system is one of airplane main systems, its operating performance quality, immediate influence airplane's launching and flight security. The fuel system is uses for the engine and APU stores up and provides the fuel oil, mainly has the storage, feed, the assignment, the oil pumping and the instruction and so on several parts of compositions. On the airplane uses for to save and supplies the fuel oil continuously to the engine whole set installment, also outside the name the fuel system or refuels the installment, as well as when urgency, fuselage in fuel oil emissions in outside the aircraft's fuel oil emissions installment. Moreover, to cause in the fuel oil tank the liquid level pressure to be equal with the outside barometric pressure, installs fuel oil drainage system and so on each kind of system and indicating instrument equipment composition. This article through introduced that the B737 airplane fuel system, enables the crews more comprehensive understanding airplane's this stomach, thus enhances to the B737 series airplane's fuel system maintenance has a better understanding.

Key word: The fuel system, refuels the installment, the fuel oil emissions, the fuel oil drainage system


摘要 ............................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。ABSTRACT .................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

1. B737飞机燃油系统概述 (6)

1.1燃油系统的功用 (6)

1.2 燃油系统的特点 (6)

1.3 燃油系统的组成 (7)

1.4燃油系统的形式 (8)

1.5加油系统的目的 (8)

2.供油 (8)

2.1燃油系统的供油方式 (8)

2.2燃油系统的供油顺序 (9)

2.3B737飞机燃油供油系统(双发动机) (10)

3. 加油/抽油系统. (12)

3.1加油系统 (12)

3.2抽油及油箱内油液的传输 (13)

4. 放油/应急放油 (14)

4.1放油 (14)

4.1.1压力放油 (15)

4.1.2抽吸放油 (15)

4.1.3燃油转换 (15)

4.2应急放油 (15)

4.2.1飞机燃油应急放油系统的基本要求 (15)

4.2.3空中紧急放油 (15)

4.2.4空中紧急放油的方式 (15)

5. 航空燃油 (15)

5.1航空汽油 (15)

5.2航空煤油 (16)

6. 燃油存储 (16)

6.1燃油箱接近口 (16)

6.2油箱放泄活门 (17)

6.3中央油箱回油系统 (18)

7. B737飞机燃油系统的故障与案例分析 (19)

7. 1 B737飞机燃油系统的故障分析 (19)

7.1.1飞机燃油系统油箱渗漏标准 (19)

7.1.2渗漏的形式 (20)

7.1.3燃油箱封严方式 (20)

7.1.4内漏处理 (20)

7.1.5外漏处理 (20)

7.2案例 (21)

结论 (22)

致谢 (23)

参考文献 (24)
