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和民族的文化素质(吴希平,1997:26)。 我国学者对广告修辞翻译的研究甚少,这种 情况似乎不适应我国经济与世界经济接轨的 大好形势。限于篇幅,本文专就英汉广告修 辞的翻译方法作一探讨。
一、直译法 所谓直译,就是在翻译过程中,把句子 视为翻译的基本单位,同时考虑语篇和语境 的制约,保留原文句子结构和原文修辞,努 力再现原文的形式、内容和风格(刘重德, 1994:172)。直译法常用于广告修辞翻译。例如
Key words: advertising texts; rhetoric; literal translation; liberal translation; flexible translation 在当今信息时代,广告几乎无处不有无所不在。 事实上,广告已成为现代生活的重要信息来源, 成为人们生活的不可缺少的一部分。为了成功 地实现广告功能,即传播信息功能,劝说功能, 塑造形象功能,刺激消费功能 (Torben Vestergaard, 1992: 49-69),广告作者总是特别注意 修辞,总是狠下功夫巧妙地运用各种修辞手段 (rhetorical devices),创造出精辟独到、生 动形象、效果非凡的广告词, 尤其是广告标语。 广告翻译,不仅同产品信誉、销售规模和经济 效益息息相关,而且在一定程度上反映了国家
(1) Breakfast without orange juice is like a day without sunshine.(桔汁) 没有桔 汁的早餐犹如没有阳光的日子。 (2) Flowers by Interflora speak from the heart.(鲜花) 英特拂劳拉的鲜花倾诉衷肠。 (3) Thirty colors. Some so spectacular they send messages.(颜料) 三十种颜色。有些异常奇特,传达信息。 (4)眉笔像花瓣一样柔和。(眉笔) Our eyebrow pencils are as soft as petals.
necessity, adaptability and feasibility of the three approaches. The paper attempts to demonstrate that the key to high-quality versions of rhetorical sentences and texts in adverts consists in faithfully reproducing both explicit and implicit meanings as well as remarkable functions of advertising rhetoric in the source language through adoption of appropriate methods and selection of proper words, phrases and sentence structures in the target language on the basis of an adequate comprehension of rhetoric in source language adverts.
As soft as Mother’s hands. (6)一册在手,纵览全球。(《全球杂志》) With a single copy of The Globe in hand, you can enjoy a wide view of the world. (7)中国河南——工夫的摇篮(河南旅游广告) Henan in China------the cradle of Chinese martial arts. (8)扬子,我为你而自豪!(扬子冰箱) Yangzi Fridges, I am proud of you.!
以上例句都是生动形象、易于传诵的广告标语 advertising slogans)。这些广告金句都直译成 相应的目的语 ( target language ),所有译句保 留了原句的基本结构和修辞手段,不折不扣地 再现了原句的鲜明意境和修辞效果,与原句同 样精练,同样精彩,可与原句媲美。 例(1)为典型的明喻式广告标语,将没有 桔汁的早餐比作没有阳光的日子,十分生动而 富于想像力。在例(2)中,鲜花给拟人化了, 好像情人一样诉说衷肠,情意融融,魅力并凡, 动人心魄。例(3)宣传的颜料被赋予了人的交 际功能,它表达信息的功能给形象化了。例(4)
Session Fifteen 英汉广告修辞的翻译 谭卫国
摘要:广告语篇充满修辞。本文论证英汉 广告修辞翻译的三种译法,即直译法、意 译法和活译法。广告修辞翻译通常采用直 译法,其它两种译法在许多情况下也必不 可少。文章用丰富的例子说明这些译法的 必要性、适应性和可行性。文章试图表明, 广告修辞翻译质量的关键在于:准确理解 源语广告修辞之后,采用适当的译法,从 目的语中选用恰当的词语和合适的句式来 忠实地再现源语广告修辞的显义、涵义和 非凡功能。 关键词:广告语篇; 修辞;直译法;意译法; 活译法
Approaches to Translation of Rhetorical Sentences and Texts in English and Chinese Advertising Abstract: Advertising texts brim with rhetoric. This paper discusses and illustrates the three approaches to translation of rhetorical sentences aning, namely, literal translation, liberal translation, and flexible translation. Literal translation is more often used than the other two, which are also essential in many cases. By means of plenty of examples, the paper proves the