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There is no harm in our keeping an eye on the sort of activities they engaged in.
3). 掌上明珠 例句:哥哥有伤心事,培培是他的掌上明珠,他们都
能平安无事。 《我们家的炊事员》 母国政 套译:the apple of one’s eye My brother had gone through a personal tragedy, and
4). 如坐针毡 直译:to feel as if sitting on a cushion filled with needles. 例句:且说林冲在柴大官人东庄上,听得这话,如坐
针毡。 《水浒传》施耐庵 Lin Chong, however, was in the east village of the Lord
3). 走马观花 直译:to ride out on horseback to enjoy flowers 例句:调查有两种方法,一种是走马观花,一种是下
马看花。 《毛泽东选集》 There are two ways of making investigations, one is to look
at flowers on horseback and the other is to get off your horse and look at them. 意译:To gain a superficial understanding through cursory observation.
4. 能够套译的汉语成语 一些汉语成语在意义上和英语 成语一致,但表达的形
1).挥金如土 例句:少卿兄挥金如土,为什么躲在家里用,不拿来
这里我们大家玩玩? 《儒林外史》吴敬梓 套译:to spend money like water I understand you spend money like water, sir. In that case,
Chai and heard all the talk of him, and when he heard it was as though he sat on a filled with needles. 意译:to feel terribly uneasy
直译法:保留原文表达方式,能最大限度在译文 中再现成语中的形象和感情色彩。
why have you been hiding at home for so long, instead of bring your money here to give us all a good time.
2).打草惊蛇 例句:不要动声色,不要打草惊蛇。我们不妨看看他们如
何活动。 《山乡巨变》周立波 套译:to wake a sleeping dog Don’t say anything about it; we mustn’t wake a sleeping dog.
2). 调虎离山 直译:to lure the tiger out of the hills 例句:“……我中了他的调虎离山计啦。” 《林海雪原》ger out of the hills
scheme. ” 意译:to lure the enemy from his base.
其他诸如: 如鱼得水 Feel just like fish getting into water 临阵磨枪 Sharpen one’s spear only before going into battle 狐假虎威 The fox borrows the tiger’s terror 对牛弹琴 Play the harp to a bull
3. 能够直译的成语
1). 兔死狐悲 直译:Foxes will grieve at the death of the hare. 例句:获曰:“‘兔死狐悲,物伤其类’,吾与汝皆是各
洞之主,往日无怨,何故害我?” 《三国演义》罗贯中 “When the hare dies the fox mourns,” said Meng Huo. “One
sympathizes with one’s own as a rule. We are both chiefs and have been friends. I know not why you injure me?” 意译:All things are sorry for their own kind.
Translation of Idiomatic Phrases 成语、谚语、歇后语和惯用语等
1. 英语中的成语
① give a lick and a promise You did not wash your hands; you just gave them a lick
and a promise. 敷衍塞责
② bury the hatchet They had been enemies for ages, but after a fight they
buried the hatchet. 偃旗息鼓;休战和好
③ by the cut of one’s jib I see you are a sailor by the cut of your jib. 从外表上看
④ backstairs influence He met the congressmen in secret to exert backstairs
influence. 暗中势力;幕后人物
2. 汉语中的成语
成语(idiom; set phrase)是语言中经过长期使用、 锤炼而形成的固定短语,它是比词的含义更丰富而 语法功能又相当于词的语言单位,而且富有深刻的 思想内涵,简短精辟易记易用。