第五章 旅游翻译

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汉语语言表达人文色彩浓郁,物我一体, 具有一种超越现实、虚实不定的朦胧、变 形之美,所谓“山之精神写不出,以烟霞 写之,春之精神写不出,以草木写之”, 一景一物,皆有灵性,主观色彩极浓。 行文用字历来有四六骈体,行文用字宜双 不宜单的习惯,讲究四言八句,平行对偶, 声情并茂诗情画意盎然。
About Maui Stand above a sea of clouds high atop Haleakala. Watch a 45-foot whale breach off the coast of Lahaina. Lose count of the waterfalls along the road as you maneuver the hairpin turns of the Hana highway. One visit and it’s easy to see why Maui is called “The Magic Isle.” The second largest Hawaiian island has a smaller population than you’d expect, making Maui popular with visitors who are looking for sophisticated diversions and amenities in the small towns and airy resorts spread throughout the island. From the scenic slopes of fertile Upcountry Maui to beaches that have repeatedly been voted among the best in the world, a visit to the Magic Isle recharges the senses. But like every good magic trick, you’ll have to see it for yourself to believe it.
3,000 crags rise in various 这里三千座奇峰拔地而 shapes. They are like whips 起,形态各异,有的似玉 or pillars propping up the 柱神鞭,立地顶天;有的 sky; or huge walls, solid 像铜墙铁壁,巍然屹立; and sound; or immense 有的如晃板垒卵,摇摇欲 eggs piled on an unsteady 坠;有的若盆景古董,玲 boarder; or miniature rocky 珑剔透… …神奇而又真实, or curios … Fantastic but 迷离而又实在,不是艺术 actual, dreamy but real! 创造胜似艺术创造,令人 They are not artistic works, 叹为观止。 but more exquisite than artistic works. One can not help marveling at the acme of perfection of Nature’s creation.
Biblioteka Baidu
原译:3,000 crags rise in various shapes. They are like whips or pillars propping up the sky; or huge walls, solid and sound; or immense eggs piled on an unsteady boarder; or miniature rocky or curios … Fantastic but actual, dreamy but real! They are not artistic works, but more exquisite than artistic works. One can not help marveling at the acme of perfection of Nature’s creation.
The fresh, floral air energizes you. The warm, tranquil waters refresh you. The breathtaking, natural beauty renews you. Look around. There’s no place on earth like Hawaii. Whether you’re a new visitor or returning, our six unique islands offer distinct experiences that will entice any traveler. We warmly invite you to explore our islands and discover your ideal travel experience.
• 原文:Tiny islands are strung around the edge of the peninsula like a pearl necklace. Hunks of coral reef, coconut palms and fine white sand.
• 译文:座座岛屿玲珑 小巧,紧密相连,像 一串珍珠组成的项链, 环绕着半岛边缘。岛 上椰树成片,沙滩如 银,四周满是红色的 珊瑚礁,景色如诗如 画。
原文:泰山风景以壮丽 译文:Mt. Tai is wellknown for its magnificent 著称。累叠的山势,厚 scenery. The multi-layered 重的形体,苍松巨石的 烘托,云烟岚光的变化, peaks and big mountain 使它在雄浑中兼有明丽, shape, together with hardy, aged pines, huge rocks, 静穆中透着神奇,成为 beautiful clouds and mists, 我国山水名胜的集大成 者。 make it look vigorous and firm, bright and beautiful, solemn and quiet, mystical and wonderful. It claims to be an epitome of famous mountains and scenic spots in China.
译文:只见海港被环 抱于半圆形的小山丛 中,煞是好看,朦朦 胧胧,一片银灰,宛 若仙境——它浓淡交融, 光影柔和,清雅绝俗。
Tiny islands are strung around the edge of the peninsula like a pearl necklace. Hunks of coral reef, coconut palms and fine white sand.
沿锦绣谷傍绝壁悬崖修筑的石级便道游览, 可谓“路盘松顶上,穿云破雾出。天风拂 衣襟,缥缈一身轻”。谷中千岩竞秀,万 壑回萦;断崖天成,石林挺秀,峭壁峰壑 如雄狮长啸,如猛虎跃涧,似捷猿攀岩, 似仙翁盘坐,栩栩如生。一路景色如锦绣 画卷,令人陶醉。
The Hawaii Islands
原文:The harbor looked most beautiful in its semi-circle of hills and half-lights. The color of a pearl gray and a fairy texture — soft, melting halftones. Nothing brittle of garish.
毛伊岛简介 毛伊岛简介 站在哈雷阿卡拉(Haleakala)火 山顶的云海中观看45英尺(13米) 长的鲸鱼跃出拉海纳(Lahaina) 海岸。在哈纳(Hana)公路上急 转弯时,您记不清沿途看到了多 少瀑布。只需访问一次就能容易 地明白为何茂宜岛被称为“魔幻 之岛”。 这个夏威夷第二大岛屿人口比您 想象的要少,这让毛伊岛在那些 于遍布岛上的小镇和度假村里寻 找完善的消遣和康乐设施的游客 们中间深受欢迎。 从富饶的毛伊岛内陆景色如画的 山坡到一再被评为世界最美的海 滩,到魔幻之岛一游会再次加强 这种感觉。但恰如每一个魔术, 您必须亲眼目睹,方可相信。
The 52-mile road to Hana is known as much for its scenic, tropical views and waterfalls as its twists and hairpin turns. Beyond Hana are the beautiful Pools of Oheo, the perfect reward after a long drive. Or take a drive up to Haleakala National Park and see the view from above the clouds.
Yellowstone National Park
Though filled with an astonishing array of geologic wonders: geysers, hot springs, fumaroles, canyons, waterfalls, Yellowstone is perhaps most remarkable as a wildlife sanctuary. Protected here are bison, elk, bears, moose , mountain lions, eagles, trumpeter swans, and a host of other animals. The world’s first national park, Yellowstone covers more than two million acres (810,000 hectares) and draws thousands of visitors a year.
第五章 旅游翻译
宝峰湖长2.5公里,位于张家界武陵源正南2公里。清澈无比的 湖泊倒映群山,水因山而绿,山得水更青。宝峰湖已开发的景 点以高峡平湖、鹰窝古寨、绝壁飞瀑、一线天峡谷等最为叫绝。 荡舟湖上,登玲珑翠绿的湖心岛,恍若置身画中。攀上湖边高 耸入云的鹰窝寨,放眼俯瞰,宝峰湖似玲珑碧玉,镶嵌在群山 峻林之中。 云梯直上最高层,忽见粼粼碧水深。果然高峡出平湖,人间瑶 池此处寻。湖水四周,奇峰环抱,树木葱茏,叠翠堆绿的小岛, 像颗颗绿色的宝珠,给山湖更添了几分神秀的姿韵。“一鉴深 藏锁翠微,移来三峡四周围。游船驶入高山里,惊起鸳鸯对对 飞。”这便是对宝峰湖风光真实的写照。“云梯百丈上天台, 高峡平湖一鉴开。”波平如宝镜的宝峰湖,位于索武陵源南边 海拔1000多米的高山上。四周青山,一泓碧水,清可鉴人,安 谧幽静。在这里泛舟漫游,令人心旷神怡。有道是:“碧水染 得群山绿,人面桃花映水红。”
西方传统哲学强调分析型抽象理性思维, 在主观与客观的物象关系上,更多地强调 的是摹仿和再现。西方传统哲学思维偏重 客观理性、突出个性主、客观对立的特点 体现在语言表达形式上,就出现了英语句 式构架严整、表达思维缜密、行文注重逻 辑理性、用词强调简洁自然的风格,语言 上最忌重复累赘,追求一种自然流畅之美。
改译:3,000 crags rise in various shapes — pillars, columns, walls, shaky egg stacks and potted landscapes … — conjuring up an forgettable fantastic images.