MIDO 产品选型手册
美度MIDO 贝伦赛丽 蓝宝石水晶玻璃钢链带日历 男士机械表 M8690.4.11.1

美度MIDO 贝伦赛丽蓝宝石水晶玻璃/钢链带/日历男士机械表
【美度MIDO M8690.4.11.1简介】
【美度MIDO M8690.4.11.1信息】
品牌:美度MIDO 型号:M8690.4.11.1系列:贝伦赛丽表面:蓝宝石水晶玻璃表盘:白色
机芯:机械表壳:精钢表壳尺寸:42mm 厚度:7mm 表底:透底表扣:折叠扣

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联系我们如您在使用此产品或本手册的过程中有任何问题或需求,可与 RIGOL 联系:电子邮箱:*****************网址:章主题页码插图目录 (VII)表格目录 (XII)1安全要求 (1)1.1一般安全概要 (1)1.2安全术语和符号 (2)1.3测量类别 (3)1.4通风要求 (3)1.5工作环境 (3)1.6保养和清洁 (5)1.7环境注意事项 (5)2产品特色 (6)3文档概述 (7)4快速入门 (9)4.1一般性检查 (9)4.2外观尺寸 (9)4.3使用前准备 (10)4.3.1调整支撑脚 (10)4.3.2连接电源 (11)4.3.3开机检查 (11)4.3.4设置系统语言 (12)4.3.5连接探头 (12)4.3.6功能检查 (13)4.3.7探头补偿 (14)4.4产品简介 (15)4.4.1前面板介绍 (15)4.4.2后面板介绍 (20)4.4.3用户界面介绍 (22)4.5触摸屏手势 (24)4.5.1触摸 (24)4.5.2拖动 (24)4.5.3捏合 (25)4.6参数设置方法 (25)4.7使用安全锁 (30)4.8使用内置帮助系统 (30)5设置垂直系统 (31)5.1打开或关闭模拟通道 (31)5.2调整垂直档位 (32)5.3调整垂直偏移 (33)5.4通道耦合 (34)5.5带宽限制 (34)5.6输入阻抗 (35)5.7波形反相 (35)5.8探头 (36)5.9幅度单位 (38)5.10偏置 (38)5.11通道延迟 (38)5.12通道标签 (39)6设置水平系统 (40)6.1水平时基调整 (40)6.2调整水平位移 (41)6.3延迟扫描 (42)7设置采样系统 (44)7.1获取方式 (44)7.2采样方式 (46)7.3采样率 (46)7.4存储深度 (47)7.5水平扩展 (49)7.6滚动模式 (49)7.7XY模式 (49)8触发示波器 (52)8.1触发信源 (52)8.2触发电平 (52)8.3触发方式 (53)8.4触发耦合 (54)8.5触发释抑 (54)8.6噪声抑制 (55)8.7触发类型 (55)8.7.1边沿触发 (56)8.7.2脉宽触发 (57)8.7.3斜率触发 (59)8.7.5码型触发 (64)8.7.6持续时间触发 (65)8.7.7超时触发 (68)8.7.8欠幅脉冲触发 (69)8.7.9超幅触发 (71)8.7.10延迟触发 (73)8.7.11建立保持触发 (75)8.7.12第N边沿触发 (77)8.7.13RS232触发 (79)8.7.14I2C触发 (82)8.7.15SPI触发 (85)8.8触发输出连接器 (88)9数学运算 (89)9.1代数运算 (90)9.2函数运算 (93)9.3FFT运算 (96)9.4逻辑运算 (100)9.5数字滤波 (103)10测量 (107)10.1AUTO后的快速测量 (107)10.2自动测量 (107)10.2.1测量参数介绍 (108)时间参数 (108)计数值 (109)延迟和相位参数 (110)电压参数 (112)其它参数 (113)10.2.2选择测量参数 (113)10.2.3测量设置 (116)10.2.4移除测量结果 (119)10.3光标测量 (119)10.3.1手动光标 (121)10.3.2追踪光标 (123)10.3.3XY 光标 (126)11数字电压表(DVM)和频率计 (128)11.1数字电压表(DVM) (128)11.1.2清除测量 (130)11.2频率计 (130)11.2.1测量设置 (130)11.2.2统计复位 (131)11.2.3清除测量 (132)12直方图分析 (133)12.1打开或关闭直方图功能 (133)12.2选择直方图类型 (134)12.3选择直方图信源 (134)12.4设置直方图高度 (134)12.5设置直方图窗口范围 (134)12.6直方图分析结果 (135)12.7清除测量 (136)13参考波形 (137)13.1启用Ref功能 (137)13.2设置参考波形 (137)13.3设置Ref波形显示 (138)13.4导出与导入参考波形 (139)14通过/失败测试 (140)14.1启用或禁用通过/失败测试功能 (140)14.2选择信源 (141)14.3设置蒙板 (141)14.4设置测试结果的输出形式 (141)14.5启动或停止通过/失败测试操作 (142)14.6查看测试结果统计信息 (143)15协议解码 (144)15.1并行解码 (144)15.1.1时钟配置 (145)15.1.2总线配置 (145)15.1.3显示相关配置 (147)15.1.4事件表 (147)15.2RS232解码 (148)15.2.1信源设置 (149)15.2.2设置帧格式 (150)15.2.3显示相关配置 (151)15.2.4事件表 (151)15.3.1信源设置 (152)15.3.2显示相关配置 (153)15.3.3事件表 (153)15.4SPI解码 (154)15.4.1设置信源 (155)15.4.2设置模式与数据 (156)15.4.3显示相关配置 (157)15.4.4事件表 (157)16多窗口显示 (159)17波形录制与播放 (161)17.1常用设置 (161)17.2录制选项 (162)17.3播放选项 (163)18搜索与导航功能 (165)18.1搜索功能 (165)18.2导航功能 (167)19显示控制 (171)19.1显示类型 (171)19.2余辉时间 (171)19.3波形亮度 (172)19.4设置屏幕网格 (172)19.5显示设置 (172)19.6标尺 (173)19.7色温 (173)19.8波形保持 (173)20存储和加载 (174)20.1进入存储菜单 (174)20.2保存文件 (174)20.2.1图像存储 (174)20.2.2波形存储 (176)20.2.3设置存储 (177)20.2.4二进制数据(.bin)格式 (179)20.3加载文件 (181)20.4固件升级 (182)20.5磁盘管理 (183)21系统功能设置 (186)21.2基本设置 (188)21.3关于此示波器 (189)21.4其他设置 (190)21.5Auto选项 (190)21.6自校正 (191)21.7选件列表 (191)21.8快捷操作 (191)21.9自测 (193)22远程控制 (195)22.1通过USB控制 (195)22.2通过 LAN 控制 (196)23故障处理 (198)24附录 (199)24.1附录A:附件和选件 (199)24.2附录 B:保修概要 (199)24.3附录C:出厂值 (200)插图目录图 4.1 正视图 (9)图 4.2 侧视图 (10)图 4.3 调节支撑脚 (10)图 4.4 连接电源 (11)图 4.5 连接无源探头 (13)图 4.6 补偿信号 (14)图 4.7 方波信号 (14)图 4.8 探头补偿 (15)图 4.9 前面板(2通道型号) (15)图 4.10 前面板(4通道型号) (16)图 4.11 后面板 (20)图 4.12 用户界面 (22)图 4.13 触摸手势 (24)图 4.14 拖动手势 (25)图 4.15 捏合手势 (25)图 4.16 英文键盘输入界面 (26)图 4.17 中文键盘输入界面 (27)图 4.18 字符键盘 (28)图 4.19 数字键盘 (29)图 4.20 使用安全锁 (30)图 5.1 通道垂直菜单 (31)图 5.2 波形反相 (36)图 5.3 探头配置菜单 (36)图 5.4 零点偏移 (39)图 6.1 水平系统菜单 (40)图 6.2 延迟扫描模式 (43)图 7.1 水平系统菜单 (44)图 7.2 显示模式 (45)图 7.3 存储深度示意图 (48)图 7.4 XY配置菜单 (50)图 7.5 相位差的测量原理图 (51)图 8.1 采集存储器的示意图 (53)图 8.2 触发释抑示意图 (55)图 8.3 边沿触发设置菜单 (56)图 8.4 正脉宽/负脉宽 (57)图 8.5 脉宽触发配置菜单 (58)图 8.6 正斜率时间/负斜率时间 (59)图 8.7 斜率触发配置菜单 (60)图 8.8 视频触发配置菜单 (62)图 8.9 码型触发 (64)图 8.10 码型触发配置菜单 (64)图 8.11 持续时间触发示意图 (66)图 8.12 持续时间触发配置菜单 (66)图 8.13 超时触发示意图 (68)图 8.14 超时触发菜单 (68)图 8.15 欠幅脉冲触发示意图 (70)图 8.16 欠幅脉冲触发配置菜单 (70)图 8.17 超幅触发配置菜单 (72)图 8.18 延迟触发示意图 (73)图 8.19 延迟触发配置菜单 (74)图 8.20 建立保持时间示意图 (76)图 8.21 建立保持触发配置菜单 (76)图 8.22 第N边沿触发示意图 (78)图 8.23 第N边沿触发配置菜单 (78)图 8.24 RS232协议说明图 (80)图 8.25 RS232触发类型配置菜单 (80)图 8.26 I2C协议时序图 (82)图 8.27 I2C触发配置菜单 (82)图 8.28 二进制格式设置 (84)图 8.29 十六进制格式设置 (84)图 8.30 SPI总线时序图 (85)图 8.31 SPI触发配置菜单 (86)图 9.1 数学运算菜单 (89)图 9.2 运算结果的波形显示窗口 (90)图 9.3 代数运算菜单 (91)图 9.4 运算结果显示窗口 (91)图 9.5 函数运算菜单 (94)图 9.6 运算结果显示窗口 (94)图 9.7 FFT运算菜单 (97)图 9.8 FFT运算窗口 (97)图 9.9 峰值搜索 (100)图 9.10 逻辑运算菜单 (101)图 9.11 运算结果显示窗口 (102)图 9.12 数字滤波菜单 (104)图 9.13 运算结果显示窗口 (104)图 10.1 时间参数 (108)图 10.2 延迟和相位参数 (110)图 10.3 电压参数 (112)图 10.4 垂直测量参数 (114)图 10.5 水平测量参数 (115)图 10.6 其他测量参数 (115)图 10.7 测量设置菜单 (116)图 10.8 光标 (120)图 10.9 手动模式光标设置菜单 (122)图 10.10 手动光标测量实例 (123)图 10.11 追踪模式光标设置菜单 (124)图 10.12 追踪测量(水平扩展前) (125)图 10.13 追踪测量(水平扩展后) (125)图 10.14 XY 模式光标设置菜单 (126)图 11.1 数字电压表设置菜单 (129)图 11.2 频率计设置菜单 (131)图 12.1 直方图设置菜单 (133)图 12.2 直方图分析界面 (133)图 12.3 直方图分析结果 (135)图 13.1 参考波形菜单 (137)图 14.1 通过/失败测试菜单 (140)图 14.2 通过/失败测试菜单-简洁模式 (140)图 14.3 通过/失败测试界面 (142)图 15.1 并行解码示意图 (144)图 15.2 并行解码菜单 (145)图 15.3 并行解码事件表 (147)图 15.4 RS232串行总线示意图 (148)图 15.5 RS232解码菜单 (149)图 15.6 RS232解码事件表 (151)图 15.7 I2C串行总线 (152)图 15.8 I2C解码菜单 (152)图 15.9 I2C解码事件表 (154)图 15.10 SPI串行总线 (155)图 15.11 SPI解码菜单 (155)图 15.12 SPI解码事件表 (158)图 16.1 添加窗口界面 (159)图 17.1 波形录制界面 (161)图 17.2 播放选项操作界面 (163)图 18.1 搜索菜单 (165)图 18.2 标记表显示 (167)图 18.3 导航菜单 (168)图 18.4 导航菜单-简洁模式 (168)图 18.5 搜索事件导航界面 (169)图 18.6 帧段导航界面 (169)图 19.1 显示设置菜单 (171)图 20.1 保存图像菜单 (175)图 20.2 保存波形设置菜单 (176)图 20.3 保存配置菜单 (178)图 20.4 加载设置菜单 (182)图 20.5 升级菜单 (183)图 20.6 磁盘管理界面 (184)图 21.1 自校正菜单 (191)图 21.2 快捷操作菜单 (192)表格目录表 4.1 DHO800 电源适配器规格 (11)表 5.1 探头比 (37)表 8.1 视频标准 (62)表 9.1 窗函数 (98)表 9.2 逻辑运算 (101)表 15.1 总线配置 (146)表 20.1 BIN 文件格式 (179)表 20.2 文件头 (179)表 20.3 波形头 (179)表 20.4 波形数据头 (181)表 24.2 出厂值 (200)1安全要求1.1一般安全概要了解下列安全性预防措施,以避免受伤,并防止损坏本产品或与本产品连接的任何产品。
Omega PHH-7000系列产品说明书

±2% FE
±2% FE
±2% FE
0,1°C (0,2°F) 1 µS/0,01 mS 1 ppm/0,01 ppt 1 ppm/0,01 ppt
0 a 80°C
(32 a 176°F)
0 a 50°C (32 a 122°F)
U Ângulo de Visualização Especial U Classificação IP67, Invólucro
Impermeável U Amplo LCD — Exibe pH,
Condutividade e Temperatura Simultaneamente U Calibração de 1 Teclado U Compensação Automática de Temperatura U Multifuncionalidades Incluem Retenção de Dados e Valores Máx./Mín. U Indicador de Bateria Fraca U Desligamento Automático Após 10 Minutos Sem Utilizar
Medidor de Teste de Água por Microprocessador OMEGAETTE TM
Série PHH-7000
U Baseado em Microprocessador para Medições Rápidas e Precisas
MT Classic平衡器选型指南说明书

Display increment. Faster weighing with reduced 1/10 d 1/10 d 1/10 d readability. For quick weighing results.
81 g 210 g
210 g
610 g 810 g 1510 g
610 g 1510 g
3100 g
6100 g 8100 g
ø120 ø160
6100 g
For more information
Mettler-Toledo AG Im Langacher P.O. Box LabTec 8606 Greifensee Switzerland
Free Factor. For multiplying and dividing calculation.
Units. Weighing results in different units: kg, g, mg, lb, oz, ozt, GN, dwt, mo, m, tl (OIML metric).
Built-in applications. Easy-to-use application programs built-in as standard: • Piece counting with simple reference selection • % weighing • Dynamic weighing with automatic or manual start.

M A R I N E P R O D U C T S E L E C T I O N G U I D E T R A N S D U C E R S,I N S T R U M E N T S A N D S E N S O R SThis easy-to-use selection guide is organized for you by the product that you currently have and by mounting style.STEP ONE: The first thing you need to do is to locate your current product with which you are trying to match a transducer.STEP TWO: After you find your current product, you can choose from the transducers that are designed to work with that unit. NOTE: IF YOU DO NOT SEE your product or transducer, please go to . Your unit may have been discontinued.Garmin still supports discontinued products and you will find them listed at .Transducers are typically mounted in one of three ways: through the hull, inside the hull, or on the transom.On the TransomTrailered boats typically use this mounting style, since it is out of the way of the rollers. Some people prefer a transom-mount because it is easy to install and remove a unit—especially if a kick-up bracket is used. Kick-up brackets move a transducer out of the way to prevent damage from floating debris when a boat is underway. They also protect the transducer when the boat is trailered, or when it is kept in the water for long periods of time. To obtain the best possible performance, install all transducers according to the included installation instructions. If you experience difficulty during the installation, contact Garmin Product Support, or seek the advice of a professionalinstaller.Through the HullFlush Mounts sit flush or nearly flush with the boat hull and are recommended for smaller boats with a minimum deadrise angle. They are often installed on sailing vessels for their minimal drag.External Mounts extend beyond the hull surface and usually require a fairing to aim the sound beam vertically and are for larger un-trailered vessels. When installed with a High-Performance Fairing, the transducer face is flush with the surface of the fairing and parallel to the waterline, resulting in a truly vertical beam, putting maximum energy on the target. Mounting in “clean water,” forward of propellers and running gear, produces the most effective signal return.Inside the HullAn in-hull transducer is installed inside the bilge of a boat hull and sends & receives its signal through the hull. Some people prefer this mounting style, because it is not necessary to drill through the hull. A unit cannot be damaged when a boat is trailered, the transducer is not exposed to marine growth, and there is no drag. Additionally, a transducer can be installed and serviced while the vessel is in the water. Most in-hull transducers are mounted inside a liquid filled tank that is first epoxied in place. As long as the water flow below the transducer is “turbulent free”, it will give great high-speed performance. However, not all hull types (cored hulls, steel hulls, etc.) are suitable for in-hull transducer installation. In-hull transducers are recommended onlyfor solid fiberglass hulls.To obtain the best possible performance, install all transducers according to the included installation instructions. If you experience difficulty during the installation, contact Garmin Product Support, or seek the advice of a professional installer.Instead of using a single frequency like traditional sonar, Spread Spectrum with chirp technology sweeps each pulse through a range of frequencies to deliver shallow-water-like target separation at extremely deep depths and at low frequencies. Garmin Spread Spectrum with chirp technology used on the GSD 26 not only gives better target separation and resolution at extraordinary depths, but also allows fishermen to dial into specific frequencies to target certain species of sport fish. It offers significantly better target definition, bottom contours and noise suppression at greater depths than traditional models, and a more timely interpretation of what’s below for safer navigation and better fishing.This image shows the depth and beamwidth differences between a single-element, 600 W transducer and a multiple-element, high-performance 1 kW transducer.。

维纳尔产品选型手册2022051001005D-固定式熔断器管座,E27/25A/500V,卡接固定,单相01006D-固定式熔断器管座,E33/63A/690V,卡接固定,单相01008PROFIL连接夹,三T型,64某46,连接500-1260mm2 01009底槽,230某1100,3线01010底槽,230某700,3线01011底槽,290某1100,3线带电缆槽或4线01012底槽,290某700,3线带电缆槽或4线01017边框支撑架,用于01495和0148501019末端盖,用于01017和01495的组合体,宽度230mm01020末端盖,用于01017和01495或01485的组合体,宽度290mm 01021D-固定式熔断器管座,E27/25A/500V,三相,螺钉连接01022D-固定式熔断器管座,E33/63A/690VAC,三相,螺钉连接01024边框,封闭的,17某86某2400,上/下,供没有底槽的系统用01025预留空间盖,1100mm,只适于支架0102601026支架,适用12-30某5/10双T形母线,用于预留空间盖板01025 01027多层铜母线,360A,2m,3某20某1,截面60mm201028多层铜母线,462A,2m,6某20某1,截面120mm201029多层铜母线,645A,2m,10某20某1,截面200mm201030边框,切口的,17某86某2400,上/下,供没有底槽的系统用01032连接夹,用于母线40某10,可用于1250A01033连接夹,用于母线50某10,可用于1250A01034连接夹,用于母线60某10,可用于1250A01035多层铜母线,402A,2m,6某15.5某0.8,截面74.4mm2 01037槽边框,17某36某1100,上/下,用于所有槽01038槽边框,17某36某700,上/下,用于所有槽01039边框,封闭的,17某86某1100,上/下,供没有底槽的系统用01040边框,封闭的,17某86某700,上/下,供没有底槽的系统用01041边框,切口的,17某86某1100,上/下,供没有底槽的系统用01042边框,切口的,17某86某700,上/下,供没有底槽的系统用01043槽边框,用于宽槽,下,77某36某110001044槽边框,用于宽槽,下,77某36某70001045底槽,230某2400,3线01046底槽,290某2400,带电缆槽,,3线带电缆槽或4线01047螺拴连接夹,可插接,10mm厚以及双T型或三T型母线,M10某10,630A01048槽边框,17某36某2400,上/下,用于所有槽01050多层铜母线,253A,2m,6某13某0.5,截面39mm201053槽边框,用于宽槽,下,77某36某240001054多层铜母线,134A,3某9某0.8,截面21.6mm201055多层铜母线,166A,8某6某0.5,截面24mm201056母线架盖01058D0-母线式熔断器管座,E18/63A/400V,宽36mm,10和双T型母线01059定位环-钥匙,E27/E3301060多层铜母线,930A,5某50某1,截面250mm201061多层铜母线,1775A,10某80某1,截面800mm201063多层铜母线,462A,6某20某1,截面120mm201064多层铜母线,645A,10某20某1,截面200mm201068通用导线连接夹,16-120mm2,5mm厚母线,440A01075多层铜母线,514A,5某24某1,截面120mm201076多层铜母线,800A,10某24某1,截面240mm201077防手指触电保护环,E27,塑料,用于熔断器座01078防手指触电保护环,E33,塑料,用于熔断器座01079多层铜母线,镀锡,带绝缘套,166A,长2m,8某6某0.501080盖,E27,齿距41.501081盖,E33,齿距52.501082盖,E33,齿距50.001083多层铜母线,134A,3某9某0.8,截面24mm201084多层铜母线,245A,6某9某0.8,截面21.6mm201089多层铜母线,320A,4某15.5某0.8,截面49.6mm2 01090多层铜母线,402A,6某15.5某0.8,截面74.4mm2 01091多层铜母线,455A,10某15.5某0.8,截面124mm2 01092连接夹,用于30某10的矩形母线,1250A01093盖罩,228某200某8,30某5/10mm,双T型母线01094连接夹,95-300mm2,可用于630A01095多层铜母线,640A,5某32某1,截面160mm201096多层铜母线,1040A,10某32某1,截面320mm2 01097多层铜母线,760A,5某40某1,截面200mm2 01098熔帽,D/E27/500V,陶瓷01099多层铜母线,1181A,10某40某1,截面400mm2 01100熔帽,D/E33/500V,陶瓷01103熔帽,D01/E14/400VAC/250VDC,陶瓷01104熔帽,D02/E18/400VAC/250VDC,陶瓷01112多层铜母线,930A,5某50某1,截面250mm201114连接端子,适用PE/N线,35mm201119端子架,用于PE/N-接地母线,螺钉01120端子架,用于PE/N-接地母线,螺钉01121端子架,用于PE/N-接地母线,卡接01123多层铜母线,1600A,10某63某1,截面630mm201125多层铜母线,1775A,10某80某1,截面800mm201126接地母线,PE/N-,8线,9某6.5某51.501127接地母线,PE/N-,12线,9某6.5某77.501128接地母线,PE/N-,16线,9某6.5某103.501129接地母线,PE/N-,24线,9某6.5某15501130接地母线,PE/N-,151线,9某6.5某100001138母线架,60mm系统,3,4,5线,用于ISO-柜体VMS01141母线加长连接夹,95mm,用于最大额定电流630A01143接地端子,63A,绝缘PE/N-,7线,零线,蓝色01144接地端子,63A,绝缘PE/N-,7线,保护线,绿/黄01145母线加长连接夹,95mm,1600A,双T型母线01152梳形母线,1线,100A,齿距27mm,1m长01160夹具,用于10mm厚的多层铜母线01163夹具导轨,2m,用于0116001166母线加长连接夹,12-20某5/10,最大630A01170简化部件,适用于5mm母线,用于0113801182连接附件,带插孔的端子,3某1.5-16mm2,尺寸0001184多层铜母线,2.0m,10某24某1,800A,截面240mm201185PROFIL连接夹,双T型,41某36,连接400-800mm2,最大1600A01186PROFIL连接夹,三T型,101某46,连接1200-3600mm2,最大2500/3200A01187三T型母线,额定电流2500A,2.4m01188三T型母线,额定电流2500A,0.45m01189三T型母线,额定电流2500A,0.65m01190双T型母线,额定电流1600A,3.6m01193母线加长连接夹,150mm,适用于12-20某5/10母线01194多层铜母线,6某9某0.8,2m,245A,截面43.2mm201196多层铜母线,4某15.5某0.8,2m,320A,截面49.6mm201198连接端子,16-95mm2,用于1线母线35mm201199接线板,3线,带盖罩,95-185mm2,12某5-30某10和双T型母线01200母线连接端子,15某5母线与70-150mm2缆搭接01201母线连接端子,20某5-10与120-240mm2缆搭接01202母线连接端子,25某5母线与150-300mm2缆搭接01203通用导线连接夹,16-120mm2,10mm,双T和三T母线01204标准铜母线,3.60m,镀锡,30某10,630A01205直压板连接夹,连接宽度25某1201206直压板连接夹,连接宽度40某2001207直压板连接夹,连接宽度50某3501218直压板连接夹,连接宽度63某4001222直压板连接夹,连接宽度80某4001223双T型铜母线,1250A,3.60m,无镀层01224双T型铜母线,1250A,3.60m,镀锡01225双T型铜母线,1250A,0.45m,镀锡01226双T型铜母线,1250A,0.65m,镀锡01227三T型铜母线,2500A,3.60m,镀锡01228连接端子,16-95mm2,用于3线梳形母线,前面连接01229双T型铜母线,1600A,3.60m,无镀层01230通用母线架,3线,185系统,用于不打孔的矩形母线和异形截面母线01231母线架,3线,60mm系统/2500A,用于双T型母线,不含末端盖01232母线架,3线,60mm系统/2500A,用于三T型母线,不含末端盖01234末端盖,用于01231和0123201236封闭盖板,2400某48,用于双T型和三T型母线系统01237封闭盖板,2400某76,用于双T型和三T型母线系统01238封闭盖板,2400某106,用于双T型和三T型母线系统01240接线板,3线,6-50mm2,60mm系统,可用于最大300A01243接线板,3线,35-120mm2,60mm系统,可用于最大440A01244母线盖,用于12-30某5母线,长1m01245母线盖,用于12-30某10母线,长1m01249双T型铜母线,1600A,2.40m,无镀层01250双T型铜母线,1250A,2.40m,无镀层01251母线盖,用于40-60某10母线,长1m01252母线盖,用于双T形和三T形母线,长1m01253多层铜母线,带护套,465A,长2m,4某24某1,截面96mm2 01254末端盖,用于母线架0147901255多层铜母线,带护套,566A,长2m,6某24某1,截面144mm2 01256多层铜母线,带护套,860A,长2m,6某40某1,截面240mm2 01257接地端子,绝缘PE/N-,63A,7线,零线,蓝色01258接地端子,绝缘PE/N-,63A,7线,保护线,绿/黄色01273多层铜母线,带护套,1985A,长2m,10某100某1,截面1000mm2 01274母线加长连接夹,2500A,用于三T型母线,95mm01275母线加长连接夹,2500A,用于三T型母线,150mm01284通用导线连接夹,1.5-16mm2,5mm母线,180A01285通用导线连接夹,4-35mm2,5mm母线,270A01287通用导线连接夹,16-70mm2,5mm母线,400A01289通用导线连接夹,1.5-16mm2,10mm母线,180A01290通用导线连接夹,4-35mm2,10mm,双T和三T母线,270A01292通用导线连接夹,16-70mm2,10mm,双T和三T母线,400A 01295连接件组,2500A,用于弹性加长连接,三T型母线,3相01300盖罩,用于01240中的单个端子01301盖罩,用于01243中的单个端子01303夹具,用于5-10mm的多层铜母线01318展开式连接夹,95-185mm2,500A01319展开式连接夹,用于最大30某20的矩形母线,750A01333标识牌,用于带10个接线端子,15某64.5mm01347母线架,3线,无末端盖,适合做中间支架01385母线转接器,63A,81mm宽,40mm系统01413盖罩,84某200mm2,12-30某5/10mm,双T型母线01424D0-条形盖,E18,宽36mm01479通用母线架,100mm系统,适用30-60某10,3线01484母线架,3线,60mm系统,630A01485通用母线架,4线,60mm系统,630A01489母线架,PE/N-,可单独安装,也可插接在01500上01492D0-母线式熔断器管座,E18/63A/400V,宽27mm,10和双T型母线01495通用母线架,3线,60mm系统,630A,带内置螺钉孔01498D0-母线式熔断器管座,E18/63A/400V,宽36mm,5,10和双T型母线01500通用母线架,3线,60mm系统,630A01510多层铜母线,2.0m,10某63某1,1600A,截面630mm2 01512螺拴连接夹,10mm矩形母线,M5某8,360A01514螺拴连接夹,10mm厚以及双T型或三T型母线,M8某8,490A 01536盖罩,54某130,用于最大70mm2的导线连接夹01541磁环,2A,E27,粉色01542磁环,4A,E27,褐色01543磁环,6A,E27,绿色01544磁环,10A,E27,红色01545磁环,16A,E27,灰色01546磁环,20A,E27,蓝色01547磁环,25A,E27,黄色01548磁环,35A,E33,黑色01549磁环,50A,E33,白色01550磁环,63A,E33,铜色01559D-固定式熔断器管座,双侧,E27/25A/500V,螺钉连接01567D-固定式熔断器管座,双侧,E27/25A/500V,卡接固定01568D-固定式熔断器管座,双侧,E33/63A/690VAC,卡接固定01571D-固定式熔断器管座,三相,双侧,E27/25A/500V,卡接固定01572D-固定式熔断器管座,三相,双侧,E33/63A/690VAC,卡接固定01573端盖,适用于01495和0150001574端盖,适用于0148501583多层铜母线,10某15.5某0.8,2m,455A,截面124mm2 01586直压板连接夹,30某3001587直压板连接夹,35某3001590盖罩,54某200mm,12-30某5/10mm,双T型母线01608双T型铜母线,1600A,2.4m,镀锡01609双T型铜母线,1250A,2.4m,镀锡01611多层铜母线,2.0m,5某24某1,514A,截面120mm201612多层铜母线,2.0m,5某32某1,640A,,截面160mm201613多层铜母线,2.0m,10某32某1,1040A,截面320mm201614多层铜母线,2.0m,760A,5某40某1,截面200mm201615多层铜母线,2.0m,10某40某1,1181A,截面400mm2 01616直压板连接夹,连接长某宽32某4001617直压板连接夹,连接长某宽50某6301618标准铜母线,12某5,2.4m,200A,镀锡01619标准铜母线,15某5,2.4m,250A,镀锡01620标准铜母线,20某5,2.4m,320A,镀锡01621标准铜母线,25某5,2.4m,400A,镀锡01622标准铜母线,30某5,2.4m,450A,镀锡01623标准铜母线,12某10,2.4m,360A,镀锡01624标准铜母线,20某10,2.4m,520A,镀锡01625标准铜母线,30某10,2.4m,630A,镀锡01626标准铜母线,40某10,2.4m,850A01627标准铜母线,50某10,2.4m,1000A01628标准铜母线,60某10,2.4m,1250A01647D0-母线式熔断器管座,E18/63A/400V,宽27mm,5,10和双T型母线01670D-熔断器,gL,2A/500V,E2701671D-熔断器,gL,4A/500V,E2701672D-熔断器,gL,6A/500V,E2701673D-熔断器,gL,10A/500V,E2701674D-熔断器,gL,16A/500V,E2701675D-熔断器,gL,20A/500V,E2701676D-熔断器,gL,25A/500V,E2701677D-熔断器,gL,35A/500V,E3301678D-熔断器,gL,50A/500V,E3301679D-熔断器,gL,63A/500V,E3301685D0-熔断器,D01/gL2A,E1401686D0-熔断器,D01/gL4A,E1401687D0-熔断器,D01/gL6A,E1401688D0-熔断器,D01/gL10A,E1401689D0-熔断器,D01/gL16A,E1401690D0-熔断器,D02/gL20A,E1801691D0-熔断器,D02/gL25A,E1801692D0-熔断器,D02/gL35A,E1801693D0-熔断器,D02/gL50A,E1801694D0-熔断器,D02/gL63A,E1801701D-螺栓-定位部件,4A,褐色,E27/E33 01702D-螺栓-定位部件,6A,绿色,E27/E33 01703D-螺栓-定位部件,10A,红色,E27/E33 01704D-螺栓-定位部件,16A,灰色,E27/E33 01705D-螺栓-定位部件,20A,蓝色,E27/E33 01706D-螺栓-定位部件,25A,黄色,E27/E33 01707D-螺栓-定位部件,35A,黑色,E3301708D-螺栓-定位部件,50A,白色,E3301709D-螺栓-定位部件,63A,铜色,E3301715D0-套筒-定位部件,D01,2AE14,粉色01716D0-套筒-定位部件,D01,4AE14,褐色01717D0-套筒-定位部件,D01,6AE14,绿色01718D0-套筒-定位部件,D01,10AE33,红色01719D0-套筒-定位部件,D02,20AE18,蓝色01720D0-套筒-定位部件,D02,25AE18,黄色01721D0-套筒-定位部件,D02,35AE18,黑色01722D0-套筒-定位部件,D02,50AE18,白色01724特殊套筒定位部件,D01用于E18,2A,粉色01725特殊套筒定位部件,D01用于E18,4A,褐色01726特殊套筒定位部件,D01用于E18,6A,绿色01727特殊套筒定位部件,D01用于E18,10A,红色01728特殊套筒定位部件,D01用于E18,16A,灰色01729专用支撑簧,D01/E18,2-16A01730定位套筒-钥匙,D01-D0301741螺栓-定位部件,2A,E27/E33,粉色01742母线架,185mm系统,3-线,412某30某4001747可插接的螺栓连接夹,M5,用于5mm厚的不打孔矩形母线01748可插接的螺栓连接夹,M8,用于5mm厚的不打孔矩形母线01749可插接的螺栓连接夹,M10,用于5mm厚的不打孔矩形母线01753接线板,用于最大32某20的矩形母线01754接线板,3线,带盖罩,150-300mm201757盖罩,270某200某90,20-30某5/10mm,双T型母线01759展开式连接夹,长方截面母线,最大32某2001760展开式连接夹,150-300mm201765标准铜母线,80某10,1500A,2.4m01766标准铜母线,100某10,1800A,2.4m01767标准铜母线,120某10,2100A,2.4m01774母线架,12某5/10母线,3线40mm系统01775母线架,12某5/10母线,4线40mm系统01783空盖板,只用于0178401784支座,适用于预留空盖板0178301788D-磁环,E33,2A,粉色01789D-磁环,E33,4A,褐色01790D-磁环,E33,6A,绿色01791D-磁环,E33,10A,红色01792D-磁环,E33,16A,灰色01793D-磁环,E33,20A,蓝色01794D-磁环,E33,25A,黄色01823母线加长连接夹,630A,40mm01827母线加长连接夹,1600A,50mm01829母线加长连接夹,1600A,150mm01831双T型母线,1600A,0.65m01838双T型母线,1600A,0.45m01876母线架,1线,60mm系统,1600A01886母线加长连接夹,(20-30)某(5/10)某150,630A01888带展开式连接夹的连接片,用于30某20的矩形母线01890带展开式连接夹的连接片,用于150-300mm2的导线01905母线连接夹,夹子开口空间31某2501906PROFIL连接夹,双T型,51某21,连接500-750mm2 01907PROFIL连接夹,双T型,64某21,连接600-900mm2 01911PROFIL连接夹,双T型,64某36,连接600-1200mm2 01915母线架,12某5/10,5线01917D-固定式熔断器管座,双侧,E27/25A/500V01926PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9某6.5某61.5 01927PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9某6.5某124 01928PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9某6.5某186.5 01929PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9某6.5某249 01930PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9某6.5某311.5 01931PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9某6.5某374 01932PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9某6.5某100001934PROFIL连接夹,用于双T型母线,81某3601935PROFIL连接夹,用于双T型母线,101某3601936PROFIL连接夹,用于双T型母线,51某3601945盖,E27,宽52.5mm01979D-固定式熔断器管座,双侧,E33/63A/690VAC01980D0-条形盖,E18,宽27mm01981D0-条形盖,E18,宽54mm01990母线加长连接夹,40mm01993遮盖塞,E2701994遮盖塞,E3301996直压板连接夹,连接宽度20某2501997直压板连接夹,连接宽度20某3001998定位螺栓-钥匙,用于E27/E3302216干线分线端子,1路2某70mm2输入,每路带2路50mm2输出,螺钉固定02217干线分线端子,1路2某70mm2输入,每路带4路50mm2输出,螺钉固定02218干线分线端子,4路2某25mm2输入,每路带1路16mm2输出,单侧输出02219干线分线端子,5路2某25mm2输入,每路带1路16mm2输出,单侧输出02225干线分线端子,1路2某25mm2输入,每路带2路16mm2输出,双侧输出02226干线分线端子,1路2某25mm2输入,每路带4路16mm2输出,双侧输出02227干线分线端子,1路2某25mm2输入,每路带6路16mm2输出,双侧输出02228干线分线端子,1路2某25mm2输入,每路带2路16mm2输出,双侧输出02229干线分线端子,1路输入,每路带2路输出/1路输入,每路带4路输出02230干线分线端子,2路2某25mm2输入,每路带4路16mm2输出,双侧输出02231干线分线端子,4路2某25mm2输入,每路带2路16mm2输出,双侧输出02232干线分线端子,3路输入,每路带2路输出/1路输入,每路带4路输出02233干线分线端子,4路2某25mm2输入,每路带4路16mm2输出,双侧输出02234干线分线端子,3路2某25mm2输入,每路带2路输出/1路输入,带6路输出02235干线分线端子,3路2某25mm2输入,每路带4路输出/1路输入,带6路输出入,带12路输出02238干线分线端子,5路2某25mm2输入,每路带2路16mm2输出,双侧输出02242干线分线端子,1路2某35mm2输入,每路带2路25mm2输出,卡式安装02243干线分线端子,1路2某35mm2输入,每路带4路25mm2输出,卡式安装02244干线分线端子,2路2某35mm2输入,每路带2路25mm2输出,卡式安装02246干线分线端子,4路2某35mm2输入,每路带2路25mm2输出,卡式安装02247干线分线端子,1路2某70mm2输入,每路带2路50mm2输出,卡式安装02248干线分线端子,1路2某70mm2输入,每路带4路50mm2输出,卡式安装02262干线分线端子,1路2某150mm2输入,每路带4路50mm2输出,螺钉固定02264干线分线端子,5路2某25mm2输入,每路带2路16mm2输出,单侧输出02505干线分线端子,4路2某35mm2输入,每路带2路25mm2输出,卡式安装卡式安装02521干线分线端子,1路2某35mm2输入,每路带2路35mm2输出,卡式安装02522干线分线端子,2路2某35mm2输入,每路带2路35mm2输出,卡式安装02526干线分线端子,1路2某35mm2输入,每路带4路35mm2输出,卡式安装02527干线分线端子,2路2某35mm2输入,每路带4路35mm2输出,卡式安装02531干线分线端子,1入1某25-120mm2,2出1某25-50,螺钉固定02533干线分线端子,1入1某25-120mm2,2出1某25-50,卡式安装,和导轨平行02535干线分线端子,1入1某25-120mm2,2出1某25-50,卡式安装,和导轨垂直02538干线分线端子,5路2某35mm2输入,每路带2路25mm2输出,卡式安装02544干线分线端子,3路2某35mm2输入,每路带2路输出/1路输入,带6路输出02562转接夹子,2路,入/出螺钉02563转接夹子,3路,入/出螺钉02564转接夹子,2路,入/出6-70mm2压板连接夹02565转接夹子,3路,入/出6-70mm2压板连接夹02566转接夹子,2路,入螺钉M8,出6-70mm2压板连接夹02567转接夹子,3路,入螺钉M8,出6-70mm2压板连接夹02603干线分线端子,3路4某25mm2输入,每路带4个25mm2端子02604干线分线端子,4路4某25mm2输入,每路带4个25mm2端子02605干线分线端子,5路4某25mm2输入,每路带4个25mm2端子02606干线分线端子,4路4某25mm2输入,每路带4个25mm2端子,N 蓝色02607干线分线端子,5路4某25mm2输入,每路带4个25mm2端子,N 蓝色,PE黄绿色02614干线分线端子,4路4某25mm2输入,每路带4个25mm2端子,PE黄绿色02615干线分线端子,3路输入,每路共4个端子以及1路N极带8个25mm2的端子03161分离闸刀,尺寸00,160A03162分离闸刀,尺寸1,250A03163分离闸刀,尺寸2,400A03164分离闸刀,尺寸3,630A03173连接端子,160A,尺寸125mm,双侧带压板连接夹,用于NH-熔断器座03175零线端子,160A,2线,双侧带压板连接夹,用于NH-熔断器座03177HLS-熔断器座,用于超快速熔断器,400A,尺寸110,1相,双侧带M1003178连接端子,160A,尺寸125mm,双侧带框端子,用于NH-熔断器座03181NH-熔断器gL,4a,800A03182NH-熔断器gL,4a,1000A03183NH-熔断器gL,4a,1250A03184NH-熔断器gL,4a,1600A03185分离闸刀,4a,1600A03193连接端子,160A,尺寸60mm,双侧带压板连接夹,用于NH-熔断器座03194连接端子,160A,尺寸60mm,双侧带框端子,用于NH-熔断器座03195连接端子,250A,尺寸100mm,双侧带M10,用于NH-熔断器座03196连接端子,250A,尺寸200mm,双侧带M10,用于NH-熔断器座03197连接端子,630A,尺寸100mm,双侧带M12,用于NH-熔断器座03198连接端子,630A,尺寸200mm,双侧带M12,用于NH-熔断器座03199NH-母线式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,三相,60mm系统,上/下端连接03213零线端子,630A,双侧带螺钉M12,用于NH-熔断器座03214熔断器,美标,J级,70A,快熔,600VAC,300VDC03215熔断器,美标,J级,80A,快熔,600VAC,300VDC03216熔断器,美标,J级,90A,快熔,600VAC,300VDC03217熔断器,美标,J级,100A,快熔,600VAC,300VDC03218熔断器,美标,J级,110A,快熔,600VAC,300VDC03219熔断器,美标,J级,125A,快熔,600VAC,300VDC03220熔断器,美标,J级,150A,快熔,600VAC,300VDC03221熔断器,美标,J级,175A,快熔,600VAC,300VDC03222熔断器,美标,J级,200A,快熔,600VAC,300VDC03223熔断器,美标,J级,225A,快熔,600VAC,300VDC03224熔断器,美标,J级,250A,快熔,600VAC,300VDC03225熔断器,美标,J级,300A,快熔,600VAC,300VDC03226熔断器,美标,J级,350A,快熔,600VAC,300VDC03227熔断器,美标,J级,400A,快熔,600VAC,300VDC03228熔断器,美标,J级,70A,延时,600VAC,500VDC03229熔断器,美标,J级,80A,延时,600VAC,500VDC03230熔断器,美标,J级,90A,延时,600VAC,500VDC03231熔断器,美标,J级,100A,延时,600VAC,500VDC03232熔断器,美标,J级,110A,延时,600VAC,500VDC03233熔断器,美标,J级,125A,延时,600VAC,500VDC03234熔断器,美标,J级,150A,延时,600VAC,500VDC03235熔断器,美标,J级,175A,延时,600VAC,500VDC03236熔断器,美标,J级,200A,延时,600VAC,500VDC03237熔断器,美标,J级,225A,延时,600VAC,500VDC03238熔断器,美标,J级,250A,延时,600VAC,500VDC03239熔断器,美标,J级,300A,延时,600VAC,500VDC03240熔断器,美标,J级,350A,延时,600VAC,500VDC03241熔断器,美标,J级,400A,延时,600VAC,500VDC03350NH-固定式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,螺钉M8,单相,隔板结构03351NH-固定式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,螺钉M8,三相,隔板结构03354NH-固定式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,压板连接夹,单相,隔板结构03355NH-固定式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,压板连接夹,三相,隔板结构03359隔板架,适用于03350-0335503367母线架,5线,40mm系统03369NH-母线式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,压板连接夹,单相,直接挂接在母线上03370NH-母线式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,螺钉M8,单相,直接挂接在母线上03377隔板,适用于NH-熔断器座03350/03351/03354/03355 03384NH-母线式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1,螺钉M10,单相,直接挂接在母线上03502NH-通用插入手柄,尺寸00-303518母线式超快速熔断器座,400A,三相,下端连接,M10螺钉03519零线端子,160A,双侧带螺钉M8,用于NH-熔断器座03520母线式超快速熔断器座,160A,三相,上端连接,M8螺钉03521NH-熔断器gL,2A,尺寸000,500V03522NH-熔断器gL,4A,尺寸000,500V03523NH-熔断器gL,6A,尺寸000,500V03524NH-熔断器gL,10A,尺寸000,500V03525NH-熔断器gL,16A,尺寸000,500V03526NH-熔断器gL,20A,尺寸000,500V03527NH-熔断器gL,25A,尺寸000,500V03528NH-熔断器gL,35A,尺寸000,500V03530NH-熔断器gL,63A,尺寸000,500V 03531NH-熔断器gL,80A,尺寸000,500V 03532NH-熔断器gL,100A,尺寸000,500V 03533NH-熔断器gL,125A,尺寸00,500V 03534NH-熔断器gL,160A,尺寸00,500V 03549NH-熔断器gL,16A,尺寸1,500V 03550NH-熔断器gL,20A,尺寸1,500V 03551NH-熔断器gL,25A,尺寸1,500V 03552NH-熔断器gL,35A,尺寸1,500V 03553NH-熔断器gL,50A,尺寸1,500V 03554NH-熔断器gL,63A,尺寸1,500V 03555NH-熔断器gL,80A,尺寸1,500V 03556NH-熔断器gL,100A,尺寸1,500V 03557NH-熔断器gL,125A,尺寸1,500V 03558NH-熔断器gL,160A,尺寸1,500V 03559NH-熔断器gL,200A,尺寸1,500V 03560NH-熔断器gL,224A,尺寸1,500V 03561NH-熔断器gL,250A,尺寸1,500V03563NH-熔断器gL,50A,尺寸2,500V 03564NH-熔断器gL,63A,尺寸2,500V 03565NH-熔断器gL,80A,尺寸2,500V 03566NH-熔断器gL,100A,尺寸2,500V 03567NH-熔断器gL,125A,尺寸2,500V 03568NH-熔断器gL,160A,尺寸2,500V 03569NH-熔断器gL,200A,尺寸2,500V 03570NH-熔断器gL,224A,尺寸2,500V 03571NH-熔断器gL,250A,尺寸2,500V 03572NH-熔断器gL,300A,尺寸2,500V 03573NH-熔断器gL,315A,尺寸2,500V 03574NH-熔断器gL,355A,尺寸2,500V 03575NH-熔断器gL,400A,尺寸2,500V 03577NH-熔断器gL,315A,尺寸3,500V 03579NH-熔断器gL,400A,尺寸3,500V 03581NH-熔断器gL,500A,尺寸3,500V 03582NH-熔断器gL,630A,尺寸3,500V03585NH-母线式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,单相,压板连接夹,拧紧在打孔母线上03587NH-母线式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,单相,螺钉M8,拧紧在打孔母线上03599NH-母线式熔断器座,400A,尺寸2,螺钉M10,单相,直接挂接在母线上03601NH-母线式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1,单相,拧紧在打孔母线上03620零线端子,160A,双侧带压板连接夹,用于NH-熔断器座03623NH-母线式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,三相,40mm系统,压板连接夹03631NH-母线式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,三相,40mm系统,螺钉M8 03654NH-母线式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,三相,60mm系统,压板连接夹03656NH-母线式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,三相,60mm系统,螺钉M8 03657零线端子,250A,螺钉连接,双侧带螺钉M1003668零线端子,160A,螺钉连接,双侧带压板连接夹03679NH-条形熔断器座,尺寸00,160A,三相,压板连接夹连接,100mm 系统03692铝接线端子,适用于尺寸00的NH-熔断器座03693NH-母线式熔断器座,400A,尺寸2,三相,螺钉M10,下端连接,60mm03694NH-母线式熔断器座,400A,尺寸2,三相,带触摸保护,40mm系统03704NH-母线式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1,三相,螺钉M10,下端连接,60mm03705NH-母线式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1,三相,带触摸保护,40mm系统03727压板连接夹,尺寸00,用于NH-母线式熔断器负荷隔离开关03757零线端子,NH-固定式熔断器座,400A,螺钉M10,适用于NH-熔断器座03758NH-固定式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,单相,螺钉M8,带触摸保护03759NH-固定式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,三相,螺钉M8,带触摸保护03760NH-固定式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,单相,压板连接夹,带触摸保护03761NH-固定式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,三相,压板连接夹,带触摸保护03762NH-固定式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1,单相,螺钉M10,带触摸保护03763NH-固定式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1,三相,螺钉M10,带触摸保护03764NH-固定式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1,单相,压板连接夹,带触摸保护03765NH-固定式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1,三相,压板连接夹,带触摸保护03766NH-固定式熔断器座,400A,尺寸2,单相,螺钉M10,带触摸保护03767NH-固定式熔断器座,400A,尺寸2,三相,螺钉M10,带触摸保护03768NH-固定式熔断器座,630A,尺寸3,单相,螺钉M12,带触摸保护03769NH-固定式熔断器座,630A,尺寸3,三相,螺钉M12,带触摸保护03790NH-母线式熔断器座,630A,尺寸3,单相,螺钉M12,拧紧在打孔母线上03791触摸保护,用于NH-熔断器座,尺寸0003792触摸保护,用于NH-熔断器座,尺寸103793触摸保护,用于NH-熔断器座,尺寸203794触摸保护,用于NH-熔断器座,尺寸303795NH-母线式熔断器座,400A,尺寸2,单相,螺钉M10,拧紧在打孔母线上03825NH-通用插入手柄,尺寸00-3,带皮胀圈03835铝接线端子,70-150mm2,用于尺寸1和2的NH-熔断器座03836铝接线端子,95-240mm2,用于尺寸3的NH-熔断器座03849隔离开关盖定位锁,辅助安装03908NH-熔断器gL,6A,尺寸00,690V03909NH-熔断器gL,10A,尺寸00,690V03910NH-熔断器gL,16A,尺寸00,690V03911NH-熔断器gL,20A,尺寸00,690V03912NH-熔断器gL,25A,尺寸00,690V03914NH-熔断器gL,35A,尺寸00,690V 03915NH-熔断器gL,40A,尺寸00,690V 03916NH-熔断器gL,50A,尺寸00,690V 03917NH-熔断器gL,63A,尺寸00,690V 03918NH-熔断器gL,80A,尺寸00,690V 03919NH-熔断器gL,100A,尺寸00,690V 03920NH-熔断器gL,25A,尺寸1,690V 03922NH-熔断器gL,35A,尺寸1,690V 03924NH-熔断器gL,250A,尺寸1,690V 03925NH-熔断器gL,63A,尺寸1,690V 03927NH-熔断器gL,100A,尺寸1,690V 03928NH-熔断器gL,125A,尺寸1,690V 03929NH-熔断器gL,160A,尺寸1,690V 03930NH-熔断器gL,200A,尺寸1,690V 03938NH-熔断器gL,100A,尺寸2,690V 03941NH-熔断器gL,200A,尺寸2,690V 03942NH-熔断器gL,250A,尺寸2,690V 03943NH-熔断器gL,315A,尺寸2,690V03946NH-熔断器gL,400A,尺寸3,690V 03947NH-熔断器gL,500A,尺寸3,690V 03949NH-熔断器gL,355A,尺寸3,690V 05182零线端子,陶瓷座,螺钉,63A05188零线端子,带插孔的连接夹,63A 05780绝缘子,带内螺纹,M6,高30mm 05781绝缘子,带内螺纹,M6,高35mm 05782绝缘子,带内螺纹,M8,高35mm 05783绝缘子,带内螺纹,M8,高40mm 05784绝缘子,带内螺纹,M10,高40mm 05785绝缘子,带内螺纹,M6,高45mm 05786绝缘子,带内螺纹,M8,高45mm 05787绝缘子,带内螺纹,M10,高45mm 05788绝缘子,带内螺纹,M10,高50mm 05789绝缘子,带内螺纹,M10,高60mm 05790绝缘子,带内螺纹,M8,高50mm 05800绝缘子,带内螺纹,螺栓,M6,高30mm 05801绝缘子,带内螺纹,螺栓,M6,高35mm05802绝缘子,带内螺纹,螺栓,M8,高35mm08824压板连接件,适用于PE-和N-母线0193208825卡接固定件,适用于PE-和N-母线01126-01129和01926-01932 10877PE-和N-母线,100A,40某M8,1m10879PE-和N-母线,160A,30某M10,1m30322连接件组,1600A,3线,用于弹性加长连接,双T型母线30388转接器,250A,用于Siemen3VF330473连接件组,1600A,4线,用于弹性带角度的连接,双T型母线30807金属支承导轨,72mm宽,35某7.530894螺钉连接件,M8,尺寸0030930金属支承导轨,35某54某7.531001梳形母线,1线,30mm2,齿距27mm,长1m,无镀层,隔条31004标记牌,20某9mm31005熔帽,D01/E14/400VAC/250VDC,塑料31006熔帽,D02/E18/400VAC/250VDC,塑料31007连接端子,35mm2,用于3100131012梳形母线,3线,截面16mm2,带绝缘套,隔条,齿距27mm,长1m31014梳形母线,1线,截面16mm2,带绝缘套,隔条,齿距27mm,长1m31022带测试孔的D0螺帽,用于Cyklon,E1831023不带测试孔的D0螺帽,用于Cyklon,E1831024梳形母线,1线,截面16mm2,带绝缘套,叉形,齿距27mm,长1m31026梳形母线,3线,截面16mm2,带绝缘套,叉形,齿距27mm,长1m31027末端罩,适用于3线梳形母线31028连接端子,用于1线梳形母线,侧面连接31029连接端子,用于3线梳形母线,侧面连接31031D0-固定式熔断器管座,E14/16A/400V,单相,用于叉型结构31032D0-固定式熔断器管座,E14/16A/400V,三相,用于叉型结构31033D0-固定式熔断器管座,E18/63A/400V,单相,用于叉型结构31034D0-固定式熔断器管座,E18/63A/400V,三相,用于叉型结构31044连接端子,用于31033和3103431051D0-固定式熔断器管座,E18/63A/400V,三相,带双侧框端子31056梳形母线,3线,截面35mm2,带绝缘套,隔条,齿距27mm,长1m31057梳形母线,1线,截面35mm2,带绝缘套,隔条,齿距27mm,长1m31070D-条形盖,E27,宽42mm31071D-条形盖,E33,宽57mm31072D-条形盖,E27,宽84mm31073D-条形盖,E33,宽114mm31084末端罩,用于3线梳形母线,35mm231085连接端子,用于3线梳形母线,正面连接,6-50mm2 31086标识牌架,适用于Triton31098熔帽,E27,500V,塑料31100熔帽,E33,500V,塑料31101梳形母线,75A,1线,1m,16mm231102梳形母线,65A,3线,1m,16mm231103连接端子,6-25mm2,齿距18,侧面连接31104熔帽,D01/E18/400VAC/250VDC,塑料31105带圆柱形熔断器的开关,8某31/1P31106带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,8某31/1P+N 31107带圆柱形熔断器的开关,8某31/2P31108带圆柱形熔断器的开关,8某31/3P31109带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,8某31/3P+N 31110带圆柱形熔断器的开关,10某38/1P31111带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,10某38/1P+N31112带圆柱形熔断器的开关,10某38/2P31113带圆柱形熔断器的开关,10某38/3P31114带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,10某38/3P+N 31115带圆柱形熔断器的开关,14某51/1P31116带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,14某51/1P+N 31117带圆柱形熔断器的开关,14某51/2P31118带圆柱形熔断器的开关,14某51/3P31119带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,14某51/3P+N 31120带圆柱形熔断器的开关,22某58/1P31121带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,22某58/1P+N 31122带圆柱形熔断器的开关,22某58/2P31123带圆柱形熔断器的开关,22某58/3P31124带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,22某58/3P+N 31130带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,10某38/1P31131带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,10某38/1P+N 31132带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,10某38/2P31133带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,10某38/3P31134带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,10某38/3P+N 31138带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,14某51/3P31140带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,22某58/1P31143带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,22某58/3P31157连接端子,6-25mm2,齿距18,侧面连接31158母线式条形熔断器式负荷隔离开关,用于D0熔断器,60mm,63A/400V31160母线式条形熔断器座,用于10某38NFC圆柱形熔断器,60mm,32A/690V31161D0-固定式熔断器管座,E14/16A/400V,单相,带双侧框端子31163带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,25A/400V,8某31/1P+N31164带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,25A/400V,8某31/3P+N31165带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,32A/690V,10某38/1P+N31166带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,32A/690V,10某38/3P+N31167带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,50A/690V,14某51/1P+N31168带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,50A/690V,14某51/3P+N31169D0-固定式熔断器管座,E18/63A/400V,单相,,带双侧框端子31170带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,125A/690V,22某58/1P+N31171带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,125A/690V,22某58/3P+N31172D0-固定式熔断器管座,E14/16A/400V,三相,,带双侧框端子31173D-固定式熔断器管座(Triton),E27/25A/500V,单相,可替代01173 31174D-固定式熔断器管座(Triton),E27/25A/500V,三相31175D-固定式熔断器管座(Triton),E33/63A/500V,单相,可替代01175 31176D-固定式熔断器管座(Triton),E33/63A/500V,三相31177圆柱形熔断器gG,4A,8某31,400V31178圆柱形熔断器gG,6A,8某32,400V31179圆柱形熔断器gG,10A,8某31,400V31180圆柱形熔断器gG,16A,8某31,400V31181圆柱形熔断器gG,20A,8某31,400V31182圆柱形熔断器gG,2A,10某38,500V31183圆柱形熔断器gG,4A,10某38,500V31184圆柱形熔断器gG,6A,10某38,500V31185圆柱形熔断器gG,10A,10某38,500V31186圆柱形熔断器gG,16A,10某38,500V31187圆柱形熔断器gG,20A,10某38,500V31188圆柱形熔断器gG,25A,10某38,500V 31189圆柱形熔断器gG,32A,10某38,400V 31190圆柱形熔断器gG,10A,14某51,690V 31191圆柱形熔断器gG,16A,14某51,690V 31192圆柱形熔断器gG,20A,14某51,690V 31193圆柱形熔断器gG,25A,14某51,690V 31194圆柱形熔断器gG,32A,14某51,500V 31195圆柱形熔断器gG,40A,14某51,500V 31196圆柱形熔断器gG,50A,14某51,400V 31197圆柱形熔断器gG,25A,22某58,690V 31198圆柱形熔断器gG,32A,22某58,690V 31199圆柱形熔断器gG,40A,22某58,690V 31200圆柱形熔断器gG,50A,22某58,690V 31201圆柱形熔断器gG,63A,22某58,690V 31202圆柱形熔断器gG,80A,22某58,690V 31203圆柱形熔断器gG,100A,22某58,500V 31204圆柱形熔断器gG,125A,22某58,400V 31205圆柱形熔断器aR,1A,10某38,660V 31206圆柱形熔断器aR,2A,10某38,660V。

12欧洲、中东和非洲分销中心麦高迪全球分布欧洲、中东和非洲生产中心维拉诺瓦 - 巴塞罗那 - 西班牙彼得哥什 - 波兰意大利总部-都灵-马蒂都灵 - 意大利佩斯卡拉 - 意大利威尼斯 - 意大利 布拉格 - 捷克共和国邦杜夫尔 - 法国博尔兴 - 德国布达佩斯 - 匈牙利都柏林 - 爱尔兰别尔斯科比亚瓦 - 波兰巴塞罗那 - 西班牙克里斯蒂安斯塔德市 - 瑞典伊兹密尔-土耳其伯明翰 - 英国伍尔弗汉普顿 - 英国约翰内斯堡 - 南非开普敦 - 南非分销中心生产中心分销与生产蒙特利尔 - 魁北克省 - 加拿大埃德蒙顿省 - 阿尔伯塔省 - 加拿大阿斯卡帕萨科 - 墨西哥圣保罗 - 巴西波哥大 - 哥伦比亚卡塔赫纳 - 哥伦比亚利马 - 秘鲁3索引同步带 5 Isoran 橡胶环形带 6 Isoran 橡胶开口带 11 Megapower 聚氨酯环形同步带 13 Megaflex 聚氨酯环形无缝同步带 17 Megalinear 聚氨酯开口同步带 21平皮带 25 Megaflat - 聚氨酯和橡胶无缝平皮带 26三角带 27包布带 (Extra, Oleostatic, Olesostatic Gold) 28橡胶六角带 (Esaflex) 34橡胶干布带 (XDV2) 35联组三角带 (Pluriband) 36橡胶切边齿形带 (Linea Gold, Linea X, Varisect) 37活络带 Accu-link 42多楔带 43 Pv - 橡胶多楔带 44 Megarib - 聚氨酯环形多楔带 45特殊工艺带 46 Megaweld 热焊接带-圆带/三角带 47背胶 48 挡块 50 假齿 51 PPJ 系统 51 特殊加工 52金属传动件 534同步带5ISORAN橡胶无缝同步带麦高迪橡胶同步带可提供单面或双面带齿、采用英制和 RPP 齿形。
Omega 22 mm OMPBD7 推按钮和选择开关系列产品说明书

22 mm PILOT DEVICES OMPBD7 SERIESPUSHBUTTONS AND SELECTOR SWITCHESOmegas rugged OMPBD7 pilot devices offer maximum flexibility and a wide choice for all applications. This 22 mm line is aesthetically appealing and modularly designed to make assembly and interchangeability easy. The OMPBD7 operators are available in two different body styles to meet every application need. Both operators exhibit a new lower profile stylish appearance while maintaining the rugged performance necessary for demanding environments.Two Operator TypesOMPBD7P is a plastic operator with acaptive black plastic front bezel. Constructed of high-grade thermoplastics, the OMPBD7P is the corrosion resistant solution for harsh environments. For super tough applications,the OMPBD7M has a die-cast zinc housing and mounting ring for a rugged durability.Both are finished with corrosion resistant chrome plating. The OMPBD7M also features a captive shiny metal bezel for a polished appearance.Quick, Easy InstallationA standard anti-rotation tab keeps front elements from turning or falling off the control panel, making it possible for one person to install all OMPBD7components even if the front and rear panel are not accessible at the same time. A central mounting ring allows for quick installation and removal of all OMPBD7 operators. All back-of-panel components including contact blocksand power module elements snap-on and are readily accessible and interchangeable without removing the pilot device from the panel.Tool-Less Mounting LatchThe OMPBD7 “tool-less” mounting latch mates the front element with the contact blocks and other back-of-panel components.The mounting latch is available in a plastic and metal design. The latches are easily installed with a “click” and removed by pushing a rotating collar to the right. Quick,reliable and strong, it’s the best pilot device mounting latch available in the industry.Long Electrical and Mechanical LifeMost OMPBD7 operators have a mechanical of ten million operations… five million contact blocks. Electrical life ranges from 500,000 cycles at 3 A to ten million at 0.1 A.The OMPBD7 line is also electronics compatible with self cleaning contacts.Environmental RatingsFront elements, including pushbuttons,mushroom operators and selector switches,are IP66 rated against submersion, oil and dirt, making them reliable in the toughest industrial environments. Metal operators are NEMA 4/13 rated and plastic operators are rated NEMA 4/4X/13.OMPBD7M-F3PX10, $24, metal pushbutton,flush button, green,momentary operation with 1 NO contact.OMPBD7P-E4PX10, $24, plastic pushbutton,extended button, red,momentary operation with 1 NO contact.OMPBD7P-MT34PX01, $45,plastic pushbutton, 30 mm mushroom, red, maintained operation with 1 NC contact.Each pushbutton includes one contact block. Units shown with two additionalblocks (pushbuttons may be used with up to 6 contacts)see page I-26.l Heavy-Duty/Oil Tight Pushbuttonsl Quick Installation with Tool-Less Mounting Latchl Plastic Operators: NEMA 4/4X/13and IP65/66 Ratedl Metal Operators: NEMA 4/13 and IP65/66 Ratedl Touch-Safe ContactBlocks–with IP20 Recessed Screw Terminalsl Heavy-Duty Current Rating(10A Continuous)All models shownlarger than actual size.Additional Featuresand OptionsHeavy-Duty Ratings—The OMPBD7 lineis UL 46E, NEMA A600 and Q600 listed. All components carry a 10 Amp continuous current rating, covering all industrial control needs.All Major Approvals—OMPBD7 front elements are UL Recognized, while all OMPBD7 assemblies are UL Approved. The line is also approved by every major international agency making themideal for export requirements.H-Bridge & Gold Plated Contacts—By doubling the available paths for current to pass through the contacts, the standard H-bridge design provides a cleaner current flow. Gold plated contacts quadruple the current paths for increased contact reliability in low voltage applications.Touch-Safe—Back of panel components are finger safe, with IP20 protection.Long Lasting Integral LED Assemblies—Our new LED lamps last up to 11 years! They are conveniently offered as a complete unit for all illuminated operators which include the one piece Integral LED Module. They come in five different colors: amber, blue, green, red and white.OMPBD7M-HM22PX01, two way metal selector switch with long knob.Each unit includes tool-less mounting latch and one normally closed contact block.Shown with two additional (up to 6 total per operator possible) normally opencontact blocks, model OMPBD7-X10, $8.50 each.All shown largerthan actual size.CONTACT BLOCKSRed = normally closed.OMPBD7-X01, $8.50.OMPBD7-X10, $8.50.Green = normally open.Rear view.OMPBD7P-LMM43PX10, $39, plastic pushbutton,green, 40 mm mushroom,momentary operation, one NO contact, shown larger than actual size.OMPBD7P-LE4PX01, $30, plastic pushbutton, extended button, red, momentary operation, one NC contact,shown larger than actual size.22 mm PUSHBUTTONSILLUMINATED PUSHBUTTONS AND E-STOPSOMPBD7-IL Series Start at$51(Specify Model Number)MOST POPULAR MODELS HIGHLIGHTED!used per operator (light module occupies center position).*Insert number for color selection, 2= black, 3= green, 4= red, 5= yellow, 6= blue.Complete with pushbutton and light moduleEach operator includestool-less mounting latch and one contact block. Shown with two additional (up to 4total per operator possible)contact blocks.used per operator.Front-of-Panel (Operators)1Notes:1Performance data given in this publication is provided only as a guide for the user in determining suitability and do not constitute a performance warranty of any kind. Such data may represent the results of accelerated testing at elevated stress levels, and the user is responsible for correlating the data to actual application requirements. ALL WARRANTIES AS TO ACTUAL PERFORMANCE, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED.2Momentary mushroom operators are IP65, multi-function operators are not Type 13 rated. Plastic operators with keys are not Type 4X rated.3Operating temperatures below 0°C (32°F) are based on the absence of freezing moisture and liquids, UL recognized to 55°C (131°F)incandescent module, max 40°C (104°F).22 mm PILOT DEVICESHEAVY-DUTY/OIL TIGHT PUSHBUTTONSAND SELECTOR SWITCHES OMPBD7 SERIESNon-illuminated pushbuttons, shown on pages I-25 and I-26.Notes:1Performance data given in this publication is provided only as a guide for the user in determining suitability and do not constitute a performance warranty of any kind. Such data may represent the results of accelerated testing at elevated stress levels, and the user is responsible for correlating the data to actual application requirements. ALL WARRANTIES AS TO ACTUAL PERFORMANCE, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED.4Low voltage contacts are recommended for applications below 17 V, 5 mA.5Wires less than #18 (0.75 mm2) may not hold in terminal securely.CANADA www.omega.ca Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY www.omega.deDeckenpfronn, Germany************FRANCE www.omega.fr Guyancourt, France088-466-342BENELUX www.omega.nl Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC www.omegaeng.cz Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。
Parker Pneumatic产品选择指南说明书

Parker Hannifin Corporation Pneumatic Division Richland, Michigan/pneumaticsB341Parker Pneumatic1 Flying leads are2 meters in length 2 Flying Leads are 1.5 meters in length3 Flying leads are 1 meter in lengthBore size 3m flying 10m flying 8mm quickconnect 12mm quick Sensor Bracket Selection GuideNote: See page B354 for Weld Immune Sensors.* See page B355 for cord sets.Parker Hannifin Corporation Pneumatic Division Richland, Michigan/pneumaticsB346Parker PneumaticP8S Drop-in SensorsP8S Right Angle Solid State SensorsP8S Right Angle Reed Sensors213Wiring PNP sensors NPN sensorsWiring connectionWiring connectionPin Wire Function1Brown Operating voltage (+VDC)2Black Output signal (N.O.)3Blue-VDCPin Wire Function1Brown Operating voltage (+V)3Black Not used2BlueOutput signal (-V or Ground)SpecificationsType2-wire reed Output function Normally openOutput voltage 10 - 110* VAC, 10 - 30 VDC Continuous current ≤ 100 mA Response sensitivity 30 Gauss min.Switching frequency 400 Hz Voltage drop ≤ 3 VRipple≤ 10% of operating voltage Time delay (24v)Approx. 20 ms Hysteresis ≤ 1.0 mm Repeatability ≤ 0.2 mmEMCEN 60 947-5-2Reverse polarity protection Yes Enclosure ratingIP 67Shock and vibration stress 30g, 11ms, 10 to 55 Hz, 1 mm Ambient temperature range -25°C to +75°C (-13°F to 167°F)Housing material PA 12, black Connector cable PVCConnectorPUR cable w/8 mm connector* 8Mm connector rated for 50 vac max.SpecificationsTypeElectronic Output function Normally open Switching output PNP/NPN Operating voltage 10 - 30VDC Continuous current ≤ 150 mAResponse sensitivity 30 Gauss min.Switching frequency 5kHz Power consumption 15 mA Voltage drop ≤ 2 VDCRipple≤ 10% of operating voltage Delay time (24v)Approx. 20 ms Time delay before availability ≤ 2 ms Hysteresis ≤ 1.5 mm Repeatability ≤ 0.2 mmEMCEN 60 947-5-2Short-circuit protectionYes Power-up pulse suppression Yes Reverse polarity protection YesEnclosure ratingIP 67 DIN 40050Shock and vibration stress 30g, 11ms, 10 to 55 Hz, 1 mm Ambient temperature range -25°C to +75°C (-13°F to 167°F)Housing material PA 12, black Connector cablePVCConnector PUR cable w/8 mm connector.13Solid State Reed。
Loctite 胶水产品选型手册说明书

Instant SolutionsProduct Selector GuideSelectionLoctite ® 3092™ Instant Adhesive Fast two-part CA bonds gaps up to 0.200” (5 mm). Particularly suited for bonding plastics, rubbers, wood, paper andmetals. High precision dispensing tips.Loctite ® 454™ Instant Adhesive Surface insensitive CA providing excellent bond strengths to many materials including plastics, elastomers, metals and platings. Excellent for dry or acidic conditions. Non-sag gel prevents drips.Loctite ® 435™ Instant AdhesiveLow viscositytoughened CA with increased flexibility, peel strength and resistance to shock. Surface insensitive providing excellent bond strengths to most materials.Loctite ® 411™ Instant AdhesiveHigh viscosity toughened CA with increased flexibility, peel strength and resistance to shock. Surface insensitive providing excellent bond strengths to most materials.Loctite ® 406™ Instant Adhesive Wicking viscosity CA for tight bond lines. Surface insensitive grade providing excellent bond strengths to many materials including plastics, elastomers metals and platings. Excellent for dry or acidic conditions.Loctite ® 401™ Instant Adhesive Low viscosity surface insensitive CA provides excellent bond strengths to most materials including plastics, elastomers metals and platings. Excellent for dry or acidic conditions.What type of materIal are you bondIng?low Surface energy plastics (pp , pe, acetal, ptfe, etc.)all other materials (except glass)premium Surface Insensitive Cas (bond very well to most materials)low odor/low bloom Cas (for aesthetic & odor sensitiveapplications) light Cure Cas – rapid Cure (provide extremely fastcure speeds) toughened/Impact resistant Cas (for applications with vibration &shock)two-part Ca (for high gap applications)rubber bondingCaCa accelerators (Speeds cure of exposed Cas)use primer with premium Cas Wicking Viscositylow Viscosity non-Sag gelmedium Viscositynon-Sag gel low Viscositymedium Viscositylow Viscosity high Viscosity non-Sag gel low Viscosityuse accelerator with premiumCas770™406™401™454™403™455™4310™4311™435™411™3092™404®Quick Set ™7452™Color Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear/Pale Green Clear/Pale Green Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear/Ambergap fill (in.)N/A 0.0040.0050.0100.0080.0100.0040.0080.0060.0080.2000.005N/A Viscosity (cp) 1.252090Gel 1,200Gel 1751,0501755,000Gel 800.4Shear Strength*(psi)N/A 3,2003,2003,2002,6002,6003,190**3,760**2,7003,2003,2003,500N/A temperaturerange N/A -65°F (-54°C) to 250°F (121°C)-65°F (-54°C) to 250°F (121°C)-65°F (-54°C) to 250°F (121°C)-65°F (-54°C) to 200°F (93°C)-65°F (-54°C) to 200°F (93°C)-65°F (-54°C) to 240°F (116°C)-65°F (-54°C) to 240°F (116°C)-65°F (-54°C) to 225°F (107°C)-65°F (-54°C) to 210°F (99°C)-4°F (-20°C) to 176°F (80°C)-65°F (-54°C) to 180°F (82°C)N/A fix time (sec.)N/A1515155040<5µ<5µ303015 sec.¥ 3.5 min.§30N/ASolutionProduct Description•One-component, no-mix products that cure rapidly at room temperature without heat or light, make cyanoacrylates exceptionally easy to use.•Excellent bond strength to the widest range of plastics, rubbers and metals.•Widest selection of products, including specialty grades suitable for applications where impact resistance, flexibility, gap filling, low odor or extremely fast curing is required.Loctite ® 403™ Instant Adhesive Low odor, low blooming CA well suited for cosmetic applications or where vapor ventilation is difficult. Surface insensitive providing excellent bond strengths to most materials.Loctite ® 455™ Instant Adhesive Low odor, low blooming CA well suited for cosmetic applications or where vapor ventilation is difficult. Surface insensitive providing excellent bond strengths to most materials. Non-sag gel prevents drips.Loctite ® 4310™Flashcure ® Light Cure AdhesivesLight cure CA cures where light reaches and also in shadowed areas via surface moisture. Toughened, fluorescent adhesive that cures tack free in 2-5 seconds. Lower viscosity for tighter bond lines.¥At 0.002" gap.§At 0.200" gap.* Grit-blasted steel.** Polycarbonate.µFull cure = 24 hours without UV exposure.Loctite ® 4311™Flashcure ® Light Cure AdhesivesLight cure CA cures where light reaches and also in shadowed areas via surface moisture. Toughened, fluorescent adhesive that cures tack free in 2-5 seconds. Higher viscosity to minimize dripping.Loctite ® 404® Quick Set ™ Instant Adhesive Excellent for bonding rubbers where very fast fixturing isrequired. For general maintenance and repair.Loctite ® 7452™Tak Pak ® Accelerator Used where increased cure speed of Loctite ® CAs is required. Can either be pre or post applied.Loctite ® 770™ PrimerA heptane based adhesion promoter formulated for use with polyolefins and other low surface energy plastics. Use with Loctite ® Premium Surface Insensitive CAs. Fast dry time and good on part life.YourApplication。
美度舵手系列GMT Calibre 80腕表说明书

GMT Calibre 80 watch User manualDisplay and functions1 Hour hand2 Minute hand3 Seconds hand4 24-hour hand (GMT)5 Date indicator6 Time-setting crown3-position crown (6):Pos. I Operating and manual winding positionPos. II Date and local display correctionPos. III Time-setting (local time and GMT) with stop secondsGMT Calibre 80 watchCongratulations!We would like to congratulate you on having chosen an automatic timepiece made by MIDO ®, a Swiss brand among the most highly renowned in the world.With its 24-hour hand (4) which indicates a second time zone, this automatic GMT model is a veritable globetrotters' watch.Meticulously assembled using high quality materials and components, your watch is protected against impacts, variations in temperature, water and dust. To ensure perfect and accurate operation for many years, we advise you to closely follow the advice given in these instructions.Technical specificationsCalibre GMT 80.661 (based on ETA C07.661), Ø 11 1/2’’’ i.e. 25.60 mm, thickness 5.77 mm, 25 jewels, 21,600 Vib/h, power reserve up to 80 hours, N IVACHOC and N IVACOURBE shock absorber systems, Elinchron balance spring, nickel-plated bridges, oscillating weight with Côtes de Genève and engraved solid black MIDO ® logo. HMSD + 24H GMT functions. Set in 3 different positions for high precision. Power reserve up to 80 hours. Use / SettingsScrew-in position (position 0)The crown is fully screwed in against the case. When the crown is in this position, your timepiece is guaranteed water-resistant.Manual winding (position I)The crown is unscrewed. To wind the watch manually, turn the crown clockwise; the other direction is inactive. When first activating the watch or after a stoppage, turn it through at least 25 revolutions to ensure it is partially wound.To wind the watch fully, carry out the 2 steps below in turn:Step 1To set the reference time, carry out the steps below in turn (crown in position III):– U nscrew the crown, and then pull it out to the third notch. The seconds hand will stop, enabling you to set the time precisely. – S et the reference time via the 24-hour hand (reading on the 24H dial) and the minute hand (reading on the 12H dial), turning the crown in either direction. Setting the reference time also drives the traditional hour hand (local time). For this reason, you need to set the reference time before the local time.Step 2To set the date and local time, carry out the steps below in turn (crown in position II):– P ull out the crown to the second notch.– S et the date by turning the crown in either direction. The hour hand will move in 1-hour steps. The date will change when the hour hand passes midnight, in either direction, after two dial revolutions.– S et the local time by turning the crown in either direction. The hour hand will move in 1-hour steps. Make sure to distinguish between midday and midnight (the date will change when the hands pass midnight).– P ush in the crown and then screw it back in. The local time must be the same as the reference time (24-hour hand).TravellingAdjusting the local time (crown in position II):When travelling, to modify the local time only (without modifying the reference time in 24-hour format), carry out the steps below in turn:– U nscrew the crown, and then pull it out to the first notch.– S et the local time by turning the crown in either direction. The hour hand will move in 1-hour steps. The date is linked to the local time, and will be adjusted automatically when the hour hand passes midnight.– P ush in the crown and then screw it back in.Important: Never set the date between 10 pm and 2 am (the movement is in the process of changing the date).Care and maintenanceWe would advise you to clean your watch regularly (except for the leather strap) using a soft cloth and lukewarm soapy water. After immersion in salt water, rinse it in fresh water and leave it to dry completely.Do not leave it anywhere where it might be subjected to major variations in temperature or humidity, in direct sunlight or near strong magnetic fields.To ensure that you receive the best possible service and the warranty remains valid, always consult an approved MIDO ® dealer or agent.The high-quality finish mechanism in your MIDO ® watch will give you complete satisfaction for many years if properly cared for. However, we recommend that you have your watch checked every 3 to 4 years by your approved MIDO ®dealer or agent.。

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MIDO 机械表使用手册说明书

Analogue MechanicalWatchesUser's ManualDisplay and functionsSeconds handMinute handHour handDate*Day** According to modelCongratulationsWe congratulate you on choosing a MIDO® watch, a Swiss brand among the most highly renowned in the world. Meticulously designed, using only the highest quality materials and components, your watch is protected against shocks and impacts, variations in temperature, water and dust.To ensure that your watch operates with perfect precision for many years to come, we recommend that you pay careful attention to the advice provided hereafter.This user manual applies to all MIDO® mechanical watches (hand-wound or automatic). Please refer to the explanations relating specifically to your watch model.Important informationMIDO® has always been one of the pioneers of waterresistant watches. Before changing any settings, please read and follow the instructions given below:If you have selected a Commander Ocean Star model, you have chosen a watch with a one-piece case (monocoque) which ensures complete water-resistance. This concept comprises a two-section winding shaft. As a consequence, you must carefully pull th e crown into setting positions II and III because it can be pulled out completely if too much force is applied. If this problem arises, please contact your sales agent who will reinstall the crown for you and check over the water-resistance.If you have selected a model with the Aquadura system, you have chosen a unique system capable of assuring complete water-resistance thanks to a gasket made of cork which fully encircles the crown shaft.Before pulling out the crown, rotate it by two or three turns.WindingModels with screwed crownTo ensure even better water resistance, certain models are fitted with a screwed crown. Before setting the time, winding or setting the date* or day*, you must first unscrew the crown into position IB. Important: After every operation, th e crown must be screwed back in to maintain the water-resistance of the watch.Hand-wound mechanical watchesHand-wound watches must be wound regularly by hand in order to remain in continuous operation (e.g. every morning before putting the watch on your wrist). To do so, pull the crown into position I and turn it forward until it locks. The power reserve of fully wound mechanical movements varies from 36 to 80 hours, depending on the models. Automatic mechanical watchesYour watch must be wound manually if it has stopped or not been worn for several days, in order to ensure that your watch remains in continuous operation during periods of low activity (e.g. during sleep). In these cases, turn the crown through 30 revolutions forward in position I. T he automatic winding system will then ensure that the movement is fully wound if the watch is on your wrist. It is also possible to fully wind an automatic watch manually by means of the winding crown. However, please note that automatic movements have a slipping spring, which disengages the winding system (the crown can be turned infinitely) once the movement has been fully wound. Generally speaking, 80 revolutions of the crown are enough to fully wind most automatic mechanical watches.The efficiency of the automatic winding system of a mechanical movement depends on th e wrist movements of th e person wearing th e watch. Do not deliberately sh ake your automatic watch to wind it; this has no effect and could damage the watch. SettingsNB: Please take account of the information above if your watch is fitted with a screwed crown.Setting the timePull the crown out to position III and turn it in either direction until the desired time is displayed.On certain models with a seconds hand, you can synchronize it with an official time signal (radio/ TV/Internet). When the crown is pulled out to position III, the seconds hand is stopped. Once the time is synchronised, push the crown back into position I (and screw it back in on models with a screwed crown).Note: certain calibres do not have a “stop seconds” mechanism. To synchronise them, you need to turn the crown backward slightly and hold back the tension, thereby stopping the seconds hand. You then need only release the tension when the display matches the time signal. Rapid correction of the date* and day*NB: Do not perform a rapid date correction between 22:00 and 02:00.Pull the crown out to position II and turn it clockwise until the desired date is displayed, or counterclockwise to correct the day. During this operation, your watch will keep operating, so you will not need to adjust the time.Technical informationPower reserveMIDO® Automatic watches draw their energy from an oscillating weight which is activated in response to the natural movements of your wrist. This weight keeps the watch wound. Automatic watches do not need a battery. Depending on the model, the power reserve varies from 36 to 80 hours.AccuracyT he accuracy of a mechanical watch depends on the movements and habits of the person wearing it, and so it can vary. A MIDO®qualified watchmaker can adjust the accuracy of a watch within the MIDO® tolerance thresholds. Most watches which are not certified chronometers have an average accuracy tolerance of around -10/+30 seconds per day.A chronometer is a precision mechanical watch which has obtained an official certificate issued by COSC (Contrôle Officiel Suisse des Chronomètres), after its movement has passed several accuracy tests in various positions and at various temperatures, as well as water-resistance tests performed in the laboratory for 15 days and 15 nights. T o be awarded the title of chronometer, the average accuracy of a mechanical movement must be between -4/+6 seconds per day. Water-resistanceMIDO® watches are designed to withstand a pressure of up to 3 bar (30 m / 100 ft), 5 bar (50 m / 165 ft), 10 bar (100 m / 330 ft), 20 bar (200 m / 660 ft) or 30 bar (300 m / 1000 ft), depending on the information shown on the case-back.A watch cannot be permanently guaranteed absolutely water-resistant. It may be affected by ageing of the gaskets or by an accidental impact on the watch. We recommend that you have your watch’s water resistance checked once a year by an approved MIDO® service centre.Care and maintenanceTemperatureDo not expose your watch to sudden temperature changes (exposure to sunlight followed by immersion in cold water) or extreme temperatures (over 60°C (140°F) or below 0°C (32°F).Magnetic fieldsDo not expose your watch to intense magnetic fields such as those generated by loudspeakers, mobile phones, computers, refrigerators or other electromagnetic appliances.Shocks and impactsAvoid thermal shocks or impacts, since they may harm your watch. In the event of a violent impact please have your watch checked by an approved MIDO® service centre.Harmful productsPrevent your watch from coming into any direct contact with solvents, detergents, perfumes, cosmetic products etc., since they may damage the bracelet, the case or the gaskets.CleaningWe would advise you to clean your watch regularly (except for the leather strap) using a soft cloth and lukewarm soapy water. After immersion in salty water, rinse your watch in fresh water and leave it to dry completely.ServicesLike any precision instrument, a watch must be serviced regularly for optimum operation. As a general rule, we recommend that you have your watch checked every 3 to 4 years by your approved MIDO® retailer or service centre. However, please note that depending on the climate and the conditions of use of the watch, a shorter interval may be required. To benefit from the highest standards of service and to ensure your guarantee remains in force, please always contact an approved MIDO® retailer or service centre.Availability of spare partsFrom the stoppage date of the watch production, MIDO® guarantees the availability of its spare parts for a minimum period of 10 years for standard watches, and for a period of up to 20 years for gold watches. If for any reason production of a particular spare part is stopped or deferred, MIDO® reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to offer the customer an alternative solution.。

维纳尔产品手册01005 D-固定式熔断器管座,E27/25A/500V,卡接固定,单相01006 D-固定式熔断器管座,E33/63A/690V,卡接固定,单相01008 PROFIL 连接夹,三T型,64 x 46,连接500-1260mm201009 底槽,230 x 1100,3线01010 底槽,230 x 700,3线01011 底槽,290 x 1100,3线带电缆槽或4线01012 底槽,290 x 700,3线带电缆槽或4线01017 边框支撑架,用于01 495和01 48501019 末端盖,用于01 017和01 495的组合体,宽度230mm01020 末端盖,用于01 017和01 495或01 485的组合体,宽度290mm01021 D-固定式熔断器管座,E27/25A/500V,三相,螺钉连接01022 D-固定式熔断器管座,E33/63A/690V AC,三相,螺钉连接01024 边框,封闭的,17x86x2400,上/下,供没有底槽的系统用01025 预留空间盖,1100mm,只适于支架01 02601026 支架,适用12-30x5/10双T形母线,用于预留空间盖板01 02501027 多层铜母线,360A, 2m,3x20x1,截面60mm201028 多层铜母线,462A, 2m,6x20x1,截面120mm201029 多层铜母线,645A, 2m,10x20x1,截面200mm201030 边框,切口的,17x86x2400,上/下,供没有底槽的系统用01032 连接夹, 用于母线 40 x 10,可用于1250A01033 连接夹, 用于母线 50 x 10,可用于1250A01034 连接夹, 用于母线 60 x 10,可用于1250A01035 多层铜母线,402A, 2m,6x15.5x0.8,截面74.4mm201037 槽边框, 17 x 36 x 1100,上/下,用于所有槽01038 槽边框, 17 x 36 x 700,上/下,用于所有槽01039 边框,封闭的,17x86x1100,上/下,供没有底槽的系统用01040 边框,封闭的,17x86x 700,上/下,供没有底槽的系统用01041 边框,切口的,17x86x1100,上/下,供没有底槽的系统用01042 边框,切口的,17x86x 700,上/下,供没有底槽的系统用01043 槽边框,用于宽槽,下, 77 x 36 x 110001044 槽边框,用于宽槽,下, 77 x 36 x 70001045 底槽,230x2400,3线01046 底槽,290x2400,带电缆槽,,3线带电缆槽或4线01047 螺拴连接夹,可插接,10mm厚以及双T型或三T型母线,M10x10,630A01048 槽边框,17x36x2400,上/下,用于所有槽01050 多层铜母线,253A,2m, 6x13x0.5,截面39mm201053 槽边框,用于宽槽,下, 77 x 36 x 240001054 多层铜母线,134A,3x9x0.8,截面21.6mm201055 多层铜母线,166A,8x6x0.5,截面24mm201056 母线架盖01058 D0-母线式熔断器管座,E18/63A/400V,宽36mm,10和双T型母线01059 定位环-钥匙,E27/E3301060 多层铜母线, 930 A, 5 x 50 x 1,截面250mm201061 多层铜母线,1775 A, 10 x 80 x 1,截面800mm201063 多层铜母线, 462 A, 6 x 20 x 1,截面120mm201064 多层铜母线,645 A, 10 x 20 x 1,截面200mm201068 通用导线连接夹,16-120mm2,5mm厚母线,440A 01075 多层铜母线,514A, 5x24x1,截面120mm201076 多层铜母线,800A, 10x24x1,截面240mm201077 防手指触电保护环,E27,塑料,用于熔断器座01078 防手指触电保护环,E33,塑料,用于熔断器座01079 多层铜母线,镀锡,带绝缘套,166 A,长 2 m,8 x 6 x 0.5 01080 盖, E 27,齿距41.501081 盖, E 33,齿距52.501082 盖, E 33,齿距50.001083 多层铜母线,134 A, 3 x 9 x 0.8,截面24mm201084 多层铜母线,245 A, 6 x 9 x 0.8,截面21.6mm201089 多层铜母线,320 A, 4 x 15.5 x 0.8,截面49.6mm201090 多层铜母线,402 A, 6 x 15.5 x 0.8,截面74.4mm201091 多层铜母线,455 A,10 x 15.5 x 0.8,截面124mm201092 连接夹,用于30 x 10的矩形母线,1250A01093 盖罩,228x200x8,30x5/10mm,双T型母线01094 连接夹,95-300mm2,可用于630A01095 多层铜母线, 640 A, 5 x 32 x 1,截面160mm201096 多层铜母线,1040 A, 10 x 32 x 1,截面320mm201097 多层铜母线, 760 A, 5 x 40 x 1,截面200mm201098 熔帽,D/E27/500V,陶瓷01099 多层铜母线, 1181 A, 10 x 40 x 1,截面400mm201100 熔帽,D/E33/500V,陶瓷01103 熔帽,D01/E14/400V AC/250V DC,陶瓷01104 熔帽,D02/E18/400V AC/250V DC,陶瓷01112 多层铜母线, 930 A, 5 x 50 x 1,截面250mm201113 多层铜母线,1395 A, 10 x 50 x 1,截面500mm201114 连接端子, 适用PE/N线,35 mm201119 端子架,用于PE/N-接地母线,螺钉01120 端子架,用于PE/N-接地母线,螺钉01121 端子架,用于PE/N-接地母线,卡接01123 多层铜母线,1600 A,10x63x1,截面630mm201125 多层铜母线,1775 A,10x80x1,截面800mm201126 接地母线,PE/N-,8线, 9x6.5x51.501127 接地母线,PE/N-,12线,9x6.5x77.501128 接地母线,PE/N-,16线,9x6.5x103.501129 接地母线,PE/N-,24线,9x6.5x15501130 接地母线,PE/N-,151线,9x6.5x100001138 母线架,60mm系统,3,4,5线,用于ISO-柜体VMS 01139 盖框,用于ISO-柜体VMS01141 母线加长连接夹, 95 mm,用于最大额定电流630A01143 接地端子,63A,绝缘PE/N-,7线,零线,蓝色01144 接地端子,63A,绝缘PE/N-,7线,保护线,绿/黄01145 母线加长连接夹,95mm,1600 A,双T型母线01152 梳形母线,1线,100A,齿距27mm,1m长01160 夹具, 用于10mm厚的多层铜母线01163 夹具导轨,2m,用于01 16001166 母线加长连接夹,12-20*5/10,最大630A01170 简化部件,适用于5mm母线,用于01 13801182 连接附件, 带插孔的端子,3 x 1.5 - 16mm2,尺寸0001184 多层铜母线,2.0m,10x24x1,800A,截面240mm201185 PROFIL 连接夹,双T型,41x36,连接400-800mm2,最大1600A01186 PROFIL 连接夹,三T型,101x46,连接1200-3600mm2,最大2500/3200A 01187 三T型母线,额定电流2500A,2.4m01188 三T型母线,额定电流2500A,0.45m01189 三T型母线,额定电流2500A,0.65m01190 双T型母线,额定电流1600A,3.6m01193 母线加长连接夹,150mm,适用于12-20x5/10母线01194 多层铜母线,6x9x0.8, 2m, 245A,截面43.2mm201196 多层铜母线,4x15.5x0.8, 2m, 320A,截面49.6mm201198 连接端子,16 - 95mm2,用于1线母线35mm201199 接线板,3线,带盖罩,95-185mm2,12x5-30x10和双T型母线01200 母线连接端子,15x5母线与70-150mm2缆搭接01201 母线连接端子,20x5-10与120-240mm2缆搭接01202 母线连接端子,25x5母线与150-300mm2缆搭接01203 通用导线连接夹,16-120mm2,10mm,双T和三T母线01204 标准铜母线,3.60m, 镀锡, 30x10,630A01205 直压板连接夹, 连接宽度25x1201206 直压板连接夹, 连接宽度40x2001207 直压板连接夹, 连接宽度50x3501218 直压板连接夹, 连接宽度63x4001222 直压板连接夹, 连接宽度80x4001223 双T型铜母线, 1250 A, 3.60 m,无镀层01224 双T型铜母线, 1250 A, 3.60 m,镀锡01225 双T型铜母线, 1250 A, 0.45 m,镀锡01226 双T型铜母线, 1250 A, 0.65 m,镀锡01227 三T型铜母线, 2500 A, 3.60 m,镀锡01228 连接端子, 16 - 95 mm2,用于3线梳形母线,前面连接01229 双T型铜母线,1600A, 3.60m,无镀层01230 通用母线架,3线,185系统,用于不打孔的矩形母线和异形截面母线01231 母线架,3线, 60mm系统 / 2500 A,用于双T型母线,不含末端盖01232 母线架,3线, 60mm系统 / 2500 A,用于三T型母线,不含末端盖01234 末端盖,用于01 231和01 23201236 封闭盖板,2400 x 48,用于双T型和三T型母线系统01237 封闭盖板,2400 x 76,用于双T型和三T型母线系统01238 封闭盖板,2400 x 106,用于双T型和三T型母线系统01240 接线板,3线,6 - 50 mm2,60mm系统,可用于最大300A01243 接线板,3线,35 - 120 mm2,60mm系统,可用于最大440A01244 母线盖,用于12 - 30 x 5母线,长1m01245 母线盖,用于12 - 30 x 10母线,长1m01249 双T型铜母线,1600A, 2.40m,无镀层01250 双T型铜母线,1250A, 2.40m,无镀层01251 母线盖,用于40 - 60 x 10母线,长1m01252 母线盖,用于双T形和三T形母线,长1m01253 多层铜母线,带护套,465 A, 长2 m,4 x 24 x 1,截面96mm2 01254 末端盖, 用于母线架01 47901255 多层铜母线,带护套,566 A, 长2 m,6 x 24 x 1,截面144mm2 01256 多层铜母线,带护套,860 A, 长2 m,6 x 40 x 1,截面240mm2 01257 接地端子,绝缘PE/N-,63A,7线, 零线,蓝色01258 接地端子,绝缘PE/N-,63A,7线 , 保护线,绿/黄色01273 多层铜母线,带护套,1985 A, 长2 m ,10 x 100 x 1,截面1000mm2 01274 母线加长连接夹, 2500 A,用于三T型母线,95 mm01275 母线加长连接夹, 2500 A,用于三T型母线,150 mm01284 通用导线连接夹, 1.5-16mm2,5mm母线,180A01285 通用导线连接夹, 4 - 35mm2,5mm母线,270A01287 通用导线连接夹,16 - 70mm2,5mm母线,400A01289 通用导线连接夹, 1.5-16mm2,10mm母线,180A01290 通用导线连接夹, 4 - 35mm2,10mm,双T和三T母线,270A 01292 通用导线连接夹,16 - 70mm2,10mm,双T和三T母线,400A 01295 连接件组,2500 A,用于弹性加长连接,三T型母线,3相01300 盖罩,用于01240中的单个端子01301 盖罩,用于01243中的单个端子01303 夹具,用于5-10mm的多层铜母线01318 展开式连接夹,95-185mm2,500A01319 展开式连接夹,用于最大30x20的矩形母线,750A01333 标识牌,用于带10个接线端子,15 x 64.5mm01347 母线架,3线,无末端盖,适合做中间支架01385 母线转接器, 63A, 81mm宽, 40mm系统01413 盖罩, 84x200mm2, 12-30x5/10mm,双T型母线01424 D0-条形盖, E18, 宽36mm01479 通用母线架,100mm系统, 适用30-60x10,3线01484 母线架,3线, 60mm系统, 630A01485 通用母线架,4线, 60mm系统, 630A01489 母线架,PE/N-,可单独安装,也可插接在01 500上01492 D0-母线式熔断器管座,E18/63A/400V,宽27mm,10和双T型母线01495 通用母线架,3线, 60mm系统, 630A,带内置螺钉孔01498 D0-母线式熔断器管座,E18/63A/400V,宽36mm,5,10和双T型母线01500 通用母线架,3线,60mm系统,630A01509 多层铜母线,2.0m,10x50x1,1395A,截面500mm201510 多层铜母线,2.0m,10x63x1,1600A,截面630mm201512 螺拴连接夹,10mm矩形母线,M5x8,360A01514 螺拴连接夹,10mm厚以及双T型或三T型母线,M8x8,490A01536 盖罩,54x130,用于最大70mm2的导线连接夹01541 磁环, 2 A, E 27, 粉色01542 磁环, 4 A, E 27, 褐色01543 磁环, 6 A, E 27, 绿色01544 磁环, 10 A, E 27, 红色01545 磁环, 16 A, E 27, 灰色01546 磁环, 20 A, E 27, 蓝色01547 磁环, 25 A, E 27, 黄色01548 磁环, 35 A, E 33, 黑色01549 磁环, 50 A, E 33, 白色01550 磁环, 63 A, E 33, 铜色01559 D-固定式熔断器管座,双侧,E27/25A/500V,螺钉连接01567 D-固定式熔断器管座,双侧,E27/25A/500V,卡接固定01568 D-固定式熔断器管座,双侧,E33/63A/690V AC,卡接固定01571 D-固定式熔断器管座,三相,双侧,E27/25A/500V,卡接固定01572 D-固定式熔断器管座,三相,双侧,E33/63A/690V AC,卡接固定01573 端盖, 适用于01 495和01 50001574 端盖, 适用于01 48501583 多层铜母线,10x15.5x0.8,2m,455A,截面124mm201586 直压板连接夹,30x3001587 直压板连接夹,35x3001590 盖罩,54x200mm,12-30x5/10mm,双T型母线01608 双T型铜母线,1600A,2.4m,镀锡01609 双T型铜母线,1250A,2.4m,镀锡01611 多层铜母线,2.0m,5x24x1,514A,截面120mm201612 多层铜母线,2.0m,5x32x1,640A,,截面160mm201613 多层铜母线,2.0m,10x32x1,1040A,截面320mm201614 多层铜母线,2.0m,760A,5x40x1,截面200mm201615 多层铜母线,2.0m,10x40x1,1181A,截面400mm201616 直压板连接夹,连接长x宽 32x4001617 直压板连接夹,连接长x宽 50x6301618 标准铜母线,12x 5, 2.4m, 200A, 镀锡01619 标准铜母线,15x 5, 2.4m, 250A, 镀锡01620 标准铜母线,20x 5, 2.4m, 320A, 镀锡01621 标准铜母线,25x 5, 2.4m, 400A, 镀锡01622 标准铜母线,30x 5, 2.4m, 450A, 镀锡01623 标准铜母线,12x10, 2.4m, 360A, 镀锡01624 标准铜母线,20x10, 2.4m, 520A, 镀锡01625 标准铜母线,30x10, 2.4m, 630A, 镀锡01626 标准铜母线,40x10,2.4m,850A01627 标准铜母线,50x10,2.4m,1000A01628 标准铜母线,60x10,2.4m,1250A01647 D0-母线式熔断器管座,E18/63A/400V,宽27mm,5,10和双T型母线01670 D-熔断器,gL,2A/500V,E2701671 D-熔断器,gL,4A/500V,E2701672 D-熔断器,gL,6A/500V,E2701673 D-熔断器,gL,10A/500V,E2701674 D-熔断器,gL,16A/500V,E2701675 D-熔断器,gL,20A/500V,E2701676 D-熔断器,gL,25A/500V,E2701677 D-熔断器,gL,35A/500V,E3301678 D-熔断器,gL,50A/500V,E3301679 D-熔断器,gL,63A/500V,E3301685 D0-熔断器,D01/gL2A,E1401686 D0-熔断器,D01/gL4A,E1401687 D0-熔断器,D01/gL6A,E1401688 D0-熔断器,D01/gL10A,E1401689 D0-熔断器,D01/gL16A,E1401690 D0-熔断器,D02/gL20A,E1801691 D0-熔断器,D02/gL25A,E1801692 D0-熔断器,D02/gL35A,E1801693 D0-熔断器,D02/gL50A,E1801694 D0-熔断器,D02/gL63A,E1801701 D-螺栓-定位部件,4A,褐色,E27/E3301702 D-螺栓-定位部件,6A,绿色,E27/E3301703 D-螺栓-定位部件,10A,红色,E27/E3301704 D-螺栓-定位部件,16A,灰色,E27/E3301705 D-螺栓-定位部件,20A,蓝色,E27/E3301706 D-螺栓-定位部件,25A,黄色,E27/E3301707 D-螺栓-定位部件,35A,黑色,E3301708 D-螺栓-定位部件,50A,白色,E3301709 D-螺栓-定位部件,63A,铜色,E3301715 D0-套筒-定位部件,D01,2A E14, 粉色01716 D0-套筒-定位部件,D01,4A E14, 褐色01717 D0-套筒-定位部件,D01,6A E14, 绿色01718 D0-套筒-定位部件,D01,10A E33,红色01719 D0-套筒-定位部件,D02,20A E18, 蓝色01720 D0-套筒-定位部件,D02,25A E18, 黄色01721 D0-套筒-定位部件,D02,35A E18, 黑色01722 D0-套筒-定位部件,D02,50A E18, 白色01724 特殊套筒定位部件,D01 用于E18, 2A, 粉色01725 特殊套筒定位部件,D01 用于E18, 4A, 褐色01726 特殊套筒定位部件,D01 用于E18, 6A, 绿色01727 特殊套筒定位部件,D01 用于E18,10A, 红色01728 特殊套筒定位部件,D01 用于E18,16A, 灰色01729 专用支撑簧,D01/E18,2-16A01730 定位套筒-钥匙,D01 - D0301741 螺栓-定位部件,2A,E27/E33 , 粉色01742 母线架,185mm系统,3-线,412x30x4001747 可插接的螺栓连接夹,M5,用于5mm厚的不打孔矩形母线01748 可插接的螺栓连接夹,M8,用于5mm厚的不打孔矩形母线01749 可插接的螺栓连接夹,M10,用于5mm厚的不打孔矩形母线01753 接线板,用于最大32x20的矩形母线01754 接线板,3线,带盖罩,150-300mm201756 盖罩,135x200x90,20-30x5/10mm,双T型母线01757 盖罩,270x200x90,20-30x5/10mm,双T型母线01759 展开式连接夹,长方截面母线,最大32x2001760 展开式连接夹,150-300mm201765 标准铜母线, 80x10,1500A,2.4m01766 标准铜母线,100x10,1800A,2.4m01767 标准铜母线,120x10,2100A,2.4m01774 母线架,12x5/10母线,3线 40mm系统01775 母线架,12x5/10母线,4线 40mm系统01783 空盖板,只用于0178401784 支座,适用于预留空盖板0178301788 D-磁环,E33, 2A, 粉色01789 D-磁环,E33, 4A, 褐色01790 D-磁环,E33, 6A, 绿色01791 D-磁环,E33,10A, 红色01792 D-磁环,E33,16A, 灰色01793 D-磁环,E33,20A, 蓝色01794 D-磁环,E33,25A, 黄色01823 母线加长连接夹, 630 A, 40 mm01827 母线加长连接夹, 1600 A, 50 mm01829 母线加长连接夹, 1600 A, 150 mm01831 双T型母线,1600 A,0.65 m01838 双T型母线,1600 A,0.45 m01876 母线架,1线,60mm系统,1600A01886 母线加长连接夹,(20-30)x(5/10)x150 ,630 A01888 带展开式连接夹的连接片,用于 30x20的矩形母线01890 带展开式连接夹的连接片,用于150-300mm2的导线01905 母线连接夹,夹子开口空间 31x2501906 PROFIL 连接夹,双T型, 51x21,连接500 - 750mm2 01907 PROFIL 连接夹,双T型, 64x21,连接600 - 900mm2 01911 PROFIL 连接夹,双T型, 64x36,连接600 - 1200mm2 01915 母线架,12x5/10,5线01917 D-固定式熔断器管座,双侧,E27/25A/500V01926 PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9x6.5x 61.5 01927 PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9x6.5x 124 01928 PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9x6.5x 186.5 01929 PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9x6.5x 249 01930 PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9x6.5x 311.5 01931 PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9x6.5x 374 01932 PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9x6.5x1000 01934 PROFIL 连接夹,用于双T型母线, 81x3601935 PROFIL 连接夹,用于双T型母线,101x3601936 PROFIL 连接夹,用于双T型母线, 51x3601945 盖,E27,宽52.5mm01979 D-固定式熔断器管座,双侧,E33/63A/690V AC01980 D0-条形盖,E18,宽27mm01981 D0-条形盖,E18, 宽54mm01990 母线加长连接夹,40mm01993 遮盖塞,E2701994 遮盖塞,E3301996 直压板连接夹,连接宽度 20 x 2501997 直压板连接夹,连接宽度 20 x 3001998 定位螺栓-钥匙,用于E27/E3302216 干线分线端子,1路2x70mm2输入,每路带2路50mm2输出,螺钉固定02217 干线分线端子,1路2x70mm2输入,每路带4路50mm2输出,螺钉固定02218 干线分线端子,4路2x25mm2输入,每路带1路16mm2输出,单侧输出02219 干线分线端子,5路2x25mm2输入,每路带1路16mm2输出,单侧输出02225 干线分线端子,1路2x25mm2输入,每路带2路16mm2输出,双侧输出02226 干线分线端子,1路2x25mm2输入,每路带4路16mm2输出,双侧输出02227 干线分线端子,1路2x25mm2输入,每路带6路16mm2输出,双侧输出02228 干线分线端子,1路2x25mm2输入,每路带2路16mm2输出,双侧输出02229 干线分线端子,1路输入,每路带2路输出/1路输入,每路带4路输出02230 干线分线端子,2路2x25mm2输入,每路带4路16mm2输出,双侧输出02231 干线分线端子,4路2x25mm2输入,每路带2路16mm2输出,双侧输出02232 干线分线端子,3路输入,每路带2路输出/1路输入,每路带4路输出02233 干线分线端子,4路2x25mm2输入,每路带4路16mm2输出,双侧输出02234 干线分线端子,3路2x25mm2输入,每路带2路输出/1路输入,带6路输出02235 干线分线端子,3路2x25mm2输入,每路带4路输出/1路输入,带6路输出02237 干线分线端子,3路2x25mm2输入,每路带4路输出/1路输入,带12路输出02238 干线分线端子,5路2x25mm2输入,每路带2路16mm2输出,双侧输出02242 干线分线端子,1路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路25mm2输出,卡式安装02243 干线分线端子,1路2x35mm2输入,每路带4路25mm2输出,卡式安装02244 干线分线端子,2路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路25mm2输出,卡式安装02246 干线分线端子,4路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路25mm2输出,卡式安装02247 干线分线端子,1路2x70mm2输入,每路带2路50mm2输出,卡式安装02248 干线分线端子,1路2x70mm2输入,每路带4路50mm2输出,卡式安装02262 干线分线端子,1路2x150mm2输入,每路带4路50mm2输出,螺钉固定02264 干线分线端子,5路2x25mm2输入,每路带2路16mm2输出,单侧输出02505 干线分线端子,4路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路25mm2输出,卡式安装02517 干线分线端子,4路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路35mm2输出,卡式安装02521 干线分线端子,1路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路35mm2输出,卡式安装02522 干线分线端子,2路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路35mm2输出,卡式安装02526 干线分线端子,1路2x35mm2输入,每路带4路35mm2输出,卡式安装02527 干线分线端子,2路2x35mm2输入,每路带4路35mm2输出,卡式安装02531 干线分线端子,1入1x25-120mm2,2出1x25-50,螺钉固定02533 干线分线端子,1入1x25-120mm2,2出1x25-50,卡式安装,和导轨平行02535 干线分线端子,1入1x25-120mm2,2出1x25-50,卡式安装,和导轨垂直02538 干线分线端子,5路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路25mm2输出,卡式安装02544 干线分线端子,3路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路输出/1路输入,带6路输出02562 转接夹子,2路,入/出螺钉02563 转接夹子,3路,入/出螺钉02564 转接夹子,2路,入/出6-70mm2 压板连接夹02565 转接夹子,3路,入/出6-70mm2 压板连接夹02566 转接夹子,2路,入螺钉M8,出6-70mm2 压板连接夹02567 转接夹子,3路,入螺钉M8,出6-70mm2 压板连接夹02603 干线分线端子,3路4x25mm2输入,每路带4个25mm2端子02604 干线分线端子,4路4x25mm2输入,每路带4个25mm2端子02605 干线分线端子,5路4x25mm2输入,每路带4个25mm2端子02606 干线分线端子,4路4x25mm2输入,每路带4个25mm2端子,N蓝色02607 干线分线端子,5路4x25mm2输入,每路带4个25mm2端子,N蓝色,PE黄绿色02614 干线分线端子,4路4x25mm2输入,每路带4个25mm2端子,PE黄绿色02615 干线分线端子,3路输入,每路共4个端子以及1路N极带8个25mm2的端子03161 分离闸刀,尺寸 00,160A03162 分离闸刀,尺寸 1,250A03163 分离闸刀,尺寸 2,400A03164 分离闸刀,尺寸 3, 630A03173 连接端子,160 A,尺寸125mm,双侧带压板连接夹,用于NH-熔断器座03175 零线端子,160 A,2线,双侧带压板连接夹,用于NH-熔断器座03177 HLS-熔断器座,用于超快速熔断器,400A,尺寸110,1相,双侧带M10 03178 连接端子,160 A,尺寸125mm,双侧带框端子,用于NH-熔断器座03181 NH-熔断器 gL,4a,800A03182 NH-熔断器 gL,4a,1000A03183 NH-熔断器 gL,4a,1250A03184 NH-熔断器 gL,4a,1600A03185 分离闸刀,4a,1600A03193 连接端子,160 A,尺寸60mm,双侧带压板连接夹,用于NH-熔断器座03194 连接端子,160 A,尺寸60mm,双侧带框端子,用于NH-熔断器座03195 连接端子,250 A,尺寸100mm,双侧带M10,用于NH-熔断器座03196 连接端子,250 A,尺寸200mm,双侧带M10,用于NH-熔断器座03197 连接端子,630 A,尺寸100mm,双侧带M12,用于NH-熔断器座03198 连接端子,630 A,尺寸200mm,双侧带M12,用于NH-熔断器座03199 NH-母线式熔断器座,160A, 尺寸00,三相,60mm系统,上/下端连接03213 零线端子, 630A, 双侧带螺钉M12,用于NH-熔断器座03214 熔断器,美标,J级,70 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03215 熔断器,美标,J级,80 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03216 熔断器,美标,J级,90 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03217 熔断器,美标,J级,100 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03218 熔断器,美标,J级,110 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03219 熔断器,美标,J级,125 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03220 熔断器,美标,J级,150 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03221 熔断器,美标,J级,175A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03222 熔断器,美标,J级,200 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03223 熔断器,美标,J级,225 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03224 熔断器,美标,J级,250 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03225 熔断器,美标,J级,300 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03226 熔断器,美标,J级,350 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03227 熔断器,美标,J级,400 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03228 熔断器,美标,J级,70 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03229 熔断器,美标,J级,80 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03230 熔断器,美标,J级,90 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03231 熔断器,美标,J级,100 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03232 熔断器,美标,J级,110 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03233 熔断器,美标,J级,125 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03234 熔断器,美标,J级,150 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03235 熔断器,美标,J级,175 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03236 熔断器,美标,J级,200 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03237 熔断器,美标,J级,225 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03238 熔断器,美标,J级,250 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03239 熔断器,美标,J级,300 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03240 熔断器,美标,J级,350 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03241 熔断器,美标,J级,400 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03350 NH-固定式熔断器座,160A, 尺寸00,螺钉M8,单相,隔板结构03351 NH-固定式熔断器座,160A, 尺寸00,螺钉M8,三相,隔板结构03354 NH-固定式熔断器座,160A, 尺寸00,压板连接夹,单相,隔板结构03355 NH-固定式熔断器座,160A, 尺寸00,压板连接夹,三相,隔板结构03359 隔板架,适用于03 350 - 03 35503367 母线架,5线, 40mm系统03369 NH-母线式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,压板连接夹,单相,直接挂接在母线上03370 NH-母线式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,螺钉M8,单相,直接挂接在母线上03377 隔板,适用于NH-熔断器座 03350 / 03351 / 03354 / 0335503384 NH-母线式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1,螺钉M10,单相,直接挂接在母线上03502 NH-通用插入手柄,尺寸 00 - 303518 母线式超快速熔断器座,400 A,三相,下端连接,M10螺钉03519 零线端子,160 A,双侧带螺钉M8,用于NH-熔断器座03520 母线式超快速熔断器座,160A,三相,上端连接,M8螺钉03521 NH-熔断器 gL, 2 A,尺寸 000, 500V03522 NH-熔断器 gL, 4 A,尺寸 000, 500V03523 NH-熔断器 gL, 6 A,尺寸 000, 500V03524 NH-熔断器 gL, 10 A,尺寸 000, 500V03525 NH-熔断器 gL, 16 A,尺寸 000, 500V03526 NH-熔断器 gL, 20 A,尺寸 000, 500V03527 NH-熔断器 gL, 25 A,尺寸 000, 500V03528 NH-熔断器 gL, 35 A,尺寸 000, 500V03529 NH-熔断器 gL, 50 A,尺寸 000, 500V03530 NH-熔断器 gL, 63 A,尺寸 000, 500V03531 NH-熔断器 gL, 80 A,尺寸 000, 500V03532 NH-熔断器 gL,100 A,尺寸 000, 500V03533 NH-熔断器 gL,125 A,尺寸 00, 500V03534 NH-熔断器 gL,160 A,尺寸 00, 500V03549 NH-熔断器 gL, 16 A,尺寸 1, 500V03550 NH-熔断器 gL, 20 A,尺寸 1, 500V03551 NH-熔断器 gL, 25 A,尺寸 1, 500V03552 NH-熔断器 gL, 35 A,尺寸 1, 500V03553 NH-熔断器 gL, 50 A,尺寸 1, 500V03554 NH-熔断器 gL, 63 A,尺寸 1, 500V03555 NH-熔断器 gL, 80 A,尺寸 1, 500V03556 NH-熔断器 gL,100 A,尺寸 1, 500V03557 NH-熔断器 gL,125 A,尺寸 1, 500V03558 NH-熔断器 gL,160 A,尺寸 1, 500V03559 NH-熔断器 gL,200 A,尺寸 1, 500V03560 NH-熔断器 gL,224 A,尺寸 1, 500V03561 NH-熔断器 gL,250 A,尺寸 1, 500V03562 NH-熔断器 gL, 35 A,尺寸 2, 500V03563 NH-熔断器 gL, 50 A,尺寸 2, 500V03564 NH-熔断器 gL, 63 A,尺寸 2, 500V03565 NH-熔断器 gL, 80 A,尺寸 2, 500V03566 NH-熔断器 gL,100 A,尺寸 2, 500V03567 NH-熔断器 gL,125 A,尺寸 2, 500V03568 NH-熔断器 gL,160 A,尺寸 2, 500V03569 NH-熔断器 gL,200 A,尺寸 2, 500V03570 NH-熔断器 gL,224 A,尺寸 2, 500V03571 NH-熔断器 gL,250 A,尺寸 2, 500V03572 NH-熔断器 gL,300 A,尺寸 2, 500V03573 NH-熔断器 gL,315 A,尺寸 2, 500V03574 NH-熔断器 gL,355 A,尺寸 2, 500V03575 NH-熔断器 gL,400 A,尺寸 2, 500V03577 NH-熔断器 gL,315 A,尺寸 3, 500V03579 NH-熔断器 gL,400 A,尺寸 3, 500V03581 NH-熔断器 gL,500 A,尺寸 3, 500V03582 NH-熔断器 gL,630 A,尺寸 3, 500V03585 NH-母线式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,单相,压板连接夹, 拧紧在打孔母线上03587 NH-母线式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,单相, 螺钉M8, 拧紧在打孔母线上03599 NH-母线式熔断器座,400A,尺寸2,螺钉M10,单相,直接挂接在母线上03601 NH-母线式熔断器座, 250A,尺寸1,单相, 拧紧在打孔母线上03620 零线端子,160A,双侧带压板连接夹,用于NH-熔断器座03623 NH-母线式熔断器座, 160A,尺寸00, 三相, 40mm系统,压板连接夹03631 NH-母线式熔断器座, 160A,尺寸00,三相,40mm系统, 螺钉M8 03654 NH-母线式熔断器座, 160A,尺寸00, 三相,60mm系统,压板连接夹03656 NH-母线式熔断器座, 160A,尺寸00,三相, 60mm系统,螺钉M8 03657 零线端子,250A,螺钉连接,双侧带螺钉M1003668 零线端子,160A,螺钉连接,双侧带压板连接夹03679 NH-条形熔断器座,尺寸00,160A, 三相, 压板连接夹连接, 100mm系统03692 铝接线端子,适用于尺寸00的NH-熔断器座03693 NH-母线式熔断器座,400A,尺寸2,三相,螺钉M10,下端连接,60mm 03694 NH-母线式熔断器座,400A,尺寸2,三相,带触摸保护,40mm系统03704 NH-母线式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1, 三相,螺钉M10,下端连接,60mm 03705 NH-母线式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1,三相, 带触摸保护,40mm系统03727 压板连接夹,尺寸00,用于NH-母线式熔断器负荷隔离开关03757 零线端子,NH-固定式熔断器座,400A,螺钉M10,适用于NH-熔断器座03758 NH-固定式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,单相,螺钉M8,带触摸保护03759 NH-固定式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,三相,螺钉M8,带触摸保护03760 NH-固定式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,单相,压板连接夹,带触摸保护03761 NH-固定式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,三相,压板连接夹,带触摸保护03762 NH-固定式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1,单相,螺钉M10,带触摸保护03763 NH-固定式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1,三相,螺钉M10,带触摸保护03764 NH-固定式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1,单相,压板连接夹,带触摸保护03765 NH-固定式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1,三相,压板连接夹,带触摸保护03766 NH-固定式熔断器座,400A,尺寸2,单相,螺钉M10,带触摸保护03767 NH-固定式熔断器座,400A,尺寸2,三相,螺钉M10,带触摸保护03768 NH-固定式熔断器座,630A,尺寸3,单相,螺钉M12,带触摸保护03769 NH-固定式熔断器座,630A,尺寸3,三相,螺钉M12,带触摸保护03790 NH-母线式熔断器座,630A,尺寸3,单相,螺钉M12,拧紧在打孔母线上03791 触摸保护,用于NH-熔断器座, 尺寸0003792 触摸保护,用于NH-熔断器座, 尺寸 103793 触摸保护,用于NH-熔断器座, 尺寸 203794 触摸保护,用于NH-熔断器座, 尺寸 303795 NH-母线式熔断器座,400A, 尺寸2, 单相,螺钉M10,拧紧在打孔母线上03825 NH-通用插入手柄,尺寸 00 - 3,带皮胀圈03835 铝接线端子,70-150mm2, 用于尺寸1和2的NH-熔断器座03836 铝接线端子,95-240mm2, 用于尺寸3的NH-熔断器座03849 隔离开关盖定位锁,辅助安装03908 NH-熔断器 gL, 6 A,尺寸 00, 690V03909 NH-熔断器 gL, 10 A,尺寸 00, 690V03910 NH-熔断器 gL, 16 A,尺寸 00, 690V03911 NH-熔断器 gL, 20 A,尺寸 00, 690V03912 NH-熔断器 gL, 25 A,尺寸 00, 690V03913 NH-熔断器 gL, 32 A,尺寸 00, 690V03914 NH-熔断器 gL, 35 A,尺寸 00, 690V03915 NH-熔断器 gL, 40 A,尺寸 00, 690V03916 NH-熔断器 gL, 50 A,尺寸 00, 690V03917 NH-熔断器 gL, 63 A,尺寸 00, 690V03918 NH-熔断器 gL, 80 A,尺寸 00, 690V03919 NH-熔断器 gL,100 A,尺寸 00, 690V03920 NH-熔断器 gL, 25 A,尺寸 1, 690V03922 NH-熔断器 gL, 35 A,尺寸 1, 690V03924 NH-熔断器 gL,250 A,尺寸 1, 690V03925 NH-熔断器 gL, 63 A,尺寸 1, 690V03927 NH-熔断器 gL,100 A,尺寸 1, 690V03928 NH-熔断器 gL,125 A,尺寸 1, 690V03929 NH-熔断器 gL,160 A,尺寸 1, 690V03930 NH-熔断器 gL,200 A,尺寸 1, 690V03938 NH-熔断器 gL,100 A,尺寸 2, 690V03941 NH-熔断器 gL,200 A,尺寸 2, 690V03942 NH-熔断器 gL,250 A,尺寸 2, 690V03943 NH-熔断器 gL,315 A,尺寸 2, 690V03945 NH-熔断器 gL,315 A,尺寸 3, 690V03946 NH-熔断器 gL,400 A,尺寸 3, 690V03947 NH-熔断器 gL,500 A,尺寸 3, 690V03949 NH-熔断器 gL,355A,尺寸3, 690V05182 零线端子,陶瓷座,螺钉,63A05188 零线端子,带插孔的连接夹, 63A05780 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M6,高30mm05781 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M6,高35mm05782 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M8,高35mm05783 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M8,高40mm05784 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M10,高40mm05785 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M6,高45mm05786 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M8,高45mm05787 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M10,高45mm05788 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M10,高50mm05789 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M10,高60mm05790 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M8,高50mm05800 绝缘子,带内螺纹,螺栓,M6,高30mm05801 绝缘子,带内螺纹,螺栓,M6,高35mm05802 绝缘子,带内螺纹,螺栓,M8,高35mm08824 压板连接件,适用于PE-和N-母线01 93208825 卡接固定件, 适用于PE-和N-母线01126-01129和01926-01932 10877 PE-和N-母线,100A,40xM8, 1m10879 PE-和N-母线,160A,30xM10,1m30322 连接件组,1600 A, 3线,用于弹性加长连接,双T型母线30388 转接器,250A,用于Siemens 3VF330473 连接件组,1600 A, 4线,用于弹性带角度的连接,双T型母线30807 金属支承导轨,72mm宽,35x7.530894 螺钉连接件,M8,尺寸 0030930 金属支承导轨,35 x 54 x 7.531001 梳形母线,1 线,30mm2,齿距27mm, 长1m,无镀层,隔条31004 标记牌,20 x 9mm31005 熔帽,D01/E 14/400V AC/250V DC,塑料31006 熔帽,D02/E 18/400V AC/250V DC,塑料31007 连接端子,35 mm2,用于31 00131012 梳形母线,3线,截面16 mm2,带绝缘套,隔条,齿距27mm, 长1m 31014 梳形母线,1线,截面16 mm2,带绝缘套,隔条,齿距27mm, 长1m 31022 带测试孔的D0螺帽,用于Cyklon,E1831023 不带测试孔的D0螺帽,用于Cyklon,E1831024 梳形母线,1线,截面16 mm2,带绝缘套,叉形,齿距27mm, 长1m 31026 梳形母线,3线,截面16 mm2,带绝缘套,叉形,齿距27mm, 长1m 31027 末端罩,适用于3线梳形母线31028 连接端子,用于1线梳形母线,侧面连接31029 连接端子,用于3线梳形母线,侧面连接31031 D0-固定式熔断器管座,E 14 / 16 A / 400 V,单相,用于叉型结构31032 D0-固定式熔断器管座,E 14 / 16 A / 400 V,三相,用于叉型结构31033 D0-固定式熔断器管座,E 18 / 63 A / 400 V,单相,用于叉型结构31034 D0-固定式熔断器管座,E 18 / 63 A / 400 V,三相,用于叉型结构31044 连接端子,用于31 033和31 03431051 D0-固定式熔断器管座,E 18 / 63 A / 400 V,三相,带双侧框端子31056 梳形母线,3线,截面35 mm2,带绝缘套,隔条,齿距27mm, 长1m 31057 梳形母线,1线,截面35 mm2,带绝缘套,隔条,齿距27mm, 长1m 31070 D-条形盖,E27, 宽42mm31071 D-条形盖,E33, 宽57mm31072 D-条形盖,E27, 宽84mm31073 D-条形盖,E33, 宽114mm31084 末端罩,用于3线梳形母线,35 mm231085 连接端子,用于3线梳形母线,正面连接,6-50mm231086 标识牌架,适用于Triton31098 熔帽,E27,500V,塑料31100 熔帽,E33,500V,塑料31101 梳形母线,75 A, 1线, 1 m, 16 mm231102 梳形母线,65 A, 3线, 1 m, 16 mm231103 连接端子,6 - 25 mm2,齿距18,侧面连接31104 熔帽,D01/E18/400V AC/250V DC,塑料31105 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,8x31/1P31106 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,8x31/1P+N31107 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,8x31/2P31108 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,8x31/3P31109 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,8x31/3P+N31110 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,10x38/1P31111 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,10x38/1P+N31112 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,10x38/2P31113 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,10x38/3P31114 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,10x38/3P+N31115 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,14x51/1P31116 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,14x51/1P+N31117 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,14x51/2P31118 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,14x51/3P31119 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,14x51/3P+N31120 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,22x58/1P31121 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,22x58/1P+N31122 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,22x58/2P31123 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,22x58/3P31124 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,22x58/3P+N31130 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,10 x 38 / 1P31131 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,10 x 38 / 1P+N31132 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,10 x 38 / 2P31133 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,10 x 38 / 3P31134 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,10 x 38 / 3P + N31135 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,14 x 51 / 1P31138 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,14 x 51 / 3P31140 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,22 x 58 / 1P31143 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,22 x 58 / 3P31157 连接端子,6 - 25 mm2,齿距18,侧面连接31158 母线式条形熔断器式负荷隔离开关,用于D0熔断器,60 mm,63A/400V 31160 母线式条形熔断器座, 用于10x38 NFC 圆柱形熔断器,60 mm,32A/690V 31161 D0-固定式熔断器管座,E14/16A/400V,单相, 带双侧框端子31163 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,25 A / 400 V,8 x 31 / 1P + N 31164 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,25 A / 400 V,8 x 31 / 3P + N 31165 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,32 A / 690 V,10 x 38 / 1P + N 31166 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,32 A / 690 V,10 x 38 / 3P + N 31167 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,50 A / 690 V,14 x 51 / 1P + N 31168 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,50 A / 690 V,14 x 51 / 3P + N 31169 D0-固定式熔断器管座,E18/63A/400V,单相, , 带双侧框端子31170 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,125 A / 690 V,22 x 58 / 1P + N31171 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,125 A / 690 V,22 x 58 / 3P + N 31172 D0-固定式熔断器管座,E14/16A/400V,三相, , 带双侧框端子31173 D-固定式熔断器管座(Triton),E27/25A/500V,单相,可替代01173 31174 D-固定式熔断器管座(Triton),E27/25A/500V,三相31175 D-固定式熔断器管座(Triton),E33/63A/500V,单相,可替代01175 31176 D-固定式熔断器管座(Triton),E33/63A/500V,三相31177 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 4 A, 8 x 31, 400V31178 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 6 A, 8 x 32, 400V31179 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 10 A, 8 x 31, 400V31180 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 16 A, 8 x 31, 400V31181 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 20 A, 8 x 31, 400V31182 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 2 A, 10 x 38, 500V31183 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 4 A, 10 x 38, 500V31184 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 6 A, 10 x 38, 500V31185 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 10 A, 10 x 38, 500V31186 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 16 A, 10 x 38, 500V31187 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 20 A, 10 x 38, 500V31188 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 25 A, 10 x 38, 500V31189 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 32 A, 10 x 38, 400V31190 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 10 A, 14 x 51, 690V31191 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 16 A, 14 x 51, 690V31192 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 20 A, 14 x 51, 690V31193 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 25 A, 14 x 51, 690V31194 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 32 A, 14 x 51, 500V31195 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 40 A, 14 x 51, 500V31196 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 50 A, 14 x 51, 400V31197 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 25 A, 22 x 58, 690V31198 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 32 A, 22 x 58, 690V31199 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 40 A, 22 x 58, 690V31200 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 50 A, 22 x 58, 690V31201 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 63 A, 22 x 58, 690V31202 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 80 A, 22 x 58, 690V31203 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 100A, 22 x 58, 500V31204 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 125A, 22 x 58, 400V31205 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 1 A, 10 x 38, 660V31206 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 2 A, 10 x 38, 660V31207 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 4 A,10 x 38, 660V31208 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 6 A,10 x 38, 660V31209 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 10 A,10 x 38, 660V31210 圆柱形熔断器 aR,12.5A, 10 x 38, 660V31211 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 16 A,10 x 38, 660V31212 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 20 A,10 x 38, 660V31213 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 25 A,10 x 38, 660V31214 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 30 A,10 x 38, 660V31215 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 10 A,14 x 51, 690V31216 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 16 A,14 x 51, 690V31217 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 20 A,14 x 51, 690V。

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美度表型号与参数【产品品牌】:美度【产品编码】:M8600.4.26.8【产品款式】:男表【表镜材质】:蓝宝石水晶玻璃【表壳材质】:精钢【表带材质】:小牛皮带【手表颜色】:白面棕皮【手表机芯】:自动机械机芯【防水深度】:50米【手表尺寸】:表盘直径38mm 厚7mm【产品品牌】:Mido/美度【产品编码】:M8600.4.78.4【产品款式】:男表【表镜材质】:蓝宝石水晶玻璃【表壳材质】:精钢【表带材质】:皮表带【手表颜色】:黑色【手表机芯】:自动机械机芯【防水深度】:50米【手表尺寸】:表盘直径38mm 厚7mm【产品品牌】:Mido/美度【产品编码】:M8600.4.14.1【产品款式】:男表【表镜材质】:蓝宝石水晶玻璃【表壳材质】:精钢【表带材质】:钢表带【手表颜色】:米白面钢带【手表机芯】:自动机械机芯【防水深度】:50米【手表尺寸】:表盘直径38mm【产品品牌】:Mido/美度【产品编码】:M8600.9.76.1【产品款式】:男表【表镜材质】:蓝宝石水晶玻璃【表壳材质】:间金【表带材质】:镀金【手表颜色】:白面间金【手表机芯】:自动机械机芯【防水深度】:50米【手表尺寸】:表盘直径38mm 厚7mm【产品品牌】:Mido/美度【产品编码】:M8600.4.18.8【产品款式】:男表【表镜材质】:蓝宝石水晶玻璃【表壳材质】:精钢【表带材质】:小牛皮【手表颜色】:黑面棕皮【手表机芯】:自动机械机芯【防水深度】:50米【手表尺寸】:表盘直径38mm【产品品牌】:MIDO美度【产品编码】:M8600.4.76.1【产品款式】:男表【表镜材质】:蓝宝石水晶玻璃【表壳材质】:精钢【表带材质】:钢链带【手表颜色】:白色【手表机芯】:自动机械机芯【防水深度】:50米【手表尺寸】:表盘直径38mm【产品品牌】:MIDO美度【产品编码】:M8600.4.26.1【产品款式】:男表【表镜材质】:蓝宝石水晶镜面【表壳材质】:不锈钢【表带材质】:钢【手表颜色】:白色【手表机芯】:自动机械机芯【防水深度】:50米【手表表扣】:蝴蝶扣【手表尺寸】:镜面直径约38m厚9.1mm【产品品牌】:美度MIDO【产品编码】:M8600.9.11.1【产品款式】:男表【表镜材质】:蓝宝石水晶镜面【表壳材质】:PVD电镀钢【表带材质】:鋼度玫瑰金【手表颜色】:白色【手表机芯】:自动机械机芯【防水深度】:50米【手表尺寸】:镜面直径约38mm。

这是唯一一款以天梭诞生地Le Locle命名的表款2003年被品牌推出,今年更是配以更高性能的机芯。
英纳格(Enicar)Neelam 系列英纳格(Enicar)Neelam 系列如果你身边有长辈,父亲或者祖父,你问他们知道不知道“小鹦哥儿”,他们一定都认识英纳格这个品牌,而且......雷锋叔叔也有一块英纳格手表哦。


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measures group “C” - TRMS measurement - LCD display - autoscroll of displayed pages
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measures group “C” - TRMS measurement - LCD display - autoscroll of displayed pages - serial outputs RS485 or RS232
measures group “B” - TRMS measurement - dots matrix display - autoscroll of displayed pages - visual alarm settable
measures group “B” - TRMS measurement - dots matrix display - autoscroll of displayed pages - visual alarm settable - serial outputs RS485
measures group “C” - TRMS measurement - dots matrix display - autoscroll of displayed pages - serial outputs RS485 or RS232 - 2 or 4 outputs alarm relay settable
measures group “C” - TRMS measurement - dots matrix display - autoscroll of displayed pages - serial outputs RS485 or RS232
measures group “A” - TRMS measurement - display with 7 red dgt - autoscroll of displayed pages - self-supply
measures group “C” - TRMS measurement - dots matrix display - autoscroll of displayed pages - serial outputs RS485 or RS232
measures group “C” - TRMS measurement - dots matrix display - autoscroll of displayed pages - 2 digital outputs (pulse for active and reactive energy)
measures group “C” - TRMS measurement - LCD display - autoscroll of displayed pages
measures group “C” - TRMS measurement - LCD display - autoscroll of displayed pages - serial outputs RS485 or RS232
measurements group “C” - TRMS measurement - dots matrix display - autoscroll of displayed pages - 2 digital outputs (pulses for active and reactive energy)
measures group “C” - TRMS measurement - dots matrix display - autoscroll of displayed pages
measures group “C” -TRMS measurement - dots matrix display - autoscroll of displayed pages - 2 or 4 outputs alarm relay settable
measures group “C” - TRMS measurement - dots matrix display - autoscroll of displayed pages - serial outputs RS485 or RS232 - 2 digital outputs (pulses for active and reactive energy)
Phase voltage Linked voltage Phase current Three phase voltage and current
Phase voltage Linked voltage Phase current Power factor for single phase Apparent power for single phase Active power for single phase Reactive power for single phase Three phase voltage, current and power factor Three phase apparent, active and reactive power Neutral frequency and current Active energy Reactive energy Peak values of three phase voltage and current Peak values of three phase active and reactive power Peak values of single phase currents Number of working hours system Phases sequence Asymmetry of phase-neutral voltage
Phase voltage Linked voltage Phase current Power factor for single phase Apparent power for single phase Active power for single phase Reactive power for single phase Three phase voltage, current and power factor Three phase apparent, active and reactive power Neutral frequency and current Active energy absorbed and generated Reactive energy Positive capacitive reactive energy (absorbed), negative capacitive reactive energy (generated) Medium active and reactive power used in integration time (TI settable) Peak values of three phase voltage and current Peak values of three phase active and reactive power Peak values of single phase currents Peak values of medium active and reactive power used in integration time % total harmonic voltage distorsion of single phase (THD) % total harmonic current distorsion of single phase (THD) Number of working hours system Product temperature and max temperature recorded
measures group “C” - TRMS measurement - dots matrix display - autoscroll of displayed pages
measurements group “C” - TRMS measurement - dots matrix display - autoscroll of displayed pages - 2 or 4 outputs alarm relay settable
measures group “C” - TRMS measurement - dots matrix display - autoscroll of displayed pages - serial outputs RS485 or RS23 - 2 or 4 outputs alarm relay settable