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一、Opinion Leaders 意见领袖 __________________________________________ 2 ____

二、5W Box 5w 理论__________________________________________________ _ ______

三、The Bias of Communication 传媒偏向论_________________________________ 2

四、The Spiral of Silenee 沉默的螺旋_____________________________________ 3

五、Gatekeeper把关人理论_____________________________________________ 4 ____

六、Selective exposure hypothesis 选择性接触假说____________________________ 4

七、Knowledge Gap Theory 知识沟假说____________________________________ 5

八、Agenda Setting Theory 议程设置理论___________________________________ 5

九、Magic bullet theory 魔弹论 ____________________________________________ 5 ____

十、Information (Innovation ) Diffusion Theory 信息(创新)扩散论____________________ 6

十^一、Uses a nd gratificati ons theory (UGT)使用与满足理论 ______________________ 7

十二、Cultivation theory 教养理论___________________________________________ 8

十三、Limited-Effects Theory 有限效果论 ______________________________________ 8

十四、Marshall Mcluhan Media Theory麦克卢汉的媒介理论________________________ 9

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一、Opinion Leaders 意见领袖

Active in information networks, have many information channels ,so they can often provi de in formati on and advice for others and can in flue nee others.


二、5W Box 5w 理论

1. Who com muni cates to whom?(sources and receivers)

2. Why com muni cate?(fu ncti on and purposes)

3. How does com muni cati on take place?(cha nn els,la nguages,codes)

4. What about?(c on tent,references,types of information)

5. What are the outcomes of com muni cati on (intend or uninten ded ),for in formati on, understandings, action the Riseof Mass Mdia

美国学者H •拉斯维尔于1948年在《传播在社会中的结构与功能》一篇论文中,首次提出了构成传播过程的五种基本要素,并按照一定结构顺序将它们排列,形成了后来人们称之“五W模式”或“拉斯维尔程式”的过程模式。这五个

W分别是英语中五个疑问代词的第一个字母,即:Who (谁)Says What (说了什么)In Which Cha nnel (通过

什么渠道) To Whom (向谁说) With What Effect (有什么效果)。

三、The Bias of Com muni cati on 传媒偏向论

Inn is ' cen tral focus is the social history of com muni cati on media; he believed that the rel ative stability of cultures depends on the balanee and proportion of their media. To begi n our inquiry into this area, he suggests we ask three basic questions: How do specific c ommuni cati on tech no logies operate? What assumpti ons do they take from an d con trib ute to society? What forms of power do they encourage?

For Inn is, a key to social cha nge isfo und in the developme nt of com muni cati on media. He claims that each medium embodies a bias in terms of the organization and control of information. Any empire or society isgenerally concerned with duration over time and e xtension in space.

Time-biased media, such as st one and clay, are durable and heavy. Si nee they are difficu It to move, they do not encourage territorial expansion; however, since they have a long
