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1.Subsequently adv.其后,随后,接着;“subsequent”的派生;嗣后;尔后

Successively adv. (in proper order or sequence)先后;依次;接连着,继续地

E.g. He successively won the British, European and World championships.


Predominantly adv.占主导地位地;显著地;占优势地

Preliminarily adv.初步地

2.practically adv.几乎;实际上;事实上

E.g. My essay is practically finished now.


It sounds like a good idea, but I don't think it will work practically.


Permanently adv.永久地,长期不变地(for a long time without essential change)

3.Contrive vt.策划;设计,发明;创造;设法做到vi.计划或谋划(If you contrive an event or situation, you succeed in making it happen, often by tricking someone.)

Consolidate vt.统一;把…合成一体,合并;巩固(to make a position of power or success stronger so that it is more likely to continue),加强;合计金额vi.合并;统一;联合

Heave vt.举起;投掷;使起伏;呕吐vt.& vi.喘息;呕吐vi.起伏;(山丘等)隆起;拖;气喘n.隆起;举起;波动;呕吐

Intensify vt.& vi.(使)增强,(使)加剧;增加(照片图象)的对比度;变强或增强

(使)加强,增强,加剧to increase in degree or strength; to make sth increase in degree or strength同义词:heighten

4.Takeover n.收购;(事业等的)接管;(经营权等的)接收;验收

Turnover n.翻滚,翻倒,弄翻,逆转,转向;半圆形的小馅饼;营业额,成交量,证券交易额;[体育运动] 易手,失球adj.可翻下的,或折转的

Overtake vt. 压倒;追上,赶上;(不愉快的事)突然降临

Overturn vt.& vi.(使)翻倒vt.使垮台,推翻;撤销(判决等)n.推翻,垮台;瓦解;灭亡,毁灭

5.Set up :①to formally establish a new company, organization, system, way of working, etc.

E.g She plans to set up her own business.

②to arrange for an event or activity to happen:

We need to set up a meeting to discuss the proposals.

set apart 隔离开;突出(If a characteristic sets you apart from other people, it makes you different from the others in a noticeable way.);留出,以备特定用途:The room is set apart for smoking.这间屋子是专门为了人们吸烟而备的。

set sth down/set down sth.:放下, 写, 记下, 记入, 登记, 记载,使(飞机)着陆(如果sth是代词,就不能直接放在后面,必须放在中间。可以说wirte down sth.,也可以说write sth. down,但是如果宾语换成it,就只能说write it down,而不能说成write down it。)

Set in(put/set sth in train:to start a process: The reform process was put in train in 1985.)

扩充:set out,set off, set about, set apart, set aside的用法

6.distant 遥远的slim 苗条的,微弱的unlikely 不太可能的narrow 窄的

slim chances 是固定搭配,表示希望渺茫.类似的还有slight chance,little chance

_____C___a slight chance that Guo Jingjing will take part in the 2010 London Olympic Games. A.It has B.They are C.There remains D.It remains

E.g. The lawyer advised him to drop the case, since he stands little chance to win.

There is little chance that we will succeed in changing the law. Nevertheless, it is important that

we should have a try.

7.genuine adj.真正的;坦率的,真诚的;血统纯粹的,纯种的;[医学]真性的

Gracious adj.亲切的,和蔼的;(对王族及其行为的敬语)仁慈的,谦和的;雅致的;有礼貌的int.(表示惊异)天哪,老天爷

Gorgeous adj.华丽的,艳丽的;极好的,称心的;美丽动人的,光彩夺目的;令人愉快的,令人享受的

spacious adj.宽敞的;广阔的;(知识)广博的(1.(of buildings and rooms) having ample space2.very large in expanse or scope)

8.contribute to sth. V.有助于;促成;导致;(to help to cause an event or situation:)e.g.Smoking contributed to his early death. v. 捐献; 投稿;e.g.I believe that each of us can contribute to the future of the world我相信我们每一个人都能够对世界的未来有所贡献。

attribute to“归因于,认为是……的结果”

9.jurisdiction管辖权;管辖范围;权限;司法权institution n.(大学、银行等规模大的)机构;惯例,制度,规定,建立;社会事业机构;<口>名人,名物

Subscription n.(报刊等的)订阅费;捐款;(俱乐部的)会员费;捐助

Conjunction n.连接;连词;联合,结合物;(恒星、行星等的)合

10.Restrain vt.制止;抑制,压抑;限定,限制;监禁

refrain vt.抑制,克制n.(诗歌的)叠句,副歌;经常重复的评价(或抱怨)vi.忍耐,节制Hinder vt.& vi.阻碍,妨碍;成为阻碍adj.后面的,后方的

hinder vt.& vi.阻碍,妨碍;成为阻碍adj.后面的,后方的

11.contaminate vt.弄脏,污染;损害,毒害vi.玷污,毒害,腐蚀(人的思想或品德)adj.〈古〉污染的Eliminate vt.淘汰;排除,消除;除掉(to remove or get rid of sth/sb);<口>干掉Discriminate vt.& vi.歧视;区别;辨出

Stem n.(花草的)茎;词干;(高脚酒杯的)脚;烟斗柄vt.阻止;遏制[阻止](液体的流动等);封堵;遏止(If you stem something, you stop it spreading, increasing, or continuing.)

12.ponder vt.思索,衡量;vi.仔细考虑,沉思

Wonder adj.奇妙的;钦佩的;远超过预期的;n.奇迹;惊奇;奇观;奇人;vt.惊奇;对…感到好奇;感到诧异;想弄明白;vi.惊讶;怀疑,想知道

13.make up for补偿,弥补

go in for参加;从事;喜欢;支持

crack down on v.制裁,镇压

cut down on减少;节省

14.distract vt.使分心;使混乱

Disregard vt.不顾;不理会;漠视,忽视;蔑视,轻视n.漠视,忽视;不理,不顾;不尊重

Irritated adj.恼怒的,生气的v.使发怒( irritate的过去式和过去分词);使急躁;使感到不适;使疼痛

Intervene vi.阻碍;出面;插嘴;介于…之间



16.virtually adv.无形;无形中;实际上,实质上,事实上,几乎

Ideally adv.理想地;完美地;观念上地;理论上地

Remarkably adv.引人注目地,明显地,非常地

preferably adv.更可取地,更好地,宁可e.g. Do something creative or take exercise, preferably in
