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摘要 (3)


引言 (5)

第一章:绪论 (6)

1.1管理信息系统概述 (6)

1.2仓库管理信息系统项目意义 (6)

第二章开发及运行环境 (7)

2.1 JSP概述 (7)

2.1.1 JSP简介 (7)

2.1.2 JSP的工作原理 (7)

2.1.3 JSP的优势 (8)

2.2 开发环境的搭建 (9)

2.2.1 JDK简介 (9)

2.2.2 TOMCAT简介 (9)

2.2.3MYECLIPSE简介 (9)

2.3 SQL SEVER2000数据库 (10)

2.3.1SQL S EVER2000简介 (10)

2.3.2SQL语句 (11)

第三章仓库管理系统分析 (11)

3.1 功能需求分析 (11)

3.2 可行性分析 (12)

3.3 系统工作流程 (12)

3.4 数据字典描述 (13)

3.4.1数据条目 (13)

3.4.2 数据分析 (14)

第四章仓库管理系统设计 (15)

4.1系统总体结构设计 (15)

4.2系统功能描述 (16)

4.2.1基本信息管理 (16)

4.2.2仓库操作管理 (17)

4.2.3仓库警示管理 (17)

4.2.4 统计查询管理功能 (18)

4.2系统功能模块图 (18)

第五章数据库的结构设计 (19)

5.1数据库分析和设计 (19)

5.2系统E-R实体图 (20)

5.3数据表的创建 (22)

5.4数据库的连接 (23)

第六章软件说明书 (24)

6.1管理员使用说明 (24)

6.2普通用户使用说明 (33)

第七章备份和还原数据库 (35)

7.1规划数据库的备份和还原 (35)

7.2数据库的备份 (36)

7.2.1 备份概述 (36)

7.2.2 数据库备份设备类型 (36)

7.2.3 数据库的备份 (37)

7.3还原数据库 (37)

结束语 (37)

致谢................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。参考文献. (38)

附录数据库建表语句 (38)



本系统是一个基于WEB的管理系统,前台页面利用了JSP技术实现,后台管理通过Servlet管理,并充分借用了MyEclipse开发工具的强大功能,数据库管理运用了SQL Sever2000数据库,通过JDBC-ODBC桥与数据库连接,用Tomcat作为服务器使Web与数据库紧密联系起来。本文主要分析了电子化仓储管理系统的一些基本功能和组成情况,包括数据库理论基础及应用系统开发工具,仓库管理系统的需求分析、系统结构,功能模块划分等,重点对应用程序的实际开发作了介绍。

关键词:WEB,JSP,MyEclipse,SQL Sever2000,JDBC-ODBC桥,Tomcat


Nothing is the background information society automation management more can improve productivity benefit, and by using computer to realize automation management more times demand. Today's environmental services department of various devices growing corresponding information also increases, the former warehouse has taken artificially management mechanism has gradually cannot adapt to so much pressure for information, this mode of administration has many shortcomings, such as low efficiency, confidentiality, and a long time, the poor, will produce the massive documents and the data, this regarding the search, the renewal and the maintenance has brought about a lot of difficulties. Take the advantage of computer to convenient, quick, safe, large volume and universality and various modern technology design and implementation of warehouse management system is compensated for the previous shortcomings, therefore, developing a digital suitable for environmental protection technology service equipment operation and maintenance of the warehouse management system is very necessary.

The system is based on a WEB management system management system, front desk page using the JSP technology realization, background management through the Servlet management, and fully borrowed the strong function of MyEclipse development tool, using a SQL database management Sever2000 database, through the JDBC - ODBC bridge with Tomcat, connect to the database server make WEB and database as closely connected. This paper mainly analyses the electronic of storage management system some basic functions and composition, including database theoretical basis and the application of systems development tools, warehouse management system requirement analysis, system structure, function moduledivides, focus on the actual development application is introduced in this paper.

Keywords: WEB, JSP, MyEclipse, SQL Sever2000, JDBC - ODBC bridge, Tomcat
