非真实性话语论文:非真实性话语 《红楼梦》 理想化认知模型 关联理论 RICM

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基于此,本文从认知语用学的角度出发,以理想化认知模型理论(Idealized Cognitive Model Theory)和关联理论(Relevance Theory)为基础,提出RICM模型,对《红楼梦》前八十回出现的非真实性话语的生成和理解机制进行动态研究,并对其产生的语用效果进行了探讨。



第三章“理论框架”,针对以往研究所存在的不足,提出了新的解决方案——RICM 模型,并以此作为本研究的理论框架。


【英文摘要】The usage of deception is a complicate communicative behavior. Studies of deception have been carried out by many scholars from different perspectives such as philosophy, psychology, sociology, rhetoric and linguistics.
However, the previous studies of deception are mainly static which can only partially explain the mechanism and process of deception, as well as lack of complete and systematical support
of theories. Therefore, on the basis of ICM and RT, this thesis tends to propose the RICM model to dynami...
【英文关键词】deception A Dream of Red Mansions ICM RT RICM
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ter One Introduction10-15 1.1 Rationale of the
Study10-12 1.2 Objectives of the Study12-13 1.3 Research Methodology and Data Collection13 1.4 Layout of
the Thesis13-15Chapter Two Literature
Review15-26 2.1 Definition of Deception15-17 2.2 Previous Studies of Deception17-24 2.2.1 Philosophical
and Ethnic Perspectives17-18 2.2.2 Psychological Perspective18-20 2.2.3 Sociological
Perspective20-22 2.2.4 Rhetorical
Perspective22 2.2.5 Linguistic
Perspective22-24 2.3 Gaps of the Previous
Studies24-25 2.4 Summary25-26Chapter Three Theoretical Framework26-50 3.1 Idealized Cognitive Model Theory26-33 3.1.1 Main Contents of
ICM26-31 3.1.2 Sweetser’s Lie ICM31-32 3.1.3 Merits and Demerits of ICM32-33 3.2 Relevance
Theory33-41 3.2.1 Background of RT34-35 3.2.2 Basic Concepts of RT35-40 3.2.3 Limitations of
RT40-41 3.3 Theoretical Integration:
RICM41-49 3.3.1 Rationale of
Integration41-43 3.3.2 Operation of
RICM43-49 3.4 Summary49-50Chapter Four Data Analysis and Discussion50-76 4.1 Data
Description50-55 4.1.1 Classification of
Data50-55 4.1.2 Characteristics of Data55 4.2 RICM for Deception in A Dream of Red Mansions55-68 4.2.1 RICM for Self-oriented Deception57-61 4.2.2 RICM for Other-oriented Deception61-65 4.2.3 RICM for Neutral Deception65-68 4.3 Effects of
Deception68-75 4.3.1 Positive Effects68-72 4.3.2 Negative Effects72-75 4.4 Summary75-76Chapter Five Conclusion76-79 5.1 Main Findings in the Present
Study76-77 5.2 Limitations of the Study77-78 5.3 Suggestions for Further
