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With the social improving of financial condition and the emphasis of life style, health and the new rich class in Shanghai have developed a new way of life: need more leisure space, more opportunities to interacting with nature, more physical exercises, more entertainment.
1.2.2 地形地貌
陆地部分为河口滨海平原,地势平坦,西北高、东南低,呈缓坡 状倾斜。全境滨江临海,水网密布,河道纵横,有江海岸线约128公 里,地面高程以吴淞口为零(基准),陆地部分地面高程为2.8~ 4.1米,平均高程为3.86米。
Landform of Baoshan is seaside plain off river mouth, topography is largely plat; high in northwest, low in southeast with gentle slope towards the sea. The city is fronting the river and facing the sea with extensive network of rivers and lakes with total costal line of approximately 128 kilometers. Using the ground elevation of Wusong mouth as +-0.00 (datum), the ground elevation of the area is varied between2.8 ~ 4.1 meters with average high of 3.86 meters.
宝山绿色步道 Baoshan Greenway
通过步道规划: • 为城市提供“绿肺”,改善景观面貌, 减少整个城市工业带来的负面影响。
• The Greenway will act as “green lungs” of the city, improving the landscape amenity and reducing the negative visual impact of industry throughout the whole city.
• 成为宝山的独有特色,变成城市的“地 标”连接宝山悠久历史和文化的纽带。
• The Greenway will become a “signature” feature for Baoshan and link tourists to the rich history and culture of city.
1.2.3 气候条件
属亚热带海洋性湿润气候,受季风环流分配并受冷热空气交 替影响,四季分明。以候(5天)平均气温低于10℃的为冬季,高于 22℃的为夏季,介于低高之间的为春、秋季。按此划分,冬、夏 长,春、秋短。 1.2.3 Climate Subtropical oceanic humid climate with four distinctive seasons, average temperature is lower than 10ºC in winter higher than 22 ºC for summer. 1.2.4 Natural Resources
第一部分 概述 背景 城市文脉 步道理念 案例分析 机遇与制约 可行性与实施性
PART 2 MASTER PLAN Analysis Design Theme Greenway Location Implementation Strategies STAGE 3 GREENWAY DETAILED DESIGN Introduction District 1 – Education & Learning District 2 – Wushong Waterfront District 3 – Garden District 4 – Urban Centres District 5 – Sports & Recreation District 6 – Agriculture District 7 – Parks & Canals District 8 – Industry District 9 – Water
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
PART 1 INTRODUCTION Introduction and Background Greenway Concept Vision Case Studies Opportunities and Constraints Feasability and Implementation
• 为宝山人民创造无车辆交通的带状休闲 走廊,与城市相连接,提供多元化的静 态与动态休闲活动设施。
• The Greenway will create a linear recreational corridor, free from motor traffic, for the local people of Baoshan, linking them to the whole city and the many passive and active recreational facilities available.
因此在上海市域,在中心城外围我们需要有一条 这样的道路,它能够为人们提供都市休闲、健身、游 乐,交流的空间和设施。
This calls for such a “Green Corridor” in the outer ring of Shanghai to provide leisure, sport and entertainment spaces in a continuing broad scale and connecting all facilities at the same time.
第二部分 步道总体规划 区域总体现状与规划的分析 设计主题 步道选线 实施策略
第三部分 步道设计 概述 分区1—教育区 分区2—吴淞滨水区 分区3—公园区 分区4—中心城镇区 分区5—运动休闲区 分区6—农业区 分区7—公园与运河区 分区8—工业区 分区9—水库区
Concept Planning Report
Concept ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้lanning Report
1.2.1 地理位置
宝山区地处上海市域北部,黄浦江和长江的交汇点。东临黄浦 江,南与杨浦、虹口、闸北、普陀4区毗连,西与嘉定交界,西北隅 与江苏太仓为邻。全境东西长约56公里,南北宽约23公里,区域总 面积425平方公里。
1.2.4 自然资源
上海重要的能源基地和水资源基地。区域内有蕰藻浜等丰富的 河网系统。
Important energy, water resources bases for Shanghai, waterway and river system.
宝山绿色步道 Baoshan Greenway
1.2.5 历史沿革
Baoshan District is located at the north of Shanghai and lies in the meeting point of Yangtze River and Huangpu River. It stretches 56kms from the west to the east and about 23kms from the north to the south with a covering of 425km2 in total area. Adjacent to Huangpu River at the east and neighbour with Jiading at the west, connect with Yangpu, Hongkou, Zhabei and Putuo districts at the south and neighbour with Taichang of Jiangsu province at the northwest.
宝山,因山得名。1412年(明永乐十年),境内海滨,曾用 人工堆筑成一座土山,用作航海标志,为出入长江口的船只导 航,永乐皇帝定其名为宝山。此山早在1582年(明万历十年)坍 没于海,但其名仍沿用至今。
Paoshan is named after the mountain. In 1412 ( Yunglo year 10 of the Ming Dynasty), a manmade mountain was built at the seashore to be used as a navigation landmark for sailors traveling between the sea and Yangzi river mouse( Changjiang ). Therefore the Emperor Yunglo named it Baoshan. Even the mountain has long gone in1582 ( Wanli year 10), its name remained until today.
Paoshan administratively was part of Jiading county of Jiangsu Province, it become Baoshan County in 1742 (Yong Zheng year 2). It was incorporated into Shanghai during the Sino-Japanese War period in 1937. After the Sino-Japanese War, apart from the Dachan district still under Shanghai administration, the rest belongs to Jiangsu Province. In 1958 the entire area incorporated into Shanghai, and later in January 1988, authorized by the State Government, become Baoshan District of Shanghai City.
宝山,原属江苏省,1742年(清雍正二年)从嘉定县分出,建为 宝山县1937年(民国26年)以后的抗日战争期间,全境划归上海 市。抗日战争胜利后,除大场划归上海市外,其余按战前建制, 重归江苏省。解放后,初属苏南行政区,后隶江苏省。1958年全 境划归上海市,1988年1月,经国务院批准,撤消宝山县和吴淞区 建制,建立宝山区。
概念性规划文本 Concept Planning Report
宝山绿色步道 Baoshan Greenway
宝山绿色步道 Baoshan Greenway
对于当前上海城市的社会经济发展、生活方式变 迁、健康意识变化,已经呈现出种种明显的倾向,富裕 起来的人们,需要更多休闲的空间,需要更多的接触自 然,更多的健身、娱乐。
宝山区绿色步道贯穿宝山区全境,全长约80公里, 道路宽以2.5~5米为主。主要作为步行和自行车道路, 贯穿宝山区的特色地区进行进一步的景观概念性规划设 计。局部地段进行修建性的节点详细规划,使其成为上 海市北部地区休闲,漫步,运动,度假的一条绿色长廊。
Baoshan Greenway is a pedestrian-oriented pedestrian/bicycle pathway which passes through the district of Baoshan, approximately 80 kilometers in length and about 2.5 – 5.0 metres in width. The Greenway will become a green corridor for northern Shanghai for leisure, sport, recreation and holiday destination through the conceptual landscape planning and design of the Greenway,