


Christine 之前,我们提到可以用各种修饰充分来丰富我们的基础表达。所谓的基础表达是指我们基本的简单句的写作时没问题的,即主谓、主谓宾、主谓宾宾、主系表、主谓宾补这5种句子结构成分表达没有问题。那么加入这基础表达的修饰成分主要有定语、状语、同位语、插入语,其中定语和状语我们都已经讲过,今天我们主要看看同位语和插入语可以如何提升句子表述。


在写作时,我们用的比较多的同位语的两种用法,首先第一种大家应该见得是比较多的,比如Linda, my roommate, is good at cooking.那这句话里面my roommate就是Linda的同位语,解释说明Linda是我的室友。这在我们写作,需要解释说明一个概念时,就可以用上这样的用法。

其次,是同位语从句的使用,这个在综合写作中用到的概率非常高,比如The professor disagree with the point made by the passage that predation is the cause of the declining population of sea otters.在这句话中that引导的内容that predation is the cause of the declining population of sea otters.就是对前面的抽象名词point的具体内容做的介绍。利用好这种句型对综合写作的表达组织非常有帮助。


插入语是我们可以快速上手的一种提高表达的一种方式,主要有四种插入语在我们写作时,用到的概率比较高。首先第一种就是刚才在提到同位语讲到的Linda, my roommate, is good at cooking. 在这个句子中就是用同位语做的插入语。

第二种常见的插入语是非限制性定语从句做插入语,比如The book, which is written

by Jane Austin, is interesting.在这句话中中间的, which is written by Jane Austin, 就是非限制性定语从句做插入语,对于前面的book做定语修饰。

第三种是举例型插入语,比如the shopping websites, such as Taobao, are convenient.中间的, such as T aobao,就是举例型插入语,对于前面的websites进行举例子,利用这种表达,可以使我们的写作内容更具体,更有说服性。

第四种是especially引导的限制性插入语。我们可以一起来看一个例子:The novels, especially those about love stories, are popular among young girls. 中间的, especially those about love stories, 就是限制性插入语,对于前面提到的novels做一个限定,可以体现表达的准确性。


Contrary to the belief in the passage that only literature can provide intellectual stimulation, the professor says that other books, such as science writing, historic and political analysis and so forth, are usually well-written and creative and therefore can be stimulative as well.

在这一段话当中,首先that only literature can provide intellectual stimulation是对belief的具体内容进行说明,是同位语从句;其次such as science writing, historic and political analysis and so forth, 是对前面的books做的举例型说明,是举例型插入语,如果把这些插入语和同位语删了,文章的丰富性会下降,也会降低表达效果。大家平时在写作时,就可以利用好前面讲到的这些同位语和插入语类型,提高自己的写作表达。


十大万能理由词汇 Money: budget, a tight budget, income, revenue, expenditure,financial aid, finance,investment, overdraft, bankrupt, go broken, expensive,extravagant,costly,luxurious,money-consuming,exorbitant,money-oriented, affordable, be short of, burn money,foreign currency,jobless, Laid-off worker,limited public funds, miserable, poverty line,profitable, run out of, shortage,starvation,taxpayer, welfare, slaves of money, M oney is the root of evil, red packets, pocket money, Time: Squeeze/spare time, time-consuming,time-saving, a waste of time and resources, precious, fleeting, limited, critical, decisive, Every second counts Each moment in history is a fleeting time, precious and unique. Delay breed dangers We usually take it for granted and let the time pass by minute by minute Many things we can obtain more than once, but wasted time can never be gained again The value of time exceeds that of money Time is often neglected by men, since time is an visible thing Intellect:


托福口语万能例子|托福口语万能套用例子 环保 There’s no trees, no grass in my community. It's very bare. So I have decided to give several hours each month to plant trees and grass in my community. After several years, there will be a lot of trees and grass in my community. It's very charming environment. You can imagine how comfortable it can be, just relax yourself on the grass, when sun is setting down and birds in the trees are singing. Second, Air pollution and noisy pollution are serious in my community. Planting trees and grass can reduce pollution. 健康运动: Doing exercise every day is helpful to students' health. I think health will go with us for a long life if we insist on exercising everyday. It is helpful for us to focus the energy on study and work. Second, doing exercise is the best way to relax. It helps us to reduce stress and release tension. 听音乐: Music is also the best way to help me escape stress and trouble. You know, stress is the biggest enemy of the health. Music can bring me lots of pleasure and turn my blue mood to a bright one. When I am listening music, I can forget all the difficulties of stress life. 合作与交流: To succeed in the world, we should cooperate with others. The ability and the knowledge of one person are limited. How to cooperate with others is important to our success. 增长知识和扩大视野: It may be helpful to increase our knowledge and widen our views. 减少压力: The games can also reduce the stress and pressure of the adults. Great pressure may cause lots of illness, for example, high blood pressure, physiological problem, and so on.Through the game, the adults can feel easy and happy. 发展能力:Playing games can be helpful to develop some skills, such as how to cooperate with partners, how to get along with others and so on. All of the skills are


1.Should teacher help with self-confident or specific knowledge? My opinion: 1. Confident would play high effect on give rise to motivation of study. 2 Student would have positive impress on study for extended study life 3 Self-confident could promote ability of student, innovation is needed. Disagree; 1 Specific knowledge definitely during period of education will enrich their time 2 Specific knowledge is the strength of evidence where self-confident emerges. 3 specific knowledge will be the goal for education on purpose. 2 achieving success or having delight and optimistic mood, which is more important? My opinion: 1 Success would contribute you own self-confident for the motivation of next challenge. 2 Success would help you get reward and celebrity, which may encourage you. 3 Success is the summary of your hard working, of which would imprint experience for your whole life. Disagree: 1. Optimistic mood would be continuous and prolonged for dream of success. 2 Optimistic reveals one’s healthy psychology for perfect life 3 Optimistic would be used in other field other than success. 3 People with different personalities and amateur can’t be friend: My opinion: 1 different disagreement may led to unfriendly friendship. 2 It’s hard to find common topic as combination of both people. 3 they are unlikely to know each other very well in short time. Disagree: 1. They would study other different type of advantage filling space 2 Finding more different topic will strengthen friendship. 3 open up their view and accumulate more knowledge 4 competition may hurt friendship My opinion: 1 Competition may increase possibility that you friend is jealous of others 2 Competition may reduce the communication chances hence have less meaningful friendship bit by bit Disagree: 1 It factually might let you know each other better


托福口语万能模板 为了让同学们在短期内可以快速有效地提高托福口语水平,天道小编特为大家搜集整理了一些比较常用、比较简单的托福口语模板,希望对大家复习托福口语备考有所帮助。 Q1 Personally, I would like to say that my favorite is … And there are a couple of reasons to name. The most important thing is that… What’s more… So that’s why Q2 Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that… The first reason I want to say is that… More importantly… So, that’s why I choose… for the two reasons listed above Personally speaking, I prefer… for several reasons. I think …is more appropriate for… for several reasons. Firstly, … Besides, in my experience Bur probably the most important reason for my preference is that… In a word, that’s the reason of my preference./ that’s why my preference is… I think it is important to … For one thing, …. By doing… Another thing is the advantage of… As for… I agree that, but unless…, … Q3 The school has implemented a new policy that… due to… And the woman/man holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement. The first reason s/he gives is that… And the second one is based on the fact that…


【托福写作的39个常用万能例子】 能够用于考试的托福写作万能例子有很多,在这里为大家分享39个比较常用的,希望能对考生们有所帮助。 托福写作万能例子: 1. People learn in different ways. Some people learn by doing things; other people learn by reading about things; others learn by listening to people talk about things. Which of these methods of learning is best for you? 2. Some people trust their first impressions about a person s character because they believe these judgments are generally correct. Other people do not judge a person s character quickly because they believe first impressions are often wrong. Compare these two attitudes. Which attitude do you agree with? 3. A university plans to develop a new research center in your country. Some people want a center for business research. Other people want a center for research in agriculture (farming). Which of these two kinds of research centers do you recommend for your country? 4. How do movies or television influence people s behavior? 5. Music tells us something about a culture. What does the music of your country reveal about the culture of your country? 6. It has recently been announced that a new movie theater (a shopping center/ a new restaurant/ a new high school) may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? 7. A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the factory? 8 In some countries people are no longer allowed to smoke in many public places and office buildings. Do you think this is a good law or a bad law? 9. Imagine that you have received some land to use as you wish. How would


针对近期的托福考试及雅思考试的写作考题同学们可以参考这些理由简略的列出一个写作提纲,以减少列提纲的时间,避免大脑一片空白,其中孙晓茹老师总结并分享了她在雅思写作及托福独立写作中的教学经验,并和其他老师分享了她的教研成果,总结了和人类不相关的十大万能理由: 1. 效率efficiency在很多文章中,笔者发现都可以将效率作为一个万能理由,比如写同意用手机发送短信,因为用手机发短信能提高效率;在手机和书信间选择用手机沟通(托福写作),因为手机能够提高效率,笔者总结了一句万能的跟效率相关的句子,以用手机发短信为例,用手机发短信能够提高效率在一定程度上能够提高效率,这能节约大量的时间,这些时间能够被用来做更有意义的事情。Sending text message could,to some degree,enhance efficiency,which saves a lot of time that could be uesd to do other things of greater significance.大家细看一下这句话不难发现这句话融合了很多不同的句式,如插入语,即在一定程度上,非限,限定性定从,被动语态,of+名词这一结构。 2. 方便convenience很多题目可以跟方便联系到一起。比如同意与否在社区建大学,如果同意可以说这样可以给当地学生居民带来方便. 3. 刺激经济stimulate economy比如同意与否在乡镇建立新公司,如果同意可以写这样做刺激了当地的经济及相关产业发展,增加了当地的税收收入,我们可以将增加了当地的税收收入写成一个现在分词做分词结构,写成Establishing new companies in town could promote the progress of local economy and relevant industries ,increasing tax revenue. 4. 节约对于节约,可以用的万能理由有两个,一个是节约金钱,一个是节约资源,对于节约金钱而言,我们可以不用save money 这样的简单词汇,用be less time-consuming and more economical取而代之,而对于节约资源,使用短语preserve natural resources 即可. 5. 就业有一个题目叫是否同意在社区建大学,有的同学觉得这个话题不好写,其实用就业就很好展开,在社区建大学可以增加当地的就业机会,缓解当地就业压力Establishing community colleges may ,to some extent ,increase local employment opportunities ,which relieves the employment pressure. 6. 竞争 激烈的社会竞争是很多题目的写作背景,笔者在这里特别为大家准备了一个黄金句型,叫很明显随着经济与社会的发展,竞争变得越来越激烈。It is conceivable that with the development of economy and society ,the competition is becoming increasingly acute and fierce.这是一个形式主语句型,用到了越来越这个单词,笔者没有用more and more这个“恶心词”,而用increasingly代替,体现词汇的广度. 7. 文化 很多题目可以和文化衔接上,如果做某件事可以对文化游好的帮助,大家可以用文化交流cultural exchange和文化融合cultural integration and synthesis这两个短语,而如果是对文化不好的影响,如文化同化,就可以用cultural assimilation这一短语. 8. 权利 大家注意,这里的权利是right,而不是权力power。比如雅思考过一个题目,叫是否同意拿动物做实验,如果不同意,就可以说动物有生存权,the right for life. 9.责任与义务 和权利相对的是责任与义务,同样上面的话题,你可以说人们有保护动物的责任与义务(responsibility and obligation). 10安全 雅思托福写作中跟安全相关的理由可以体现在食品安全,人身安全,财产安全和社会安全上,food security ,personal security,property security social security.


巧辨同位语从句与定语从句 同位语从句与定语从句在外形上非常相似,它们都有类似的引导词,因此很多同学对如何区分它们感到很困难,今天我们就这一语法现象进行讲解。 由于同位语从句的先行词多为fact, belief, news, idea, thought, question, reply, possibility, hope, problem, remark, report等名词,引导词常用that,所以有些同学干脆把这些名词背得滚瓜烂熟,以为只要上述名词后面出现的从句肯定是同位语从句,殊不知上述名词后面出现的从句既有可能是同位语从句,也有可能是定语从句。例如: (1)We were greatly pleased at the news that the Chinese women's volleyball team had won the match again.听到中国女排再次获胜的消息我们极为高兴。(that引导的是同位语从句) (2)We were greatly pleased at the news that our teacher had told us.听到老师告诉我们的消息我们感到很高兴。(that引导的是定语从句) 从上面的例句可以看出,仅仅只靠先行词就断定有些名词之后一定就是同位语从句显然是片面的。那么,究竟应当如何来区分同位语从句和定语从句呢?一般来说,我们可以从以下几个方面去区分同位语从句和定语从句: 1.从意义的角度来看,同位语从句与先行词之间存在的是同位或等同的关系,如例(1)中的news与其后的从句that the Chinese women's volleyball team had won the match again之间,"中国女排再次获胜"表示"消息"的具体内容。定语从句与先行词之间存在的是所属关系,表示"……的",起修饰限定作用。如例(2)中的news与其后的that our teacher had told us"老师告诉我们的"是对"消息"进行修饰限定,并不表示"消息"的具体内容。 2.从语法角度来看,引导同位语从句的that是连词,只起语法作用,用来连接同位语从句,在从句中不充当任何成分,如例(1)中的that;而引导定语从句的that是关系代词,它除了起引导从句的语法作用之外,还要在从句中充当句子成分,主要是作主语或宾语,如例(2)中的that在从句中作动词told的宾语。 3.从先行词的词性来看,同位语从句的先行词大都为抽象名词,而定语从句的先行词可以是名词,也可以是代词。例如: (1)There is no doubt that the price of wheat will go up.毫无疑问,小麦的价格将会上涨。(doubt为抽象名词,同位语从句) (2)Those who were against the plan raised their hands.那些反对这个计划的人举起了手。(Those为代词,定语从句) 4.从可否省略来看,同位语从句的that一般不可以省略,但是定语从句中的关系代词如果在从句中充当宾语,在非正式用语中常常可以将关系代词that省略。


2020年12月12日托福口语真题 Task1 Whose lecture would you like to attend ? Scientist’s , businessman’s or government official’s? Task2 If there is misunderstanding between you and your friend, do you prefer to solve the problem in public places or private places like home? Task 3 阅读:学校安排周六授课的programs 原因1):学生有能够选择 的时间表;原因2):课程有折扣。 听力:女生同意该建议,因为1):很多人是一边工作一边上课, 平时没有时间,只能晚上上课,现在多了选择;2)现在学费很贵,有了 折扣肯定能吸引充足的学生。 Task 4 阅读:loss aversion 损失规避心理 听力:教授举自己的例子,他用credit card 买水果应该花20美元,结果被刷了30美元。他非要把那10美元要回来,但那个地方很远,后来有个朋友告诉他有个咖啡馆试喝咖啡给10美元,他去试喝了。 Task5 问题:女生要组织camp trip,但是气象预报说天要下雨。方案1:改时间,但是他们已经改过一次时间了,期末忙再改就没人去了。方案2:带防雨设备坚持去露营。 Task6

热带雨林之所以能够support 多样物种生存的两个characteristics。 一是热带雨林环境温暖潮湿,很多植物不能在干冷的地方生村。举例某种植物遇到冷天就会死,但在亚马逊的热带雨林就能够活。二是茂密的树叶会遮住阳光,形成canopy,所以地面环境和高处环境大不相同,举例一种植物能够在高处生存,但落到地上就会死。


十三个万能理由 一.成就感(achievement) 关键词句: a sense of achievement virtuous cycle 良性循环grand feat/exploit 辉煌的业绩attainment of goals elevate our self-esteem be conductive to self-actualization 有助于自我实现 万能段落:By doing (something), we can enjoy a sense of achievement. The feat of accomplishing is conductive to self-actualization, which will inevitably elevate our self-esteem. Inflated esteem will proportionally contribute to even more solid achievement. This is virtuous cycle toward a better career. For example, I have a relative who works in a big company. He was once awarded the opportunity to travel abroad that excited him for quite a long time. After that he worked even harder and gained the elevated esteem. 二.被认可感(acknowledgement) 关键词句: A willing ox 任劳任怨的人selfless contribution the stat of being recognized a sense of belonging provide satisfaction motivation for further improvement 万能段落: By acknowledgement, I mean the state of being recognized. When we are recognized by our company (school/college/group/community or society), we can experience a sense of belonging. The feeling of being recognized provides satisfaction and motivation for further improvement. Hence, when a person can be identified by others, the subsequent outcome can be beyond imagination. Bill Gates, through luck, diligence, and team spirit leads Microsoft to splendor. And he distributes his wealth generously, which won him a name: the greatest philanthropist around the world. His success is acknowledged by our society. And his satisfaction index can be higher than that of any other peers. 三.健康(health) 关键词句: ingredients to sound health 健康的要素physical health psychological health well-adjusted to the society sound health as fit as a fiddle 身体好discard health hazard robust strength 体力充沛Health is above wealth. 万能段落:Fresh air, clean water and nutritious food are indispensable ingredients to sound health. So if we live in good environment and enjoy healthful diet, our physical health can be guaranteed. Also if we have positive hobbies like reading and other mental pursuits, our psychological health can be elevated. Anyway, health is above wealth, we should exert our efforts to discard health hazard in order to attain a better life. 四.安全(safety) 关键词句: be protected against failure, damage a sense of security facilitate the harmony of society Safety is the top priority. 万能段落:Safety refers to the condition of being protected against failure, damage, error, accidents, harm, et cetera. Safety is usually our main concern. 五.方便(convenience) 关键词句: perform daily errands 从事日常业务get easy access to 容易接近do not have to exert ourselves too much 不用太费力气Convenience matters.便利至关重要 万能段落:Convenience means being suitable and useful for us to carry out daily tasks. If something is convenient and easy to be made use of, we get easy access it, then the potential can be fully exploited. We do not have to exert ourselves too much to obtain the benefit. As a result, we can devote more time and efforts to accomplishing other business that is urgent and pivotal.

5. 巧用插入语 同位语

点句成金:巧用插入语&同位语 Cassie 黎老师 插入语的位置 主语之后,助动词&谓语动词之前: His wife, I presume, was not listening. His wife, actually, did not listen. The boy, I think, has come from countryside. This house, I know, will be sold to a rich man. The boy, thus, forgot to come. 什么是助动词? be (am,is, are) do, does, did have, has will, can, should, must ... 插入语 1. 本身可以放在主语前面的结构,插在了主语的后面(主语后面,助动词&谓语动词前面) e.g. Failing exams can be disturbing. However, students can learn much from this. = Students, however, can learn much from this. 2. 补充在任何突然想解释说明的部分后面托福写作常见的插入语 (本身可以放在主语前面的) 表逻辑的adv和介词短语 转折:however, nevertheless, conversely, in contrast,on the contrary, on the other hand 让步:admittedly 因果:thus, therefore, as a consequence, as a result 并列:also, furthermore, moreover, in addition, worsestill 总结:in sum, in short, in summary, in conclusion (观点):in my opinion, in others' views 小结:插入语的位置 主语之后,助动词&谓语动词之前: His wife, I presume, was not listening. His wife, actually, did not listen. The boy, I think, has come from countryside. This house, I know, will be sold to a rich man. The boy, thus, forgot to come. 什么是助动词? be (am,is, are) do, does, did have, has will, can, should, must ...

新托福口语黄金80题万能理由之五:get emotional ...

新托福口语黄金80题 万能理由之五:Let’s get emotional… 我们先来看下上期的答案: (第36题Do you prefer to do your school assignments alone or in a group? Doing school assignments with a group is much better than doing them alone It is more interesting ?doing assignments alone is very bor ing ?exchanging ideas and feelings is full of fun ?it also enhances your relationships with peers 点评:中国古话说的好,“独乐乐不如众乐乐”。当题目里面出现“一和多”的对立时,我们一般总是选择“多”,而其中的一个强大理由就是full of fun或more interesting. (第42题Would you like to attend class regularly or study by oneself? I think attending class regularly is much better than self-studies Interacting with people is fun ?can often have interesting discussions ?have frequent face to face communication ?make friends with classmates or even professors 点评:该题的出题和解答思路跟上题完全一样,仍旧是选择“多”的模式,在分支理由中加入了face to face communication和make friends等思路。 (第60题Describe the favorite room in your home. The living room of my home is my favorite as there is a big TV screen


托福独立写作高分10大例子 很多考生在备考托福独立写作的时候都有这样的感觉:没有话可写。文都国际小编称,想要你的写作内容充实并用字数达到要求,一些通用资料还是很重要的。下面小编为大家准备了托福独立写作高分10大例子,大家一起来学习一下吧。 1. It can improve health condition and enhance our ability to respond quickly. Besides, as long as we keep doing it frequently, we can effectively lose weight and keep ourselves in good shape. In addition, it can better prepare us for any physical challenge in the future 2. He should tolerate relatively small mistakes committed by others. Making mistakes is somehow inevitable, as long as it’s unintentional, he is supposed to forgive it. The tolerance will breed gratitude from others. 3. During the process of communication, my interpersonal skills will improve considerably. This can help me cooperate with others more


插入语是可以去掉的一部分,去掉后不会影响句子的大致意思及完整性。 例如: 1.Who do you think did this?你认为这是谁做的?do you think 就是插入语。 2.To tell you the truth(不定式作插入语),he doesn't quite agree with this idea. 3.True(形容词作插入语),your daughter is at home now. 4.On the contrary(介词短语作插入语),we should strengthen our corporation with them.相反,我们应该加强和他们的合作。 同位语是前面一定有个跟同位语意思相同的词,是对某个句子成分进行进一步修饰的成分,只能是完整的句子或者单个名词才能做同位语。 例如: 1.Mr. Smith, our new teacher, is very kind to us. 我们的新老师史密斯先生对我们很好。 (our new teacher是主词Mr. Smith的同位语,指同一人。) 2.Yesterday I met Tom, a friend of my brother's. 昨天我遇到了我弟弟的朋友汤姆。 (a friend of my brother's是受词Tom的同位语,指同一人。) 3.He told me that his brother John is a world-famous doctor. 他本人对我讲,他的兄长约翰是一位世界闻名的医生。 (brother和John都是单一的字作同位语,与其同位成分之间不用逗点隔开。) 4.Yesterday I talked to my English teacher, Mr. James. 昨天我与我的英语老师詹姆斯先生谈过了。 (同位语Mr. James补充解释my English teacher,同位语与其同位成分之间可用逗点隔开。)
