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6/6 S PS型Ste wart并联机构运动学正解的研究*



摘要:对具有半对称结构的6/6 SPS型S te w art并联机构的运动学正解进行了研究。建立了一类具有半对称结构的6/6 SPS型S te w art并联机构运动学正解的数学模型,构造了一个关于该并联机构动平台位置参数及姿态参数的多元多项式方程组。基于该方程组并采用M athe m atica符号计算软件,编制了基于M athe m atica语言的6/6 SPS型Stewa rt并联机构运动学正解的求解程序,计算结果表明,对于任意给定的该并联机构的结构参数以及六个驱动杆杆长,该类6/6 SPS型Stew art并联机构的运动学正解在复数域内最多有28组解析解。并联机构运动学正解的研究为该类并联机构的工作空间分析、轨迹规划及控制奠定了重要的理论基础。

关键词:Ste w art机构;运动学正解;符号计算;M a t he m atica软件

中图分类号:TP242.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671 3133(2008)03 0001 05

D irect kinem atics anal ysis of a speci a l class of

the6/6 SPS Ste w artm ani pul ators

Zhou H u,i Cao Y i

(School ofM echan ica lEng i n eeri n g,Jiangnan Un i v ersity,W ux i214122,Jiangsu,CHN) Abstrac t:A ddresses t he direct kinem ati cs of a spec i a l c l ass of the6/6 SPS Ste w art m ani pulators i n wh i ch the mov i ng and base p l a tfor m s are t w o si m ilar sem isymm etr i ca l hex agons.A fte r proposi ng a m athe m atica lm ode l o f the d irect k i ne m atics of t h i s special class o f t he Ste w art m an i pu lators,a m ulti v ariate po lyno m ial equati ons se t i n the m oving p l atfor m pos iti on para m eters and or i enta ti on para m eters is constructed i n wh ich i npu t para m ete rs are geo m etric para m eters and the li nk length o f each li m b of t h is special class o f the6/6 SPS S te w art m an i pu lators.Based on t h ism ultivar i ate polynom ia l equa tions se t,an a l go rith m has been deve l oped inM a t he m a tica l anguag e for so lv i ng the d i rect k i ne m atics of t h is specia l c lass o f the6/6 SP S Stew artm anipulators by utilizi ng a sy m bo li c computati on so ft w are M athem ati ca,co m puta tion results first sho w tha t t he m ax i m u m number of the co m plete analytical so l uti on to t he direct k i ne m atic prob l em of t h is spec i a l class of t he6/6 SPS Stewart m an i pulators is up t o28i n the co m plex do m ain for any g i ven set of geo m etric para m eters and si x g iven li nk leng t hs o f the man i pu l a t o r cons i dered.D irec t k i ne m atic analysis o f th i s special c lass o f t he6/6 SPS Stewart m an i pu l a tors paves under l y i ng theoretical g rounds for the wo rkspace ana l y si s,pa t h p l ann i ng and contro l o f th i s specia l c lass o f the6/6 SPS S te w art m an i pu l a tors.

K ey word s:Stewart m ani pulator;D irect kinem ati cs;Symbo lic co m putation;M athem ati ca so ft w are

0 引言

S te w art平台具有承载能力强、刚度好、无积累误差、精度高、系统动态响应快等特点[1],在飞行模拟器、机器人、新型机床等领域得到广泛应用。机器人运动学正解的研究在机器人机构学的研究中具有重要的地位,特别是对并联机器人机构,运动学正解问题一直是研究的难点和热点之一。国内外诸多学者分别采用数值法、解析法等对并联机构的运动学正解问题进行深入细致的研究[2 19]。但是,不难发现这些研究均是针对具有特殊结构形式的并联机器人机构,而对具有一般结构形式的6/6 SPS型S te w art并联机构的运动学正解,仅有少数学者进行了研究。

本文对具有半对称结构的6/6 SPS型S te w art并联机构的运动学正解进行了研究。建立了一类具有半对称结构的6/6 SPS型Ste w art并联机构运动学正


