丹佛斯 Eco 可编程散热器恒温器说明书

Data SheetDanfoss Eco™Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphoneApplicationDanfoss Eco™ is a stand-alone radiator thermostatfor residential use.Danfoss Eco™ is battery powered, compact andeasy to operate with a manual hand wheel andsingle button. Danfoss Eco™ is programmed witha smartphone App using Bluetooth connectivity.Danfoss Eco™ is easy to install, in just 30 seconds!Adapters are available for all thermostatic valvesmanufactured by Danfoss and most otherradiator valve manufacturers.Features:• Easy App programming via Bluetooth on smart phone or tablet• Energy savings• Easy to install• Easy to operate• Manual mode• Open-window function• PID Accurate temperature control• Adaptive learning• Night & day set-back, Weekly scheduling, Holiday and Pause• Easy to read LCD display• Display rotation -180 degrees• Min./max. temp. range• Child lock• Frost protectionOrderingData Sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable Radiator Thermostat AccessoriesSpecificationsData Sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable Radiator ThermostatApp Advanced SettingsMain features App SchedulingEasy App programming via Bluetooth on smartphone or tablet. Up to 3 setback periods per dayand the option to copy the schedule across toother days.Software UpdatesSoftware updates are automatic, prompted viathe App. The data security of the Danfoss Eco™thermostat and App that is paired to yoursmartphone is guaranteed. The system is testedby independent specialists.Open-window functionDanfoss Eco™ features an Open-window function,which closes the valve if the room temperature isfalling dramatically, thus reducing the heat loss.The radiator heat is shut off for up to 30 minutes,before Danfoss Eco™ returns to its originalsettings. When Open-window has been activated,the function is quarantined for 45 minutes.Adjusting to the valveDuring the first night of operation Danfoss Eco™will shut off the radiator heat and then openagain to detect the exact opening point of thevalve. This will allow Danfoss Eco™ to control theheat as efficiently as possible. If necessary, theprocedure is repeated once a night for up to aweek.You might experience the valve being warm during the adjustment procedure, regardless of the room temperature.Child lockActivating the child lock feature will protect the settings from tampering.Adaptive learningDuring the first week of operation Danfoss Eco™ learns when it is necessary to start heating the room in order to reach the correct temperature at the correct time.The intelligent control will continuouslyadjust the heating time compared to seasonal temperature changes.Automatic valve exercisingTo keep the radiator valve functional and at its best, Danfoss Eco™ automatically exercises the valve every Thursday at approx. 11:00 hrs by fully opening and then returning to its normal setting.Measuring the room temperature Danfoss Eco™ is measuring the temperaturewith multiple built-in sensors to ensure accuratecontrol. Based on these readings the roomtemperature is calculated for an area approx.20cm in front of the display. This allows DanfossEco™ to control the actual room temperature veryaccurately.Be aware that sources of cold or heat, e.g.fireplace, direct sun or draft, might affect thefunction of Danfoss Eco™.20c mNote: The displayed temperature is always the settemperature, not the actual room temperature.M28Orkli3. P ress and hold the button for 3seconds. The Danfoss Eco™ is now mounted and will display the current temperature.4. Download the Danfoss Eco™ App fromApple App Store or Google Play Store.Search Danfoss Eco™ or follow the link:-Dimensions。
丹佛斯(Danfoss) FC101和FC102变频器Novenco控制用户指南说明书

Pure competence in air.927665-0FREQUENCY CONVERTERS DANFOSS FC 101 AND FC 102NOVENCO CONTROL USER GUIDE927665-0GBFrequency converters Danfoss FC 101 and FC 102Novenco control user guideContents1.General2.Wire configuration3.First time run after installation4.Configuration of FC101 converter5.Configuration of FC102 converter6.Modbus configuration7.Reference documentation8.Patents and trademarks9.Declaration of conformity1.GeneralThe procedures in this guide serve as examples of how to control the Danfoss FC 101 and FC 102 frequency con-verters in combination with Novenco fans.Please read all relevant parts of this complete guide.Procedures and methods in this guide should be fol-lowed for the warranty to remain valid.2.Wire configurationCheck wires are correctly connected•Check that a wire connects the terminals no. 12 and 27 in the frequency converter.•Connect a control wire to terminal no. 18 in the fre-quency converter. The terminal must pull high (24V) to activate the converter.•Check the signal wire is connected to terminal no. 53. For voltage control the signal levels are 0 - 10V and for current control the levels are 4 - 20mA.•Check that ground is connected to terminals no. 20 and 55.Table 1.Icons in guideFigure 2Terminal block set up for current control3.First time run after installationHow to check the installation is correct1.Check the installation is powered off on the mainswitch.2.Check the fan and frequency converter are in-stalled correctly. Refer to the installation and maintenance guides for the fan and frequency converter.3.Power on the installation at the main switch. Thefrequency converter starts in idle mode.4.Push Hand On on the local control panel (LCP)on the frequency converter. This activates the fan rotor.5.Check the direction of rotation is consistent withthe arrows on the fan casing.6.Turn off the installation at the main switch.7.Connect the start signal wire to terminal no. 18.8.Voltage or current mode:Connect the reference wire to terminal no. 53.Modbus mode:Connect the reference wires to terminals no. 68 and 69.4.Configuration of FC101 converterThe converter is set up for voltage mode as standard. The minimum speed is indicated with 0V and the max-imum speed with 10V.Figure 3Wire diagram for the FC101+10 V DC4.1Change from voltage to current con-trolHow to change the FC101 to current control1.Push the Menu button on the LCP on the fre-quency converter.2.Push the ↓ and ↑ buttons to navigate to the Wiz-ard. Push OK to select.3.Push ↓ to navigate to the following menu item.6-19 Terminal 53 mode[1] Voltage mode4.Push OK to access and use the ↓ and ↑ to selectcurrent mode.5.Push OK to accept.The frequency converter now operates in current mode for control signals. The minimum speed is indicated with 4mA and the maximum speed with 20mA.5.Configuration of FC102 converter The converter is set up for voltage mode as standard.The minimum speed is indicated with 0V and the max-imum speed with 10V.Figure 4Wire diagram for the FC1025.1Change from voltage to current con-trolHow to change the FC102 to current control1.Remove the screw that holds the lid on the fre-quency converter.2.Pull out the LCP with a straight pull.3.Locate the text A53 U - I.4.Push the button from position U to I with ascrewdriver.5.Put the LCP back.6.Attach the lid and insert the screw.The frequency converter now operates in current mode for control signals. The minimum speed is indicated with 4mA and the maximum speed with 20mA. 6.Modbus configurationAll parameters are accessible through Modbus RTU (Re-mote Terminal Unit) either directly or via PCD (Process Data).To setup the Modbus RTU1.Push the Menu button two times.2.Push ↓ to navigate to8-** Comm. and Options.3.Push OK.4.Push ↓ to navigate to 8-3 FC port settings.5.Push OK.6.Push OK again.7.Push ↓ to navigate to [2] Modbus RTU.8.Push OK to confirm.9.Push ↓ to navigate down and check the followingsettings.•Address•Baud Rate•Parity / Stop bit•Minimum Response Delay•Maximum Inter-char..10.Push OK to select, the ↓ and ↑ buttons to changeand push OK to confirm settings.Write and start-stop notes•PCD: It is possible to configure up to 64 parame-ters in PCDs.Write PCDs in par. 8-42.xx, and read PCDs in par.8-43.xx. These PCDs are accessible via holdingregisters 28xx and 29xx.•Write control word: Par. 8-42.0 and par. 8-42.1 areset to the control word and as reference, respec-tively. Set par. 8-42[2-63] to the par. no. to write to.•Start-stop: Write the control word to register 2810to start or stop the converter.Read notes•The reference register is 2811 with 0 - 4000hex(0-100%).•Read status word: Par. 8-43.0 and par. 8-43.1 areset to status word and main actual value, respec-tively. Set par. 8-43[2-63] to the par. no. to readfrom.Figure 5Location of terminal 53Bit Bit value = 0Bit value = 100Reference value External selection LSB01Reference value External selection MSB02DC brake Ramp03Coasting No coasting04Quick stop Ramp05Hold output frequency Use ramp06Ramp stop Start07No function Rest08No function Jog09Ramp 1Ramp 210Data invalid Data valid11Relay 01 open Relay 01 active12Relay 02 open Relay 02 active13Parameter set-up Selection LSB14< Not used >< Not used >15No function ReverseTable 2.Control word bit positions•Read status word: Read the status word from reg-ister 2910.Other notes•Set the speed, i.e. the main actual value, with reg-ister 2911.•Read the configuration of par. 8-43.3.. with regis-ter 2912.•To configure a PCD to read a 32bit parameter re-quires configuration of two consecutive PCDs to the same parameter. For example, the parameter 16-10 Power [kW] is a 32bit integer, which may be configured in par. 8-43.2 and 8-43-3, or par. 8-43.4 and 8-43.5 and so on.The sizes of the different parameters are available in the programming guide.•To address parameters directly use the register no. = parameter no. x 10. For example, the par. 16-90 is accessible via register no 16900.•Some PLCs have 0 offsets, which means the value 1 must be subtracted from the register no. For ex-ample, reg. 2810 is 2809 etc.00Control not ready Control ready 01Drive not ready Drive ready 02Coasting Enable 03No error Trip04No error Error (no trip)05Reserved -06No error Triplock 07No warningWarning08Speed reference Speed = reference 09Local operationBus control10Out of frequency limit Frequency limit ok 11No operation On operation12Drive ok Stopped, auto start 13Voltage ok Voltage exceeded 14Torque ok Torque exceeded 15Timer okTimer exceededTable 3.Status word bit positionsNovenco Building & Industry A/S Industrivej 22Tel. +45 70 77 88 994700 Naestved Denmark7.Reference documentation•Danfoss Operating guideVLT ® HVAC basic drive FC 101Publication no. MG18AA02, 04/2018•Danfoss Programming guide VLT ® HVAC basic drive FC 101Publication no. MG18B502, 04/2018•Danfoss Design guideVLT ® HVAC basic drive FC 101Publication no. MG18C802, 04/2018•Danfoss Operating guide VLT ® HVAC drive FC 102Publication no. MG16O202, 04/2018•Danfoss Programming guide VLT ® HVAC drive FC 102Publication no. MG11CE02, 03/2015•Danfoss Design guide VLT ® HVAC drive FC 102Publication no. MG11BC02, 06/20148.Patents and trademarksNovenco ®ZerAx ® is a registered trademark of Novenco Building & Industry A/S.AirBox™ and NovAx™ are trademarks of Novenco Building & Industry A/S.VLT ® is a registered trademark of Danfoss A/S.The ZerAx ® processes of manufacture, technologies and designs are patented by Novenco A/S or Novenco Building & Industry A/S.Pending patents include Brazil no. BR-11-2012-008607-3, BR-11-2012-008543-3, BR-11-2012-008545-0, BR-11-2014-002282-8 and BR-11-2014-002426-0; India no. 4140/CHENP/2012, 4077/CHENP/2012, 821/CHENP/2014 and 825/CHENP/2014; PCT no. EP2012/064908 and EP2012/064928; South Korea no. 10-2012-7012154.Granted patents include Canada no. 2.777.140,2.777.141, 2.777.144, 2.832.131 and 2.843.132; China no. ZL2010800458842, ZL2010800460965, ZL2010800464275 and ZL2012800387210; EU no. 2488759, 2488760,2488761, 2739860 and 2739861; India no. 312464; South Korea no. 10-1907239, 10-1933724, 10-1980600 and 10-2011515; US no. 8.967.983, 9.200.641, 9.273.696 B2,9.683.577 and 9.926.943 B2. Granted designs include Bra-zil no. BR-30-2012-003932-0; Canada no. 146333; China no. 1514732, 1517779, 1515003, 1555664 and 2312963; EU no. 001622945-0001 to 001622945-0009 and 001985391 - 0001; India no. 246293; South Korea no. 30-0735804; US no. D665895S, D683840S, D692119S, D704323S,D712023S, D743018S, D755363S, D756500S, D821560S and D823452S.The NovAx Basic jet fans manufacturing processes, technologies and designs are patented by Novenco A/S or Novenco Building & Industry A/S.Granted patents include EU no. 2387670 and United Arab Emirates no. 1372. Granted designs include EU no. 001069884-0003, 001069884-0008, 001069884-0010, 001069884-0013, 001069884-0017, 001069884-0019, 001069884-0022, 001069884-0026 and 001069884-0028; United Arab Emirates no. D223/2009.The CGF jet fans designs are patented by Novenco A/S or Novenco Building & Industry A/S.Granted designs include EU no. 001610643-0001 to 001610643-0005.Copyright © 2016 - 2020,Novenco Building & Industry A/S.All rights are reserved.9.Declaration of conformityRefer to the declaration information in the documenta-tion for the fans and frequency converters.Figure 6QR code to this guide onPure competence in air. ttt͘EKs E Kͳ h/> /E'͘ KD。

Alu-pex: Cupper/steel:
Individual Room Temperature Control
对于一些 特殊尺寸 管子,如 20x2.3, 20x2.8等 ,可用相 近管材的 接头。
▪ 230V 或 24 V 50Hz 交流电源 ▪ 常开型或常闭型(NO/NC) ▪ 功耗 2W ▪ 保护等级 IP 41 ▪ 具有开关位置指示 ▪ 多种接口方式 ▪ 与丹佛斯分水器及RA-N阀相配的型号
为TWA-A系列,与RTD-N,RTD-G阀 相配的型号为TWA-D系列。丹佛斯还可 提供与其它品牌分水器控制阀相配的热 电驱动器。
Individual Room Temperature Control
FH-CWT 普通拨盘式
FH-CWD 普通液晶显示
Individual Room Temperature Control
➢ 具有地面温度传感器接口,可限制地面最高温度。地面温度设定范 围:20-45oC。(出厂设定为单温单控模式,即只根据房间温度进 行控制)。
➢ 具有断电记忆功能,重新通电时恢复至停电前温控器状态及设定。 内部有一钮扣电池,保证时钟不受断电影响。
➢ 具有温度传感器故障判断及显示功能
➢ 防护等级IP30,材质为阻燃材料
房间温控器TP5001 Si
➢ LCD液晶显示
➢ 电池或230V供电,1个单刀双掷开关(SPDT),开关最大电流为 3(1)A,具有NO和NC型驱动器接线端子,无电压开关输出
➢ 出厂房间温度设定范围为5-30oC,但可在5-40oC的范围内对温度

20 年质保Danfoss ECflex 质保年限长达 20 年,不仅涵盖电缆更换,还承担安装和地面材料的费用。
安装简单、可靠、快速Danfoss ECflex 的特性• 通过 IEC 60800:2009 认证• PVC 外部护套• 圆形结构• 安装温度低至 -5°C • 360° 全屏蔽Danfoss ECflex 双导电缆中的电线是为了与相应的电阻值匹配而单独确定的。
XLPE 绝缘材料会使电缆具有一定的强度,在 190°C 的温度下,此材料被拉伸包覆于两根导线周围。
为了向 XLPE 绝缘材料提供所需硬度等级,电缆会多次通过容器。
01.超乎寻常的电缆的内部02.彻底冷却3设计目标在设计 ECflex 电缆的同时,我们还注重:- 强度更高- 灵活性更大- 可靠性更高34我们研发出一种配有由实电缆和冷线均设计为圆形,铝屏蔽、独立屏蔽导流线以及 XLPE 绝缘。
03. 凹槽中镀锡铜导线穿插到内部电缆 XLPE 的特殊凹槽中。
这是使 Danfoss ECflex 具有极大灵活性的关键。
04. 安全防护05. 快速包覆加蔽线安装到位后,会在四周缠上铝屏蔽层,从而完全屏蔽内芯和加蔽线,最大限度地达到防护目的。
电缆以平均每分钟 100 米的速度包覆上强韧、有弹性的 PVC – 红色代表 Danfoss Ecflex 和紫外线防护,黑色代表 Danfoss ECsafe 。
5新电缆通用性和易安装性的关键是其圆形结构以及富有弹性的 PVC 护套。
在所有全新和翻新修建工程中,包括混凝土地面、实木和强化地板,几乎都可采用 Danfoss ECflex ,不论是否使用 Danfoss Reflect 绝缘板。
Danfoss Ecflex 可在 -5°C 的低温下安装,极大程度地延长了安装季节,特别是在那些气候寒冷的国家。

建筑概况 序号 楼层 采暖区域 房间 面积 ㎡ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 汇总 编制: 半地下 室 书房 桌球室 34 28 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 71 34 可铺 面积 ㎡ 34 设计参数 设计 参数 W/㎡ 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 ---总热量 单线热量 W 4080 3360 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 8520 ------2 W 2135 设计选型 单线线长 m 118 数量 条 2 总热量 W 4270 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---单位总 热负荷 W 126 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---湿法水泥敷设 湿法水泥敷设 湿法水泥敷设 湿法水泥敷设 湿法水泥敷设 湿法水泥敷设 湿法水泥敷设 湿法水泥敷设 湿法水泥敷设 湿法水泥敷设 湿法水泥敷设 ----施工方案 铺设方式 铺线 间距 mm 144 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 EFIT440 EFIT440 EFIT440 EFIT440 EFIT440 EFIT440 EFIT440 EFIT440 EFIT440 EFIT440 EFIT440 -----温控 数量 线控器型号 备注
Danfoss VLT Automation Drive FC 300(大功率型)操作手册说明书

VLT® Automation Drive FC 300(大功率型)操作手册目录目录1 如何阅读这些操作说明3如何阅读这些操作说明3认证3符号4缩略语42 安全说明和一般警告5高压5安全说明6避免意外启动6安全停止7IT 主电源93 如何安装11如何开始11预安装12规划安装位置12变频器接收12运输和开箱12起吊13机械尺寸15额定功率22机械安装23端子位置 - D 机箱24端子位置 - E 机箱26端子位置 - F 机箱29冷却和气流32选件的现场安装36管道冷却套件在 Rittal 机箱中的安装36外部安装/ Rittal 机箱的 NEMA 3R 套件37底座式安装38输入面板选项40VLT 变频器主电源屏蔽的安装41F 型机箱面板选件42电气安装44电源连接44主电源接线57保险丝58控制电缆的布线61电气安装,控制端子62连接示例64启动/停止64脉冲启动/停止64电气安装,控制电缆65开关 S201、S202 和 S80168最终设置和测试69附加连接71机械制动控制71电动机热保护714 如何编程73图形化和数字式 LCP 73如何在图形化 上编程73如何在数字式本地控制面板上编程73快捷设置75参数列表795 一般规格107电气数据:1116 警告和报警121状态信息121警告/报警信息121索引128目录VLT ® Automation Drive FC 300(大功率型)操作手册11.1如何阅读这些操作说明1.1.1如何阅读这些操作说明变频器旨在使电动机的主轴提供高水平的性能。
第 1 章,如何阅读这些操作说明,简单介绍了本手册,并且说明了本文中使用的认证、符号和省略用语。
丹佛斯 103 电气机械 24 小时时间开关安装和用户手册用于控制热水和加热 (包括工厂更换单元 F

Installation and User GuideDanfoss Heating103Electro-mechanical 24 hourtimeswitch for controlling hot water and heating(Including Factory Replacement Units FRU)2I N D E XIndexInstallationProduct specifi cation 3Installation 4-5Wiring 6UserWhat is a timeswitch?7 Your timeswitch 8 Setting the time of day 9 Setting the programme 9-10 Selecting operating mode 11Temporary overrides12 Contact details16For a large print version of these instructions please call Marketing on 01234 364 621.Danfoss can accept no responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures, and other printed material. All trademarks in this material are property of the respective companies. Danfoss and theDanfoss logotype are trademarks of Danfoss A/S. All rights reserved.Certification Mark3Product specifi cationI n s t a l l a t i o n & S p e c i fi c a t i o nInstallation Instructions4Installation1. Loosen the fi xing screw in thebase of the unit to release the grey plastic Wiring Cover. Ensure the protective tape over the thumbwheel remains in place.2. Holding the unit clockfacedownwards, press fi rmly in the centre of the wallplate and slide it from the module as shown.I n s t a l l a t i o nPre-Selector wheelSelector switchPlug-in replacement moduleWallplate/Terminal block (not with FRUunits)wallplate/terminal blockplug-in moduleNB. For FRU units - go straight to to point 4 on page 53. Fix the Wallplate/Terminal Block to the wall withcountersunk No.8 woodscrews or to a steel box to BS 4662.1970 or a surface mounting steel or moulded box having centres of 23/8” (60.3mm).4. Referring to the Wiring Diagrams on page 6, connect theunit as shown. Ensure that terminals 3 and 6 are linked where required (Mains Voltage applications) with insulated cable capable of carrying full load current.5. Ensure all dust and debris has been cleared away fromthe area, then plug the module fi rmly into the wallplate ensuring that the hook at the top of the wallplate engages with the slot at the back of the body. Press the module down until it locates solidly.6. Cut a cable aperture in the Wiring Cover if necessary;replace the Wiring Cover, and tighten the fi xing screw.7. Switch on Mains & test for correct operation as follows:i) Remove protective tape from pre-selector wheel.ii) Remove dial cover & rotate the clock dial twocomplete revolutions to clear the mechanism.ii) Check that all positions of the Selector Switchand Tappets operate correctly. (See instructionsin User Booklet.)8. Replace the dial cover. Finally leave this booklet, containingthe USER instructions with the Householder.9. If the unit is to be left turned off and is in a dustyatmosphere, protect the pre-selector wheel by re-affi xing the protective tape.IMPO R TANT: R emove tape prior to putting unit into service. I n s t a l l a t i o n56W i r i n g103, 103E 5WiringTerminalsBoiler T erminalsPump T erminals3) Typical gas or oil fired heating system with gravity hot water primary and pumped heating4) T ypical control of heating when used with combination type boilers2) Control of Low Voltage Systems (e.g. warm air gas valves, low voltageburners1) Control of Heating Function only(Mains Voltage)Note: If room thermostat is not required, join timeswitch terminals 1 and 2 with a linksuitable for full load current).103 Terminals103 TerminalsTYPICAL EXTERNAL CIRCUITS7What is a programmer?... an explanation for householders.Programmers allow you to set ‘On’ and ‘Off ’ time periods. Some models switch the central heating and domestic hot water on and off at the same time, while others allow the domestic hot water and heating to come on and go off at diff erent times.Set the ‘On’ and ‘Off ’ time periods to suit your own lifestyle. On some programmers you must also set whether you want the heating and hot water to run continuously, run under the chosen ‘On’ and ‘Off ’ heating periods, or be permanently off .The time on the programmer must be correct. Some types have to be adjusted in spring and autumn at the changes between Greenwich Mean Time and British Summer Time.You may be able to temporarily adjust the heating programme, for example, ‘Override’, ‘Advance’ or ‘Boost’. These are explained in the manufacturer’s instructions.The heating will not work if the room thermostat has switched the heating off . And, if you have a hot-water cylinder, the water heating will not work if the cylinder thermostat detects that the hot water has reached the correct temperature.The text below has been edited and approvedby the Plain English Campaign, who has issued a CrystalMark to be displayed with it.W h a t i s a p r o g r a m m e rPlease note:A timeswitch is a single channel programmer. It will allow you to set your system’s On and Off periods.8User InstructionsYour timeswitchYour 103 timeswitch has one time output which can be used to control your heating and hot water at the same times.Normally the 103 provides 2 ON periods and 2 OFF periods each day. However 1 ON and 1 OFF period can be obtained by using the Pre-Selector Wheel (see page 12).You can choose whether the 103 controls your hot water & heating at the programmed times, constantly ON or constantly OFF .O v e r v i e wPreselector wheelDial coverWiring coverRocker switch to manually selectprogrammeoperationSetting the time of dayThe dial on the front of the 103 displays the hours of the day using the 24hour clock.☐ Remove dial cover (turnslightly to the left and pulloff)☐ Turn the dial clockwiseuntil the correct time isaligned to the TIME mark(as shown).IMPORTANT: turn the dial clockwise onlyRemember you will have to re-set the time after a power-cut, and also when the clocks change in Spring and Autumn. Setting the programme (Tappets A, B, C, D)1. If not already done so, remove the dial cover (turn slightlyto the left & pull off)2. Decide when you want your hot water and heating to comeon and go off. While gripping the dial knob slide the RED tappets to the required ON times and the BLUE tappets to the required OFF times (the tappets may be quite stiff tomove)S e t t i n g t h e t i m e & t h e p r o g r a m m e!910Example:If you want your system ON between 8am and 10am and again between 4pm and 11pm, set the tappets as shown. (A to 8, B to 10, C to 16, D to 23).Red tappets (A and C) switch ON 3. Ensure that the installer has removed the protective tapecovering the pre-selector wheel.4. Using the dial knob, rotate the dial completely at leasttwice, clockwise only, to clear the mechanism.Note: Tappets can be moved around the dial in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction, as convenient.S e t t i n g t h e p r o g r a m m eRemember: Blue tappets (B and D) switch OFFA = 1st ONB = 1st OFFC = 2nd OND = 2nd OFF11S e l e c t i n g o p e r a t i n g m o d eSelecting operating modeThe Rocker Switch on the side of the unit is used to select how your 103 controls your hot water & heating system. You can manually select either: ☐ hot water & heating follow set programmed ☐ hot water & heating constantly ON☐ hot water & heating constantly OFFSwitch positionsThe 103 unit is now set, and the current status of the timeswitch can be seen on the wheel at the top righthand corner of the unit, (e.g. “OFF UNTIL C”).TIMED - system follows set programmeSystem OFFCONSTANT - system remainspermanently ON12Overriding the programe using the Pre-Selector wheelThe pre-selector wheel can be used to override the set programme on occasions when you need to change from your normal heating routine.By turning the wheel anti-clockwise you can turn the unit ON when it is OFF and vice versa.Example:☐ Your programme is set so that your heating comes on at4pm but you arrive home earlier than usual, at 2pm and need the heating ON immediately.☐ Turn the wheel anti-clockwise until it displays ON UNTIL `D’as shown.☐ Thus the system is turned ON manually at 2pm but willrevert to the set programme at the next operation (i.e. OFF at 11pm)ALL DAY OFF Note: Do not operate the pre-selec tor whilst a tappet is c loseto the TIME mark. This may cause the time of day setting of the clock to be altered, and the time would then need to be reset as shown on page 9.!Some other useful pre-selections are: ALL DAY ON (1 ON/1 OFF)Turn the Wheel to display “ON UNTIL D”.ALL DAY OFF Turn the Wheel to display “OFF UNTIL A”.T e m p o r a r y o v e r r i d e s13141516Danfoss LtdAmpthill Road Bedford MK42 9ERTel: 01234 364621Fax: 01234 219705Still having problems?Call your local heating engineer:Name:Tel:For problems relating to your heating controls ...Visit our website:Email our technical department:*******************************Call our technical department01234 320 256(9:00-5:00 Mon-Thurs, 9:00-4:30 Fri)For a large print version of these instructionsplease contact the Marketing ServicesDepartment on 01234 364 621.Part No 7479v04 01/15。
Danfoss VLT AutomationDrive FC 300 变频器操作手册说明书

目录如何阅读这些操作说明3认证5符号5缩略语6安全说明和一般警告7处理说明7软件版本8高压警告8安全说明8避免意外启动9FC 300 的安全停止9安全停止功能的安装(仅限 FC 302 以及 FC 301 - A1 机箱)10IT 主电源10如何安装11如何开始11附件包13机械安装14电气安装17拆除外接电缆的挡板17主电源连接和接地18电动机连接20保险丝22电气安装,控制端子24连接示例25启动/停止25脉冲启动/停止25加速/减速26电位计参照值26电气安装,控制电缆27开关 S201、S202 和 S80128最终设置与测试29附加连接31机械制动控制31电动机热保护31如何编程33 FC 300 图形化和数字式 LCP33如何在图形化 LCP 上设置33如何在数字式本地控制面板上进行设置34快捷设置36参数列表39参数选择40一般规格67警告和报警73警告/报警信息73索引80如何阅读这些操作说明VLT® AutomationDrive FC 300 可为电动机提供非常高的主轴性能。
这些操作说明将帮助您初步了解、安装、设置 VLT® AutomationDrive FC 300,并对其进行疑难解答。
VLT® AutomationDrive FC 300 提供了 2 种主轴性能水平。
VLT® AutomationDrive FC 300 提供了 2 种主轴性能水平。
FC 301 提供了从分级速度 (U/f) 到 VVC+ 的性能,它仅用于异步电动机。
FC 302 是一款既可以用于异步电动机又可以用于永磁电动机的高性能变频器,它可以满足各种电动机控制原理的需要,如分级速度 (U/f)、VVC+ 和磁通矢量电动机控制。
Danfoss 丹佛斯电地暖EFIT440温控器使用说明书

前视图-图 1 ①按键 ②按键
液晶显示符号—图 3 房间温度传感器 地面温度传感器
时钟 地面采暖-运行
后视图-图 2 安装用螺钉孔①
房间温度设定值 地面温度设定值 高级可编程定时器功能 定时器指示开/关 开/关定时功能
按 键(图1③)接受这一设定。
按 键(图1③)接受这一设定。
按 键(图1③)接受这一设定。 程序 1,第 2-4 时段:设定同第 1 时段。 温控器会基于当前时间和星期延续四时段计划。
按 键(图1③)接受这一设定。 程序 2,第 2-4 时段:设定同第 1 时段。 温控器会基于当前时间和星期延续四时段计划。
再按 键(图1③),“分钟”将闪烁;
时段3 起始时间 / 温度 21:00 20℃ 17:00 22℃
时段4 起始时间 / 温度 22:00 18℃ 22:00 18℃

MAKING MODERN LIVING POSSIBLE操作手册VLT® AutomationDrive FC 300安全性高电压!变频器与交流主电源输入线路相连时带有高电压。
为避免触电危险,请切断变频器的交流主电源,并等待在表 1.1 中规定的时间后再执行任何维护或修理作业。
电压 (V)最短等待时间(分钟)415200 - 2400.25 - 3.7kW 5.5 - 37kW 380 - 4800.25 - 7.5kW 11 - 75kW 525 - 6000.75 - 7.5 kW11 - 75kW 525 - 690n/a11 - 75 kW即使警告指示灯熄灭,也可能存在高压!放电时间符号本手册使用了下述符号。

丹麦丹佛斯DANFOSS电热地暖系统应用手册目录第一部分丹佛斯狄威(DANFOSS)公司介绍1.1 地位理念1.2 核心业务第二部分电热采暖系统特点2.1 商业哲学理念2.2 系统的主要特点第三部分产品介绍3.1 发热暖线3.2 超薄地席3.3 温控器3.4 镜面除雾席3.5 电热毛巾架3.6 智能网络温控系统3.7 环保和质量第四部分安装使用说明4.1设计4.2案例4.3直接供热地板结构设计4.4通用安装说明4.5各种地面楼面做法示意图4.6施工标准4.7系统暖线、电源布臵图4.8验收标准4.9维修服务第五部分其他5.1电暖和水暖的比较5.2典型供暖方式比较第一部分丹佛斯狄威(DANFOSS-DEVI)公司介绍1.1地位理念丹佛斯狄威有限公司DEVI A/S 是丹麦最大的工业集团丹佛斯集团Danfoss Group 成员之一,成立于1942年,是一家处于世界领导地位的,生产和经销室内智能地热电采暖系统的欧洲公司。

变风量通风系统3应用3传统的设计3变频调速器4能耗比较5年运行负荷图5节能计算实例5传感器的类型和安置6丹佛斯VLT变频调速器7单独区域定风量通风系统9应用9传统的设计9变频调速器10能耗比较11年运行负荷图11节能计算实例11传感器的安置12安装和维护成本比较12丹佛斯VLT变频调速器12冷却塔风机的控制14应用14传统的设计14变频调速器15年运行负荷图16节能计算实例16传感器安置16安装和维护成本比较16丹佛斯VLT变频调速器17冷凝器水泵系统18应用18传统的设计18变频调速器19改进的冷却器应用20年运行负荷图20节能计算实例21传感器安置21安装和维护成本比较21丹佛斯VLT变频调速器22一次/二次冷冻水泵系统中的一次泵23应用23传统的设计23变频调速器24节能计算实例25传感器类型和安置25节能实例25安装和维护成本比较26丹佛斯VLT变频调速器26偿还年份计算实例26一次/二次冷冻水泵系统中的二次泵27应用27传统的设计27变频调速器28能耗比较29年运行负荷图29节能计算实例30传感器类型和安置31丹佛斯VLT变频调速器32变 风 量 通 风 系 统应用变风量(或简称VAV )系统空气处理装置AHU通过控制AHU 风机空气流量以满足建筑物内通风和空气温度的要求该系统的设计通常通过调节供风和回风风机的空气流量以保持供风管网的恒定压力不变和建筑物的正向压力不变各自的VAV 箱向空气调节区域输送恒温空气的可变流量中央VAV 系统是空气调节建筑物能效最高的一种高效率来自于采用了大型的和集中式的冷却器和锅炉也来自于其它的空气配送和空气处理装置它们使空气量达到最佳舒适状态在传统的设计中在空气处理装置AHU 中安装了进气风档排气风档或进气导向叶轮片IGV以调节风机能量这些装置的作用在于或者在进气管网中产生阻力或者降低风机的效率随着系统中越来越多VAV 箱接近最低流量状态AHU 的风档节流阀随之关闭以保持空气管网不变恒定压力不变和建筑物的正向压力不变用于供风和回风风机的风档和IGV 一般由各自控制器进行控制这些控制器保持了位于供风风机后的供风管网的压力不变以及供风和回风系统的流量差不变传统的设计VAV 系统通常将室外的空气送入空气处理装置AHU以调节空气的温度和湿度通过冷却盘管和加热管使空气进入管网并由管网将空气分配给整个建筑的每一个空气调节区域而空气被输送到每一个区域则由各自的VAV 箱控制见图1安装在每一个区域的温度传感器通过调节VAV 箱的风档以保持设定的温度当一个区域的空调温度满足要求时VAV 箱的风档调节就会处于关闭状态结果随着VAV 箱限制了空气流量风管压力就随之开始上升变频调速器采用变频调速器可以减少复杂性改进系统控制状况以及节约能源变频调速器不是人为地降低风档的压力或者造成IGV 的风机效率下降而是直接地控制了风机的速度和流量见图2通过改变供风和回风机电机的速度以得到所需要的准确空气流量和压力从而使空气满足整个系统的需要采用变频调速器可以轻而易举地纠正规格过大的风机以及简单地平衡本系统图3通过图示表明了采用了排气风档按恒定转速运行和采用变频调速器运行的区别完全设计运行A 点只是小部分时间需要而大部分时间所需流量则较小当系统的流量降至流量2时恒速运行的系统曲线使风机曲线上移至B 点风机在该运行点所产生的压力P2远大于系统所需该压力差必须由风档加以吸收而按变速运行时风机曲线沿着系统曲线移动从而建立起新的运行点C 所产生的压力P3正好是系统所需要的由于风机能耗等于流量乘压力再除以风机效率所以B 点和C 点的压力差就产生了与此成比例的能源节省 流量压力风机效率变频调速器装有内置式PID 控制器可以准确地进行风机控制因此不需要外面的控制装置由于本变频器用电子方式控制风机速度因此相对于机械控制装置系统免去了设备的维护及其费用在使用排气风档或IGV 时风机效率就会降低但是如果采用变频调速器可以保持风机的高效率因而节省了额外的能源见图3和图4鉴于风机中空气流量和能源的比率就是在流量中少量降低这个比率将会得到能源的大量节约图2 采用变频调速器的VAV 系统风机能耗=图3 恒速 变速比较能耗比较图4表示通过空气流量变化的几种控制方法和能耗的比较情况曲线1表示根据基本风机定律确定的理论能耗曲线2表示变频调速器的运行性能情况曲线3和4是带风档的双速电机半/全速和2/3/全速曲线5是带进气导向叶轮片IGV的恒速电机曲线6是带排气风档的恒速电机变频调速器最接近风机定律的能耗因此能源利用率最大年运行负荷图要计算潜在的节能余量就要观察实际的负荷图负荷图指的是系统为满足其在一天或所考虑的时间段中的负荷要求所需的空气流量图5是一个VAV系统典型的负荷图该图是随每个系统的特定需求而变化的节能计算实例在下面的计算例子中一台40HP/30KW风机按照图5所示负荷图运行比较一下采用设置了10%的传感器设定值的变频调速器和带排气风阀的AHU系统计算出它们在一年中分别所需的能耗结果见下表表明了采用变频调速器使能耗节省了116070 kwh 这是一个55%的大比例的能耗节省传感器类型和安置变频调速器所具有的节能效果是显著的然而传感器安放的位置对节能的重要性却常常被忽略要达到最佳的节能效果在系统中正确地安置传感器是至关重要的对于VAV系统压力传感器应放置于管网中供风机出口约2/3距离外传感器这样安放见图6a可以利用管道在低流速时阻力减少的优点从而可以保持较低的设定值以及在低流量状态下风机排气处的较低压力风机系统的目的是在VAV箱进气端保持所需的最小静压这样可使VAV箱正常工作并均匀地将空气分配给受控区域风机的排气压力计算是将VAV箱所需静压与全流量状态下的管网中预计的压降加在一起然后再设置一个安全系数用于弥补安装过程中无法预见的设计修正如果静压传感器直接安置于供风机排气口处见图6b为了保证VAV箱能正常动作必须考虑最大流量状态下的管道压降因此要求压力设定点设置与风机设计压力相等见图7a 随着气流量的减小即使管道中的压力损耗已大大减少了风机依然产生高压其结果是向VAV箱提供了比其正常工作所需的更大压力尽管用这种方式有一定的节能效果但是节能的潜力没有被充分认识在没达到全流速时产生的过压造成了能源的浪费当静压传感器按设计要求放置于靠近VAV箱时系统就能对实际的管道压降进行检测结果无论流量大小风机只产生VAV箱所需的压力满足系统要求的最低设定点代表了巨大的节能潜力因此传感器的安置和设定点的降低使节能最大化图7表明了传感器安置对节能的影响最小设定点越小则变频调速器操作风机的速度越慢从而可节省更多的能源装有变频器的空气调节设备可以将进气压力变送器安装在风机出口侧尽管这种结构布局不会节省大量的势能但它对变频器的应用益处极大最高风机速度和风机负载无疑受到限制简化了系统的交付使用和均衡调试由于风机出口压力不受VAV终端装置控制在VAV 系统终端盒进口处产生的压力变化就与其无关要将压力传感器置于二并联供气管道的各侧控制“最坏条件”可以将二个压力传感器置于系统内恰当位置而不是置于支管前的一般进气管路内其优点是提高了能量守恒的作用请见图7所示开环系统内运行在开环系统内基准信号不影响变频器的运行倒是可以显示系统的状态比如报警或串联网络的输入数据等允许运行功能变频器在运行前能接收远距离系统准备就绪信号这种特性的应用范围广当选用时变频器待接收到允许起动信号时才起动允许运行应保证使变频器起动电机之前阻尼器排风机或其它辅助设备都处于适当状态在改型设计应用中如果阻尼器失效要避免高静压时跳闸或避免系统破坏这极为重要自动额定值降低由于外部因素导致变频器超温变频器将在超温时发出报警信号并跳闸如果选用Autoderate &Warning (自动额定值降低和报警)变频器将进行状态报警不过仍持续运行试图先通过降低载波频率使它独自冷却下来必要时降低其输出频率这就使HVAC 空调系统在暂时意外超负荷期间保护变频器的同时仍能继续提供适宜环境条件压力通风安装VLT 6000 变频器可以采用压力通风强迫风冷形式安装变频器符合空气调节室内UL安装要求可以将操作键盘安装在其它地方使变频器可远距离控制该特性使VLT 6000 比较适合于脊顶式装置和AHU 设备因为这类设备唯一的安装方式是气流安装频率跳跃在一些VAV应用中 ( 特别是: 使用翼式轴流风机Danfoss VLT 变频调速器Danfoss VLT 系列变频调速器的设计具有高效率和精确控制的特性VLT系列变频器是VAV系统中最有效的风机控制装置单路输入PID比例积分微分控制器闭环控制装置上可以配备VLT 6000 内置式PID比例积分微分控制器 PID比例积分微分控制器对必须保持稳定压力气流温度或其它要求的闭环系统进行恒定控制 VLT 6000能为不均等的HVAC空调控制系统灵活性提供38项反馈信号的测量使用理想的装置对反馈和设定值进行编程显示因为VLT 6000是专门为HVAC空调控制器的应用而设计的因此变频器可以不依靠配套的自动化系统进行运行这样就不需要再装一个辅助PID比例积分微分控制器和输入/输出模块双(二)通道PID比例积分微分控制器闭环控制装置上具有双(二)路输入信号该控制装置上可以配备VLT 6000 内置式PID比例积分微分控制器 VLT 6000变频器的PID比例积分微分控制器上能容纳如气流传感器等二个差动装置发出的二个反馈信号可以使用这种特性进行图2所示的 “容量选配”控制图中回流风机所要求的微分气流控制功能双(二)设定值PID比例积分微分控制器VLT 6000 变频器有二个反馈信号可供二差动装置的二设定值使用这种特性考虑到用不同设定区域调节控制系统变频器通过比较两个达到最佳系统性能的信号进行控制请见插图2实例所示可以将二个压力传感器用于VLT 6000 上控制风机供气量这就需简易多路变频器编程当VAV 设计具有许多使用VLT变频调速器的AHU时设置和编程简便所有驱动参数可以从VLT 变频器加载到LCP操作面板可以使用LCP操作面板快速给其它变频器编程即将设置从LCP操作器下载到其它变频器上全系列所有LCP操作面板是相同的可互换取下也方便应用定风量CAV 系统是中央通风系统通常用于旧式商业楼房它们向大型的场所如工厂学校办公大楼仓库和购物中心提供空气调节并且在引入变风量系统之前被普遍使用单独区域CAV 系统通常采用单独区域定风 量通风系统集中式空气处理装置来调节空气以满足大楼的需要多区域CAV 系统采用终端式混合箱或重新加热方式向额外区域提供空气调节并且对这些区域进行空气调节和控制传统的设计在传统的定风量系统中空气通过冷却盘管和加热盘管进入大楼的管网作为CAV 系统的一部分也可以安置一个回风机该风机将空气调节区域的空气送回AHU 进行再循环或排放到室外去回风管道中的温度传感器向加热或冷却盘管的阀门控制器提供信号由阀门控制器调节主盘管的水流量以保持调节区域的正确温度传统的单独区域CAV 系统见图1的设计目的在于对大面积区域提供处理的空气同大多数HVAC 暖通空调系统一样CAV 系统是按最坏情况要求进行设计的结果它在建筑物的整个运行时间内会超过建筑物的实际需求造成能源大量浪费这种系统除了最初系统平衡以及由开/关控制之外一般没有其它空气流量调节方法变频调速器采用变频调速器可以大幅度地节省能源另外一个好处在于对大楼的HVAC 系统进行有效的调节温度传感器或CO 2二氧化碳检测器可以将反馈信号送给变频调速器这样不管是控制温度或空气质量变频器都可以按建筑物的实际状况调节CAV 系统例如当人们离开了受控区域时新鲜空气的需求量就会减少CO 2传感器检测出二氧化碳量的减少变频器就会相应地降低供风机转速第二个变频器见图2的设计目的是维护房间静压设定点参照室外或保持供风和回风的流量差不变并且通过调节回风机的转速维持系统的平衡在控制温度时随着受控区域的温度达到了设定点变频调速器就会降低供风机的转速以减少空气流量风机运行的需求能源就随之减少见图3电机的磨损和维护费用也随之减少这样进一步节省了费用空气质量是控制通风系统中的一个重要因素变频调速器中设置了最小输出频率使室内空气量能保持在最理想状态并不受反馈值或参考信号的影响变频器可以维持最小的转速以确保新鲜空气的进入或在进气口的最小压力频繁地控制回风机来保持供风和回风管道气流量差值不变变频调速器装有内置式PID 控制器因此不需要增加额外的控制器变频器通过传感器以电压0-10V 或电流0或4-20MA 方式反馈信号来控制风机的转速图2 采用VLT 变频调速器的单独区域CAV 系统能耗比较图3是几种调节方法在CAV系统的流量变化时的能耗比较曲线1表明了按基本风机定律计算的理论能耗代表了最佳理想运行状态曲线2表明了具有V/HZ 比率变量的变频调速器的性能曲线3表明了以全速/半速4极/8极电机的运行状况曲线4表明了以全速/2/3速4极/6极电机的运行状况曲线5是全速运行状态变频调速器的优点由此显而易见因为它的能耗值与最佳风机性能值相近年运行负荷图要计算潜在的节能就要考察实际的负荷图负荷图表示在典型的一天或所考察的时间段中本系统为满足其负荷要求所需的空气流量图4是CAV系统一个典型的负荷图每个系统各自的要求不同图示也不同但该图代表了常规系统节能计算实例在下面的计算例中一台40HP/30KW风机按照图4所示负荷图运行对比一下没有调节的CAV系统和由变频调速器控制的系统计算出它们在一年运行时间内的能耗情况见下表比较结果显示采用变频调速器比恒速风机系统真正节省了超过68%的能源设定最小流量为30%图4 运行小时和流量传感器的安置要取得最高的系统效率避免区域气流控制时潜在的分层填筑和阻尼等问题传感器的布局极为重要当调节空气与底部最冷空气形成夹层而不是通过调节空间混合时就产生了层筑当不足的气流使调节空气完全从通气口向下流放而不是在调节空间内有效地混合时产生了阻尼作用要取得最佳结果, 应将传感器置于满能级的区域内远离扩散器另一可选用的布局是将传感器置于回流气管内在带变频调速器的CAV改进系统中,用于AHU阀门控制器的温度传感器重新安置十分重要系统内的空气流速可以满足区域温度的需要由风机速度控制气流量而由变频器调节风机速度阀门控制传感器必须安置在供风机下方的侧面供风管网处这样加热和冷却盘管将保持供风恒温并通过系统向空气调节区域输送恒温空气的流量如果阀门控制传感器继续安置于回风管道中用二个独立的控制回路欲控制同一区域温度时可能出现摆动现象这时阀门控制器将试图抵消系统的变流量以保持调节区域的温度安装和维护成本的比较对装有变频调速器的老式CAV系统进行改型设计是最经济的手段采用这一方法可以大大地节省能源不过除了节能以外实际上变频器还能节省本身的安装和维护成本用变频调速器不需要使用如电机软起动器辅助电机电缆功率因数校正电容器等辅助电气元件这不仅降低了系统升级的费用同时也简化了装置的安装和维修保养工作变速器拥有的平稳起动功能就无需较高的起动电流降低电机和轴承上的应力VLT6000变频器是专为HVAC应用而设计的该特性也可进行所示 “容量选配”控制图中回流风机所要求的微分气流控制功能丹佛斯VLT变频调速器丹佛斯VLT系列变频调速器的设计具有高效率和精确控制的特性VLT变频调速器是CAV系统中最有效的风机控制装置单路输入PID比例积分微分控制器闭环控制装置上可以配备VLT6000内置式PID比例积分微分控制器PID比例积分微分控制器对必须保持稳定压力气流温度或其它要求的闭环系统进行恒定控制VLT6000能为不均等的HVAC系统灵活性提供38项反馈信号的测量采用选定的装置对反馈和设定值进行编程显示因为调速器可以不依靠大楼自动化系统进行运行这样就不需要再装一个额外的PID比例积分控制器和输入/输出模块双路输入PID比例积分微分控制器闭环控制装置上具有双路输入信号该控制装置上配备VLT6000内置式PID控制器变频调速器的PID 控制器上能容纳如一个大型会议厅内的二个温度传感器这样二个不同装置发出的二个反馈信号可以利用这种特性来执行一个典型的容量选配控制系统中回风机所要求的微分流量控制功能双设定PID比例积分微分控制器VLT 6000 变频器能容纳从二个差动装置发出的反馈信号可供双设定值使用该特性考虑到用不同设定区域调节控制系统变频器通过比较两个达到最佳系统性能的信号进行控制例如在开放办公区域可以将二个温度变送器用于VLT 6000控制风机供气量这样就需要将温度传感器置于办公区域的各端控制到最坏条件”允许运行功能VLT变频器在运行前能够接收远距离 “系统准备就绪”信号这种特性的应用范围广当选用时变频器待接收到允许起动信号时才起动允许运行应保证使变频器起动电机之前阻尼器排风机或其它辅助设备都处于适当状态在改型设计应用中万一阻尼器失效要避免高静压时跳闸或避免系统破坏这是极为重要的自动额定值降低由于外部因素导致变频器超温 VLT变频器将在超温时发出报警信号并跳闸如果选用Autoderate &Warning (自动额定值降低和报警), 变频器将进行状态报警不过仍持续运行试图先通过降低载波频率使它独自冷却下来必要时降低其输出频率这就使HVAC 空调控制器系统在暂时意外超负荷期间保护电机和变频器时仍能继续提供适宜环境条件这可能考虑到由于太阳辐射关系室内温度达到高温时的闲置装置突然起动的脊顶状态必要时变频器将以限定速度进行自保护运行直到有效的空气循环降低室内温度为止当恢复充分的冷却时变频器将自动恢复正常运行压力通风安装VLT 6000变频器可以采用压力通风(强迫风冷)形式安装变频器符合空气调节室内UL安装要求可以将操作器安装在其它地方使变频器可进行远距离控制该特性使VLT 6000 比较适合于脊顶装置和AHU 设备这类设备的气流安装是唯一的可能性频率跳跃在一些CAV应用中( 特别是: 使用翼式轴流风机的AHU) 系统可能有产生机械共振(谐振)的运转速度可能会产生过大的噪音并有可能损坏系统的机械元件变频器有四个程控跳跃频率带宽这些能使电机跨越诱发系统谐振的速度最低频率为保证在系统需求量低时供气量充足VLT变频器可以用最低的输出频率设定. 这可以使目前不用的建筑区域不遭受损坏比如宾馆宴会厅和大礼堂等地方它也制止 “病态大楼综合症”即向已占用的区域提供气流大楼自动化控制系统可以将向VLT变频器提供的温度或其它传感器数据输出到大楼自动化系统内无需其它辅助设备应用在大型的商业建筑物中均装有空调用冷却塔冷却塔风机用来调节冷却器系统中冷却水温度风机产生流动空气通过蒸发冷却水从冷却器的冷凝器中用泵输出的热水通过阶式运行或被喷洒到冷却塔的填料区上以增加其表面积以及排放热量冷却塔风机将空气吹过填料区的水中增冷却塔风机的控制强水的蒸发冷却水被收集在冷却塔的底盆中并通过冷凝水泵送回冷却器的冷凝器冷却水冷却器被普遍使用且十分有效与空气冷却器相比它的有效程度高出20%在各种气候中冷却塔对于去除冷却器的冷凝器水份的热量是能效最佳的方法传统的设计为了节能和改进控制传统的冷却塔风机的控制系统见图1采用开/关控制双速电机以及有时叶片间距可调的风机而双速电机由于能量的限制无法满足系统的需要虽然可调叶片间距的风机能够进行正确的温度控制然而调节叶片的机械操作太昂贵以及维护工作量也太大严格限制于单塔的开/关控制比用于多塔更有效而其它塔的开/关循环与否取决于离开塔底盆的冷凝器水的温度但是为了限制风机电机循环开/关的次数需要设置较宽的温度区间却限制了系统的反应程度以及增加了复杂性冷却器上的系统负荷和外面的湿球温度温度读数包括蒸发度和湿度决定冷却塔的运行图随着湿球温度或系统负载的降低冷却塔提供的冷气就超过实际需求因此浪费能源。

存储环境温度 精度 回差 IP等级 LFH-CWD 温控器使用说明
特征 LCD显示 LED指示 最大电流负载(感 性) 最大电流负载(阻 性) 安装 网络,有线 网络,无线 温度校准功能 功耗 电池供电 外接电源 数据备份
描述 是 否 <1A <3A 可以安装在为欧洲和中国 用户设计底座上。 否 否 是(±10℃) 2W 否 85-250Vac 50/60Hz 突然断电时,设定将保存 在记忆芯片中。
FH-CWD 温控器使用说明
3. 安装
安装房间温控器-图5、图6 ·仔细地拆开温控器底板。不要让任何杂质掉进 温控器内。 ·按接线图正确接线-图6。 ·用包装盒中的螺钉将底板固定在墙盒上。 ·如图将温控器上壳安装好-图5。 接线图-图6 本产品的接线必须按照以下指导来进行: ·端子L: 火线(L)AC85-250V,50/60Hz ·端子NO: 阀(常开) ·端子NC: 阀(常闭) ·端子N: 零线(N) ·端子2: 空端子 ·端子S2: 地面温度传感器 ·端子S1: 地面温度传感器
FH-CWD 温控器使用说明
FH-CWD 温控器使用说明
1. 功能概述.................................................................. 3 2. 安装位置.................................................................. 3 3. 安装........................................................................... 4 4. 常规操作.................................................................. 4 5. 单温单控和双温双控的选择............................. 5 6. 地板高温保护. ........................................................ 5 7. 低温保护.................................................................. 6 8. 故障指示.................................................................. 7 9. 技术指标.................................................................. 8 10. 安装及电气接线图. ............................................... 12
丹佛斯 Eco 电子散热器恒温器安装指南说明书

Instruction ManualDanfoss Eco™ Electronic radiator thermostatInstallation Guide1. Installation1.1 Identify your Danfoss Eco™ (4)1.2 In the package (5)1.3 Overview of valve adapters (5)1.4 Installing the right adapter (7)1.5 Inserting the batteries (8)1.6 Mounting the Danfoss Eco™ (9)1.7 DownloadDanfoss Eco™ App (9)Danfoss Eco™ (10)1.8 Paring1.9 Automatic adjustments (10)1.10 Removing Danfoss Eco™ (11)1.11 Resetting Danfoss Eco™ to default settings (11)2. Technical specifications (12)2| © Danfoss | Heating Segment | 2017.04 VILTH102User Guide3. Display3.1 Display screen (13)3.2 Red illuminating ring (13)3.3 Display rotation (14)3.4 Manual mode (14)4. Temperature and programme settings (15)4.1 Time4.2 Default temperature (15)4.3 Setting temperatures (15)4.4 Create your own schedule (16)4.5 Vacation (16)4.6 Overrule a vacation (17)4.7 Cancel an existing vacation programme (17)4.8 Pause (17)4.9 Open window setting (18)5. Additional settings5.1 Setting options via the Danfoss Eco™ App (19)5.2 Software updates (20)5.3 Data security (21)6. Safety precautions (21)7. Disposal (21)3 VILTH102 © Danfoss | Heating Segment | 2017.04 |4| © Danfoss | Heating Segment | 2017.04 VILTH1021. Installation1.1 Identify your Danfoss Eco™1.2 In the packageQuick Guide1.3 Overview of valve adaptersAdapters for a wide range of different valve types are available as accessories.Code no.5 VILTH102 © Danfoss | Heating Segment | 2017.04 |6| © Danfoss | Heating Segment | 2017.04 VILTH1021.4 Installing the right adapterThe Danfoss Eco™ pack contains an adapter guide to help you find the correct adapter for your valve. If you need additional help in finding the correct adapter follow the QR code on the guide and follow the video instruction.7 VILTH102 © Danfoss | Heating Segment | 2017.04 |1.5 Inserting the batteries8| © Danfoss | Heating Segment | 2017.04 VILTH1021.6 Mounting the Danfoss Eco™1.7 Download Danfoss Eco™ App9 VILTH102 © Danfoss | Heating Segment | 2017.04 |1.8 Pairing Danfoss Eco™Note, Turn on Bluetooth on your smart phone to connect to the Danfoss Eco™.Follow the prompts from the Danfoss Eco™ App to pair your Danfoss Eco™.Bluetooth range is 10m (depending on the building construction and surroundings).1.9 Automatic adjustmentsWhen Danfoss Eco™ is installed it will automatically begin to adjust itself to your heating system, during the first week after insallation. During this process you might experience that the ther-mostat reacts slowly or turns the heat up and down by itself. This is normal and a necessary part of the adjustment process.1. Adjusting to the valveDuring the first night of operation Danfoss Eco™ will shut off the radiator heat and then open again to detect the exact opening point of the valve. This will allow Danfoss Eco™ to control the heat as efficiently as possible. If necessary, the procedure is repeated once a night for up to a week.2. Adaptive LearningIf you activate Adaptive Learning Danfoss Eco™ learns during the first week of operation when it is necessary to start heating the room in order to reach the correct temperature at the correct time.The intelligent control will continuously adjust the heating time compared to seasonal tempera-ture changes.Using Saving Program requires that your heating system has enough heat for a short period during heat up. If you experience problems you should contact your installer.10| © Danfoss | Heating Segment | 2017.04 VILTH1021.11 Resetting Danfoss Eco™ to default settings2. Technical specifications3. Display3.1 Display ScreenDisplay symbols:3.2 Red illuminating ring3.3 Display rotationDanfoss Eco™ can be mounted in a horizontal or veritcal position, depending on your radiator valve. You can set the display rotation to either ‘horizontal’ or ‘vertical’ within the Danfoss Eco™ App under Advanced Settings.3.4 Manual modeDanfoss Eco™ can be used without the Danfoss Eco™ App in Manual Mode.Functionality is reduced.Use the handwheel to adjust the temperature. The display shows the required temperature and not the room temperature. In manual mode there are no comfort or setback temperatures or times set.4. Schedules and Temperatures4.1 TimeThe device will take the correct time from your smart phone. There is no need to set the time. Danfoss Eco™ uses a 24 hour time display.Note. If the batteries have been removed from the Danfoss Eco™ you will need to connect to the Danfoss Eco™ App to correct the time once the batteries are replaced.4.2 Default temperatureThe default temperatures can be changed in the Danfoss Eco™ App.4.3 Setting temperaturesSet your own temperatures for your setback periods in the Danfoss Eco™ App.Scroll on temperatures to set your preferred temperatures.The Danfoss Eco™ can be set from 5°C to 28°C.Danfoss recommend a difference between ‘At Home’ tem-perature and ‘Away/Asleep’ that does not exceed 4 degrees.Note. Changes in temperature from the home screen aretemporary (Until next setback period)4.4 Create your own scheduleWithin the Danfoss Eco™ App you can create your ownschedule. You can choose any setback times within 24 hours and a maximum of 3 setback periods per day.4.5 VacationA Vacation programme keeps the setback temperature for a period, defined by you.Use a Vacation programme to save energy, when you are away from home. Vacation programme is set within the Danfoss Eco™ App.Vacation mode can be planned or set straight away (Now).Planned Vacations use a calendar and time setting.Schecule your Vaca-tion in the Danfoss Eco™ App. The Danfoss Eco™ App display confirms your Vacation date.4.6 Overrule a vacationIf returning earlier than expected you might wish to shift from the Vacation programme to your normal schedule.When in ‘Vacation’ setting the Danfoss Eco™ App will giveoptions to end the Vacation period or edit the dates andtimes.4.7 Cancel an existing vacation programmeIf the Vacation is planned for the future you can simply editthe dates or cancel the programme.4.8 PauseThe Pause programme keeps the setback temperature until another programme is selected.When Danfoss Eco™ is turned down to Min level manually,a notification banner is shown, and center icon switchesto ‘Pause’.To exit Pause click the centre icon on the Danfoss Eco™App and return to the scheduled or manual setpoint.4.9 Open window function5. Settings & Installation modes5.1 Setting options via the Danfoss Eco™ AppCommand OptionsThermostats List of the installed DanfossEco™ thermostats (by name)Option to change the name of the DanfossEco™ or to un-pair an existing DanfossEco™.Add Danfoss Eco™Option to add another Danfoss Eco™Restrictions PIN Code Option to add a PIN code to the DanfossEco™ AppChange PIN Code Option to change PIN codeChild Lock To protect your Danfoss Eco™ activate theChild Lock, once activated the DanfossEco™ can only be adjusted by the DanfossEco™ App and the Manual function isoverridden.Min/Max Temperatures Limit the temperature range. The MIN/MAX settings are adjusted by scrolling thetemperatures in the Danfoss Eco™ App.Advanced Settings Adaptive Learning Adaptive Learning ensures you get thetemperature you asked for at the righttime. Adaptive Learning uses historicaldata to determine how fast (degrees/hour)each room can be reheated.Heat Control The Heat Control ensures that DanfossEco™reaches the comfort temperature ontime, according to the schedule. Optionsare for Moderate or Quick. Moderate en-sures sufficient return temperature. Display Rotation The Danfoss Eco™ display can be rotatedby 180°. This allows the display to be readfrom hoziontal and vertical mounting. Mode Mounting ModeFrost Protection The minimum temperature to protect yourheating system. Set between 4-10°C.System Information Software version informationConfirms the latest sofware version of the Danfoss Eco™ App that is downloaded to your device.EULALegal information Full terms and conditions of the Danfoss Eco™ App.Help TopicsLinks to the FAQ site for the main help topics for troubleshooting issues with your Danfoss Eco™.Show Introduction ScreensPlays the introduction screens that first appear when you download the Danfoss Eco™ App.Demo ModeTry the Danfoss Eco™ App with the Demo Mode feature. This will not adjust the Danfoss Eco™ but will show the screens and functionallity within theDanfoss Eco™App.NB. To exit the Demo Mode double click on the word ‘Demo’ on the Danfoss Eco™ App screen.5.2 Software UpdatesDanfoss Eco™ thermostat can be updated via the Danfoss Eco™ App The Danfoss Eco™ App will inform when a new software is available.5.3 Data SecurityThe data security for of the Danfoss Eco™ thermostat and Danfoss Eco™ App, that is paired toyour smartphone is guaranteed. The system is tested annually by independent specialists.Data encryption: The wireless connection to your Danfoss Eco™ thermostat is protected against threats from unknown devices with latest encryption technology, and first time pairing with the thermostat can only be done by physically pressing the button on the thermostat.Security through PIN code: A PIN code assigned by the user ensures that only authorized per-sons can make changes to the system.User Personal data such as temperature or set-points are only stored in the thermostat, so therefore only your personal App can access this.In addition to the security functions that ensure data protection at any point during the data transmission from your smartphone to the Danfoss Eco™ thermostat, we ensure the highestlevel of security with further technical and organizational measures. Danfoss continuouslychecks and develops these further.6. Safety precautionsThe thermostat is not intended for children and must not be used as a toy.Do not leave packaging materials where children may be tempted to play with them, as this is extremely dangerous.Do not attempt to dismantle the thermostat as it contains no user-serviceable parts.Do not remove the cover to clean the thermostat. The external cover can be cleaned with a soft cloth.21 VILTH102 © Danfoss | Heating Segment | 2017.04 |Danfoss A/S Haarupvaenget 11 DK-8600 Silkeborg DenmarkPhone: +45 7488 8000 Fax: +45 7488 8100 。

丹佛斯VLT2800调试说明控制方式有以下几种:1. 变频器面板操作(参数20手动有效或无效)(1)002(本机/远程操作)修改为1。
(3)同时按住[QUICK MENU ]和[+]键进入参数选择,按[+]选择参数20,按[CHANGE DATA]键进入参数,按[+]将参数20手动操作由0无效改为1有效后按[CHANGE DATA]键确认。
(4)按[QUICK MENU ]键退出参数选择.按[CHANGE DATA]键显示屏会显示Auto,按[+]将它改为Hand, 按[CHANGE DATA]键确认,按[+]选择所需频率,按START键就可以运行变频器。
2. 变频器电位器操作将变频器接线端子12,27短接后接入运行接触器常开触点的一端,将18接入接触器常开触点另一端,这样当接触器运行时,12,18,27三个点将被短接,变频器处于运行状态,将1K Ω电位器中间的抽头接入接线端子53,将顶端接入接线端子50,将底端接线端子55,在变频器处于运行状态旋转电位器即可调整频率.如需外接频率表,将频率表两端接入端子42,55上,并在两个端子上并接一个300Ω电阻, 同时按住[QUICK MENU ]和[+]键进入参数选择,按[+]选择参数319,按[CHANGE DATA]键进入参数,按[-]将参数319由7改为5,频率表选择5V,120HZ.3. 流程全电脑控制时外部4-20MA控制将4-20MA信号正端接入端子60,负端接入端子55, 将变频器接线端子12,27短接后接入运行接触器常开触点的一端,将18接入接触器常开触点另一端,这样当接触器运行时,12,18,27三个点将被短接,变频器处于运行状态, 同时按住[QUICK MENU ]和[+]键进入参数选择,按[+]选择参数314,按[CHANGE DATA]键进入参数,按[+]将参数314由0改为1,参数315由0.0改为4.0, 参数323由1改为10,在变频器处于运行状态时输入4-20MA信号即可调整变频器频率.4. 配料秤时快慢加料变频器控制将变频器接线端子12,27短接后接入快加料中间继电器KA1常开触点的一端和并接入慢加料中间继电器常开触点KA2的一端,将18接入快加料中间继电器KA1常开触点另一端,29接入慢加料中间继电器KA2常开触点另一端, 同时按住[QUICK MENU ]和[+]键进入参数选择,按[+]选择参数305,按[CHANGE DATA]键进入参数,按[+]将参数305由13改为22,参数215为快加料是频率设定值(该设定值为百分值,频率为该设定值*参数205所设的值,如205参数值为50HZ(变频器默认值),您想将快加料时频率设为50HZ,则需将参数215设为100),参数216为慢加料是频率设定值(该设定值也为百分值,频率为该设定值*参数205所设的值,如205参数值为50HZ(变频器默认值),您想将慢加料时频率设为10HZ,则需将参数216设为20),快加料时快加料中间继电器KA1吸合,慢加料时慢加料中间继电器KA2吸合。

I-3167-SRevised 10-01-89Vane Type Single Pump35VQ**A-86* - 20(L)36VQ**A-86 - 20(L)Service and Parts ManualDanfoss ®Vane PumpsAX432876936851en-000101– 3 –Model CodeViton SealsSeriesVane TypeSAE Rated CapacityPort ConnectionsMounting & Shaft SealsAssemblyShaftsPort PositionsDesignRotation(Omit if not required.)(Rating @ 1200 RPM - 100 psi)21 - 21 USgpm25 - 25 USgpm30 - 30 USgpm35 - 35 USgpm38 - 38 USgpmF - Foot (Single Shaft Seal Assy.)S - Flange (Double Shaft Seal Assy.)Omitted-Flange (Single Shaft SealAssy.)1 - Square Key4 - Splined11 - Splined86 - Square KeySee Chart BelowL - Left Hand (CCW Rotation)Omitted - Right Hand RotationFor satisfactory service life of these components, use full ow ltration to provide uid which meets ISO cleanliness code 16/13or cleaner. Selections from pressure, return, and in-line lter series are recommended.A - SAE 4-Bolt FlangePrinted in U.S.A.Danfoss Power Solutions is a global manufacturer and supplier of high-quality hydraulic and electric components. We specialize in providing state-of-the-art technology and solutions that excel in the harsh operating conditions of the mobile off-highway market as well as the marine sector. Building on our extensive applications expertise, we work closely with you to ensure exceptional performance for a broad range of applications. We help you and other customers around the world speed up system development, reduce costs and bring vehicles and vessels to market faster.Danfoss Power Solutions – your strongest partner in mobile hydraulics and mobile electrification.Go to for further product information.We offer you expert worldwide support for ensuring the best possible solutions foroutstanding performance. And with an extensive network of Global Service Partners, we also provide you with comprehensive global service for all of our components.Local address:DanfossPower Solutions GmbH & Co. OHG Krokamp 35D-24539 Neumünster, Germany Phone: +49 4321 871 0DanfossPower Solutions ApS Nordborgvej 81DK-6430 Nordborg, Denmark Phone: +45 7488 2222DanfossPower Solutions (US) Company 2800 East 13th Street Ames, IA 50010, USA Phone: +1 515 239 6000DanfossPower Solutions Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Building #22, No. 1000 Jin Hai Rd Jin Qiao, Pudong New District Shanghai, China 201206Phone: +86 21 2080 6201Danfoss can accept no responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures and other printed material. Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without notice. This also applies to products already on order provided that such alterations can be made without subsequent changes being necessary in specifications already agreed.All trademarks in this material are property of the respective companies. Danfoss and the Danfoss logotype are trademarks of Danfoss A/S. All rights reserved.Products we offer:•Cartridge valves •DCV directional control valves•Electric converters •Electric machines •Electric motors •Gear motors •Gear pumps •Hydraulic integrated circuits (HICs)•Hydrostatic motors •Hydrostatic pumps •Orbital motors •PLUS+1® controllers •PLUS+1® displays •PLUS+1® joysticks and pedals•PLUS+1® operator interfaces•PLUS+1® sensors •PLUS+1® software •PLUS+1® software services,support and training •Position controls and sensors•PVG proportional valves •Steering components and systems •TelematicsHydro-GearDaikin-Sauer-Danfoss。

Individual Room Temperature Control
Individual Room Temperature Control
Individual Room Temperature Control
最有多种启动模式选择:1) 按编程时间启动;2) 最优化启动;3) 节 能延迟启动
快速升温模式选择 具有假期模式,在假期模式中,控制器将会停止生活热水供应,采暖
房间温度与生活热水供应根据室温和时间要求可进行7天独立、5/2模 式、24小时模式的时间温度编程,每天时间段为2,4或6个时间段
具有防冻保护功能选项(出厂设定为不启动) 具有关断功能(防冻功能是否起作用取决于用户的设定) 具有断电记忆功能,重新通电时恢复至停电前温控器状
态及设定 具有温度传感器故障判断及显示功能 防护等级IP30,材质为阻燃材料 墙体安装盒安装 具有CE认证
Individual Room Temperature Control
分水器装配都是自密封件 可提供分水器主体连接件,变径,球阀,温
度计等附件 标准管接头连接出口 安装支架带有减振垫 分支路中心距50mm 最大工作/测试压力分别10/16bar 主管管径为DN25

采用分室控温可以实现: ▪ 各个房间达到精确的设定温度,符合用户要求。 ▪ 更佳的舒适性 ▪ 更加节能,经济
▪ 采暖季: 9个月 (9月至5月)
▪ 设定温度
▪ 起居室 ▪ 走廊 ▪ 卧室 ▪ 浴室 ▪ 厨房 ▪ 儿童房
手动 – 用户设定供水温度 手动 – 用户设定供水温度
分水器是否由 没有分室控温 预设定阀门
热耗降低 的百分比
有 没有
8372 kWh 9550 kWh
9009 kWh
7552 kWh
10412 kWh
7681 kWh
16% 26%
设计 ▪ 规格从2+2至12+12 ▪ 主管管径为DN32 ▪ 分支路中心距50mm
例:一户有以下几个房间,平均热负荷 为80W/m2,采用20/16的管子
面积 管长
流量 L/h
管路压降 Kpa
分水器 压降
总压降 Kpa
分水器 设定值
主卧+ 15+3 15x5+ 124 45Pa/mx 3.23 10
14.2 1.25 2.5圈
客厅 25
25x3.5 172 80Pa/mx 5.4

6.1.1 报警字、警告字和扩展状态字
MG02C502 - VLT® 是 Danfoss 的注册商标
1 安全性
VLT® Micro Drive FC 51 编程指南
1.1.1 高压警告
只要变频器 与主电源相连,它便带有危险电压。 如果电 动机或变频器安装不当,可能导致设备损坏甚至人身伤亡。 因此,必须遵守本手册的说明以及国家和地方的规章与安全 规定。
屏幕右侧显示了所选参数的单位。 参数值为 Hz、A、V、 kW、HP、%、s 或 RPM。
图 3.6 表示所选参数的单位。
[Hand on](手动启动): 启动电动机,并允许通过 LCP 控制 变频器。 [Off/Reset](停止/复位): 电动机停止运行(除非在报 警模式下)。 在报警模式下,电动机将被复位。 [Auto on](自动启动): 可以通过控制端子或串行通讯来 控制变频器 。 [Potentiometer](电位计) (LCP 12): 根据变频器的运 行模式,电位计可能以两种方式工作。 在自动模式下,电位计充当附加的可编程模拟输入。 在手动启动模式下,电位计将控制本地参考值。
• 确保变频器正确接地。 • 当变频器同电源相连时,请勿断开主电源连接、电
• 防止用户接触供电电压。 • 按照国家和地方法规进行电动机过载保护。 • 接地泄漏电流超过 3.5 mA。 • [OFF](关闭)键不是安全开关。 它不能将变频
1.1.3 软件版本与认证
2.1.2 类型代码
VLT® Micro Drive FC 51 编程指南
说明 产品组 系列和产品类型 电源规格 主电源电压
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如为改扩建矿山, 应说明矿山现状、
(2 列出开发利用方案编制所依据的主要基础性资料的名称。
对改、扩建矿山应有生产实际资料, 如矿山总平面现状图、矿床开拓系统图、采场现状图和主要采选设备清单等。