


dear leaders: hello! first of all, thank you for taking the time in his busy schedule to read this material and i hope for giving me a chance! i xx organic chemical institute of technology students in production techniques. common institutions, common one i have never in the ordinary heart.

i ask you to seriously evaluate the ability to see whether i am suitable for this job. i am optimistic, progressive, hard, dare to meet all challenges. although this is only an ordinary graduates, but i work hard to master a solid professional knowledge and awareness through a variety of practical activities to improve their practical ability, especially in the chemical industry, the chemical experiments by skills, analytical skills, such as professional trained to operate, such as uv-vis spectrophotometer, analytical instruments. at the same time, do not delay in learning the basis of active participation in social practice, practice to improve the investigative capacity. three years after the university of temper in the face of the choice of future career, i have more of their clear understanding. although the lack of work experience, but i will learn, will do a good job of their own, to make every effort made in the work of a good result. the

biographical notes and related material be accompanied by, want to give me a job training opportunities. a sincere heart in the hope that you trust. thank you for reading this letter and consider my request of applicants. the cause of your company is willing to thriving achievements, i wish you continuing success of the cause, the next level! sincerely, salute!

最新 最新英文自荐信范文带翻译-精品

最新英文自荐信范文带翻译 一份自荐信体现了你与别人交往的能力,没有一位聘用者会愿意招聘一个不善于交流的人。一份自荐信体现了你与别人交往的能力,没有一位聘用者会愿意招聘一个不善于交流的人。 最新英文自荐信范文 Dear school leadership: hello! Learning that your school in an orderly, well-managed in the community enjoy a high reputation. i am filled with a boundless enthusiasm for education of youth, eager to be able to work in such an environment, their own talent. allow me to own to tell us about you. xx i xx session of pre-university students in school during the hard hard work, not only in the outstanding achievements of the professionals, but also other psychology, english and other areas to expand their knowledge. four years, in the repair of more than 30 courses in the door, almost more than two-thirds of gifted, learning the psychology of all professional courses, the psychology has reached the professional level. in addition, i also trained hard under the basic skills classes, have stronger language skills,organization and management of scientific research capacity and ability to use modern teaching methods for teaching and learning. normal practice in changchun, the fully reflects the higher overall quality of their own, the practice of recognized units. I am solid self-confidence in their own professional knowledge,rich in psychological knowledge, organization and management of high capacity and teaching ability, competence and good will certainly be able to complete your work to me, please your school gave me a chance. Sincerely, salute 翻译: 尊敬的学校领导:


大学生作文英语求职信范文2篇 求职自荐信在应聘时显得非常重要,可是求职自荐信中的英文求职信又该怎么写呢,在这之中应该有许多外文系专业的同学们要头疼了吧。相对于中文求职信的要求,英文求职信,怎么样的格式、开头才算礼貌呢,这其中有涉及到西方交流文化了。。 【例一】 和平路6号 中山区 福建省福州市 2001年6月2日 Kelly Hendrady女士 人事经理 标准服装公司 吉安大厦506室 北京,100089 尊敬的Hendrady女士: 我想被考虑担任5月28日中国日报上刊登的贵公司销售代表一职。四年前,我成功地完成了与市场营销直接相关的课程。在这些课程中,我获得了市场营销、管理关系和沟通方面的技能。这种背景使我能够有效地与员工、客户和公众合作。 作为一名外贸大学的毕业生,我很有信心能满足你的特殊要求,即

应聘者必须具有很高的英语水平,因为我在托福考试中取得了优异的成绩。此外,当我在长城公司做销售时,我学会了与讲英语的客户进行良好的沟通。 我跳槽的主要原因是想在贵公司这样一家国际声誉卓著的公司获得更多的经验。我相信我的教育和经验会对你的工作有帮助办公室,封闭式是我的简历和三张照片。如果有机会和你讨论我的资格,我将不胜感激。请写信告诉我一个方便你和我谈话的时间好吗? 6 Peace Road Zhongshan District Fuzhou, Fujian Province June 2, 2001 Ms. Kelly Hendrady Personnel Manager Standard Clothing Corporation Room 506, Ji an Building Beijing, 100089 Dear Ms. Hendrady: I would like to be considered for the post of sales representative with your corporation, as advertised in the May 28 edition of the China Daily. I had successfully completed the courses directly related to marketing four years ago. In these courses, I had acquired skills in marketing,


大学生求职信范文5篇 求职季来临,可是在求职前期我们需要做的准备工作可不少呢,许多朋友一般都是先从求职自荐信开始的。但是求职自荐信又该如何写呢,相信很多人都写过信,但是写求职自荐信的少之又少。通常求职自荐信只需400~500字左右即可,求职1号站给大家提供求职自荐信、英语求职信、个人求职信、求职信封面、求职自我介绍、求职简历、求职技巧、大学生求职信等求职需求,希望能帮助到大家。 汉语言文学专业大学生求职信1 尊敬的领导: 您好!首先对占用您的宝贵时间深表歉意。我是一名即将毕业的全日制本科大学生,所学专业是中文系汉语言文学。现得知贵单位招聘,特在此自我推荐。 经过长期努力拼搏,今天我怀着满腔热血站在了人生的又一个起点。在这个机遇与挑战并存的时代,强手如林,然而我坚信我自己不是弱者。竞争时代,实力为先,学历不等于能力,努力才会有成绩。 在大学期间,我以做一名新世纪的建设者为目标,不断充实和完善自己。学习上我刻苦认真,成绩优异,所学主要基础课和专业课成绩在优良以上,平均成绩80分以上,除了专业课学习外,我还注意优化自己的知识结构,适应时代人才要求,考取了

计算机国家二级证书以及普通话等级证书。在英语学习方面,我在学习大学英语的基础上,具备了一定的翻译、阅读、口语及写作能力,现在正向更高目标努力。同时我自学并掌握了计算机操作技能。 此外,我还积极进行各种社会实践,提高了自己的综合素质,尤其是今年八、九月份教育实习中,我获得了宝贵的教学管理经验,这将使我受益终生。诚然,我不具备最高的学历,但我有达到最高学力的好学勤奋与务实,“玉在椟中求善价,钗于匣内待时飞”渴望学成之后的大手施展,更急盼有伯乐的赏识与信任。我会用我的实际行动回报您对我的选择,用我的青春与才智为贵单位的快速发展做出贡献! 面临择业,我对社会和自己都充满信心,渴望得到社会的认可,能有机会发挥自己的聪明才智,对社会有所贡献。我真诚地希望能融入贵单位奋发进取的激流中去。最后,祝贵公司事业蒸蒸日上。 此致 敬礼! 求职人:某某 某某年某某月某某日 机械设计制造及其自动化专业大学生求职信2 尊敬的领导:


英文求职信实用范例 In respone to your advertisement in the https://www.360docs.net/doc/cd1366765.html, of January 15, I wish to apply for the position of (secretary, accountant, clerk, salesman, etc). I am twenty-five years old and a graduate of - college. My experience in this line of work includes six years as an assistant accountant with the ABC Company. The reason for leaving my present employment is because they are closing their office. I am enclosing my resume together with my photo, and believe that they may be found satisfactory. With respect to salary, I shall expect HK$5,000 a month. I assure you that if appointed, I will do my best to give your satisfaction. Very truly yours april 6,XX p.o.box 3 xx university beijing,china 100000 dear sir/madame, your advertisement for a network maintenance engineer in the april 10student daily interested me because the position that you de- scribed sounds exactly like the kind of job i am seeking. according to the advertisement,your position requires a good university degree,bachelor or above in computer science or equivalent



求职信要写对所谋求的职务的看法以及对自己的能力要作出客观公允的评价,这是求职的关键。要着重介绍自己应聘的有利条件,要特别突出自己的优势和闪光点,以使对方信服。优秀英文求职信范文篇一Dear Sir/Madam, I have just completed my Master Degree in Manufacturing, Engineering and Management in the University of Nottingham in UK in 2007. During 3 years overseas study, I was developed to be more independent, responsible, sociable, creative, and be able to work under pressure. Moreover, the study in the University, has trained me becomes a competent, cooperative, and analytical person. If you further look at the unit I studied in my degree, I have what is takes to be excellent in the area I studied and managing development in the organization itself. Although I have no working experience in the fields related to manufacturing, engineering and management, however, I would be able to self-initiate, motivate and work in a demanding hours to comply task schedules. My long term career plan is to expand my knowledge and skills in what I have learnt, and I am presently seeking to join a company that offers opportunities for growth and advancement. I hope to hear from you favorable reply soon. Thanking you in advance. Sincerely yours, 优秀英文求职信范文篇二respect leadership: first, extends the deep respect to your industrious work, in spite of being very busy very thanks you to glance through my material. also hoped that it can open the opportunity and the success gate of for me. my name am xx, is the foreign language foreign trade training college international trade specialized 06 sessions of graduates. the graduation in namely, is facing the future and enterprises choice, i the position which provides to your firm is interested very much. in the work the academic society work, the academic society studies in the study. three year university life, i record one point to do farm work sincerely frequently, one point harvest the maxim and loves the hillock professional spirit, and merges it to the


《英文自荐信》 英文自荐信(一): Dear Sir/Madam: Are you searching for a telemunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership? I specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telemunications panies。 In addition to my knowledge of business processes, I also offer proficiency in tele software development and cutting-edge technologies。 I am relocating to Shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm。 Currently, I serve as manager for BIT Company's Information Industry Division。 Briefly, some of my acplishments include: Developed a tool to track and forecast price,quantity,and revenue, which enables client to monitor business performance Implemented a customized end-to-end testing process and SQL database My business acumen, technical expertise, and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful projects。 The enclosed resume outlines my credentials and acplishments in greater detail。 I would wele an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview。 Sincerely, Gu Bin 英文自荐信(二): Dear sir or Madam, I am writing to you in the hope of that I may obtain opportunity of teaching post in your school 。Currently , I am a senior 3 student in Lanzhou City University ,my major is English。 According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4。0 and LINUX System。 I feel that I am petent to meet the requirements。 I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M。S。 degree 。 My studies have included courses in puter control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server


英文自荐信模板_自荐信_模板 英文自荐信模板(一) April 13,2000 P.O. Box 36 Tsinghua University Beijing,China 100084 Dear Sir/Madam: Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking. According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree . My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server. During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question. I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview. With many thanks, Wang Lin 英文自荐信模板(二) P.O. Box 36 BIIT University Beijing,China 100000 Dear Sir/Madam: Are you searching for a telecommunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership? I specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telecommunications companies. In addition to my knowledge of business processes, I also offer proficiency in telecom software development and cutting-edge technologies. I am relocating to Shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm. Currently, I serve as manager for BIT Company’s Information Industry Division. Briefly, some of my accomplishments include: Developed a tool to track and forecast price,quantity,and revenue, which enables client to monitor business performance Implemented a customized end-to-end testing process and SQL database My business acumen, technical expertise, and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful projects. The enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.


大学生英文求职信(范文) Dear Sir/Madam: (称呼也可以替换为:To Whom It May Concern或者Dear Personal Director:) Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me because the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking. According to the advertisement, your position requires top university, Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree. My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server. During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question. I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me. I would welcome an opportunity


标准的英文求职信范文最新 英文求职信是求职者应聘活动的起点,那你知道英文求职信该怎么写吗?下面是为大家带来的标准的英文求职信,相信对你会有帮助的。 标准的英文求职信(一)Dear in charge of recruitment: hello! i am xx school of economics and management university marketing students, will be more than willing to accumulated years of knowledge and training to your organizations ability to contribute and do my best to create opportunities for your companys contribution to the progress and development of the full power of their own. xx universities directly under the ministry of education is an interdisciplinary focus on a wide range of national comprehensive university. schools of philosophy, economics, law, literature, history, science, engineering, medicine, management disciplines, such as the nine categories; have 130 undergraduates, 180 masters degree authorization points, 71 points phd authorization, post-doctoral


英文自荐信范文:学生会主席 Recommended by myself, I want to say four sentences. The first sentence: the soldiers did not want to be general not a good soldier. This is where my internal candidates to participate in the one of the reasons why. Students of the知遇之恩I have, I am very grateful to the students give me a value and realize their ability to show their platforms, so I seriously hard work, especially in my work over the past year is obvious to all. Work experience in the past, I have not only accumulated a lot of work experience, but also the accumulation of a number of the students construct the idea of a whole, and hopefully, through their own hands to achieve them.人往高处走, if I only want to post in their own duplication of work, rather than seeking to improve themselves, then I think he is incompetent. Not to mention a whole has been a student, if I just neglect their own work and the work of other students care about, then I was not dedicated. Students on the whole I have my own idea, and I hope that these ideas can be achieved, so this candidate is a deputy chairman for the Student Union, Student Union is the highest level cadres XuHui Campus. The second sentence: Only when the good soldiers, to be eligible when the generals. Although I was the Deputy Minister, but I did not work, the Minister of the shelf, but often in conjunction with the Director-General of the work of doing the same. Work in practice, I have shown "the ability of soldiers," so that officers often will not be convincing. If I was a Director-General, I believe they will definitely be a good officer. I am a work-study in XX in the Marketing Management Center Director did, and won the "outstanding work-study Management Center Director" title, which is to me as a


2014文秘专业毕业生英文求职信范文 xx manager: hello! because of my talent was informed that the online recruitment information manager for your company's recruitment of a secretary, special liberty to write candidates. i graduated from a bilingual secretarial xx city institute of business and professional. height xxcm, dignified appearance, temperament quite good. applied writing, etiquette school, professional english language courses. performance excellence, has published many articles. are familiar with computer operation, english language through the national 4, english spoken fluently, knows some japanese, cantonese, mandarin with ease. the secretary of the job i love, hoping to become a member of your company. please find attached my resume, if the opportunity to interview with you, i would be very grateful. even if your company that i do not meet your conditions, i will also continue to focus your company's development, and in the most sincere wishes yours sincerely. to this sent a letter to people: xxx xxxx year xx month


经典英文求职信范文 respected leaders: hello! glad to attend your pany‘s talent recruitment. my car is a professional undergraduate graduation, sure to seek work in your pany. also hope that the pany i enclose leadership read carefully record and report. in this to say thank you. during the university, i give their location is first, secondly, give attention to two or morethings arrives in technical management, economy. but also very focused on their learning ability training, make great efforts to perfect their knowledge structure. technical aspect, i prepared in three aspects. 1) professional basis, probably because of the automotive industry, very convincing work behind the emissary, so i put emphasis on the course of the school. have won five scholarships and excellent students, learning model. the three years prior to my grades for 82 points, weighted basically has an exemption postgraduate qualification. 2) puter and work, puter and work is a trend. from the characteristics of consideration, i customize the


英语求职信范文Model English cover letter

英语求职信范文 前言:个人简历是求职者给招聘单位发的一份简要介绍,包括个人的基本信息、过往实习工作经验以及求职目标对应聘工作的简要理解,在编写简历时,要强调工作目标和重点,语言精简,避免可能会使你被淘汰的不相关信息。写出一份出色的个人简历不光是对找工作很有用处,更是让陌生人对本人第一步了解和拉进关系的线。本文档根据个人简历内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 no.23 shuangqing street haidian dist., beijing 100084 august 15, XX copy supervisor ogilvy & mather no.315 chaoyang avenue chaoyang dist., beijing 100027 dear mr. cao: i am very interested in the production artist position advertised in the beijing youth daily on wednesday, july 30, XX. with more than 3 years of

experience in a variety of graphics production positions, i feel that i would be an excellent candidate. my resume is enclosed summarizing where my skills and abilities have been developed. i would welcome the opportunity to discuss my background with you further at your convenience. jerry chen ryan tolbech 4532 cahilloval san angelo, tx 76902 (915) 942-9313 december 2, 19-- bt&k XX 18th street suite 300 san angelo, tx 76902 attention: senior creative director i am sending you my resume in response to your ad in the may issue of advertising age for a production artist. i believe i have the skills that your company is seeking, and would like to be considered for the position. i have


2020商务英语专业本科生英文求职信范文 Business English major 2020

2020商务英语专业本科生英文求职信范文 前言:个人简历是求职者给招聘单位发的一份简要介绍,包括个人的 基本信息、过往实习工作经验以及求职目标对应聘工作的简要理解, 在编写简历时,要强调工作目标和重点,语言精简,避免可能会使你 被淘汰的不相关信息。写出一份出色的个人简历不光是对找工作很有 用处,更是让陌生人对本人第一步了解和拉进关系的线。本文档根据 个人简历内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和 使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 respect of sir: hello! please forgive disturb. i am a just from xx college business english majors of college. im honored to have the opportunity to you in my personal information. in all social occasion, in order to find the accord with his professional and interested in the job, better use of their talents, to achieve their life values, and extend to all the leaders made a recommend ourselves.

as a business english major students, i love my professional and for its input and a huge enthusiasm and energy. in the three-year study life, i have studied included business outside the basic knowledge to use as many aspects. through analyzing the knowledge of study, i in this area have related knowledge of a certain extent of understanding and mastering, the profession is a tool and the ability to use the tool is the most important in and curriculum synchronism of relevant practice and practice, is certain to actual operation ability and technology. in the school work, strengthening exercise the ability to get, learning management knowledge, absorb management lessons. i know of computer and network is the future tool, in study of the profession of computer premise, i made a huge interest in and read many of the related books, windows 98/XX, visual foxpro program design, medium and high-grade office automation, computer primary
