第20章期权市场介绍 第21章期权定价
第23章期货、互换与 评价
第25章投资的 2
3 第26章对冲基
4 第27章积极型
第28章投资政 策与注册金融
这是《博迪《投资学》教材精讲讲义与视频课程【41小时高清视频】》的读书笔记模板,暂无该书作者的介 绍。
博迪《投资学》教材精讲讲义与视 频课程【41小时高清视频】
01 思维导图
03 读书笔记 05 作者介绍
02 内容摘要 04 目录分析 06 精彩摘录
书 考生
教材 第章
本书特别适用于参加研究生入学考试指定考研参考书目为博迪所著的《投资学》的考生。博迪主编的《投资 学》(机械工业出版社)是我国众多高校采用的投资学优秀教材,也是众多高校(包括科研机构)专业考研必备 的参考书目。为了帮助参加研究生入学考试考研参考书目为博迪主编的《投资学》的考生复习专业课,我们根据 教材和名校考研真题的命题规律精心制作了博迪《投资学》的辅导用书。本书提供视频课程的讲义内容,同时也 提供教材的高清视频讲解。具体内容为教材精讲【41小时视频讲解】,完整讲述博迪《投资学》教材共二十八章 内容。精讲各章重要知识点,使考生完整准确把握教材中的知识要点。【注】本书第1~8章主讲老师是李红刚教 授,因为授课时间较早,所以内容为博迪《投资学》第八版。第9~28章主讲老师是朱莉博士,内容为博迪《投 资学》第九版。
投资学习题第一篇投资学课后习题与答案乮博迪乯_第6版 由flyesun 从网络下载丆版权归原作者所有。
1. 假设你发现一只装有1 00亿美元的宝箱。
a. 这是实物资产还是金融资产?b. 社会财富会因此而增加吗?c. 你会更富有吗?d. 你能解释你回答b 、c 时的矛盾吗?有没有人因为这个发现而受损呢?2. Lanni Products 是一家新兴的计算机软件开发公司,它现有计算机设备价值30 000美元,以及由L a n n i 的所有者提供的20 000美元现金。
在交易过程中有金融资产的产生或损失吗?a. Lanni 公司向银行贷款。
它共获得50 000美元的现金,并且签发了一张票据保证3年内还款。
b. Lanni 公司使用这笔现金和它自有的20 000美元为其一新的财务计划软件开发提供融资。
c. L a n n i 公司将此软件产品卖给微软公司( M i c r o s o f t ),微软以它的品牌供应给公众,L a n n i 公司获得微软的股票1 500股作为报酬。
d. Lanni 公司以每股80美元的价格卖出微软的股票,并用所获部分资金偿还贷款。
3. 重新考虑第2题中的Lanni Products 公司。
a. 在它刚获得贷款时处理其资产负债表,它的实物资产占总资产的比率为多少?b. 在L a n n i 用70 000美元开发新产品后,处理资产负债表,实物资产占总资产比例又是多少?c. 在收到微软股票后的资产负债表中,实物资产占总资产的比例是多少?4. 检察金融机构的资产负债表,有形资产占总资产的比率为多少?对非金融公司这一比率又如何?为什么会有这样的差异?5. 20世纪6 0年代,美国政府对海外投资者所获得的在美国出售的债券的利息征收 3 0%预扣税(这项税收现已被取消),这项措施和与此同时欧洲债券市场(美国公司在海外发行以美元计值的债券的市场)的成长有何关系?6. 见图1 -7,它显示了美国黄金证券的发行。
第五章12、投资股票的预期收益是18000,而无风险的短期国库券的预期收益是5000,所以,预期的风险溢价将会是130000第六章:风险厌恶和资本配置风险资产14、a .E(r C ) = 8% = 5% + y(11% – 5%) ⇒ 5.051158y =--=b . C = y P = 0.50 15% = 7.5%c .第一个客户更厌恶风险,所能容忍的标准差更小。
第七章:优化风险投资组合1、正确的选择是c 。
股票A 是在这股票中关联性最低的。
当这个投资组合是限制股票A 和一个额外的股票,我们的目的都是为了去找G 和与包括A 的任何组合,然后选择最小方差的投资组合。
通过I 和J 这两只股票,这个G 放入回归加权公式是:)I (w 1)J (w )r ,r (Cov 2)r ,r (Cov )I (w Min Min J I 2J 2I J I 2J Min -=-σ+σ-σ=因为所有的标准偏差都是等于20%:Cov(r I , r J ) = I J = 400 and w Min (I) = w Min (J) = 0.5这个直观的结果就是一项有效边界的任何财产,也就是说,其他拥有有效的边界最小方差的投资组合的协方差本质上等于它的方差。
) 在这种情况下,(I, J)的回归加权标准差变成:Min(G) = [200(1 + I J)]1/2这导致了直观的结果,就是因为股票D和股票A的期望与其相关性最低,而最优的投资组合就是同样得投资股票A和股票D,他们的标准偏差均为17.03%。
4、b6、c16、17、 d.18、既然股票A和股票B完全负相关,可以创建一个无风险的投资组合,这个组合,也就是说,必然是无风险利率。
Essentials of Investments (BKM 5th Ed.)Answers to Suggested Problems – Lecture 7Bond Pricing Examples for Exam 3:Problem 9(a) in Chapter 9 provides an example of a bond price calculation (answer shown below). As additional examples, page 69 in your course packet provides several bond pricing problems for bonds with various maturity, yield, and coupon characteristics. The bond prices for these examples are as follows (note all bonds pay coupons semi-annually):8% coupon, 8% market yield, 10 years to maturity: B = $1,000.008% coupon, 10% market yield, 10 years to maturity: B = $875.388% coupon, 6% market yield, 10 years to maturity: B = $1,148.778% coupon, 8% market yield, 20 years to maturity: B = $1,000.008% coupon, 10% market yield, 20 years to maturity: B = $828.418% coupon, 6% market yield, 20 years to maturity: B = $1,231.156% coupon, 8% market yield, 10 years to maturity: B = $864.106% coupon, 10% market yield, 10 years to maturity: B = $750.766% coupon, 6% market yield, 10 years to maturity: B = $1000.00Chapter 9:4. Lower. Interest rates have fallen since the bond was issued. Thus, the bond is selling at apremium and the price will decrease (toward par value) as the bond approaches maturity.5. True. Under the Expectations Hypothesis, there are no risk premia built into bond prices.The only reason for an upward sloping yield curve is the expectation of increased short-term rates in the future.7. Uncertain. Liquidity premium will increase long-term yields, but lower inflationexpectations will reduce long-term yields compared to short-term rates. The net effect is uncertain.8. If the yield curve is upward sloping, you cannot conclude that investors expect short-terminterest rates to rise because the rising slope could either be due to expectations of future increases in rates or due to a liquidity premium.9. a) The bond pays $50 every 6 monthsCurrent price = $1052.42Assuming that market interest rates remain at 4% per half year:the price 6 months from now = $1044.52b) Rate of return = [1044.52 - 1052.42 + 50]/1052.42 = .04 or 4% per 6 months14. Zero 8% coupon 10% coupona) Current prices $463.19 $1,000 $1,134.20b) Price in 1 year $500.25 $1,000 $1,124.94change $37.06 $0.00 $-9.26PriceCouponincome $0.00 $80.00 $100.00$37.06 $80.00 $90.74incomeTotalRate of return 8.00% 8.00% 8.00%33. a) The forward rate, f, is the rate that makes rolling over one-year bonds equally attractiveas investing in the two-year maturity bond and holding until maturity:(1.08)(1 + f) = (1.09)2 which implies that f = 0.1001 or 10.01%b) According to the expectations hypothesis, the forward rate equals the expected shortrate next year, so the best guess would be 10.01%.c) According to the liquidity preference (liquidity premium) hypothesis, the forward rateexceeds the expected short-term rate for next year (by the amount of the liquiditypremium), so the best guess would be less than 10.01%.35. a. We obtain forward rates from the following table:Maturity(years)YTM Forward rate Price (for part c)($1000/1.10)1 10.0% $909.09[(1.112/1.10) – 1] $811.62 ($1000/1.112)12.01%2 11.0%[(1.123/1.112) – 1] $711.78 ($1000/1.123)14.03%3 12.0%b. We obtain next year’s prices and yields by discounting each zero’s face value at theforward rates derived in part (a):Maturity(years)Price YTM1 $892.78 [ = 1000/1.1201] 12.01%2 $782.93 [ = 1000/(1.1201 x 1.1403)] 13.02%Note that this year’s upward sloping yield curve implies, according to theexpectations hypothesis, a shift upward in next year’s curve.c.Next year, the two-year zero will be a one-year zero, and it will therefore sell at: ($1000/1.1201) = $892.78Similarly, the current three-year zero will be a two-year zero, and it will sell for $782.93. Expected total rate of return:two-year bond: %00.101000.0162.811$78.892$==− three-year bond: %00.101000.0178.711$93.782$==−37. d) 2e) 3f) 2g) 4Chapter 10:1. ∆∆B B D y y =−⋅+1 -7.194 * (.005/1.10) = -.03272.If YTM=6%, Duration=2.833 years If YTM=10%, Duration=2.824 years6.a) Bond B has a higher yield since it is selling at a discount. Thus, the duration of bond B is lower (it is less sensitive to interest rate changes).b) Bond B has a lower yield and is callable before maturity. Thus, the duration of bond B is lower (it is less sensitive to interest rate changes).9.a) PV = 10,000/(1.08) + 10,000/((1.08)2) = $17,832.65Duration = (9259.26/17832.65)*1 + (8573.39/17832.65)*2 = 1.4808 yearsb) A zero-coupon bond with 1.4808 years to maturity (duration=1.4808) would immunize the obligation against interest rate risk.c) We need a bond position with a present value of $17,832.65. Thus, the face value of thebond position must be:$17,832.65*(1.08)1.4808 = $19,985.26If interest rates increase to 9%, the value of the bond would be:$19,985.26/((1.09)1.4808) = $17,590.92The tuition obligation would be:10,000/1.09 + 10,000/((1.09)2) = $17,591.11or a net position change of only $0.19.If interest rates decrease to 7%, the value of the bond would be:$19,985.26/((1.07)1.4808) = $18,079.99The tuition obligation would be:10,000/(1.07) + 10,000((1.07)2) = $18,080.18or a net position change of $0.19.**The slight differences result from the fact that duration is only a linear approximationof the true convex relationship between fixed-income values and interest rates.11. a) The duration of the perpetuity is 1.05/.05 = 21 years. Let w be the weight of the zero-coupon bond. Then we find w by solving:w × 5 + (1 – w) × 21 = 1021 – 16w = 10w = 11/16 or .6875Therefore, your portfolio would be 11/16 invested in the zero and 5/16 in theperpetuity.b) The zero-coupon bond now will have a duration of 4 years while the perpetuity willstill have a 21-year duration. To get a portfolio duration of 9 years, which is now theduration of the obligation, we again solve for w:w × 4 + (1 – w) × 21 = 921 – 17w = 9w = 12/17 or .7059So the proportion invested in the zero has to increase to 12/17 and the proportion in theperpetuity has to fall to 5/17.12. a) The duration of the perpetuity is 1.1/.1 = 11 years. The present value of the payments is$1 million/.10 = $10 million. Let w be the weight of the 5-year zero-coupon bond andtherefore (1 – w) will be the weight of the 20-year zero-coupon bond. Then we find wby solving:w × 5 + (1 – w) × 20 = 1120 – 15w = 11w = 9/15 = .60Therefore, 60% of the portfolio will be invested in the 5-year zero-coupon bond and 40%in the 20-year zero-coupon bond.Therefore, the market value of the 5-year zero must be×.60 = $6 million.$10millionSimilarly, the market value of the 20-year zero must be$10× .40 = $4 millionmillionb) Face value of the 5-year zero-coupon bond will be× (1.10)5 = $9.66 million.$6millionFace value of the 20-year zero-coupon bond will be$4 million × (1.10)20 = $26.91 million.18. a) 4b) 4c)42d)21. Note that we did not discuss swaps in detail. For that reason, I would not expect you to beable to answer this type of question on the exam. The question is meant to provide youwith a brief summary of some potential motivations for swaps.a) a. This swap would have been made if the investor anticipated a decline in long-terminterest rates and an increase in long-term bond prices. The deeper discount, lowercoupon 6 3/8% bond would provide more opportunity for capital gains, greater callprotection, and greater protection against declining reinvestment rates at a cost of only amodest drop in yield.b. This swap was probably done by an investor who believed the 24 basis point yield spreadbetween the two bonds was too narrow. The investor anticipated that, if the spreadwidened to a more normal level, either a capital gain would be experienced on theTreasury note or a capital loss would be avoided on the Phone bond, or both. Also, thisswap might have been done by an investor who anticipated a decline in interest rates, andwho also wanted to maintain high current coupon income and have the better callprotection of the Treasury note. The Treasury note would have unlimited potential forprice appreciation, in contrast to the Phone bond which would be restricted by its callprice. Furthermore, if intermediate-term interest rates were to rise, the price decline ofthe higher quality, higher coupon Treasury note would likely be “cushioned” and thereinvestment return from the higher coupons would likely be greater.c. This swap would have been made if the investor were bearish on the bond market. Thezero coupon note would be extremely vulnerable to an increase in interest rates since theyield to maturity, determined by the discount at the time of purchase, is locked in. This isin contrast to the floating rate note, for which interest is adjusted periodically to reflectcurrent returns on debt instruments. The funds received in interest income on the floatingrate notes could be used at a later time to purchase long-term bonds at more attractiveyields.d. These two bonds are similar in most respects other than quality and yield. An investorwho believed the yield spread between Government and Al bonds was too narrow wouldhave made the swap either to take a capital gain on the Government bond or to avoid acapital loss on the Al bond. The increase in call protection after the swap would not be afactor except under the most bullish interest rate scenarios. The swap does, however,extend maturity another 8 years and yield to maturity sacrifice is 169 basis points.e. The principal differences between these two bonds are the convertible feature of the Zmart bond and the yield and coupon advantage, and the longer maturity of the LuckyDucks debentures. The swap would have been made if the investor believed somecombination of the following: First, that the appreciation potential of the Z martconvertible, based primarily on the intrinsic value of Z mart common stock, was nolonger as attractive as it had been. Second, that the yields on long-term bonds were at acyclical high, causing bond portfolio managers who could take A2-risk bonds to reach forhigh yields and long maturities either to lock them in or take a capital gain when ratessubsequently declined. Third, while waiting for rates to decline, the investor will enjoyan increase in coupon income. Basically, the investor is swapping an equity-equivalentfor a long- term corporate bond.23. Choose the longer-duration bond to benefit from a rate decrease.a) The Aaa-rated bond will have the lower yield to maturity and the longer duration.b) The lower-coupon bond will have the longer duration and more de facto call protection.c) Choose the lower coupon bond for its longer duration.30. The price of the 7% bond in 5 years is:PVA(C=$70, N=25, r=8%) + PV($1000, N=25, r=8%) = $893.25You also get five $70 coupon payments four of which can be reinvested at 6% for a total of $394.59 in coupon income.HPR = ($893.25 - 867.42 + 394.59)/867.42 = 48.47%The price of the 6.5% bond in 5 years is:PVA(C=$65, N=15, r=7.5%) + PV($1000, N=15, r=7.5%) = $911.73You also get five $65 coupon payments four of which can be reinvested at 6% for a total of $366.41 in coupon income.HPR = ($911.73 - 879.50 + 366.41)/879.50 = 45.33%**The 7% bond has a higher 5-year holding period return.。
第10章指数模型10.1 复习笔记1.单指数证券市场(1)单指数模型①单指数模型的定义式马科维茨模型在实际操作中存在两个问题,一是需要估计大量的数据;二是该模型应用中相关系数确定或者估计中的误差会导致结果无效。
每个证券的收益率是三个部分的总和:如果记市场超额收益R M的方差为σ2M,则可以把每个股票收益率的方差拆分成两部分:(2)指数模型的估计单指数模型表明,股票GM的超额收益与标准普尔500指数的超额收益之间的关系由下式给定:R i=αi+βi R M+e i该式通过βi来测度股票i对市场的敏感度,βi是回归直线的斜率。
在任一时期里,回归直线的特定观测偏差记为e i,称为残值。
相比较,资产组合方差的非系统成分是σ2(e P),它来源于公司特有成分e i。
因为这些e i 是独立的,都具有零期望值,所以可以得出这样的结论:随着越来越多的股票加入到资产组合中,公司特有风险倾向于被消除掉,非市场风险越来越小。
当各资产为等权重,且e i不相关时,有。
《博迪 投资学 第9版 笔记和课后习题详解》读书笔记思维导图
第9章 资本资 1
第10章 套利 定价理论与风
3 第11章 有效
4 第12章 行为
金融与技术分 析
5 第13章 证券
收益的实证依 据
9.1 复习笔 记
9.2 课后习 题详解
10.1 复习笔 记
10.2 课后习 题详解
11.1 复习笔 记
11.2 课后习 题详解
第一部分 绪 论
第1章 投资环境
第2章 资产类别 与金融工具
第3章 证券是如 何交易的
第4章 共同基金 与其他投资公司
1.1 复习笔 记
1.2 课后习 题详解
2.1 复习笔 记
2.2 课后习 题详解
3.1 复习笔 记
3.2 课后习 题详解
4.1 复习笔 记
4.2 课后习 题详解
第二部分 资产组合理论与实 践
第24章 投资 1
第25章 投资 2
3 第26章 对冲
4 第27章 积极
第28章 投资 政策与注册金
24.1 复习笔 记
24.2 课后习 题详解
25.1 复习笔 记
25.2 课后习 题详解
26.1 复习笔 记
26.2 课后习 题详解
27.1 复习笔 记
27.2 课后习 题详解
28.1 复习笔 记
28.2 课后习 题详解
最 新
《博迪 投资学 第9版 笔记和课后 习题详解》
第四部分 固定收益证券第14章 债券的价格与收益一、选择题1.一只支付年利率的债券的面值是1000美元,8年到期,到期收益是10.5%,息票率是9%。
这只债券的现在收益是( )。
A .6.32% B .7.44% C .8.65%D .9.77%【答案】D【解析】现期收益(CY )是年利息除以现期价格。
根据附息债券现值的计算公式:()()()()23111111t t C C C C C D PV r r r r r -+=++++++++++L 其中,C 为附息债券每年支付的利息;D 为附息债券的面值;r 为到期收益率,即贴现率;t 为到期期限。
因此,给定:C =1000×9%=90美元,D =1000,t =8,r =10.5%,将数据代入公式得到:()()()()()237890909090901000921.41110.5%110.5%110.5%110.5%110.5%PV +=+++++=+++++L 美元所以CY =90/921.41=9.77%。
A.10.12%B.14.91%C.16.56%D.18.79%【答案】B【解析】根据资本资产定价模型:E(r i)=r f+β[E(r M)-r f]=3.5%+1.63×(10.5%-3.5%)=14.91%。
A.0.068B.0.12C.0.132D.0.142【答案】C【解析】根据资本资产定价模型,E(r i)=r f+[E(r M)-r f]βi=0.06+(0.12-0.06)×1.2=0.132。
APT & Well-Diversified Portfolios
Fama-French Three-Factor Model
• SMB = Small Minus Big (firm size) • HML = High Minus Low (book-to-market ratio) • Are these firm characteristics correlated with actual (but currently unknown) systematic risk factors?
Multifactor Model Equation
ri Eri iGDP GDP iIR IR ei
ri = Return for security i βGDP = Factor sensitivity for GDP βIR = Factor sensitivity for Interest Rate ei = Firm specific events
rP = E (rP) + PF + eP F = some factor
• For a well-diversified portfolio, eP
– approaches zero as the number of securities in the portfolio increases – and their associated weights decrease
2.从证券投资的角度看, 货币政策可以直接影响证券市场行情。
从整体来说, 宽松的货币政策将会使证券市场价格上涨;而从紧的货币政策将会使证券市场价格下跌。
货币政策对证券市场的影响可以从四个方面来分析: (1)利率政策对于证券市场价格具有重要影响。
(2)中央银行的微调政策对证券价格的影响具体表现如下:如果放松银根, 中央银行将大量买进证券, 增加了社会对证券的需求, 引起证券价格上升;如果紧缩银根,中央银行将抛出证券, 使证券供给过旺, 导致价格下跌。
(3)货币政策的综合影响, 当货币供应量过多而造成通货膨胀时, 人们为保值而购买证券(尤其是股票) , 推动证券需求上升, 价格上涨; 当货币供应量不足时, 人们为取得货币资金而抛售证券, 使证券价格下跌。
博迪《投资学》(第10版)笔记和课后习题详解 第11章~第13章【圣才出品】
博迪投资学英文课件 (10)
Style Analysis: Factor Exposure
• Market-neutral funds have insignificant betas.
• Dedicated short bias funds exhibit substantial negative betas on the S&P index.
Pure Play Example
• After 1 month, the value of your portfolio will be:
$1,200,000(1 rp ) $1,200,0001 .011.2rm .01 .02 e
$1,221,600 $1,440,000xrm $1,200,000xe
Figure 26.1 A Pure Play, Unhedged Position; Hedged Position
Style Analysis: Factor Exposure
• Many hedge funds have directional strategies in which the fund makes an outright bet.
• A directional fund will have significant betas on the factors on which it bets.
is about to fall. • So you establish a pure play on the
投资学 (博迪) 第10版课后习题答案10 Investments 10th Edition Textbook Solutions Chapter 10
CHAPTER 10: ARBITRAGE PRICING THEORY ANDMULTIFACTOR MODELS OF RISK AND RETURN PROBLEM SETS1. The revised estimate of the expected rate of return on the stock would be the oldestimate plus the sum of the products of the unexpected change in each factor times the respective sensitivity coefficient:Revised estimate = 12% + [(1 × 2%) + (0.5 × 3%)] = 15.5%Note that the IP estimate is computed as: 1 × (5% - 3%), and the IR estimate iscomputed as: 0.5 × (8% - 5%).2. The APT factors must correlate with major sources of uncertainty, i.e., sources ofuncertainty that are of concern to many investors. Researchers should investigatefactors that correlate with uncertainty in consumption and investment opportunities.GDP, the inflation rate, and interest rates are among the factors that can be expected to determine risk premiums. In particular, industrial production (IP) is a goodindicator of changes in the business cycle. Thus, IP is a candidate for a factor that is highly correlated with uncertainties that have to do with investment andconsumption opportunities in the economy.3. Any pattern of returns can be explained if we are free to choose an indefinitelylarge number of explanatory factors. If a theory of asset pricing is to have value, itmust explain returns using a reasonably limited number of explanatory variables(i.e., systematic factors such as unemployment levels, GDP, and oil prices).4. Equation 10.11 applies here:E(r p) = r f + βP1 [E(r1 ) −r f ] + βP2 [E(r2 ) – r f]We need to find the risk premium (RP) for each of the two factors:RP1 = [E(r1 ) −r f] and RP2 = [E(r2 ) −r f]In order to do so, we solve the following system of two equations with two unknowns: .31 = .06 + (1.5 ×RP1 ) + (2.0 ×RP2 ).27 = .06 + (2.2 ×RP1 ) + [(–0.2) ×RP2 ]The solution to this set of equations isRP1 = 10% and RP2 = 5%Thus, the expected return-beta relationship isE(r P) = 6% + (βP1× 10%) + (βP2× 5%)5. The expected return for portfolio F equals the risk-free rate since its beta equals 0.For portfolio A, the ratio of risk premium to beta is (12 − 6)/1.2 = 5For portfolio E, the ratio is lower at (8 – 6)/0.6 = 3.33This implies that an arbitrage opportunity exists. For instance, you can create aportfolio G with beta equal to 0.6 (the same as E’s) by combining portfolio A and portfolio F in equal weights. The expected return and beta for portfolio G are then: E(r G) = (0.5 × 12%) + (0.5 × 6%) = 9%βG = (0.5 × 1.2) + (0.5 × 0%) = 0.6Comparing portfolio G to portfolio E, G has the same beta and higher return.Therefore, an arbitrage opportunity exists by buying portfolio G and selling anequal amount of portfolio E. The profit for this arbitrage will ber G – r E =[9% + (0.6 ×F)] − [8% + (0.6 ×F)] = 1%That is, 1% of the funds (long or short) in each portfolio.6. Substituting the portfolio returns and betas in the expected return-beta relationship,we obtain two equations with two unknowns, the risk-free rate (r f) and the factor risk premium (RP):12% = r f + (1.2 ×RP)9% = r f + (0.8 ×RP)Solving these equations, we obtainr f = 3% and RP = 7.5%7. a. Shorting an equally weighted portfolio of the ten negative-alpha stocks andinvesting the proceeds in an equally-weighted portfolio of the 10 positive-alpha stocks eliminates the market exposure and creates a zero-investmentportfolio. Denoting the systematic market factor as R M, the expected dollarreturn is (noting that the expectation of nonsystematic risk, e, is zero):$1,000,000 × [0.02 + (1.0 ×R M)] − $1,000,000 × [(–0.02) + (1.0 ×R M)]= $1,000,000 × 0.04 = $40,000The sensitivity of the payoff of this portfolio to the market factor is zerobecause the exposures of the positive alpha and negative alpha stocks cancelout. (Notice that the terms involving R M sum to zero.) Thus, the systematiccomponent of total risk is also zero. The variance of the analyst’s profit is notzero, however, since this portfolio is not well diversified.For n = 20 stocks (i.e., long 10 stocks and short 10 stocks) the investor willhave a $100,000 position (either long or short) in each stock. Net marketexposure is zero, but firm-specific risk has not been fully diversified. Thevariance of dollar returns from the positions in the 20 stocks is20 × [(100,000 × 0.30)2] = 18,000,000,000The standard deviation of dollar returns is $134,164.b. If n = 50 stocks (25 stocks long and 25 stocks short), the investor will have a$40,000 position in each stock, and the variance of dollar returns is50 × [(40,000 × 0.30)2] = 7,200,000,000The standard deviation of dollar returns is $84,853.Similarly, if n = 100 stocks (50 stocks long and 50 stocks short), the investorwill have a $20,000 position in each stock, and the variance of dollar returns is100 × [(20,000 × 0.30)2] = 3,600,000,000The standard deviation of dollar returns is $60,000.Notice that, when the number of stocks increases by a factor of 5 (i.e., from 20 to 100), standard deviation decreases by a factor of 5= 2.23607 (from$134,164 to $60,000).8. a. )(σσβσ2222e M +=88125)208.0(σ2222=+×=A50010)200.1(σ2222=+×=B97620)202.1(σ2222=+×=Cb. If there are an infinite number of assets with identical characteristics, then awell-diversified portfolio of each type will have only systematic risk since thenonsystematic risk will approach zero with large n. Each variance is simply β2 × market variance:222Well-diversified σ256Well-diversified σ400Well-diversified σ576A B C;;;The mean will equal that of the individual (identical) stocks.c. There is no arbitrage opportunity because the well-diversified portfolios allplot on the security market line (SML). Because they are fairly priced, there isno arbitrage.9. a. A long position in a portfolio (P) composed of portfolios A and B will offer anexpected return-beta trade-off lying on a straight line between points A and B.Therefore, we can choose weights such that βP = βC but with expected returnhigher than that of portfolio C. Hence, combining P with a short position in Cwill create an arbitrage portfolio with zero investment, zero beta, and positiverate of return.b. The argument in part (a) leads to the proposition that the coefficient of β2must be zero in order to preclude arbitrage opportunities.10. a. E(r) = 6% + (1.2 × 6%) + (0.5 × 8%) + (0.3 × 3%) = 18.1%b.Surprises in the macroeconomic factors will result in surprises in the return ofthe stock:Unexpected return from macro factors =[1.2 × (4% – 5%)] + [0.5 × (6% – 3%)] + [0.3 × (0% – 2%)] = –0.3%E(r) =18.1% − 0.3% = 17.8%11. The APT required (i.e., equilibrium) rate of return on the stock based on r f and thefactor betas isRequired E(r) = 6% + (1 × 6%) + (0.5 × 2%) + (0.75 × 4%) = 16% According to the equation for the return on the stock, the actually expected return on the stock is 15% (because the expected surprises on all factors are zero bydefinition). Because the actually expected return based on risk is less than theequilibrium return, we conclude that the stock is overpriced.12. The first two factors seem promising with respect to the likely impact on the firm’scost of capital. Both are macro factors that would elicit hedging demands acrossbroad sectors of investors. The third factor, while important to Pork Products, is a poor choice for a multifactor SML because the price of hogs is of minor importance to most investors and is therefore highly unlikely to be a priced risk factor. Betterchoices would focus on variables that investors in aggregate might find moreimportant to their welfare. Examples include: inflation uncertainty, short-terminterest-rate risk, energy price risk, or exchange rate risk. The important point here is that, in specifying a multifactor SML, we not confuse risk factors that are important toa particular investor with factors that are important to investors in general; only the latter are likely to command a risk premium in the capital markets.13. The formula is ()0.04 1.250.08 r =+×+×==14. If 4%f r = and based on the sensitivities to real GDP (0.75) and inflation (1.25),McCracken would calculate the expected return for the Orb Large Cap Fund to be:()0.040.750.08 above the risk free rate E r =+×+×=+=Therefore, Kwon’s fundamental analysis estimate is congruent with McCracken’sAPT estimate. If we assume that both Kwon and McCracken’s estimates on the return of Orb’s Large Cap Fund are accurate, then no arbitrage profit is possible.15. In order to eliminate inflation, the following three equations must be solvedsimultaneously, where the GDP sensitivity will equal 1 in the first equation,inflation sensitivity will equal 0 in the second equation and the sum of the weights must equal 1 in the third equation. 1.25 2.003.1wx wy wz wz wy wz wx wy wz ++=++=++=Here, x represents Orb’s High Growth Fund, y represents Large Cap Fund and z represents Utility Fund. Using algebraic manipulation will yield wx = wy = 1.6 and wz = -2.2.16. Since retirees living off a steady income would be hurt by inflation, this portfoliowould not be appropriate for them. Retirees would want a portfolio with a return positively correlated with inflation to preserve value, and less correlated with the variable growth of GDP. Thus, Stiles is wrong. McCracken is correct in that supply side macroeconomic policies are generally designed to increase output at aminimum of inflationary pressure. Increased output would mean higher GDP, which in turn would increase returns of a fund positively correlated with GDP.17. The maximum residual variance is tied to the number of securities (n ) in theportfolio because, as we increase the number of securities, we are more likely to encounter securities with larger residual variances. The starting point is todetermine the practical limit on the portfolio residual standard deviation, σ(e P ), that still qualifies as a well-diversified portfolio. A reasonable approach is to compareσ2(e P) to the market variance, or equivalently, to compare σ(e P) to the market standard deviation. Suppose we do not allow σ(e P) to exceed pσM, where p is a small decimal fraction, for example, 0.05; then, the smaller the value we choose for p, the more stringent our criterion for defining how diversified a well-diversified portfolio must be.Now construct a portfolio of n securities with weights w1, w2,…,w n, so that Σw i =1. The portfolio residual variance is σ2(e P) = Σw12σ2(e i)To meet our practical definition of sufficiently diversified, we require this residual variance to be less than (pσM)2. A sure and simple way to proceed is to assume the worst, that is, assume that the residual variance of each security is the highest possible value allowed under the assumptions of the problem: σ2(e i) = nσ2MIn that case σ2(e P) = Σw i2 nσM2Now apply the constraint: Σw i2 nσM2 ≤ (pσM)2This requires that: nΣw i2 ≤ p2Or, equivalently, that: Σw i2 ≤ p2/nA relatively easy way to generate a set of well-diversified portfolios is to use portfolio weights that follow a geometric progression, since the computations then become relatively straightforward. Choose w1 and a common factor q for the geometric progression such that q < 1. Therefore, the weight on each stock is a fraction q of the weight on the previous stock in the series. Then the sum of n terms is:Σw i= w1(1– q n)/(1– q) = 1or: w1 = (1– q)/(1– q n)The sum of the n squared weights is similarly obtained from w12 and a common geometric progression factor of q2. ThereforeΣw i2 = w12(1– q2n)/(1– q 2)Substituting for w1 from above, we obtainΣw i2 = [(1– q)2/(1– q n)2] × [(1– q2n)/(1– q 2)]For sufficient diversification, we choose q so that Σw i2 ≤ p2/nFor example, continue to assume that p = 0.05 and n = 1,000. If we chooseq = 0.9973, then we will satisfy the required condition. At this value for q w1 = 0.0029 and w n = 0.0029 × 0.99731,000In this case, w1 is about 15 times w n. Despite this significant departure from equal weighting, this portfolio is nevertheless well diversified. Any value of q between0.9973 and 1.0 results in a well-diversified portfolio. As q gets closer to 1, theportfolio approaches equal weighting.18. a. Assume a single-factor economy, with a factor risk premium E M and a (large)set of well-diversified portfolios with beta βP. Suppose we create a portfolio Zby allocating the portion w to portfolio P and (1 – w) to the market portfolioM. The rate of return on portfolio Z is:R Z = (w × R P) + [(1 – w) × R M]Portfolio Z is riskless if we choose w so that βZ = 0. This requires that:βZ = (w × βP) + [(1 – w) × 1] = 0 ⇒w = 1/(1 – βP) and (1 – w) = –βP/(1 – βP)Substitute this value for w in the expression for R Z:R Z = {[1/(1 – βP)] × R P} – {[βP/(1 – βP)] × R M}Since βZ = 0, then, in order to avoid arbitrage, R Z must be zero.This implies that: R P = βP × R MTaking expectations we have:E P = βP × E MThis is the SML for well-diversified portfolios.b. The same argument can be used to show that, in a three-factor model withfactor risk premiums E M, E1 and E2, in order to avoid arbitrage, we must have:E P = (βPM × E M) + (βP1 × E1) + (βP2 × E2)This is the SML for a three-factor economy.19. a. The Fama-French (FF) three-factor model holds that one of the factors drivingreturns is firm size. An index with returns highly correlated with firm size (i.e.,firm capitalization) that captures this factor is SMB (small minus big), thereturn for a portfolio of small stocks in excess of the return for a portfolio oflarge stocks. The returns for a small firm will be positively correlated withSMB. Moreover, the smaller the firm, the greater its residual from the othertwo factors, the market portfolio and the HML portfolio, which is the returnfor a portfolio of high book-to-market stocks in excess of the return for aportfolio of low book-to-market stocks. Hence, the ratio of the variance of thisresidual to the variance of the return on SMB will be larger and, together withthe higher correlation, results in a high beta on the SMB factor.b.This question appears to point to a flaw in the FF model. The model predictsthat firm size affects average returns so that, if two firms merge into a largerfirm, then the FF model predicts lower average returns for the merged firm.However, there seems to be no reason for the merged firm to underperformthe returns of the component companies, assuming that the component firmswere unrelated and that they will now be operated independently. We mighttherefore expect that the performance of the merged firm would be the sameas the performance of a portfolio of the originally independent firms, but theFF model predicts that the increased firm size will result in lower averagereturns. Therefore, the question revolves around the behavior of returns for aportfolio of small firms, compared to the return for larger firms that resultfrom merging those small firms into larger ones. Had past mergers of smallfirms into larger firms resulted, on average, in no change in the resultantlarger firms’ stock return characteristics (compared to the portfolio of stocksof the merged firms), the size factor in the FF model would have failed.Perhaps the reason the size factor seems to help explain stock returns is that,when small firms become large, the characteristics of their fortunes (andhence their stock returns) change in a significant way. Put differently, stocksof large firms that result from a merger of smaller firms appear empirically tobehave differently from portfolios of the smaller component firms.Specifically, the FF model predicts that the large firm will have a smaller riskpremium. Notice that this development is not necessarily a bad thing for thestockholders of the smaller firms that merge. The lower risk premium may bedue, in part, to the increase in value of the larger firm relative to the mergedfirms.CFA PROBLEMS1. a. This statement is incorrect. The CAPM requires a mean-variance efficientmarket portfolio, but APT does not.b.This statement is incorrect. The CAPM assumes normally distributed securityreturns, but APT does not.c. This statement is correct.2. b. Since portfolio X has β = 1.0, then X is the market portfolio and E(R M) =16%.Using E(R M ) = 16% and r f = 8%, the expected return for portfolio Y is notconsistent.3. d.4. c.5. d.6. c. Investors will take on as large a position as possible only if the mispricingopportunity is an arbitrage. Otherwise, considerations of risk anddiversification will limit the position they attempt to take in the mispricedsecurity.7. d.8. d.。
目 录第一部分 绪论第1章 投资环境1.1 复习笔记1.2 课后习题详解第2章 资产类别与金融工具2.1 复习笔记2.2 课后习题详解第3章 证券是如何交易的3.1 复习笔记3.2 课后习题详解第4章 共同基金与其他投资公司4.1 复习笔记4.2 课后习题详解第二部分 资产组合理论与实践第5章 风险与收益入门及历史回顾5.1 复习笔记5.2 课后习题详解第6章 风险资产配置6.1 复习笔记6.2 课后习题详解第7章 最优风险资产组合7.1 复习笔记7.2 课后习题详解第8章 指数模型8.1 复习笔记8.2 课后习题详解第三部分 资本市场均衡第9章 资本资产定价模型9.1 复习笔记9.2 课后习题详解第10章 套利定价理论与风险收益多因素模型10.1 复习笔记10.2 课后习题详解第11章 有效市场假说11.1 复习笔记11.2 课后习题详解第12章 行为金融与技术分析12.1 复习笔记12.2 课后习题详解第13章 证券收益的实证证据13.1 复习笔记13.2 课后习题详解第四部分 固定收益证券第14章 债券的价格与收益14.1 复习笔记14.2 课后习题详解第15章 利率的期限结构15.1 复习笔记15.2 课后习题详解第16章 债券资产组合管理16.1 复习笔记16.2 课后习题详解第五部分 证券分析第17章 宏观经济分析与行业分析17.1 复习笔记17.2 课后习题详解第18章 权益估值模型18.1 复习笔记18.2 课后习题详解第19章 财务报表分析19.1 复习笔记19.2 课后习题详解第六部分 期权、期货与其他衍生证券第20章 期权市场介绍20.1 复习笔记20.2 课后习题详解第21章 期权定价21.1 复习笔记21.2 课后习题详解第22章 期货市场22.1 复习笔记22.2 课后习题详解第23章 期货、互换与风险管理23.1 复习笔记23.2 课后习题详解第七部分 应用投资组合管理第24章 投资组合业绩评价24.1 复习笔记24.2 课后习题详解第25章 投资的国际分散化25.1 复习笔记25.2 课后习题详解第26章 对冲基金26.1 复习笔记26.2 课后习题详解第27章 积极型投资组合管理理论27.1 复习笔记27.2 课后习题详解第28章 投资政策与特许金融分析师协会结构28.1 复习笔记28.2 课后习题详解第一部分 绪论第1章 投资环境1.1 复习笔记1实物资产与金融资产(1)概念实物资产指经济活动中所创造的用于生产商品和提供服务的资产。
博迪投资学第10版练习题库考研真题精选章节题库模块一考研真题精选单选题1. 大量证据显示,通货膨胀率高的经济体( )。
2. 下列哪种表述是错误的?( )【中山大学2018金融硕士】A.不同到期期限的债券的利率随时间一起波动B.收益率曲线通常向上倾斜C.如果短期利率较高,收益率曲线通常向下倾斜D.如果短期利率较低,收益率曲线通常是翻转的【答案】D【解析】D项,如果短期利率较高,收益率曲线通常是向下倾斜的;如果短期利率较低,收益率曲线通常是向上倾斜的。
3. 某投资者参与保证金卖空交易,初始保证金比例为50%,保证金最低维持率为20%,投资者以每股25元的价格买入400股,则当股票价格跌破每股( )元时,投资者必须追加保证金。
4. 企业债券比国债收益率高,是因为什么风险进行的补偿?( )【上海财经大学2017金(融硕士】A.利率风险B.信用风险C.再投资风险D.市场风险【答案】B【解析】由于企业债券存在信用风险,并在到期时存在违约的可能,为了吸引投资者,相对于国债提供更高的收益,补偿损失的可能性。
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5.考虑股票 、B的两个(超额收益)指数模型回 考虑股票A、 的两个 超额收益) 的两个( 考虑股票 归结果: 归结果: RA=1%+1.2RM,R2=0.576,残差标准差为 ,残差标准差为10.3% RB=-2%+0.8RM,R2=0.436,残差标准差为 ,残差标准差为9.1% a.哪种股票的企业特有风险较高 a.哪种股票的企业特有风险较高? 哪种股票的企业特有风险较高? b.哪种股票的市场风险较高? 哪种股票的市场风险较高? 哪种股票的市场风险较高 c.对哪种股票而言,市场的变动更能解释其收益的 对哪种股票而言, 对哪种股票而言 波动性? 波动性? d.如果 f恒为 ,且回归以总量计而非超额收益计, 如果r 如果 恒为6%,且回归以总量计而非超额收益计, 股票A的回归的截距是多少? 股票 的回归的截距是多少? 的回归的截距是多少
d. 不能推出。因为3.5%的差额不仅仅是由预期通 不能推出。因为 的差额不仅仅是由预期通 货膨胀风险造成的风险溢价,还可能是由于市场 货膨胀风险造成的风险溢价,还可能是由于市场 风险造成的风险溢价,故预期的年通胀率应该小 风险造成的风险溢价, 于3.5%。 。
Ch6:11.考虑一风险资产组合,年末来自该资产组 : 考虑一风险资产组合 考虑一风险资产组合, 合的现金流可能为70000美元或 美元或200000美元,概率 美元, 合的现金流可能为 美元或 美元 相等,均为0.5; 相等,均为 ;可供选择的无风险国库券投资年 利率为6%。 利率为 。 a.如果投资者要求 的风险溢价,则投资者愿 如果投资者要求8%的风险溢价 的风险溢价, 如果投资者要求 意支付多少钱去购买该资产组合? 意支付多少钱去购买该资产组合? b.假设投资者可以以 中的价格购买该资产组合 假设投资者可以以a中的价格购买该资产组合 假设投资者可以以 该投资的期望收益率是多少? ,该投资的期望收益率是多少? c.假定现在投资者要求 假定现在投资者要求12%的风险溢价,则投资 的风险溢价, 假定现在投资者要求 的风险溢价 者愿意支付的价格是多少? 者愿意支付的价格是多少? d.比较 和c的答案,关于投资者所要求的风险溢 比较a和 的答案 的答案, 比较 价与售价之间的关系,投资者有什么结论? 价与售价之间的关系,投资者有什么结论? 6
b. E(rP ) = wAE(rA ) + wBE(rB ) + wf rf = (0.30*13) + (0.45*18) + (0.25*8) = 14% βP=wA βA+ wB βB + wf βf = (0.30*0.8) + (0.45*1.2) + (0.25*0) = 0.78
d. 根据总收益写出回归方程为: 根据总收益写出回归方程为: rA – rf = a + βA (rM – rf ) ⇒ rA = a + rf (1 − βA) + βA rM 截距现在等于: 截距现在等于 a + rf (1 − βA) = 1% + 6%(l – 1.2) =-0.2%
c.当投资者要求的风险溢价 当投资者要求的风险溢价=12%时: 当投资者要求的风险溢价 时 必要收益率=6%+12%=18% 必要收益率 购买该风险资产组合的公平价格 =135000/(1+18%) ≈114407美元 美元 d.通过比较 和c的计算结果知道:在未来的现金 通过比较a和 的计算结果知道 的计算结果知道: 通过比较 流量一定的条件下, 流量一定的条件下,要求较高风险溢价的资产组 合必须以较低的价格出售。 合必须以较低的价格出售。
2 P 2 P 2 M 2 2 2
σ P = 26.45%
7.题目见 题目见P181 题目见 解答: 解答: a. 根据指数模型,单个股票的标准差为: 根据指数模型,单个股票的标准差为:
σ i = [β σ + σ (e i )]
2 i 2 M 2
1/ 2
因为β 因为 A = 0.8, βB = 1.2, s(eA ) = 30%, s(eB ) = 40%, 且sM = 22%, 则: sA = (0.82 *222 + 302 )1/2 = 34.78% sB = (1.22 *222 + 402 )1/2 = 47.93%
由于股票A和股票 之间的相关系数为 由于股票 和股票B之间的相关系数为 ,则由资 和股票 之间的相关系数为-1, 产组合理论知:可是适当选取投资比例w 产组合理论知:可是适当选取投资比例 A和1– wA,使得股票 和股票 可以组成无风险资产组 使得股票A和股票 和股票B可以组成无风险资产组 合P,且: , σP=wAσA−wBσB 即:0=5wA−10×(1–wA) × ⇒wA=0.6667 则rf=E(rP)=wAE(rA)+(1–wA) E(rB) =0.6667×10%+0.3333×15% × × =11.667% 10
a.由于与通货膨胀挂钩的大额存单的实际收益率 由于与通货膨胀挂钩的大额存单的实际收益率 由于 ≈(3.5%+通胀率 -通胀率 通胀率)-通胀率=3.5%(购买力固定) 通胀率 (购买力固定) 而传统的一年期银行大额存单的实际收益率≈7% 传统的一年期银行大额存单的实际收益率 随着通胀率的变动而变动), -通胀率(随着通胀率的变动而变动 , 通胀率 随着通胀率的变动而变动 因此投资于与通货膨胀挂钩的大额存单更安全。 因此投资于与通货膨胀挂钩的大额存单更安全。 投资于与通货膨胀挂钩的大额存单更安全
σ (e P ) = w σ (e A ) + w σ (e B ) + w σ (e f )
2 2 A 2 2 B 2 2 f 2
= (0.302*302 ) + (0.452*402 ) + (0.252*02) = 405
σ = β σ + σ (eP ) = (0.78 × 22 ) + 405 = 699.47
a.投资者要求的必要收益率 无风险利率 风险溢价 投资者要求的必要收益率=无风险利率 投资者要求的必要收益率 无风险利率+风险溢价 =6%+8% =14% 风险资产组合预期未来现金流量 =70000×0.5+200000×0.5=135000 × × 购买该风险资产组合的公平价=135000/(1+14%) 购买该风险资产组合的公平价 ≈118421美元 美元 b.设该投资的期望收益率为 设该投资的期望收益率为E(r),则有: 设该投资的期望收益率为 ,则有: 118421×(1+ E(r))=135000 × 7 因此, 因此,E(r)=14%
c. 如果投资者预期未来年通胀率为 如果投资者预期未来年通胀率为3%,则传统的 , 一年期银行大额存单的期望收益率为4%(由通 一年期银行大额存单的期望收益率为 ( 胀风险收益率) 胀风险收益率)>3.5%(无通胀风险收益率)。 (无通胀风险收益率)。 因此,对于风险爱好者或风险中性投资者而言, 因此,对于风险爱好者或风险中性投资者而言, 投资传统的一年期银行大额存单更好。但是,对 投资传统的一年期银行大额存单更好。但是, 于风险厌恶者而言, 于风险厌恶者而言,并不能确定哪一种投资更好 ,因为还取决于自身的风险厌恶程度及其对风 险和收益的态度。 险和收益的态度。
b.由于传统的一年期银行大额存单的实际收益率 由于传统的一年期银行大额存单的实际收益率 随着预期通胀率的变动而变动,因此, 随着预期通胀率的变动而变动,因此,需分情况 讨论: 讨论: (1)预期通胀率 )预期通胀率<3.5%,则传统的一年期银行 , 大额存单的期望收益率≈7%-预期通胀率 大额存单的期望收益率 -预期通胀率>7%- - 3.5%=3.5%; ; (2)预期通胀率 )预期通胀率=3.5%,则传统的一年期银行 , 大额存单的期望收益率≈7%-预期通胀率 大额存单的期望收益率 -预期通胀率=7%- - 3.5%=3.5%; 5%,则传统的一年期银行 , 大额存单的期望收益率≈7%-预期通胀率 大额存单的期望收益率 -预期通胀率<7%- - 3.5%=3.5%。 。
a. 企业特有风险是由残差的标准差衡量。因此, 企业特有风险是由残差的标准差衡量。因此, 股票A的 企业特有风险较高( 股票 的 企业特有风险较高(10.3% > 9.1%) ) b. 市场风险是由回归的系数贝它衡量的。因此, 市场风险是由回归的系数贝它衡量的。因此, 股票A的 市场风险较高(1.2> 0.8) 股票 的 市场风险较高( ) c.市场的变动解释收益的波动性的比例由 2衡量。 市场的变动解释收益的波动性的比例由R 衡量。 市场的变动解释收益的波动性的比例由 股票A的 股票 的 市场的变动更能解释其收益的波动性 (0.576 > 0.436) )
第一次作业 习题选讲
Ch5: 1.投资者考虑投资 投资者考虑投资50000美元于传统的 年期 美元于传统的1年期 投资者考虑投资 美元于传统的 银 行大额存单,利率为7%,或者投资于 年期与通 行大额存单,利率为 ,或者投资于1年期与通 货 膨胀挂钩的大额存单,年收益率为3.5%+通胀率。 通胀率。 膨胀挂钩的大额存单,年收益率为 通胀率 a.哪一种投资更为安全? 哪一种投资更为安全? 哪一种投资更为安全 b.哪一种投资期望收益率更高? 哪一种投资期望收益率更高? 哪一种投资期望收益率更高 c.如果投资者预期来年通胀率为 哪一种投 如果投资者预期来年通胀率为3%哪一种投 如果投资者预期来年通胀率为 资更好?为什么? 资更好?为什么? d.如果我们观察到无风险利率为每年 ,无 如果我们观察到无风险利率为每年7%, 如果我们观察到无风险利率为每年 1 风险真实利率为3.5%,我们能推出市场预期通胀 风险真实利率为 ,