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物质=成功=幸福 ? 物质与精神、爱情? 原则 VS 现实
金钱=一切 ? 没有金钱,还会有爱情吗?
Time for Story

• 嘉莉:嘉莉原本只是一个 渴望见世面,心地非常单 纯的姑娘。在开往芝加哥 的火车上,在她的心中还 幻想着以后可以回到故乡。 可是残酷的现实开始让她 学会了虚伪与做作。但是 我们不能够说嘉莉无耻, 在被杜洛埃骗上床之后, 嘉莉还渴望杜洛埃能够与 她结婚。嘉莉无疑是向往 更高的生活层次,所以一 步步的抓住机会,努力向 上爬。最终嘉莉的成功, 可以视为原则不得不向社 会现实妥协的表现。
From the work itself, Sister Carrie is an innocent, simple, hard-working, romantic and realistic, the heart is relatively good, aggressive but vanity is a strong independent women.
Fifth: her independence. 第五, 她的独立性。 Carrie's independence is not spontaneous,but is forced out. 嘉莉的独立性不是自发的,而是被逼出来的。
She came to Chicago to stay with her sister and brother-in-law’s home and had to look for a job by herself, and then when she got a job, she must pay for the fees of meals to her sister. After she was unemployment, she was not welcomed, they proposed her to return home, at that Carrie encountered Drouet when she was in distress, and she took him as the last straw, which makes her to leave their loved ones alone go to ups and downs. And after breaking up with Drouet, she had to find a job again. Later she was lured to New York by Hurstwood, Carrie can not stand poor live, and Hurstwood can not find jobs, their life had a problem, so she went out again to looking for work, and tried several, and finally from the start to the main star of the Broadway. 她来到芝加哥后住在姐姐姐夫家,一个人到处求职,找到工作之后她必须付伙食费,失业 之后她便不受他们欢迎了,他们“建议”她回乡下去,这时碰到德鲁埃无疑是她在危难 时遇到了救命稻草,这就使她离开了亲人独自去沉浮。和德鲁埃分手后,她不得不再次 找工作。被赫斯特伍德骗到纽约后,嘉莉受不了贫困的生活,赫斯特伍德找不到工作,生 活成问题,这时她又一次出去找工作了,试了好几家,终于从合唱团起步成了百老汇的主 打明星。
Drouet and Hurstwood, also contributed to her success
in the future. 嘉莉是一个虚荣心很强的女人,这种虚荣心导致了她成为 男人的牺牲品,同时也促使她日后走向成功。
CarrieVanity so manifested in her desire for goods and othersComparisons in performance in her pursuit of fame and fortune, but alsoThis vanity makes her not satisfied with the status quo, so that sheOut of the circle of their own lives and, ultimately, success, and got herDream of fame and fortune.Fifth, her independence. Carrie's independence is not spontaneous 嘉莉的虚荣心就这样表现在她对商品的渴望和同别人的攀比中,同时还表现在她对名利 的追求中,但也正是这种虚荣心使得她不满足于自己的现状, 使她走出自己生活的圈子, 最终获得了成功,得到了她梦寐以求的名利。
she encountered Drouet on the train for Chicago and after getting off the train,Drouet asked for taking the package for Carrie, she said, "very kind of you." and felt that it is really lucky to get the such complaisant care in strange land. But Carrie didn't know Drouet was a person who only relies on the strong desire and adoration for women and made women happy. 当她在开往芝加哥的火车上邂逅杜洛埃下火车时提出给她拿包时, 她说“你太好了。”并且“感到在异地他乡受到如此殷勤的照顾 真是幸运”。而杜洛埃只不过是一个靠“对女人的强烈的欲望和 爱慕支撑的胆量来讨女人欢心” 的男子。
Fourth, her vanity 第四, 她的虚荣心
Carrie is a woman with strong vanity and desire for
material and just because of this vanity and material
desire led her to become a victim of the two men-
3.从最初单纯的物质欲望扩展到了精神世界, 上升到了对美的艺 术追求
• First, in order to highlight the characteristics of naturalistic. Purpose of this Naturalistic literary is to reflect Naturalistic features through the character Carrie . Carrie reflected Naturalistic features , one achieved success with a fraction of the talent in a highly competitive society., while Hurstwood was eliminated by society and committed suicide eventually because he was not young and capable . This is the naturalistic Portrayal.
Her romance : because she does not understand that social competition is brutal, does not understand the people's sinister hearts; her reality : because she no longer easily believe any men,Only by your own efforts to live the life you want. 她浪漫是因为她不懂得社会竞争的残酷、不了解人心的险恶;她 现实是因为生活的磨练教会了她不再轻易相信男人,只有凭自己 的努力才能过自己想要的生活。
Байду номын сангаас
对 启
代 现

敢于面对生活中的困难, 并且以一种乐观的态度 去面对
1.首先是最初的自我塑造阶段 抛弃了她母亲那一代人的生活方式, 而是努力去适应现代美国人 新的生活方式 抛弃传统女性相夫教子形象,做新时代女性
2.从外貌上改变自己 同时嘉莉也注意在行为举止上做到更优雅, 更有气质。 嘉莉挣钱就是想为自己买漂亮的衣服, 想去娱乐。她知道自己想 要怎样的生活。
• 第一,是为了突出自然主 义的特点。作为使自然主 义文学成熟起来的《嘉莉 妹妹》,作者在这部作品 中塑造这个人物的一个目 的就是体现自然主义的特 点。从嘉莉身上体现出来 的自然主义特点就是和赫 斯特伍德形成鲜明对照, 一个是凭着自己的几分天 资在竞争激烈的社会中取 得了成功,而另一个则因 为自己不再年轻能干而被 社会淘汰最终走上自杀的 末路。这就是自然主义的 写照。
从作品本身来看,嘉莉妹妹是一个天真单纯、勤奋、浪 漫而现实、心地比较善良,有进取心但虚荣心较强的独 立女性。
First, her naivete and simplicity 第一, 她的天真单纯 She is easy to move by heterosexual [hetərə'sekʃuəl] complaisance and sweet words. 她很容易被异性的殷勤和甜言蜜语打动。
• 杜洛埃:一个普通的 推销员,凭借着手段, 将嘉莉诱骗。但是最 终爱上了嘉莉,可是 嘉莉已经和赫斯特伍 德私奔了。一个花花 公子而已,许多单纯 的姑娘就是在这种诱 惑当中迷失了自己。
• 赫斯特伍德:赫斯特伍德本 质上只是一个纨绔子弟,虽 然事业成功,但是家庭并不 美满。与妻子和子女深有隔 阂。虽近在咫尺,心灵却远 在天涯。于是开始厌倦一成 不变的生活,渴望新的刺激, 嘉莉的出现只是一个导火索, 激发了赫斯特伍德的情欲。 不过在赫斯特伍德逃到纽约 之后,他还是感到了后悔, 终日沉沦于烟花柳巷,并且 丧失了对生活的信心,在嘉 莉离开了他之后。最终选择 了自杀。
Third, the romantic and realistic. 第三, 浪漫而现实。 Her romantic reflected in her indulging in the fantasy of living and affection, "she imagined that she will eventually get back"" her hard work will not be wasted." 她的浪漫体现在她对生活和情感的幻想中,她幻想自己 终究会“得到回报,她的辛勤劳动不会白费。”
Second. Her diligence and gumption 第二, 她的勤奋,有进取心 Carrie’s diligences find expression in her work. 嘉莉的勤奋主要表现在她的工作上。
初到芝加哥的第二天,她就出去找工作,奔走了一整天,最后找到了一 家周薪四块五的鞋厂,虽然待遇低、工时长,工作环境恶劣,但她忍受 着,后来因为她穿着单薄,禁不起寒冷的袭击病倒了,这份可怜的工作 丢掉了。她成为德鲁埃的情妇后,德鲁埃所属的共济会正在演出一部 募捐戏———《煤气灯下》, 正好缺女主角,德鲁埃便让嘉莉去试试, 她天天在家里练习,后来终于把这个角色成功地表演了出来。这个经 历为她后来在百老汇的成功打下了基础。被赫斯特伍德骗到纽约后, 嘉莉先是家庭主妇,但当赫斯特伍德失业后,生活日趋窘困,嘉莉不得 不自己出去找事做,后来在一家合唱团当一名不起眼的合唱演员。但 她从未放弃希望和努力,后来终于越来越走红,过上了富裕的生活。 她的成功是和她的勤奋分不不开的。