细胞生物学英文课件-7.1 染色体畸变(结构改变)
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重复对基因平衡的影响:扰乱了生物体本身基因固有的平 衡体系,影响了个体的生活力。
有害程度:取决于重复区段基因数量的多少及其重要性, 与缺失相比,有害性相对较小,但若重复区段过长,往往 使个体致死。
对育性的影响:重复杂合体一般败育,重复纯合体会产生 “剂量效应(dosage effect)”。
• In a karyotype, the chromosomes are arranged by pairs: alterations in chromosome size (structure) or number are seen here.
Normal Human Karyotype
A normal human cell contains 46 chromosomes: 22 pairs of autosomes(常染色体), and two sex chromosomes.
Common Structural Abnormalities
(3) Duplications(重复): gain of genetic material (4) Translocation(易位): no change in the amount of genetic
material (if balanced)
Chromosomal Abnormalities (染色体畸变)
• Cytogenetics (细胞遗传学) is the field of study involving examination of the genetic material of the cells.
o Round, moon-shaped face o “Cry of the cat” o Varying degrees of mental
retardation o Low set ears
Cri du chat syndrome
(2)顶端缺失 有丝分裂出现因断裂—融合→双着丝粒染色体——后期染色 体桥。 减数分裂联会时,有未配对的游离区段。
(3)中间缺失 减数分裂染色体联会时形成缺失环。
注意:较小的缺失往往并不表现出明显的细胞学特征;缺失纯 合体减数分裂过程也无明显的细胞学特征。
• The genetic material (DNA) is contained in chromosomes. Each organism has a characteristic number and arrangement of chromosomes.
• A karyotype (核型) is a photograph of the chromosomes at metaphase, when they are most easily seen.
Micro Deletions(教材下册p8 )
• Some genetic syndromes are caused by very small deletions in the chromosome in human.
• These syndromes have been useful in locating genes involved in specific processes.
Chromosomal Abnormalities
• Chromosomal abnormalities can be of two types.
(1) Structural(结构) abnormalities are caused by breaks in the chromosome being incorrectly repaired. “Ends” of broken chromosomes are very unstable in a cell.
顶端缺失的形成(断裂) 复制 姊妹染色单体顶端断
头连接(融合) 有丝分裂后期桥(桥)
(1)缺失的后果 打破了基因的连锁平衡,破坏了基因间的互作关系,基因所 控制的生物功能或性状可能丧失或异常。
(2)缺失的危害程度 取决于缺失区段的大小、缺失区段所含基因的多少、缺失基 因的重要程度、染色体倍性水平。 缺失纯合体——致死或半致死 缺失杂合体——缺失区段较长时,生活力差、配子(尤其是 花粉)败育或育性降低;缺失区段较小时,可能会造成假显 性现象或其它异常现象(猫叫综合症)。
(2) Numerical(数目) abnormalities are caused by gain or loss of chromosomes.
Common Structural Abnormalities
(1) Deletions (缺失):loss of genetic material (2) Inversions (倒位): no change in the amount of genetic material
(一) Deletions
①顶端缺失(Terminal Deletions ):指缺失 的区段位于染色体某臂的外端。
②中间缺失(Interstitial Deletions ):指缺 失的区段位于染色体某臂的中间。
(1)无着丝粒断片:最初发生缺失的细胞在分裂时可见落后染 色体——无着丝粒断片,
• “Cri du Chat” (cry of the cat) is caused by a small deletion at the tip of chromosome 5 in human.
5p- Syndrome (Cat Cry syndrome)
1 in 50000 newborns