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联合国秘书长潘基文在解放日报文化讲坛的讲话时间:2010-11-09 20:27来源:口译网作者:口译网点击:1317次

Remarks at "Cultural Forum"

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

Shanghai, China

01 November 2010





Mr. Yin Minghua, President Jiefang Daily Group,

Ambassador Li Baodong, Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations,

Mr. Yang Zhenwu, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee,

Distinguished artists, writers, cultural figures and other guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,






I am delighted to be here ... and honoured to follow in the footsteps of so many prominent men and women who have taken part in this forum, including some of my UN colleagues. Thank you for this invitation.


I commend your decision to focus on the importance of culture in a globalizing world. You do so

at a time of testing for the international community. We live in a world that is rapidly changing and growing more connected. This is true whether we are speaking of melting ice caps in one part of the world or rising unemployment in another. Like never before, global challenges have local impacts. Local events can have global impacts. More and more leaders understand that we must work together to solve our common challenges. So this is truly the UN moment ... the multilateral moment. It is also a multi-cultural moment.


After all, promotion and dialogue among cultures is crucial to fulfilling the central objectives of the United Nations Charter, upholding human rights and advancing development. Focusing on the importance of culture is not a feel-good exercise. It is essential for peace and progress in the 21st century. We know the challenge.


Today we are seeing growing tensions among cultures and faiths. Often, we see a politics of polarization and the targeting of migrants for stereotyping and violence. And at times, globalization can be seen as a threat to local cultures and cultural diversity. Let me point to three areas of practical action.


First, by preserving and making the most of cultural diversity. Our main cultural agency, UNESCO, is a champion of this cause. It is the custodian for a comprehensive set of international conventions that protect the world's cultural heritage – including precious sites and items here in China. Its recent report on investing in cultural diversity -- presented in its Mandarin version here in May -- contains important recommendations for the way forward.
