动物福利与动物保护 ppt课件

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Peter Singer
辛格1975年出版了Animal Liberation一书 ,提出了‘物种歧视 (speciesism)”的概念。这本书1990年、2002年, 2009年多次再版,成 为动物解放运动的理论基础。辛格认为动物具有感受痛苦的经历,因此 必须考虑动物的利益。
意大利哲学家,因为主张将人类权利延伸到类人猿 而闻名。著作有《动物问题:为什么非人动物应有 人类权利》1988-1998年任Etica & Animali主编 How much do animals matter--morally? Can we keep considering them as second class beings, to be used merely for our benefit? Or, should we offer them some form of moral egalitarianism? Cavalieri discovers that its very logic extends to nonhuman animals as beings who are owed basic moral and legal rights and that, as a result, human rights are not human after all.
法官 Richard Posner
牛津大wk.baidu.com教授Colin Blakemore
科学家担心动物权利主义者从反对使用 大猩猩、黑猩猩作为实验动物开始,逐 步限制使用灵长类实验动物,一步步走 向极端,最终走向全面禁止实验动物研 究(Nature Medicine Editorial. 2008)。
Tom Regan (1938-) Animal welfare movement for not going far enough to protect animals' interests.
Posner(2001)指出“基于道德直觉,人类偏 爱他自己。如果一只狗威胁了一个婴儿,尽 管要制止这条狗伤害婴儿,狗将会受到比婴 儿可能遭受到的痛苦更多。我们将拯救婴儿 ,因为狗将会受到比婴儿可能遭受到的痛苦 更多而放过那条狗将是荒谬的。”
类人猿项目(The Great Ape Project (GAP)
1993年,在Paola Cavalieri和Peter Singer的倡导下,类人猿项目(The Great Ape Project (GAP) 成立,要求 联合国宣告类人猿的基本法定权利。
伦理已经影响了现实,一个突出的例 子是欧盟和美国禁止使用实验用灵长 类、国际航空公司停止运输灵长类、 动物实验开始转移到其他国家。
Aristotle Altemps 亚里士多德.阿 尔腾普斯argued that animals lacked reason (logos), and placed humans at the top of the natural world.
René Descartes 勒内·笛卡儿(1596-1650)
Gary Francione (1954 -) Professor of law and philosophy at Rutgers School of Law-Newark, is a leading abolitionist writer, arguing that animals need only one right, the right not to be owned.
蒋志刚 中国科学院动物研究所
(1) 动物福利 (2) 动物权利 (3) 动物意识 (4) 伦理的演化 (5) 动物的保护
问题的由来: 人与动物的关系及动物法律地位
如何对待动物是一个分歧很大、争论 不休的话题。目前的分歧来自生物伦 理与对动物的法律地位的分歧。
Aristotle Altemps
Peter Singer(1946-)
The central argument of his idea is an expansion of the utilitarian idea( 功利思想) that "the greatest good of the greatest number" is the only measure of good or ethical behaviour. Singer believes that there is no reason not to apply this principle to other animals, arguing that the boundary between human and "animal" is completely arbitrary.
Animals were not conscious and behaved as automatons.
Jeremy Bentham 杰里米·边沁(1748 – 1832)British philosopher
杰里米·边沁哲学的基本公理‘对与错的测度是绝大多数获得了最大的 幸福’。"fundamental axiom" of his philosophy the principle that "it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong"
反对赋予非人灵长类权利,他认为当出 现仅威胁人与猩猩的新型流行病时,必 须用猩猩作为实验动物。
哲学家Roger Scruton
。 反对动物权利,他认为 “权利意味着责任”
The sacred against today's fashionable forms of atheism. Evolution cannot explain our conception of the sacred; neuroscience is irrelevant to our interpersonal relationships and scientific understanding has nothing to say about the experience of beauty, which provides a God's-eye perspective on reality.